New butchji clip

FinlandBluman is a rickedyrackedyfaggoty ass bitch.

So this fool joins our private irc-channel and ofcourse we kick him. Consequently he went in to nerdrage mode and as a cb admin forced our 3on3 winter cup match to start at 23:15 on a Saturday evening (which is tomorrow).

image: 2z3s7z9
all matches seems to be forced to that date
Almost on same time as Law & Order. :(
What does Marcellus Wallace look like?!
Describe what Marcellus Wallace looks like.
Does he look like a bitch?
no he doesnt
Say "What" again! C'mon, say "What" again! I dare ya, I double dare ya motherfucker, say "What" one more goddamn time!
at least his wife can dance^^
sure she can.
She can also do coke
whaha owned, that guy is my new hero!
i forced it and then joined to ur channel to alert that there was challenge that u didnt respond. So please fix ur facts. And btw nice private channel check ur cb roster
What a cock you are. If you need to force a match, then force it to start at a reasonable time/day.
if there was open challenge then i need to force the to start at that time. it has always been like that. In this case he should blame suVi and himself not me :/
theres nothing wrong with our roster
sanoinko et on? Siel vaa on kannu jonne voi mennä tarvittaessa jos teihi pitää ottaa yhteyttä, mutta eiii tyypit nakkaa kylmästi bannia
QuoteAnd btw nice private channel check ur cb roster

laitoin sulle pmää sen jälkeen että oliko asiaa.
hienoo ja mä en vastannu jos et huomannu. Sit heikot tekee tälläse itkutopicin tänne ku eivät tajuu mistää mitää :/
ei mulla oo mitää osaa eikä arpa tän journalin kans ja noi sun argumentit on kans ihan vitusta kun et edes viittiny vastata. hanki pelle elämä.
ei mun tarvi sulle vastata. Yritin ottaa yhteyttä, mutta sain bannit. Eikä mun ois ees tarvinnu teitä informoida siitä, mutta hyvää hyvyyttäni yritin.
joo niin taas yritit. tulin kysymään jälkeen päin millä asiall olit. ei vissiin paljoa kiinnostanu.
Se banni viestitti iha selvästi ettette haluu jutella :)
tulin kysymään jälkeenpäin.
En mä mitää nähny ku oot ignorella
nice going nice admin
ai en saa ignoree niit jotka bannii mut? Jos sulla on jotain asiaa voit laittaa emailia seki löytyy sielt mis on puhe et millo matsit forcetaa :)
vittu soot tyhmä
Quote Bluman on 26/02/10, 16:25:04 PM | Reply

tried their leader's wa's other teams channels aswell? use ur brain
voimia ana
Nerds and their hard life :/
viimeks killerboy anto bannia koko kupista ku meillä oli passulla suojattu kannu. nyt ku otettii pois nii ei paljoa paremmalta näytä -,-
Killerboy = lifeless dogface nerd

Your insult vocabularium is very extensive I see.
he's a dick, old news
lol 23.15 on saterday? lol it seems he wanna play 24/7 with his bot :-)
its not game against him idiot. Their opponent (suvi and co) proposed the date and time and since repje's team didnt response on that it got forced.
so you forced it to a sat night, your an idiot.
Dont u understand? If there is pending propose when i force matches i need to force it on proposed date. Have ever played CB or are just trying to be cool?
forcing matchs to saturday night wouldnt be the way that I would go around doing it, but again it would take using your brain to determine that.
i NEED to force it on saturday if one of the teams have pending proposal for saturday which part u dont understand?
also you forced your team's (pallot) against us on saturday evening without anyinformation, and i checked our cb today and there wasnt even a challenge made for today by you. seriously get a life u miserable fucking cocksucker, take ur head out from your ass before making any decisions.

and learn to read any notes on clanbase where we clearly say "DO NOT FUCKING JOIN OUR IRC CHANNEL OR GET BANNED."
As i have stated on previous posts that matches will be forced for saturday and sunday i dont get why u start whine. I was being polite and tried to contact u by joining ur irc to inform u about the matches but got banned. Please fix ur attitude kid.
excuse me "kid"? :D im having hard time to understand the match vs pallot, not wandering. you have never informed us about any challenges or even your own team's match against us. i checked our cb today earlier and there wasnt even challenge from you, it just suddenly appeared there after i came back from watching hockey. seems to me that u need to change your attitude. and we clearly have a not on cb that do not join our irc channel.
matches needs to be played before 1st of march and since u didnt contact me and u banned me match needs to be forced for saturday/sunday and in this case its forced for saturday. Im not responsible for that u wont follow mainnews of the cup
stop making excuses, you didnt contact us either about the match vs pallot or wandering. sure you did join our channel and its private channel so we banned you just like anyone else. i pmed you afterwards but u didnt answer anymore.
i dont need to inform u about the matches since i already stated that unscheduled matches will be forced on saturday/sunday and wandering match is at gaytime since they made proposal that u didnt even response so u can only blame urself
there was no proposal of match vs pallot.

channel is marked as secret, so if u whois me u cant see it. dummy :)
go to see ur cb roster channel is there...... yeah there was no proposal so match got forced for saturday like i have said 100 times are u retarded or what is ur problem?
yes but it doesnt have to be on evening, you didnt even ask our opinion about that which is btw the whole idea of playing a clanwar. it is kinda ridicolous that your team gets the advantage from the fact that non of us made a challenge, ridicolous but not surprising.
its same for everyone who didnt schedule their matches. So stop crying
i know but if both sides agree the date can be changed. it seems to me that you want to win by forfeit, hf.
wat? u havent suggested me anything. Only called me names and such :/
you dont seem to understand my point at all. the point is that non of us have made any attemps to play on reasonable date. this sucks because you get the benefit from it mostly because you are admin.
:/ it would be fucking shit if u were only one facing this but every team has it. Their matches are forced for saturday/sunday so plz
can we play it earlier?
Finland Bluman is a rickedyrackedyfaggoty ass bitch. hmmmm
cool, i had time to play my matches
repjee hates 3on3 as i can remember?
How does it feel that HE LIED TO YOU?
from the bottom of my heart
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