Epic fail for neonazis in Cro

German nazi band "Blue max" wanted to do "underground" concert in local village near Krizevci, Croatia. They epically failed and got busted by police. As I write this journal, members of German nazi band are beaten at the local police station in balkan fashion (I'm from Krizevci and I saw it).
The point of this journal is to give one big LOL to nazi primitivests (that includes the rolfcopter).

Long live antifa.
I'd say long live the free word. But what do I know...
just saying thats nazis first priority, followed by respect your neighbor
but what do i know
Just saying that the free word should be avalible for everyone, whatever you think.
so ur a racist or wat
since when are nazis a race? Perhaps they see themselves as a new race ("Übermensch") but for the normal thinking world that doesn't count.
so u a racist too or wat
no :PppPpppp
intel tells me you are one of leaders of the kkk...
haha, that was funny :PppPpppp
walking around with a white pointy hat is funny!
AHA! I always knew it! KKC could easily be modified to KKK!
damnit, secret is revealed!
don't worry baby, I'll protect you!
Police beating people for their beliefs is ridiculous.
Welcome on earth
Police beating nazis for thier nazi's being is awsome, sorry
its not the way to deal with racism i hope you know that
you're saying as the jewish person or the human because you can not be both
Wouldn't wanna stand in the way of god's chosen people...
Nazi or no nazi, people shouldn't be beaten for what they believe in.

For example, can you imagine if the jews were beaten for what they believed in? OH WAIT.

Yeah, not so funny now, right?
the jews never tried to hurt anyone, the nazi idea is to kill every jew exist

you know what, leave the fact that im a jew and i should be happy for police beating nazis, i would personaly hurt anyone who want to kill someone for his belives, why are the arabs trying to destroy israel? they want everyone on the planet to belive in the allah, ill fight them for that, i also will punch a idiot who's going in the street and doing bad things to people
hahaha :D
oh dear sabra :)
dont know how it is in croatia or scotland, but in poland nazism is forbidden in a constitution :)
Don't know, but here in the more civilized part of Europe violence is also forbidden.

I really don't know which one of these groups is more pathetic: the Neo-nazis or the Antifacists.
By looking Antifa's recent actions; Friedrich's Nietzsche's quote is more than appropriate for now.

Quote He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
I myself said in this topic that antifa is just the same as these guys. In reply to Seanza I just pointed out that their "beliefs" are not just "beliefs" - their "beliefs" are officially wrong. That ofc doesnt require beating punishment, but if they eg. went to prison for these "beliefs" - its also a punishment for their "beliefs" :).
ideas dont die by a beating.
nerds got rolled :D
antifa is just like neonazis - both just beating up each other, thats all. if you think you are any better than them then: "leonidas, you were wrong!"
Antifa isnt better fucking noob they beating up each other so ur journal is stupid!
blue max are crap!
"balkan fashion"?

I doubt you can compare policebeating between Bosnian/Serbian police and Croatian police, since the Croatian police are a bunch of pussies and haven't seen what you would call real balkan/albanian crime like some of the other countries have :-).
I hate Illinois Nazis (cit.)

Primitive people who know nothing about history, respect or life.
they simply deserve to be derided.

antifa <3
So just because people don't fit your standards they deserve to get a beating?
Man.. we are talking about people who have belief in concepts such as abuse, hatred and violence. I dont care if they die or if someone being accidentaly hit by a truck.

From my point of view it's just self-defence :)
The things you just said here, don't you apply to them yourself but only re-write them as "self-defence"?
Nice contradicting yourself, Hypocrite.
what about Mussolini?! u even dont know what antifa is !
lol what? When i think of him, i remember just this. And the happiness comes :D

just stfu kanker itaka
thx for teh info mate
Yes, the behaviour of the Antifa is much better.

Oh wait.

Both sides, atleast the radical groups, are no better than each other.
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