ClanBase EuroCup XV Announced

image: eurocup
Welcome to the most prestigious online tournament in Enemy Territory, EuroCup XV. Bigger and better than ever before, with even more coverage of games between Europe's top teams as they battle it out for ET's ultimate title, this is an event not to miss. Precise details of the size, format and schedule of the cup are still to be confirmed, but we can promise it will be a season you can't afford to miss. So buckle your seatbelts as we prepare for another few months of supreme Enemy Territory action in ET's seventh EuroCup season.

With the dominant force of Team Dignitas coming off a run of two straight EuroCup season titles, will anyone be able to challenge their dominance? Can they be defeated, or will they continue their unbeaten run for an unprecedented third straight EuroCup victory?

As always teams which sign up to 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2007 season are eligible for a EuroCup XV spot (teams can however choose not to be considered for a place in the prestigious EuroCup event if they wish). After the close of OpenCup signups the teams selected to fight it out in this season's EuroCup will be announced in the ClanBase #eurocup channel.

Tournament Structure: 6v6
Supervisor: United Kingdom Adacore
Co-Supervisor: Belgium Nightraver
Coverage Sup: Poland Lab
Map List: Braundorf_b4 / Frostbite / sw_goldrush_te / Radar / tba / tba

Signups are open until the 21st of March!

It is unconfirmed which games will have cash prizes and / or LAN finals.

Quote by ClanBaseWith their support, the amount of cash prizes for the 2007 Spring Season will be at a minimum of €20,000 and another €10,000 in hardware will be up for the taking for the best teams and players in selected EuroCup and OpenCup tournaments.

Update: It's been clarified by CB EC Chief Cup Supervisor darvey that every EuroCup will have a prize purse.

21 March - Signups Closing
25 March - EuroCup Invitations Announced
26 March - EuroCup Qualifier Week and OpenCup Groups Online
2 April - First Matchweek
June - End of Season
August - EuroCup XV LAN Finals

Source: ClanBase
A phoney poll with the admins taking the map of their choice anyway ;)
sceptical much?
I jest - remember sw_fuel?
Prize money?
LAN finals?
too soon imo

Remove frostbite, please :O)
Agreed, looks good otherwise though, as long as the other maps aren't terrible. :\

Need more open maps like radar IMO.
Rather remove Braundorf instead. ;[
How about both of them?!
i like you :D

frost sux more tho :(
How about just braundorf?
Instead? No way :O)
Ok. Let's agree on both of them.
Let's convince Adacore now, he's stubborn as hell :c
I advise et_ufo!
gl hf all and stuff!
sounds great
20 teams plix!
prays for oasis
August - EuroCup XV LAN Finals ... nice
Hopefully ET's finally involved - if the CB head guys have any sense it should be.
Not ET probably :<
I bet you there will be players on holiday then :)
I already see the remaining two maps are gonna be frost_comp_b8312_a13 and some other random doc run bullshit map.

Looking forward to it tho. :D
Perhaps the map who wins the crossfire contest? But it would be dissapointing if it is indeed another docrun.
Very najs, how much?

image: cannes
and again, no money for et.
speculative... nothing has been announced
et-masters > eurocup

Last EC was because of the tight schedule that there was no prizemoney (

EC XIII had 1000 $ prizemoney.
EC XII had 1500 prizemoney.

So, what éxactly do you mean with "again, no prizemoney for ET"
ET already had lan finals no need this season . !
ET has had a LAN final, not LAN finals :)
no supply ;o
where the fuck is sd? fucking retard cb
wheres supply? omg
Isn't the sign-up period a little short, or is it always this short?
It's shorter than normal, yes.
K, not because it is a problem for me or anything but why is it shorter? Is there a reasoning behind it?
They wanna end it before we'll burn in hell with a temperature of 50° in europe. :D
Why do you have the name of a group of persons who consider themselfs as "the smartest persons in the world" ?
I'm sorry, it's mensa, i was a bit confused. sorry again
I am just confused.
I feel sorry for you.

CoD2 CTF EC :>

there is not enough time for teams to post a new lineup and make a fragmovie... (sarcasm)
LAN finals for ET?
I love this part how clans rate themselves :D

-6on6 Add supply
-3on3 Remove Ice and add Supply + Braundorf (Supply and Braundorf are like the best maps _ever_ for 3on3)
heheh true :-)
Oh please.. I know some people don't like supply and so, but it's still 10 times more playable map than braundorf and frostbite together. Also would like to see some classics back in action, for example battery would be nearly perfect with the current antispam settings in the competitive config (only soldierchargetime should be lowered for the pf!). Also some new/old/not_sw oasis version could do the trick. ;) The lack of adlernest looks promising though.. so far.
Battery is pure pownage.
Railgun > Battery
agreed, revive battery.
come round quickly this season :P . no stupid map choices plz
is tosspot admin @ cb or smthg?

no supply... wtf

3v3 maps: braundorf, supply, frostbite, adler, sw_gr, tc_base
6v6 maps: braundorf, supply, sw_gr, adler, radar, crossfire_contest
replace braundorf with another new map and it would be one of the best pools
You're actually right :o
braundorf > adlernest imo
You're actually right :o
Those maplists are announced or this is your prediction ?
i want these maps
It's not "no supply" - it's keeping your options open.
mhmhm yeees, more tournaments with an organization that doesn't ban cheaters....mhhhmmm yeeees..

But on a sidenote, it's about time that supply isn't in the mappool.
hello borceman.

ban cheatere? skjønner virkelig ikke hvorfor det.... de er jo så søte, snille, greie og koselige.

ban & kill..
+ supply and oasis pls
second that
Remove braundorf:D

add sd2, and fueldump, and we are rocking!! .. oh.. oasis maybe instead of fueldump.hehe.

anyway. gl admins.
Add et_ufo.
need oasis back
+ Supply
+ Sw_Oasis_b3
+ Adlernest(!)
- Braundorf
oasis instead of braundorf would be cool
battery / sw_goldrush / radar / supply / oasis / braundorf(or something new (no adler, frost or other shitmaps))
Listen to this wise man!
I really wonder why everyone wants oasis to be back in the mappool... Remember why it has been removed maybe!

Frostbite should be out, supply should be in.

I'm looking forward to seeing a good frost version and Dersaidin's bremen in action!
also seen dersaidens bremen and agree it could be very nice

Also tbh oasis has still thrown up some seriously exciting matches in the past even though seeing everyone with the same aggressive tactics can be a bit boring
There could be a some kind of fair play (such thing still exists?) rule of not allowing the hyperaggressive defense at the last stage of oasis.
maybe its just me but I prefer amap with a chance of fullhold instead of 1-4 minute time. ofcourse oasis is not perfect, I know. but most maps are just way too fast for ET. would like to see maps that take longer than just 2-4 minutes. supply, goldrush and radar of the most current mappools are only good maps in my opinion. I would have no trouble playing with 4 map mappool(battery added) but it would get boring after a while. when we pracced cathedral with black magic, I felt it could be nice map, if other teams would've actually pracced it aswell, we would've probably seen great games on that map but like dtekt, they probably never even pracced the map and after our 3 min time against them it was jsut whine about shit map. it could be shit map but no1 really had time to test it.

lots of text, my point probably got lost there somewhere, maybe u'll find some spelling mistakes aswell but in nutshell, keep the good and balanced maps in the mappool, add stable and "fullholdable" maps instead of lottonests etc.
I completely agree with you. However Oasis is not the way to go, it's not a "chance of a fullhold" map, it's a "very low chance of NOT having a fullhold" map, with decent teams, at least.

I've never been completely convinced by Cathedral, but it could be ok, I agree. I'm really hoping Bremen will be a supply-esque 10 minute multi-stage map...
yeah, true, oasis might not be the option. but battery definitely.
Quotebut like dtekt


yeah, we didnt prac it once... not because we didnt have the time to do so, but because we thought it was more fun to play other maps, and even though cathedral is a really nice map to look at, i dont feel so happy playing it.

But hey, its not a bad map.. better then braundorf 6on6 and adlernest atleast.. tbh, i kinda feel there is only sd2, grush and radar thats really fun maps atm..

it would be fun to play oasis again.. and battery.

and the new map Bremen looks nice.
have to agree with u o:
we need supply.
whats the problem with frostbite if i may ask? :k
too much frags for giftyboooooi
it's rtcw map + docrun :/
ok, now you opened my eyes...
As I see it, it's annoying when someone can get lucky and set a 4 minute time, and unless you get even more lucky and beat it, you lose.
need supply in 3v3
need sd or oasis. throw braun+adler out..
SUPPLY! at least for 3on3 :(
supply for 3v3 and base12 & oasis for 6v6
frost and braun out supply and battery in and add reactor and railgun
agree and instead of rail or reactor - cathedral or that dersaidin's bremen if its any good.

I dont personally like reactor since its such chaos but like any other map, it just needs teams practising it. most of these maps would be nice for the mappool. cathedral maybe least since the 5 min times u usually set on it.
wouldnt be disaponted to see cathedral either its pretty ok and a lot better than braun of frost for sure
B4tt3rY? nice fullhold map .
it wasnt even a fullholdmap back in the day when u could use more mines spam more etc it was kinda like radar fullhold is possible but u need to play really well to keep it
now with todays limits i bet it would still be balanced great like equal opponents doing around 7-8min times
Need Supplyzor
Third comment and this just because of battery.

mines removed
mortar removed
spam reduced

what else are we waiting for? thats the stuff that everyone was whining about @ that map. "2 easy to fullhold at the beach"

now its more easy to gain access to inside and that still doesnt make the map a lottomap with 2-4 minute time since its a completely different phase with variety of tactics. if teams practise it, it will be stable and good map.

supply, gr and radar are my favorite and top3 maps in the current mappools.
if they would add battery, it would definitely be one of the best maps in the pool IMO.
No mines at all? I like mines...
they removed all the mines from battery @ last config, the map didnt do a comeback for the maplist so the changes were forgotten.
The mines should be added because the back door defence is so retarded without them.
supply in @ both and remove shitty ice and beach @ 3v3
+sp delivery)

no new shitty custom maps please.
delivery sucks tbh :x
only the FPS and the textures suck in that map
No, the whole map sucks.
Dersaidin's new map Bremen is very good. If it doesn't win the Crossfire map contest i'll be very surprised...
I doubt it has much competition and winning the map contest itself doesnt prove the map to be any good, we just need to hope for the best.
base12 is going to win the contest, at least i hope so
battery back ! :'<
more panzer opportunities? xD
battery needs upgrades :)
no, its fine.
attacking from behind is pointless. You loose like 30 sec time. If allies could alsospaw @ cp then this map would be nice
have u even played the map?
well. Can i ask who the fuck are you ?
I have played this map like 30-50 times in 6o6.
30-40% of matches was fullhold.
It's my favorite map too, but as i sayd without upgrades it cant be in ec/oc imo
then u should know that it doesnt matter if allies can spawn at cp or not. and because mortar and mines are removed, arty decreased, it reduces the chance of long hold at beach so plz.

even so, why couldnt it be in oc/ec? u favor those lottoshitmaps that everyone are so excited about?
cant you understand ?
first cp attack or ramp/main flag attack is no problem.
Problem is axis last defence. You set up one man behind back door. And other 5 are spamming with nades/rifle/panzer @ front. As you know in main is only 1 way to get in ... If someone would make a script that allies could spawn at commandpost also then axis are moving some players more to back. That means less spamm in front. And you have more chances.
I dont prefer maps like braun/frost/adler
our homemap was always swgrush radar and supply
not many teams had that spam defence and its not that hard to break.
with the changes made it should be easy enough for allies now. I dont want it to be new adlernest with 4 minute max times
ask winghaven etc. He should remember last match pstarz vs underscore with new settings ... (i dont mean your 2 - 4manpanzerkills) :p
Bremen has some awesome panzer opportunities imo!
You can't have awesome panzering opportunities with 30 second chargetime! :<
I agree, I personally want to see a 20 second soldier chargetime in the new config. Don't think it'll happen though.
I agree, but then you have to remove panzer.
Nobody complained about panzer (apart from the random "lol i died" -whine) when it was 20 seconds, should it be much of a problem to change back? I guess the change was mostly because of mortar anyway, something which doesn't exist in competitive ET anymore.
Exactly my point! :D
make it 25 secs and everybody is happy :D
supply definitely in, battery is fun too. Frostbite out fo sho, maybe braundorf too..
3v3 OC maps:

frostbite (remove this -> add supply)
et_ice (remove this -> add braundorf_b4)
tba1 (add radar)
tba2 (add base12 if it gets finished or Bremen)
radar in 3v3 -.-
thats not THAT bad
it rly is
explain, why is it "-,-"

In my opinion it's good map for 3on3, because it is not so lotto-based map as other maps in the pool are.
its too big for 3v3 and impossible to defend imo
how many times have you played it with decent tacs?
i dont see the fun you have after you take flag at et_beach as allies. Going for objective takes you 1 whole minute and then you will be raped thx to some leaning/camping ngr.... stupid.
Well I enjoy the map, I think that it is more easy to attack in that map than defend, attack just needs a bit teamwork.
ugly banner imo :(
not as ugly as you :(
Supply & Braundorf B4 needed in Maplist
Ok, I also want to whine about maps.

You want 6 maps, but with not including supply in the list you have to add 2 completely new maps, considering that 2 from 4 already added maps are shite, and 2 new maps probably won't be even as good as adlernest was, and will fall in same cathegory of pure luck&lotto maps - no fun to play, this will be lottocup with shit maps.

Braundorf_b4 (boring one staged map) <--?--> supply
Frostbite (lotto map with 3min times) <--?--> supply
sw_goldrush_te (probably the best existing map)
Radar (same as goldrush)
tba - return of some old map? or <--?--> supply, and keep one of shite maps
tba - new map or return of some old map

Where does it say supply is removed?
3v3 OC - supply , sw_gold, ice, tc_base , braun + frost or adler .

6v6 OC - supply , sw_gold, radar, battery, sw_oasis , crossfiremapcontest

No Frostbite / Adler / Braundorf for 6on6 imo. But while I was thinking about the 6on6 maps I noticed that there arent that much maps which are nice for 6on6 atm :< .
My version of the maplist:

definite in's:

the remaining one or two:
-et_village (with NO mines)
-et_beach/mp_beach (with proper spawntimes, options 30/30, 30/40, 20/30?, no ?5's anywhere) -- would be cool to also get the sniperhill spawn enabled for allies
-some new fancy no-2-minute map
-frostbite (rather not)

definite no's:

Oh, and remove mobile mg from the next config, if there will be one.
mitä vikaa on mg:ssä
vois poistaa kaikki tai ei mitään
Replace frostbite with et_ice, a classic NationsCup map!
I find it rather funny some of you guys say "crossfire map contest" map.. How can you pick a map which you have never played?
My perfect maplist would be:

3v3 OC:

supply (great map)
braun (good 3v3 map, without side though :D)
adler (decent map in 3v3, less lotto)
et_beach (really cool to play, should get more attention)
sw_grush (best map ever in ET)

6v6 OC:

revived map like: fueldump, railgun, oasis, battery...
plz will there ever be a perfect mappool to satisfy all you whiners do not signup if you don't like it......
Well, that's what you get for oversaturating maplist with doc run maps. I wish dynamite objectives would return ;( But shit teams with 6 aim0r medics only prefer doc runs most probably, can't handle 2 engies in attack...
Totally agree!

And also I lack variety in textures.... All the new maps are so supply like. I would love to see more new sand/snow maps.
oasis, new frost, battery, railgun, goldrush, radar would be a cewl map pool
It would, except for the new frost. :(
Switch new frost with fueldump and you got the old mapcycle which ET started with. :(

It would be cewl though :D
you are insane
no supply?

when is cb admins gonna stop licking tosspots ass? x)

just cuz he doesent like to shoutcast it, i certainly still like to play it and specc, its a fun map... its still a lot better than braun, adler and other shitmaps... who is boring to play AND specc,

bring back oasis imo, i was sceptical abt it in the past, but atm we dont have any better maps (new frost is a joke)
agree.. (... even though its ur words rat..)
Adler boring to spec? You didnt watch the NC final it seems, or the EC semi-final between idle and deMiurge...
its just lotto, and no i dont enjoy watchin adler, it is crap, first def is ok, second is rly shit....radar supplies the same exitement without the lotto element.
it's only the final stage that is fun to watch
what happend to base ?

i liked it
I think I heard something about axis getting spawncamped a lot, while engis took out the guns, not sure about that though. But I liked it too. :)
It's always fun to watch clans rate themselves :)
idd i had a good laugh 2 :)
Bring back some old maps, battery and railgun sounds nice..
Supply should definitely stay, it's still more playable than braun/frost
alway nice to see teams overrating themselves hard! xD
lol this is so dumb.
right like one month after the last ec you make a new one. what do you want to do? a non-stop entertaining show? that's boring, bring some new ideas please.
I hope Clanbase won't do the same mistake again and shit on the opinion of the players of the game like they did in the 5v5 vs 6v6 discussion.

A EuroCup without supplydepot is like playing football on a basketball field. :-(
The second tba map should be sw_oasis_b3. We didn't see it for a long time and it's like three trillion times better than adlernest or frost_final_b1337.
cant agree more
wasn't that sw_oasis_b3 already tested at CPC1 for example? and how many good matches we saw on that map? 0.

fucking boring fullhold map, not the way to go really in my opinion :l

I agree on the supply part tho
I never was fullholded on the map. Imo the next to last NationsCup had nice matches on sw_oasis_b3.
5on5 > 6o6
no et > et
replace frost, add supply

the tba maps:
battery :P
im pretty sure supply will be in the maplist since atm there is no other map to replace it....

supply grush radar are a must

then for the other 3 it depends which way u look at it. if for cpc2 then: frostbite frost_final cpc_mapwinner[bremen]

i fucking hate frostbite but w/e
Need sw_oasis_b4 and it would make a great addition. :)
Well, well.. seems like oasis is still a hot subject so I'm going to give my view of it. Personally, since I think sw_oasis sucks monkey balls and the classic oasis is maybe just a bit too easy to defend, my ideal (competitive) oasis would be something like this:
- The old city part and the water pump + tunnels section would be the one from sw_oasis
- The axis garrison would be the one from classic oasis (with no fancy side doors and extra walls between the palms and the axis spawn), perhaps with the possibility to be able to jump between the guns, though I think it's more useful to axis than to allies after all.
- Coming from the old city wall via the upper route, there's that small corridor coming out of the wall behind the axis garrison spawn. That would be still there.
- Maybe there could be also some limited use of landmines in strategic points making it slightly easier for attackers.

If only it would be possible for some motivated mapper to make such a modification, I think it would be worth a try. :p

Maybe it would be sw_oasis_b4 then, or whatever.

Also the hyperaggressive defense at the garrison should be prohibited somehow.
I really think sw_oasis would work now when the mortar is gone.
i'd like to play an oasis like that.
the 2 other maps should be supply and oasis imo
braundorf, supply, sw_gr, adler, radar.frost
et_beach out from 3on3 maplist for sure

frostbite out
braundorf out

+ sw_oasis (maybe a fullhold map,but teams with good teamplay should be able to set a time on it,besides that,nowadays we only see matches that last approximately 20 mins)
+ cathedral (this map is nice if u have nice tacs and if u play it more than just a few times)
+ reactor (not lotto tbh,it's a bit of chaotic, but it's certainly fun to play it)
+ bremen (has a potential)
+ supply (eventhough it is a bit overplayed it's still one of the best ET maps)

So mappool:
radar supply bremen reactor oasis cathedral

Beach out ffs,and put in reactor or something,adler is cool in 3on3 aswell.
Beach is a really nice 3v3 map :)
supply out !!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG

total overplayed map...
ugly banner, and braundorf is one of the best maps currently in et, removing it would be stupid at best, same for supply.

supply isn't in definitely, that's bad. If supply won't be in the final maplist, it's like killing ET, it represents everything i like about this game. IMO only ones that should have their positions as definite maps are supply/gr/radar. PLEASE no frostbite OR braundorf, rather not adlernest either, no frost_whatever unless modified. Dunno, guess it's just too hard to make a map that's BALANCED, which means rushing mindlessly every spawn doesn't automatically give you victory, but on the other hand that can be broken if played correct. Take any of the goldrush or supply stages and you have some fucking balance right there, i'd rather play battery&ice (not oasis tho) than more 4min maps. </rant>
U hate frost now cos u lost against czar in it LoL
Supply / Radar / Goldrush HAVE to be in tbh...
They are by the far the 3 most popular maps and it would be a huge mistake not to add all 3 of them... for the others, I couldn't give a shit.

My 6 would be:
Radar / Goldrush / Supply / Braundorf / Adlernest / Frostbite

Braun > Adlernest > Frostbite > Oasis > Battery > Fueldump > Some random new map shit.
"Braun > Adlernest > Frostbite > Oasis > Battery > Fueldump > Some random new map shit."

Ye Sheep, die!
why do we even have this contest? just give idle / dignitas their money & get it over with :p
6on6 : radar, sw_gold, sd2, oasis b3, battery, 6th? (maybe braun or smth dont rly care)
3on3: sd2, tc_base, braun, ice, sw_gold, 6th? (dont care either)
et = supply and supply = et. it must be there
sd ( MUST ) **most played map ever seen**
radar (MUST) ** best map included with et**
gr (MUST) **good modify of an old 30' mins map**
bf4 (MUST) **best edited MAPafter sd2**

frost_final **new custom map.. why not?**
oasis_b3 **simplified the old oasis hell**
adlernest **good map played last 2 seasons**
frostbite **adapted for ET it sucks but ok let's play it!**
crevasse_final **nice map overall, if CB must force a custom map it can be good aswell**

*** do not try to put in maps like cathedral , reactor , svarvadel or RCTW mapz that sux badly with ET thx ***
du hast ein be vergessen :>
i vote for old school rotation go back to the roots of et

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