Helix drop from EuroCup XIV

image: helix_small_unbeatWith the temporary absence of key player Germany Evil extended, Germany Team - Helix have made the decision to withdraw from competition in the current ClanBase EuroCup season. Helix would like to make clear that they are not quitting ET, although they will be looking to make a change to their roster in the near future, citing motivation problems and internal conflict as reasons.

Helix player Germany Biqq had this to say:

QuoteHelix will drop from EuroCup, [there is] no point in playing without Evil. [This] does not mean that Helix is closed - there will be a lineup change [and] we're looking forward to attending shgOpen with a new player.

This unfortunate turn of events means that Europe aMenti will progress to the second round of the losers bracket where they face a tough matchup against Europe cdap - Team pi, who will be looking to put in a strong performance after their narrow defeat to Sweden zeroPoint! Gaming on Thursday.

ggs, and hf @ all teams left in the ec
where is evil? :(
he moved but his internet provider has problems to install internet there (blocked ports by another provider and so on :/)
np good luck guys <3
Too bad. :|

aMenti is not sad I think! ;)
Actually, we aren't happy either, if we lose to cdap, people wont stfu with "hx would have beaten them..."
Yes, because they would. ;)
Too bad I can't proof it anymore. :)
i am safe now :)
wouldnt :-)
Because what people say is very important :D
its more like.. when we've lost from cdap... not IF
too bad :[

was hoping to see helix in the final :]

GL guys
Sad to see you drop out :<
dont lie!, you enjoy it!
I don't think so...

I think all the remaining clans don't like to see a good team like helix drop out... the EC is about being the best and you can never be the best when you have not played the strongest teams at the moment!
if they want to play against the best clanz just play against idle thats good enough
U killed them !
wie ihr die fans ignoriert widert mich an ;)
too bad to hear it :,(

gl in future guys, GL evil
<3 helix
gl conan :P
sad new :<
Nice to know that you guys are confirmed for shgopen though! Like you said in your interview biqq, I still have ur number and I do stalk you, shgopen will just be legal stalking!
Sad news, helix is one of the few stable top clans out there :/

so idle will beat zeropoint, while cdap has to beat amenti

idle vs amenti finals?
We are not knocked out if we lose versus idle. :o
ah ofc, loser brackets. <3 that system
yeah it would be kinda unfair to win all your matches and stop at the semi finals tbh :p
You wont lose vs idle anyway
Sad to thear that, gL in the future. :<
stupid move in my opinion. just play with dxc, if you lose to amenti, np you will be out then.
Sucky news :<
real history: we fullholded them and set time of 30secs

pd: crozz killed them all with his whine
könnt es doch trotzdem versuchen gegen aMenti :(
Too bad, I loved u guys :<
Unexpected and dissapointing imo, but i see why the decision was made, gl helix :)
Just finish the season nitwits!
too bad but i can understand it. its not easy to replace some guys u play with since months
aw thats to bad GL and hope to see you soon. <3
I can replace him, pick me.
only for that 1 match? just play it, u got dxc; u got nothing to lose besides the 'honour'
join hx imo
nah he is with viol!
burning crusade imo
bist du endlich lvl 70?
Ach.. sad to hear.
die besten.
...sterben jung
ich wiollte auf "nur die besten sterben jung" von den böhsen onklez hinaus.
egal ^^ geh sterben jung is auch gut

und die onkelz sind pöse!
biqq why didn't you just play and try to give it your best with the new player. Chances were you would lose, but you would have gone out without forfeiting
Maybe biqq has an internal conflict :))
I think the loss of evil has demotivated them in some way, and I doubt they'll prac alot. It does seem kind of pointless to play the match, eventhough it's EC.
100 points for the candidate!
biqq ist eben doch kein glückspilz :'-(
rofl n1:>
da freut er sich der pumu - endlich kommt freude in sein leben, trotz den tristen tatsachen, dass er keinen ausbildungsplatz findet und lieber 7/24 @ xfire rumgammelt anstatt sich mal irgenwo zu bewerben
yes! hx calls it a day, da freu ich mich!
i lolled :D
Vent Meeting pls. 8(
very sad :/

see you soon with new lineup >3
hmm bad luck for evil his provider sucks :<
journal :)
sad news :<
unexpected ..

giving up because one player is missing.
(yes, it's tough when it's THE KEY player of the team!)


if idle or others would've thought like that, they'd probably dropped alot of times! ..

good luck with building up your team again, biqq.
yo du szene-checker du hast es voll drauf mit analysieren und so. les doch einfach mal richtig du dummer hundesohn, dann würdest du wissen, dass es nicht der einzige grund is.
du darfst dich gern auf ner lan mit mir unterhalten, unterbelichteter bengel.

sowas minderbemitteltes .. unfassbar.

haettest mal besser in english aufgepasst,wuerdest du peilen dass eure news so verfasst wurde dass es wegen evil zusein scheint.

ausserdem ist mein comment im keinsten fall als flame oder sonstiges gedacht.
war unerwartet .. un andere teams hatten auch schwierigkeiten, rappelten sich aber zusammen.

wie gesagt, mach deine english hausaufgaben du absolut unfaehiges subjekt ..
tu sais parler aux gens toi ;)
wtf das war unnötig :S
seid ihr nicht das team das sich alle 3 monate closed und dann nach ein paar monaten wieder auftaucht?

helix have held together for a longer time then 95% of the teams ever existed in ET. Great team with great pleyers, hope to see you agien at the next EC and at the lans =)
und sowas kommt von dir...
I hope Amenti loses versus cdap. Otherwise it would be a pretty stupid final tbh.
it wouldnt be final. if they win with cdap they would still have to face zP and then idle in final
GL in the Hungary future, nice team
du bist so ein spasst das ist fast nicht mehr ertragbar drecks türke.
rofl sus fucking turk geh arbeit suchen hurensohn

besser noname als arbeitslos :/
ok F 1 |2 3 |3 4 |_ |_
rofl @ fireball & kuraigu
gl @ biqq, evil & helix (lebbe geht weita)
lol, willste jetzt sagen, dass du kein noname bist? bitte, find wieder ne andere beschäftigung als comments auf crossfire zu posten, tnx
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