plans @ wzzr noW!

GUYS SUP =)))))

Well, still at wzzrd center entrance, met some CoD4 players etc. but I am still bored.
What are your plans for today? I go to the football stadion today, neard the wzzrd center, just looking round this city, and later to club.
PM me if your here, dont be shy, just call me. Just no friends :/.
And the other mates are coming min. tomorrow. :(.

So, I am going to get a Cola light 0,5l and then I go away with some cool guys^^:)

Have a nice evening tho!
Cola light = yuk!
Cola light > cherry coke > normal coke
boss yo :D

have to work tomorrow :/ arriving friday ololol :p
the keyboard here is fucked up at the Internet Cafe, sorry for mistakes :/
Country: US
man im already there where are you?
You do not still understood that he invents this story since this morning?
u black
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