Killerboy pussy

Independets won first match 4:0 sd over 20 s,but after the game wandering stars whine about cheats.
Killerboy created new rules had to play rematch because hold that we have suspicious actions.
If we dont played this game kick from Winter Cup.
Rematch must played at anticheat called UAC2,same lineup and all players use UAC2-make screenshot as after press button "print screen".Killerboy said if you breaking rules forfeit.
We lost this match 4:2 supply 15 sec,frost we won and decider lost becouse we dont pracc goldrush.
Everything there was all right if Croatians dont break rules.Calisto played whitout this program.He runned it, it shows him that hes cheater, and he closed it.
It's suspicious that 2 players from wandering (frozz and drv4c) get only grey screens.All my team played on UAC2 and got normal ss.
Killerboy said Calisto have problem with UAC2 that is why not play from program.Frozz and drv4c grey screens becouse use windows 7.
Killerboy can set their own rules because its hosted cup but why is breaking its own rules?
does this suprise you when he loses he does anything to win? This is why I choose not to bother playing any of his teams :P
Talk with other hosts, je he realy sucks
you play with ska............
i hope u wont get pass to the playoffs
and in english?
dalbys to napisac komus kto zna choc podstawy angielskiego.. oh wait nie ma takiej osoby w indp :XD
rematch sounds fair imho, but that some of them got problems with uac2 sounds weird, is this realy true? 2nd rematch would be fair, it's not like you can't run more than one OS on an harddrive.
UAC2 is new, ofcourse it's gonna be bugged and it detected some et.dll as a cheat cos it is modified, (had different hash).

seems like you're crying cos you couldn't hack on it? baaaowwwww.

i only wanted to force your team to use UAC2, not wandering, they tested it j4f to report bugs.

maybe next time i should have insta-banned ska for that demo, and you would have been crying anyway. if you don't like the cup don't play it, nobody forces you to.

e: didnt want to reply to you
Why the hate towards slaj?!

And what the hell is UAC2? Not another lowlevel wannabe-anticheat taking game screenshots on a timed interval? Those methods are so 2008.

Edit: Who is the creator of this new tool?

Edit2: Nvm, looked it up. Seems more decent then PB, lag-wise ofc.
lol croatians screens r grey, calisto doesnt hv it at all so forfeit

and what r u doing?
Yeah, Ill totally agree with you on this. But dont you think they should play another rematch or something? I mean,, Its a bit unfair, since they won the first match, still did pretty good on the second one and only lost it because you gave to their opponent another chance..
Killerboy is a retard, he will surely be insulted and/or beaten up @ LAN since im gonna go.
I always laugh when I see ur comment, thank you man!
I only laugh at ur skill, since it's shit. hä-hä
Have you ever saw me playing ? I don't think so. You laugh at my skill ? You should have a nice real life.
Have fun writing these comments @ crossfire. It shows you are an asshole + You are at my ignore list.
Woow! I'm on ur ignorelist, nice, and yeah i saw u playing and played muchhhh against u, and ur shit :DDDDDD
Beating someone up because of trashtalk on the internet? I wonder who's more making a fool out of himself :D.
That show how they are in reallife, arnt they? retard :)))
No, not really..
Do not, i repeat DO NOT reply to me little kid

Age: 16 ( 11 March 1993 )

ROFL you're 17.
[14:28] gtfo :\: 16 HERE
As far as i can remember I said '16 here' and than i said 'i mean 19' :-)
[14:28] gtfo :\: 16 HERE
[14:28] gtfo :\: NOPROB
Give me evry log please.
[21:44] gtfo :\: i am nc costumer
[21:44] pAuz: why
[21:44] gtfo :\: :D
[21:44] gtfo :\: ex
[21:44] gtfo :\: xd
[21:44] gtfo :\: xd
[21:44] gtfo :\: x:D
[21:44] gtfo :\: bored
[21:44] pAuz: why did u cheat?
[21:44] gtfo :\: some guy gave le 'undetec' hack
[21:44] gtfo :\: and tricked me was detec
[21:45] gtfo :\: so lol
[21:45] gtfo :\: kicked out my team
[21:45] gtfo :\: got eth linux
[21:45] gtfo :\: then bought etbot
[21:45] pAuz: why cheat?
[21:45] gtfo :\: i love it
[21:45] gtfo :\: did u ever try it?
[21:45] pAuz: no and i wont
[21:45] gtfo :\: like me long ago
[21:46] gtfo :\: all players say so
[21:46] gtfo :\: but 75% of this community hacks
Ok, now it is really obvious that u are making it up, and that makes you pathetic, actually. Anyway ur on ignore list now mr punk nigga


edit: my name was never gtfo :\ on x fire nice try retard :DDDDDDDDDD
[22:10] gtfo :\: WHAT YA DOIN?
[22:10] pAuz: playing with photoshop
[22:11] gtfo :\: make for me to
[22:12] gtfo :\: and write 'huNti - pro etbot user'
[22:12] gtfo :\: h3h3h3h3
So is that what you are in reallife, calling people who are 2 years younger than you kids? then please tell me, who's being immature here. I'd expect better behaviour from a guy your age.
Don't try to act smart retarded kid, i bet you don't have friends at all in reallife so acting smart @ the computer huh? Try better since you just failled ;p
Do you have a genetic habitude to call somebody a retard? You don't make sense at all so better go back to school and learn to speak proper English. Don't even dare to try to act like a tough guy, cause you're simply not, incest victim.
ha-ha I can speak better english then you, but why should i even try? This is internet, and it seems that you care so much about your english, don't you?
Whats the sense in writing shitty English? Theres absolutely no advantage in it.
I speak clearly enough for people to understand, retard i'm not doing my best (unlike you, obviously) to write here my best english, why should i waste my time on that, like u? That doesnt make any sense..
You're not really good at reading other persons mind, better stop that now. As I said in before genetic habitude's to call somebody a retard. Now google for it, RETARD.
You shoudn't had to reply, because what u said now, didnt make any sense, retard. Now go on and play outside like the other kids do...retard
You needn't to reply either, as all you say is 'Blablabla' to me. Now fuck you but have a nice day. :)
Tha blablabla seems to have raged u very hard, didn't it? Now go outside it's a door u have to go thru, walk to a river and go to the bottom, and enjoy it :)
I'm a good swimmer, so no worries :D. You on the other side might only be able to swim because of your - probably huge - fatness. :(
Hey,why are you saying ur fantasys? Have you ever seen me? No :-D so this prooves u have nothing to say to me so quit talking to me? retardddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
I already told you in before not to reply anymore, so I don't really get your flame. I for myself just assume, that you're a big fatass retard. How should this be related to my fantasies - They don't contain any nerdy or mentally challenged kids at all.
You have never seen so u fantasy that, are u actually that stupid man? I bet you're even using translater because u do,'t understand half from what i/urself say.
Just because my basic vocabulary contains some more words than yours it doesn't mean I'm using any kind of translator. Twist it like you want to, you'll remain a moron to me.
You always has been a moron to me, ur allways has been stupid and again don't turn it around, u can't even read properly, now this discussion has to end try to get smarter and maybe we will speak again, if i'm in the mood

enjoy ur day :)
You wrote that all by yourself? Man I'm honestly impressed of your creative and challenging text. There's no need to discuss this any further, you lost on the whole line. :]
You always want me to reply right? :-DDDD Just say u want to be my fanboy it's noproblem :-)

[waiting for a retarded reply as always]
I'm rather bored at the moment and fooling fools in here has become something I really enjoy. Good move to mention the fanboyism: I wonder why you checked my profile for the approximately 3rd time within 2 days are you getting nervous somehow?
I checked ur profile 2 times? How should i know? Are you actually so nerdy u keep the count and time by? Wow man step outside, really, ur fooling urself now. And nice how u enjoy something on the internet 'nerd'. You are evrytime losing this conversation more and more, so keep on going failerboy
Its kinda funny that you pretend to win a conversation without naming actual facts or anything that gets you further. I check my last visitors occasionally and in the last few days I saw your name at least twice. Your argumentation is getting me bored as you keep repeating the same things just like a endless chain :|.
Well i have to say evrything over again, since u never get what i get cause u can't read :-) now crawl back in ur hole retard and say something usefull or shut the fuck up nigga
Alright homie looks like you gave up already. Why do you come up with racist words like 'nigga' when your a brownie yourself? (If its supposed to be racist)
You make a sentence of 1 word i said and not of the rest, that clearly seems that u don't understand the rest of what i said, ur way to retarded for me.
Everything else you said is off my interest. You keep repeating yourself - makes you look silly. :D
Thats harsh coming from a retard!
QuoteKillerboy said Calisto have problem with UAC2 that is why not play from program
if he were polish he would get ban in 10 minutes

e: ale powaznie angielski na dramatycznym poziomie
because he is maybe the one u can trust since he is playing et for 7 years,dumbass?
senti is playing et for 5 years so?
Poland ska
Poland tempest
Poland yetti
Poland stexx
Poland odulek

Co jest kurwa dla Ciebie nie jasne?
tempest is a hon hero
stop the whine please you are playing with ska :DD and btw please go get some english skills :P
If your story is true, there should be another re-match
hey how r u ? :D Why prydz/player mongols ? xD
playing wow! im fine and you:P? maybe i should remove that:D
oh no more ET ? :o
doing worldcup with domi for the lolz and bio if i can get it:>
after about an hour of translating those words u posted, i laughed my arse off!
yeah english
i hope they rematch the rematch to be 100% sure!!
QuoteIt's suspicious that 2 players from wandering (frozz and drv4c)

Nothing suspicious about them, they suck anyway.
yea well ska hax so what
Stuff like this happens when your unknown random polish beating fairly decent players, with no problem :D
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