gross dodged?

is it true? oO
» Your journal body must be at least 40 characters long. You currently have 14 characters.
if that's true i am gonna rofl
oh lol wut?
oh no not u again.. xDD
don't think so since he always said he'll come to lan in the evening since their first match is in the evening. attentionwhoring from his teammates i guess ;)
wait, this is wat you said and you DIDNT COME TO LAN IN THE END, AND YOU DONT LEIK 5ON5, zomg!11 :d
you got me there :(
does that surprise you?
lol are you guys kidding? :D
risee forgot to pull his dick out of his ass as they are the new dream couple on crossfire. he'll be there
you got me there :(
yes he did
so did you!
no wait, guess what, he is playing right now, surprise ;D
i think i have always been right on those subjects where you used to "disagree" with me because i kept "defending cheaters cos they are "nice guys" and "my mates". too bad, isn't it? =) without having seen his performance so far.. some people should just get rid of their paranoia..

edit: omgomg already 2 journals about how well gr0ss played and that he deserves a much better team, how unexpected!!
and he's not the only example, people like undead also pwned on lan, maybe this helps some people realise that there are actually less cheaters than they thought and that it's paranoia for a great extent at least.
I agree about this paranoia shit, hence I'm quoting someone who once said "You're better than me, you cheat."

anyway I'm better than any of these guys
he went to enschede at 13 oclock so he will arrive soon
anyway his first game is in 2 hours so chill, he aint dodging, at least i hope:(
he'll come and pwn you nerds by looks only
Why show up right be4 your match, you would miss all the fun stuff...
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