new keyboard can't sprint +jump

sprint = shift
jump = space

So i can't jump when pressing shift for sprint... When i change my sprint buton for something else then i can sprint and jump, so there is something with that shift...

Dunno maybe settings??
Sounds like a dog keyboard.
answer crap irc
something to do with sticky keys? no idea tbf. check control panel for keyboard settings perhaps?
just shit keyboard ;d
not possible to fix
wtf, bring back to the store they will give u a new

sprint on shift, you cant crouch and sprint without delay :s
u need to spend more than 10 euros i think to get one that lets u press lots of keys
your keyboard can't recognize those two buttons at the same time :D
buy a better one
Buy a converter and use your old keyboard
What keyboard? I had the same probl with logitech illuminated, and there is no solution, need to go exchange it :<
shit i bought logitech illuminated :D
good keyboard must be :D
buy a Logitech classic 200 instead you can get them in pretty much every store for 10 euro and np pressing multiple buttons at once :P
Your keyboard just won't let you press those keys at the same time, my old keyboard won't let me use alt+more than 1 other key :P as ati said get on of those converters
buy a proper keyboard
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