Crossfire and WZZRD announce Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2

Video Gaming community have partnered with WZZRD to launch their new venue in the Cinestar cinema in Netherlands Enschede with the second instalment of the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge.

WZZRD's new gaming centre will be the largest in Holland and will feature state of the art systems as well as a complete refurbishment of a venue integrated with Cinestar's cinema. The venue will be officially opened on Friday the 13th of April together with the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge. The event takes place from Friday 13 till Sunday the 15th. Offering 6,000 Euros, teams from Call of Duty, Enemy Territory and Return to Castle Wolfenstein will battle their way to glory over three days.

"We're extremely honoured to be working with WZZRD to launch their latest location" said Stuart 'TosspoT' Saw, owner of "As gaming grows, centres of this pedigree are what we as gamers need to evolve the competitive aspect. We're looking forward into making our second tournament into a more spectator orientated event and we're thrilled that through a unique partnership with WZZRD and Cinestar we're deep in planning a true cinematic experience for the finals."

"For the opening of our newest location, we wanted a special event to mark this happening. With Crossfire I think we have found a perfect example of professional competitive gaming events that boost eSports constructively, " said Tymen Boon, founder of WZZRD. "In the future we expect and aim to host more of their events as they are a fundamental brick to built eSports in the Netherlands and Europe. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship..."

Additionally, Steelseries, the market leader in professional gaming gear, has joined the Crossfire Challenge and throughout 2007. As with the previous edition, Crossfire will collaborate with Inside the Game to deliver exclusive match commentary, who will be joined by Multiplay TV for professional video production.

About - Launched in 2003 Crossfire has been the home of competitive Wolfenstein and Call of Duty. In 2006 Crossfire launched its first live offline event to great applaud and driven by its 10,000 members continues its pledge to champion the smaller games through exposure, events and original media.

About WZZRD Gaming - Starting in 2005, WZZRD Game cafés has rapidly grown in the Dutch gaming scene. Over one year, WZZRD has been providing gamers with the best possible gaming experience offering the best hardware, competitions and services in the their cafés.

Currently with two establishments in Utrecht and Groningen and one near completion in Enschede, WZZRD will soon be opening the doors to the largest gaming center in the Netherlands, accommodating the needs of the casual and competitive gamers and event organizers to be the host of LAN events such as the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2.

In addition, WZZRD Game cafés organizes any type of gaming related events varying from product releases to company days, at one of its locations or externally.[/hide]
w00t. Exciting stuff.
hi hannnnnnesss <3 pinky
but why on friday 13th .... in Enschede :((

and on ettv in bios next to it?:DDDDDD et in the bios how mad can it be lOL!
Wiiiiiiiiii :D
tnx for crashing server again :(
liar.. we`ll meet there wukas ;)
beautiful friendship, awwww

need uk lans :P
airports stuck every two weeks coz of terrorist alerts, no thanks :)
sad but true
Niiice \o/
nice. first TGS and now their biggest competitor :). to bad its in boerenland.
First things I see at the site are:

Zondag 18 februari om 11.00 uur: ranja en spekjes, een kleurplaat, de nieuwe film van Ernst & Bobbie en een filmdiploma!
Ladies' Night!
Woensdag 7 maart: Ladies' Night 'Music & Lyrics' met Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore.

nice shit
Dat wil ik niet missen!
tis gewoon een bios maarja. mIss gebruike ze die andere 10 zalen wel ofzo..
ze openen dr gewoon een gamecafe hoor :P
Die domme aap?
word! party @ wukas house! im invited!!! :p

btw.. the cinema is liek very big! and not only for kids :<
ETTV @ the big cinemascreens imo
At Intel Masters in 200? the RTCW-final between 4k and omg/lemmings was shown on a huge screen in the science museum in London.

1 huge screen in the middle and 6 smaller screens in each side. And warwitch shoutcasting. Good fun :)
aye made for great specing layer. Game of the tournament though had to be omg vs xi! Your lot were well unlucky to have been facing 4k so early on.

and yer. It was a shame the tournament layout had to be changed. 4k were out of our league for sure. At least we got to play on the mp_science map :)

Your upset vs one.soldier was good fun aswell. xi vs omg... the game where docs was saved basically on the doorstep of the final door? Too bad demos never was released :(
Lol, that's not far from here. I have been in that bios for several times. Cya there. If you need a place to sleep pm !
mag t hele team bij je in bed dan?
Neh, keb beneden een kelder ingericht met bar en banken. Kan wel gezellig worden :D
geen belgen drin laten want dalijk gebeuren er van die gekke dingen in die kelder
Nouw er zijn al eens ieren geweest en die hebben de hele boel onder gekotst.
Gatsie derrie.
I'll take a look over there.
krauts party wordt ook gehouden dan! :P
Ik kom ook hoor :D
welke koelkast staat er bij jullie zet ik die alvast op
keb er 4 ;)
Bart en ik hebben nog een biertje van je tegoed!
Ja klopt ;)
HAHAHAH good luck for foreign people to get there :D
:O, great news !!!
its a pity that its the furthest place in the netherlands from airports but nP, gj :)
It's very easy to reach by train.
try german airports...
i saw that when i was searching for airports and stuff :P
you always have twente airport =P its in enschede itself ^^ but i dunno if its letting people fly @ fridays cause usually its a millitairy base but it does tourists on some days.. thought it was tuesday =P
Enschede lol =/
rofl @ the location
it was meant to accommodate the germans better ;)
nice :]

skiD and me are going too :D
daar heb jij geen geld voor
niet haten Ramon!
sretan ti put onda.. salji i meni kartu da dodjem.. :P
nice partnership, this is gonna boost the performances at CPC2 fo sho
well done Tossp0t.
Don't worry, they'll be armed guards protecting fusen.
what about usb rate tweaking?
Such details as these will be talked through in my next meeting with them. Should happen very soon :)
Great! Really looking forward to it!
Good news, can't wait :)
looking forward to ettv 8[

what's the pricepools like btw?
my guess is: 3000e for cod2, 2500e for ET, 500e for rtcw.
Enschede :o
im avi for that lan to nice if i can play for your team you can sleep @ my place
not as far as last time :D

nice !
RTCW ftw! \o/

More info plz on roster and other 'huishoudelijke' announcements
Bitte, danke =)
enschede ? that city @ boarder ?
It's fucked up tbh, no signs @ all - its cool to get lost there for about 2 hours, ppl over there dunno how to get out of the city zomg !
that only happens to sinuss-type of people :P
enschede de gekste!!!! :D

I think i can come there, i think i've been there once.. pretty good clubs afaik.
128,7 km and I live in the netherlands zlol
less than 1 KM
for dce and me just 10 mins :d
nice location, but can't be there because of graduation tests \o/
so no helix?
Perhaps guardian can go like last time.

Wait a minute, conan didn't go to CPC1 either. oMiGaWd, online only fo' sho' ngR plZ. :O)
cpc1 - i was at scotland
shg - graduation pre tests + too expensive
cpc2 - graduation tests

But i was at enlarged 2006 \o/ :D
I believe you, don't worry. Contrary to certain others that couldn't go to CPC you're not really the right person to call "online only" either. You're friends with Kai, so you can't be a hacker, easy as! :O)
nice getting owned by real life !
enlarged>all :P
penis enlargement?

enlarged lan in germany
my mom farted.. so i beg your pardon cause the smell confused me :/
Enschede...jees. Ligt dat nog aan de linkerkant van de Duitse grens dan?
190 for me :P
pick me up while your at it
pick you up? then it will be 230 km imo ;)
Parent's only :P
so why youre going?
that's not what he said. he said picking up is for pro's only :P
yeah Ronner, but dont blame sifu, his english is as good as my finnish : lotto sauna puuro venttii makkaralainen! kuulaa!!
almost, nice to see someone speaking the language of the intelligent.
hehe, only 95 for me
cu there imo!
8 km 8-)

see u there =)
893.42 km
like 20min by train =)
enschede de stad van de vuurwerk!!!! 2 uurtjes rijden nah miss ga ik wel heen denk et niet
je bent 15 "2 uurtjes rijden" met je fiets?
wist je al dat de trein al bestond?
nice one!!!!
nice :] btw everyone coming in from ze air: check out the option to land @ Dortmund :P its cheaper!

gg cash, zie je over drie weken in ze kopenhagen :))
2 hours from here. might be considerable :O
you ARE coming to join da party! We put the venue closer to the German border for a reason...not to have no Germans come and spectate. :D
cant wait till then gG cf:))
enschede of all places rofl, even for ppl who actually live in the Netherlands the place is unreachable because there is only 1 road 2 enschede and not even a highway :S + its 1 of the most boring places in the NL. only good thing here is the prizemoney. Even from my parents place its 100km and a 2 hour drive. Worst location ever!!!!!!!1111
it has cheaper accommodation for players than in rotterdam.
It is easy to get to by train, especially with the new timetables of the NS :P

The venue will be bigger and better to give more to the spectators.
cash, smart =) i havent even thought about the train station that stands next 2 the stadium and cinestar ofc ;> it will B a 3 hour train travel tho from rotter/amsterdam =P
hmmm mebe u r right but it just doesnt sound as cool as fe Rotterdam or Amsterdam or any other big city
Enschede isnt that bad it still has coffee shops :P
it sure does bully :> i live there but i never smoke weed! i swear =O
jaange je hebt zeker al 10+ comments gemaakt op deze newspost
hah maar ik ga je wel een hug geven daar(L)
doe niet, plz :<
891.21km and two seas to cross. nP!
swimming ftw
see you there!
my home to amsterdam = 16558 km

then amsterdam => Enschede = ?

Ghehe, about 165 kilometers.
So, that doesn't make much difference :)
Would be nice to see an Australian/New Zealandian (?) team at CPC2 :)
ich rieche einen streetfighters party bus powered by turtle entertainment
Impact will be meeting in Amsterdam airport friday evening and going on a roadtrip with me driving to get there.
Our smooth pimped out ride:
image: mystery_machine
We ( one4one ) are hopefully going to meet up at Amsterdam airport around dinner time on Friday and get a train to Enschede - if we qualify of course.
omg just join our roadtrip
Enough space?
well i figure getting a people carrier is cheaper than 6 people on a train... does someone not have a driving license in your team?
Remember there's matches on the Friday this time.
your joking right :\ damn that makes a huge difference to the plans.. and the costs :(
we are starting around noon by the looks of it on friday :P

you might wanna meet up for breakfast ;)
Not very helpfull for people who have school on Fridays and have to work Friday evening! :<
like this is any serious problem?

cmon, you just take one day free from work (normally should have such few days in contract, unless you dont work completely legally =])

and for school.... you just dont go to school, and on monday you come to your main teacher and show her a paper from mama/doc that you were ill.
It's not a problem for me, I get home from school early and I can cancel work nP, but others might have problems. :O)
cash what time are you planning to finish on the sunday. Rly need these details because its impossible to book flights not knowing. We nearly had flights booked to arrive friday night :\
Now we will have to go either crack of dawn on friday or realistically thursday night. If this thing finishes sunday morning we can book flights for sunday evening and not have to wait till Monday which would be better. After all the location is a long way from the airport. This really needs to be considered and people need to know yesterday tbh. Sorry impact but i'm all about keeping costs down =)
The last schedule I saw the ET final was 14:30 on the Sunday - wait on Cash to confirm it though.
See you there!
Amagad! ik ga joop een handje geven!
Dat is wel stoer he
Zeker wel!
wow sounds nice
wie gaat er met de trein? via hardenberg/zwolle
het duurt nog meer dan 2 maanden m8 ;X
de tijd vliegt weet je
ik en dmr gaan wss met de trein vanaf zwolle naar enschede >> tenzij ouders brengen
Lagger and I will hopefully be driving from Denmark :)
So drive a heck of a long way into Sweden to pick you up and then turn around and go the same way back?

No no no.... you come to us!
Breaking my balls here...
very nice!
250km :P
Dan zal 't voor mij ook wel zoiets zijn zeker :D
Kheb berekent vanaf Olen (Prov. Antwerpen) maar aangezien het feit dat Vlaanderen o zo groot is zal het idd niet veel schelen
only a 100 miles, if someone need taxi from airport contact me!
taxi == +100 euro
Train == 20 Euro

Legacy charges 50 euro per person(my Kadett can hold 5 people)
cu @teh room xD
sounds gay jak
teh Opel Kadett ?? lol you got older cars than ppl in poland!
pfff, it performs!!!! thats what matters! Kadett never lets you down!
veel te ver weg !
nice around 3000 km from my home

I can walk 2 cinestar in just 5 min...

ET in enschede ftw <3
skiD and me are going too zomg :]

we are going with the almighty:

image: classic_34_red_tricycle
ik ga niet fietsen idioot
Enschede :o Watch out for teh fireworks !
Maybe a nice tip for ppl who are going to the LAN by airplane:

check the schedule of airberlin, they fly from Munster-Osnabruck to connections all over europe for low-all inclusive prices. From Munster airport a train runs directly to Enschede.
Yes that is a very good tip.

Most fairs are cheaper than going into Amsterdam and it is also closer to the venue than Amsterdam.

If you fly into that airport you have to options to take a quick 30 minute direct bus and then 1:12 minutes for the train directly into Enschede.

Best part is, the bus even runs through the entire night.

I am also looking into dortmund as an option.
Dortmund is as far as Amsterdam would take.

If you arrive in Dortmund, you take the Airport Express bus to Dormund Haupt Bannhof (22 mins) and then the direct IC train to Enschede (1:55)

Dortmund is a viable option for those that live in the southern and Eastern European nations.

Munster/Osnabrueck is a cheap option for Helsinki, Copenhagen, Boedapest, Vienna, Berlin and St. Petersburg.
We should write this stuff up into a "travel to CPC2" article or something at some point :D
Are there trains from Düsseldorf to Enschede? I checked the site but couldn't see any.
Affirmitive, On my way!
I'd like to buy a vowel plz
need team :D (btw i got room for my team)
jij zit in de lan team mag ik dan 0ook komen? is ook soortje clan;p
kom mij lkkr opzoeken is maar 2 uur met de trein ofsow :P
ik kan mss ook wel op de vrijdag komen dan kank gratis met de trein int weekend niet :P
still in need of a rtcw team for the event!!!!!
ik ga lekker op je kamer lalalala
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