CiC afterthoughts

Hi guys,

Once again CiC turned out to be a great lan, some delays and a power outage during the finals, but considering the size of the lan and how many pc that needed to be hauled in, it was a great event.

I have a habit of whining so i'll start off straight away :D

I've been wondering about the format CiC uses. In CoD you had buck loads of teams playing but most of them were all about the same high skill. All games are hard games for them, theres no EC teams owning oc division 3 teams. In ET however the range of skill was so big the seedings were like a roadmap where you pretty much knew which teams would go trough etc.

I've been wondering if there couldn't be two leagues for ET. For example, you could have a top league with about 4 - 6 - 8 teams who have to go trough a groupphase where they all have to play each other. After that you got playoffs. Now why would you want this?

- better for ETTV, nobody wants to see rockit own some opencup team.
- better for the teams playing. Seed were so nice the first games didnt really matter as the results were usually very predictable.No dignitas kicking out YYT in the looser bracket, etc
- better for the organisation. For example you set up 6 teams in the morning and have them play all their groupgames at once. After the setup I think you could finish each round in about 1h15 mins. You'd have an initial setup time, but after that all the games can go on smoothly.
-dignitas cant fuck over YYT

Next to that I just have a couple of remarks. The polish guys got a forfeit map because they were too late, but the same didnt apply to dignitas.

And as usual, dignitas partied hard the first days and played really crap so they ended up in the looser bracket. Its really up to them to do this, its kind of a tradition for them. In the end however it results in teams like YYT to get out of the tournament too soon. First YYT met rockit, next they met the winner of the tournament in the looser bracket.

I think thats about it :p Gratz to team Night for winning CiC7. Snoop, you were totally raging. Meez, stop breaking those mirrros or whatever you did. Still you played some really really great games. Matthias delivered as usual :p

cu next time
Valid points :)
there were some team wich took maps against rockit , dignitas , YYT , etc . at the groupstage , and some players could prove themsellf.

was nice to talk with you on cc6 & cic7 :)
QuoteNext to that I just have a couple of remarks. The polish guys got a forfeit map because they were too late, but the same didnt apply to dignitas

Not the first, not the last time retarded anti-polaks are making such decisions.
I understand that dignitas gets some more time, but we did wait for 2 hours or something indeed =P
+ fucking 1 , we haaded to wait 1,5 hours for dignitas , but still didnt want to miss that match i think if there were used less pc's for cod and more for ET ( hate cod so better skip cod XD ) would be good less delay and they dont have to start that early XD
cmon, homie, this has nothing to do with nationality. its about some teams are allowed by admins to do more than others.
I just can not understand why everyone is answering to you in so positive way, I mean if you would say it 1 month before the lan about some online stuff with POLAKS in you'd have like 10 replays how retarded, stupid and pathetic polaks are. Now after the lan i see only normal replays just CAN NOT believe
well, maybe there are some normal ppl @ crossfire
^fucking polaks! :O
and who decides which team is in which group?
Der vorausgegangene Cup hat die Seedings festgelegt, die wurden dann gemischt.
indeed, online seedings + looking at recent achievements of the clans participating
great lan indeed
QuoteI've been wondering if there couldn't be two leagues for ET

some people just want to play against top teams while they at lan.
was really fun i understand the waiting but it was a bit annoying :D really enjoyed it tho :D haha
Î would suggest that next time there is a wallpaper or anything similar that shows the current ranking/scores and matches played for the spectators at the lan centre. If you didnt had a pc it was really hard to follow the proccess of the tournament.
True, would be nice to have some sort of screen with updates.
Even better would be to have some spare PC's but I suppose that isn't an option ;)

I don't really get why there wasn't anyone writing updates all the time, I mean, I played some matches but had lots of time between and after games, could have been writing lots of things on those moments. I understand that admins are too busy with technical and organisational issues but would have been nice to give someone a laptop and let them give some updates on, I wouldn't mind spending some time on that :)
should have gotten some laptop with you. there was prolly some wireless you could have used if you asked tosspot.
Asked Adacore but the answer was 'admins only'. But I have to admit that I was more after posting our own coverage. Would have helped out though in case somebody would have asked.
Tbh, any coverage is good coverage. Can't understand why toss wouldn't allow people to write news, a simple link in the main crossfire newspost et voila :p Should have asked toss :p Ada had way too much work on friday and troughout the whole tournament. I guess thats kind of a tradition also.
Ya true. It did not all go how I would have wanted it to but there's prolly another CC later this year and we can make a lot better :)
This has been the case every lan, its hard to find out the schedule unless you got access to a pc. One big screen with the upcoming games, where teams should be playing etc would have been nice.
Leave our drinking and poker alone :-(

I liked your team btw, Ronner shouting YEAH when he got killed and getting beer during fullspawns.

That's the spirit!
Herbal was listening to some drum and bass during most matches to get himself a fragmovie feeling and Munchies was trying to get his heartbeat under control with drinking 4 red bulls during the match against nI.

Was good fun, idd! :-D
Hehe, would also be nice to see you with a more serious team next LAN though! :-)
Might happen!
i think your ego is too fucking big, lower skilled teams just want to go to lan to play vs the highskillers and think "what if we beat them this map?". you as a individual player would be in that 2nd league. now how does that feel?
overdrive low :)
Says mr. 0dmg wittuje.
:$ i like you :)
how many teams would go to lan if there were no dignitas, TLR or similar teams playing? the top level contestants make it interesting for quite a lot guys to go there. furthermore it'd probalby be hard to get sponsors if there were only "crappy" teams playing.
that's why good teams are granted privileges other teams aren't - that's a fact for what i can say. a defloss for dignitas would result in a total outrage (communitywise), players might start whining and the dignitas managers would be upset (-> kick their team / don't send their team to cdc anymore).
nonetheless it's ridiculous how some lower teams are being treated. hey, they are the "cash cow" after all! why not allow them to set everything up aswell? (being 1 hour+ late is a whole different kattle of fish though).
at least the results of the seeding cup was taken into consideration this time. of course, there have been lots of "boring" games, but if you divide all teams into two divisions you'd probably end up with teams like perception playing against dignitas while team al1 and co. _might_ have been classified as a 2nd div team. considering the results that'd be bs, wouldn't it?
my small lans best moment was smoking in the rental car!
no SA at lan = fail :'(
next one we will be there!
I think the polish guys got a forfeit map loss because they didnt even have 5 players when they arrived, at least dignitas started when they got there
Dignitas took the piss. Hopefully they'll introduce fines at the next LAN.
What you on about? We were late on Saturday, thats true - but we were on time at Sunday and just had huge problems with the PCs so we had to change them
Saturday you know you had to play but you still all left to eat/sleep/whatever. I'll be honest, we did the same sometimes, but it's pretty unfair on the admins if you delay the tournament like a couple of hours.
I heard you were going to get a HoN ladder going with prizes etc.

Ramirez, get to work!
"- better for the organisation. For example you set up 6 teams in the morning and have them play all their groupgames at once. After the setup I think you could finish each round in about 1h15 mins. You'd have an initial setup time, but after that all the games can go on smoothly."

Very good point, + fuckin 1.
think you cant go with the leagues. either you'd have to give all the prize money to the high league in which case (and i know this sounds stupid) no more low teams would attend or you'd have to split the pot in which case it would make the event unattractive for the higher teams.

but i do have to agree on the organizing stuff.

see you next lan m8 :)
playing in the morning/very late -> no thx
CoD4 screamers
CoD was really far less annoying than less lans. I do respect Cod4 etc, but it was nice that the cod and the ET tournament was split into two different 'locations' so you didnt have a roaring 'NICE1111' every 5 minutes.
Actually this was all down to you and something you posted after CDC4.
Maybe it's not so much fun for the spectators to watch "boring" matches of OC 10th division guys getting thoroughly bashed to shreds by Night and co., but sometimes these not-so-experienced teams are just at LAN for the thrill of playing literally beside your teammates and with hundreds of people standing behind you watching. It really is quite something to play on LAN (even though I've only been to small LAN tournaments, I'd like to experience the insane European events someday :D)
At the leagues system:

eiM's team took a map from Rockit on the LAN, if it hadnt been for the group stages this could never have happened. It might not be a victory but I know that eiM has already told everyone he knows :P Just saying that the oppourtunity is one worth having.
Additionally we then run a consolation tournament so teams from the lower half of the groups play eachother anyway.

The other thing to consider is that if everyone plays their matches straight away, and loses all of them on Friday morning then they go home and dont really experience the LAN. Its bad for us as an event and the teams arent gonna have as much fun, so we try to avoid that where possible.

The Polish guys were supposed to be at the venue for 8/8.30 and still didnt have 5 players by 9.45 so they lost a map. Dignitas were different as they were there, but Dignitas did take the piss you are right and you are not the first player to say we should do something about it, we fined them a map back at CPC1. The reality is though, we would get a shit load of complaints of favouritism or general whine no matter what we did, the community always favours the top players over admins. One idea I've had is to create some kind of points system, where each point is worth X euro out of the prize, considering it is only the top teams that we have a problem with there it would have an effect. The lower teams just want to setup and play, delays with them are usually caused there by hardware errors.

The general after feeling of all CC events is that we need more PC's and more admins regardless of however large we go or dont go.
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