shutter island film

damn i just finished watching this movie, and it was awesome, best thriller i have watched so far! For those who didint watch it yet I reallyrecommend this movie! And for people who watched it what do you think what was the real image, did he really invented all of these things? Because the after the last frame i don't really know :P

didnt like it:S it was too scary 4 me
thought same, hate to watch alone scarry movies :<
Shutter Island?

More like SHITter Island, am I right?

he he he .D
did you shutter bricks?
No. Did shatter some though.
heard perfo only likes No Country for Old Men.
seen. nothing special tbh
what do you think what is the movie ending?
has been the best movie experience since the dark knight for me

pls :/ Law Abiding Citizen was much better
yea that was a good one too
[pl] powiedzial ze woli umrzec jako dobry czlowiek(czyli szeryf ktorego wymyslil) niz zyc jako morderca(ktorym naprawde byl) wiec znaczy to iz byl swiadom ze uroil sobie to wszystko ale nie chce sie z tym pogodzic. dlatego zaczal znow nawijac do swojego doktora tak aby wszyscy mysleli ze kuracja jednak sie nie powiadla i skierowali go do latarni(gdzie imo czekalo go krzeslo badz sruby w mozg). to jest moja interpretacja na podstawie jego slow.[/pl]
no tak ale nadal nie wiadomo czy tak naprawde nie byl detektywem, jego umyslowi powoli wtlaczali pewne fakty, jak te o matce ktory utopila swoje dzieci zeby potem latwiej bylo mu przyjac to do wiadomosci, tak samo w scenie gdy wraca on z przejazdzki z tym szefem sil zbrojnych
Teddy Daniels: Chyba mamy wszystko, po co tu przybyli&#347;my.
Dr John Cawley: "My", Szeryfie?
Teddy Daniels: Dobrze Pan wie, o kim mówi&#281;.
Teddy Daniels: Widzia&#322; go Pan, doktorze.
Dr John Cawley: Kogo?
Teddy Daniels: Mojego partnera, Chucka.
Dr John Cawley: Nie ma Pan partnera, szeryfie. Przyby&#322; Pan tu sam.
Takie k&#322;amstwo w chwili ujawniania/wmawiania zabójstwa &#380;ony itd, podwa&#380;a&#322;o wiarygodno&#347;&#263; Cawleya. Teddy do tej pory tak bystry i wy&#322;apuj&#261;cy wszystkie szczegó&#322;y, w fina&#322;owej scenie o tym zapomnia&#322;.

kolejna sprawa przeciez Rachel Solando (ta prawdziwa) chowala sie w tej jaskini na klifach, sadzisz ze wyslali by ja tam dla jaj liczac ze ja przez przypadek odnajdzie gdyby wiedzieli ze naprawde jest pacjentem? nie wydaje mi sie pozatym ta babka ktora nasladowala Rachel Solando potem okazala sie pielegniarka (ostatnia scena gdy sie budzi w lozku krzyczac Rachel!) oznacza to ze byla umyslnie podlozona przez tego dyrektora.. sam nie wiem oba rozwiazania wygladaja na realne dlatego film jest zajebisty
faktycznie mozna interpretowac to na 2 sposoby. Tak czy owak moim zadaniem ostatnia rozmowa o tym umieraniu byla absolutnie swiadomym "samobojstwem". Pytanie tylko czy z powodu jarzma zabojstwa jakie nad nim wisialo czy moze z powodu tego ze nie chcial byc dalej robiony w wariata na wyspie.
ja bym sie sklanial ku tej pierwszej wersji bo nie chcial bym zeby ten film byl o tym, ze poraz kolejny amerykanie nie moga byc gorsi od rosjan i niemcow i musza miec swoje eksperymenty na ludziach, a do 80% filmu wydawalo sie ze o tym to wszystko jest. FBI jakies rzadowe bzdury zeby ukryc tajemnice. I to zajebiste bylo w tym filmie ze dal alternatywne rozwiazanie fabuly, ktore mi duzo bardziej odpowiada.

z drugiej strony jak zchodzil po tych klifach do jaskini Rachel to zlapal ta kartke z wypisem i wsadzil ja do kieszeni. A gdy przyszlo co do czego to ta kartke pokazal mu jego doktor prowadzacy. Wiec to tak jakby ani tej kartki ani wchodzenia do Rachel nie bylo.
was ok , but not wow
you play wow?
give good quali dl
waiting for dvd rip... just watched '2012' yawn...
its already out
shit movie
Was very good. But certainly not the best thriller. :)
what do you think he was the real marshall? damn i've got mixed feelings
very very good movie...yes he invented all this things.
how can you know man? there's still no clear situation, the last scene is showing lighthouse what means he was right they are making some illegal operations there
He is smoking and he return to the first step in a cycle so he is a patient...
What is it about? :~>
awesome movie :>
2scary for me :<
Very uncreative way of getting around "The detective must not himself commit the crime."

The movie was fine until the end, where they pulled off something similar to IT WAS ALL JUST A DREAM. I wanted mystery, not fantasy.
Dunno what the problem is lack of dream? Not my detective!
YES I hated the end of the movie. Thought it was stupid and uncreative. I laughed when he whipped out the chart with the name acronyms on it, thought it was just stupid.
lol man but you missed the point, at the end the situation is still not clear, he could be the real marshall
Have we been watching the same movie? Throughout the movie, there is plenty of foreshadowing that implies that the "detective" is more involved in this case than he thinks. At the end, it was made very clear that he was imagining everything by firing a gun at the bald motherfucker (this is where I wanted to walk out, but it would have been rude to perfo who was with me there at the time) and the gun ended up being a toy even though blood was going everywhere in his point of view. He remembers what has happened, he remembers why he was institutionalized, the cycle repeats. He gets lobotomized, the end. There was no invisible meaning behind it all, that was the only end.

I might have missed something that has something to do with multiple endings, but you'll have to help me remember then.
Would have been so so very rude ;_;
I know, it's a good thing I'm a good person!
but mystery like: USA like Russians and Nazis before do some illegal terrible experiments on humans is stiupid mystery imo. And the end gave us alternative way to understand the movie. i think he imagined everything. but there r many ppl who dont think so.
awesome movie!!
Decent movie. The ending was HORRIBLE because it had 2 meanings which pretty much ruined the whole damn movie.
in the ending i was like " now he's gonna go 'GOTCHA!! HAHA' " but he let himself get braindamaged even though he was healed :< what a twat ending
I liked it aswell, great atmophere throughout the whole movie but like many mentioned the ending was a bit off but too predictable for my taste. By the time that crazy woman wanted to talk to him alone I already knew what was gonna happen. Nevertheless still a very nice storyline.
@ op

he was a patient there not a detective.

good movie overall, go see it in theaters not behind a computer though
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