haha well i think that ppl like u probably said things like : gr0ss online only bla bla , are pretty fucked up cause he proofed he IS not a cheater and he owns, thats why u say: he is OK, but tbh the first time on lan and almost as much dmg as maus , carrying his whole team( srsly his mates suck ass) and even win some maps is not ONLY ok , its damn good, gn8:)
why cant u just stop replying? i mean srsly u are wrong , i dont care what u said about him, what counts is what i say now have a good night and gtfo, thx
2: pic or it never happened :D
Already says you know nada when you are only using damage given as argument. Why don't you waste your energy on the haters instead of me? ;_;
edit: he said he can't pwn :D