BFBC2 solo

After playing the demo, I finished the solo mod !

Was nice game, but too fast (like 5 hours for the solo). I think I'll buy the game to play it online :p

You should try it too !

The online is fun. Haven't played it too much lately, though, and I don't even know why.
online = huge fun :O)
jamzz1 and veeth are playing it online, been thinking about buying it myself. Beta was fun!
VeeTh finds nice places to park his tank :)
The only fucked up part about the online experience is that you have to update the game manually (the damn thing wont even tell yee there's an update available) and the server browser works like crapp.
unfortunately they are more concerned about consoles :(
image: NXMLf

Problem where?
eventhough i preorderd i havent installed it yet :)
Solo is ok, a bit too easy though.

Multi is very fun at the beginning, but after about 50 hours of play it starts to get boring...
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