Parodia Magnifica

image: 10000ab7

13/03/07 - Coincidence? I think not.

Temporal Pictures latest recruits and famed Return to Castle Wolfenstein editors, Sweden Santabot and Sweden Drakh have completed the highly anticipated Parodia movie. Showcasing one of the definitive Enemy Territory teams in the games almost four year history, fans will finally be able to see some of their favourite players in action without having to connect to a server.

:: The Stars ::

Finland Saintt
Finland Raveneye
Finland mystic
Finland Xpaz
Finland jauhis
Finland Jafo
Finland Drc

Sweden Santabot and Sweden Drakh present

Parodia Magnifica

:: Movie Information ::

Codec: x264/XviD
x264 Resolution: 800x448
x264 Size: 481 Mb
XviD Resolution: 640x360
XviD Size: 441 Mb
Length: 19:35 mins
Framerate: 30 Frames Per Second
Project size: Approximately 150 Gb
Project time: 15 months (9 months of working time)

:: Some words from Santabot ::[/b]]
QuoteWe've put a lot of work into the movie and we're pretty satisfied with the result even though there are some minor errors here and there. At first we were aiming on releasing it before last summer but we soon realised it was a really stupid goal. After being away working for 6 months I came home and could finally continue the work, and I know the guys (parodia) were getting restless. The last 2 months have been extremely hectic and it feels really good to finally have it finished.

#Temporal | Temporal Website

:: Some words from Xpaz ::[/b]]
Quote Some parts that could've been made better, some frags missing that personally I very much wanted to see, but still I feel it's editing and fragwise a very good movie in the ET-standards.

Finally :T
Nice mirror at levitation-gaming :) getting 1,5 Mb/s
same 1.58MB/s
just finnished extracting :D

going to watch it now :D
1 hour 20 to go ~/
1.8 MB/s for me ;>, btw hi eVo!
suxx tbh ...

sfxgaming mirror @ fullspeed for me :>
Downloading, omg I just got my 8Mbit :)
It was fantastic, before downloading I thought omg 20 mins etc, but no! I can watch this for an hour too or more.

Okey, lets start with frags, 11/10 of course, I know I can never do things like this, congrats for doing it. I'm sure .img and idle will not like this movie :) Also were a bit less mystic frags, but I know the reason why...

About editing, music and the others: this was the best music selection I have ever seen in a fragmovie, although music is always something personal. I liked the cfg, because it was very clear, maybe a bit less colors, but anyways the sepia effect owned sometimes. Also the dynatimer was a very nice idea, and I liked when you slowed down the smg, and each shots passed to the music. Finally, the intro was one of the bests with those text effects.
mystic the movie coming out next or what? :<
that could be good, but i don't think so
So what's the reason? He couldn't be bothered going through his demos? :<
i have to agree the music was so awesome ! i like raveneyes part most!
torrent plz
omg 150kb/s and dropping
stop download guys please.
really nice, thanks. 1 mb/s works :D
It's ACE
quite nice, expected more insane frags though
Very nice movie, I was so much entertained that I didn't even notice that the movie was 20 minutes long.
Agree on that one!
u make every mystic fanboy happy now
Nice movie! I enjoyed watching it. :]
+/+ frags (parodia)
+/- few effect
+/- cfg was good but no color correction
-/- no sync with the music
-/- very slow
-/- music

overall 7/10

Nothing special:(
Sound more negative about your movie please, Xpaz!
Haha, true. I was expecting him to say some omgwtfbbq comments. :p
I thought that was rather negative :P.
lol =).

Well I think it's a great movie with some minor flaws, but I can't tangle to the little mistakes, perhaps cuz it holds a little extra emotional value to me.
Some nice airstrikes you had there, got me impressed :]
nice movie, very watchable, gj
Great movie, very well done.
omg 1 hour 15 mins left :[[[[[[
i have 115 kb/sec download ;)
Awesome frags
Better than the other new fragmovies, i liked the rtcw style so much, reminded me of the KiH movie. Well done!
repesin sille saintin singlepasulle :DDDDDDDD>>>>>
todella hyvä leffa ja xpaz batteryssa aivan loistavaa
downloading =)
every movie without a crosshair sux :P
wow, awesome movie! :) wp guys :)
yep was awesome
+ frags
+ music
+ length
- cfg could have been much more colorfull
- 80% slow motions
- no hitsound part(one with mystic would have been so nice :<)
- frags are ordered by the players
- it sucks to look in the left upper corner to see who's been fragged
- no shoutcast parts

with these very nice frags it could have been a much more better movie
+ frags are ordered by the players
+ it good to look in the left upper corner to see who's been fragged
ofc everyone has his own oppinion :)
+ Frags
+ Musics
+ Mystic :D
+ Editing (just conveniently, I don't like too much editing)
+ Short enough outro
+ RtCW style

- Colors looked apathetic, but maybe they were meant to be like that
- I was missing the "you killed ..." text
- Slow tempo but it was still interesting enough to watch it all
- Sometimes I didn't notice when the player changed but maybe I was just tired when watching it :P

Overally a magnificent movie with many enjoyable frags. I'll store this in my collection
The colours lack enthusiasm? :d
yeah, they weren't "warm"
Not impressed, sorry.
Expected a great movie and I received one.Editing, music and frag wise it's an awesome movie. :-) However I have some negative points about the movie. It contains no crosshair, no "you killed ..."-text and it contains blood splatter.:-( I'm also missing more frags from mystic, since he is my ET-idol. :-P At least it didn't get overhyped like decimated and failed in reaching the expectations. :-)
Your expectations* ;-)

Surpassed plenty of others...enough to keep me happy anyway.
I didn't had any expectations, since I just saw that trailer of you before. A lot of people were expecting a lot more, that's I wanted to say. ;-) I didn't say that it was a bad movie.
+ Frags
+ Editing
+ Length
+ Quality

- Music
- Colors
- Slow motion (overused)
- No crosshair :<
love it
music was nice, frags were awesome and i really liked the outro
need more mystic frags, a crosshair and hitsounds though
anyway great work
Really didn't like the choice of music or the config used... you need a crosshair.
Hitsounds could have been really nice in some parts - just to make it that little bit better...
...I also felt the slowmotion was way overused, kinda got boring.

Decent frags though, I guess it would make a lot of fanboys happy. Very nice outro too, 7/10.
I'm guessing those 10/10 frags will be in the 141 movie? :P
You bet your last bottom dollar they will be! >:D
best scenes:

8:30 (lol?)
@ 13.30 I got pwned :<
hey great, u r a star from now on xD

8:30 = really lol'd
having to watch who was killed in the top left corner and also focussing on how they were fragged did not really combine. Apart from that, n141 movie
Excellent movie =)
loved it <3
jafo > * (what is he doing now btw?)
rofl@saint/tekoa frag xD
n1@raveneye battery frag
unexpected to see myself as opening frag :p

colors are kinda "cold"
no crosshair and no You killed text suck :p
I also liked the winghaven frag on supply, I was thinking: "Yup, you sure know what he was about to do...nice frag :)"
wow, haven't seen him around irc much :P
great movie
Would have liked it with more frags, and faster switches between.
(I'm sure there was more material !)
Quite boring, missed ingame sounds imo :)

8/10 overall
omg omg

EDIT: watched it and enjoyed it. however, like many others I would've liked to hear hitsounds, afterall these guys give more headshots than the whole scene combined (:D)
XPAZ tell us a bit what rest of your team thinks about movie ? :)
I think they generally share my thoughts, some things that could've been better but still happy how it turned out.
I personally think, that Santabot & the crew did a great job with the movie. It was under production for so long, that -- at some point -- we almost lost hope of it ever being finished. Watching the final movie now gave me a nostalgic feeling: Parodia truly had it's moments back in the day.

I liked the overall feeling of the movie: long continuous runs from a single perspective, synched with audio here and there reminded me of the old RtCW-fragmovies. This fits well into the overall theme of the movie. Freecam-rides were really well thought out and didn't seem like useless gimmicks. Also, transitions between different scenes were smooth, not once did they feel jerky.

Technically I noticed a lot of things here and there, but fragmovies, that are under development for a long time, tend to suffer slightly in this perspective. Technology goes forward.

Stylistically I liked the bleak outlook of the clip. Slow motion was over-utilized at times, but it didn't bother me at all: this was one of the few fragmovies that felt shorter than it actually is.

Frags were great, as expected. Couple important scenes didn't make it into the movie, but you can't have it all. Santabot's understanding of the game could be seen through editing: jafo's needle frenzy -scene in Braundorf was quite refreshing, for example. And I'm still smiling about the TeKoa getting nailed by Saintt's MG42. :)

My favourite part of the clip was around 11:10, where Jauhis is drilling his way through IDKFA in the stairs of Goldrush, while Corazon of Mine reaches the chorus: "When I say / it's forever / don't remind me"... Made me realize, that these times are gone and not coming back. All that remains are the memories and the friends made along the way.

And this movie.
Those times were best,it was more interesting than footbal match,i couldn't miss single parodia/UQ match .... i haven't watch ettv since they gone,they bring and took spirit out of the game,now its just a game : / Damn fins are great in creating music and in all games :) Maybe thats cause of nature and landscapes that surronds you ...

anyway im downloading movie since 2 hours and still 2 hours left :)
30 kb/s :o/
i dont like the colors + quality :<

but the rest is just simply amazing!
no crosshair + bobbing is annoying.
this movie is great, but i think the fragscenes should be more "explosive"

plz continue to do movies santabot !
ownage frags! Nice movie.
The frags were awesome.
"you killed " text and crosshair is missing there.
one big plus for making an xvid version.
no hitsounds/shoutcast parts? :\
total: 8/10
i wanna see dignitas doing stuff like this ..

oh wait, it's dignitas being so aggressiv and parodia was so defensive ... yeah, parodia took apart every aggressiv team as it seems .. but then again, where there more defense scenes in this movie than offense scenes ?

parodia will stay the best et team ever, for me ..

jauhis, as usual @ glance !! ..
xpaz bringing in the rtcw rampage

and the rest of the gang also darn kick ass !! ..

also saintt :>

oh yeah

the movie


somehow the colors seemed abit flat .. or is it just me?

but the rest, awesome job for an ET movie! ..
They weren't that defensive imo. A normal 3/3 split with Raveneye sainntt and xpaz going for the aggressive spam and the others stay at important positions.
yes i know.

i just commented alot of others from the scene, they thought parodia were very defensive, which they actually werent.
That why ET suck.
jafo's frags <3
Movie was too slow in some parts, but I really liked it. Great job Santabot.
jij heb ook strond in je ogen
Best ET fragmovie yet.

For those of you who doesnt seem to rate it very highly, plz name a better fragmovie for ET

Edit: There is actually one movie I would say is better but thats just cause the frag content is overwhealming
Rifle the Dare Way
Well I did actually prefer the Tsu movie, found in more enjoyable to watch.
you make me laugh to much sozz.
i lold irl
My list of better fragmovies:
Winghaven out of the way 2 expect the unexpected
And I can go on.
please, the frags in those movies arent even good
frags dont make a movie.
raveneyes and drc's also jafos frags were!
In terms of spectacular action: m.ka's Born To Be Lame
@ 8.43 xpaz killed some1 with mp40 while he was shotting with a luger?

nice movie btw :)
there are a few mistakes in the texts yes, when saintt mid-air kills deadmeat the pistols name is .45 acp 19111 when it's supposed to be 1911, also mystic vs. german gods senji gets killed twice altho he's gibbed the 1st time and he couldn've have made it back there so fast :).
Quotegods senji gets killed twice altho he's gibbed the 1st time and he couldn've have made it back there so fast :).

senji busted in a fragmovie. gg
xpaz@ cp vs wA! killed 2 with mp last one with luger .. but on the text were 3x mp frags :-p
well unfortunetely for me it was just another average movie, not worth the wait

just seemed like intro+frags+outro. Nothing else. Dissappointed to say the least, but frags were awesome though and saintt's scenes were funny :)
Most ppl are prolly saying its awesome simply because its parodia, although i have to agree with gaso here, it does leave a nostalgic feeling :)

soz xpaz and co but 7/10 maximum for me :(
It was a nice fmovie, but the crosshair is needed!
It looks like im watching black/white television.
First song im in a arabic country and then the second song im in a techno club where from the song has allready been used 3x.
ben het helemaal met je eens schat!
5/10. Music wasn't spectacular ( first it seemt as if i was in mekka and afterwards i landed in ganon's movie), color (was i watching black-white tv?) suckt, no crosshair makes watching unpleasant, the fact that all frags were in one row (of each player) made it not variated --> not nice either, way to many slowmotions and only + i can see is editing + frags (which should have been with hs sound every now and then) only the outro was really nice ... pls stop giving this movie 8/10 n stuff because it aint worth it... there were a lot of other movies who are better compared to this. In the end fragmovies should be nice and enjoyable to watch... something i didnt feel in this movie (not talking about frags).
so out of the way 2 was nice and enjoyable :D?
frags were awesome . the movie itselve a little less =)
I only watch ET movies on swertcw. Is it so hard to understand.
Nice movie with the best atmosphere I've ever experienced in any fragmovie from any game (except qwtf WERTY_AKA_AXEKILL;p).
Music was well selected and synched.
Lack of 'you killed ..'-text and crosshair actually made it more enjoyable to watch, I tend to find text and objects in the middle of my screen while watching men die rather annoying.
Slowmotion worked for me, movie didn't bore me at all even with it (and the fact that this is remarkably long for fragmovie was uncanny since it felt kind of short).
Frags & scenes were ofc parodiaquality and I agree with Gaso that it was very smart to bring in some alternative scenes (medicing, hipmg) amongst massacre.
I also give props for NOT using hitsounds as they usually sound absurd (imo those sounds sound like gunshots to armor from 70's scifi anyways) with music and spoil the atmosphere quite effectively.
Bleak colors were effective as well.

There were some minor glitches but hey, I'm not the one complaining since I enjoyed watching this nostalgic and very credible movie.
very nice movie, just got owned too many times :(:(
join us back, and we can work on that "getting owned" part!
I also got owned in this movie :(
Great frags, really bad config.
nice frags and music was good too, wp :)
Great movie, though a crosshair would have made it better. :) Great frags, great config, and well put together overall.
Awesome movie, one of the best if not the best :)

imo parodia best et team ever.
Well I find it a bit disappointing. Although there were some very nice frags that made me go "holy shit how did he do that?", most of the frags appeared to come from prac matches.

Guess I expected more frags from matches against big names ;).
Check out the allied guy in the intro at 0:45 :l

Must have been the fourth fragmovie I've ever watched. As a whole, the material depicted seemed slightly "standard" highskilled action (undeniably enjoyable, certainly) overall, but there were a few nifty runs thrown in there, albeit mostly against healing opponents, but then again that's how lengthy fraggingsprees are usually made in 6on6 matches. Good stuff.
no ingame sounds or shoutcast coverages :(
frags awesome
editing very average
after watching it five times, best movie I've ever seen (including irl movies!)

fracs were great, music was awesome. especially I loved the part where Disco Ensemble's - We Might Fall Apart was playing. the scene where mystic was pwning u96d in supply, grass turns brown and there is this very cool part of this song, slowmotion = perfect!

like Xpaz and Gaso said, beside the fact that there were minor mistakes, you cant deny that there wasn't great emotional atmosphere in this movie. I still remeber the old good times when ettv matches were exciting and parodia (FINLAND!) was playing against rest of the world, mostly against idle/u96d

I hope we could turn back time and still see those guys playing together and enjoying it :) <3
+ saintt

- xpaz

lol why - xpaz? he have really nice frags with arti/sup...
idd but they take too much time, which could be used to present more saintt's frags :P
You almost got me go into tears :')
very nice.
Crosshair was really missing with those fenomenal frags. Imo a crosshair is unmissable for fragmovies. It also would've been nice to have some parts with hitsounds and shoutcast.
Otherwise it was very enjoyable, music was great, especially the prodigy song. Nice atmosphere too and yes, nostalgic feeling to want Parodia back in action. Miss Saintt alot.
i'd rather dl "the note book" and weep myself to sleep :(
Great frags! but expected more mystic... :>

Music was a little crappy.

Would have been greater with hit sounds and cross hair.

Overall an enjoyable watch!
hit_sounds and cross_hair
IMO this movie is too slow to music like (dnb) prodigy - voodoo ppl (pendulum remix)

-viruS and jauhis gay's.
hm .. nicee...

damn ,because of this i want to play again , much :D
btw nice config, i just took ur r_ settings!
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