CB kicks out new config

image: clanbase_white ClanBase is proud to announce the release of a new set of configs today.

Due to the recent discovery of several significant exploits against Enemy Territory servers, ClanBase has released a new config pack. It includes a LUA module provided by the ETPro team which will fix and secure your game server.

This new config also contains the map script hashes and some minor cvar tweaks and fixes.
We also want to add we are open to any suggestions you could do to improve it.

Important Note

This set of config are the official release from ClanBase Enemy Territory and must be used in all matches.
All servers to be used for any match at ClanBase must be updated with this configs.
All old configs are deprecated and must not be used anymore.

Any match not using this config after May 14th, 2007 will be cancelled.

How to install

Just copy the combinedfixes.lua to your server etpro folder and the config files to the etpro/configs.

Detailed list of changes

* fix several game server exploits by the ETPro lua module
* com_maxfps IN 40 125 (fix the spread bug exploit)
* r_depthbits IN 24 32 (fix some texture exploits)
* match_mutespecs removed (spectators can now be muted)
* g_noTeamSwitching 1 (players will not be allowed to switch teams accidentally during game)
* mines in battery removed
* added new maps and their timelimits
* map script hashes added for all maps

You can download the configs here: ClanBase Enemy Territory official config pack
Quote- g_noTeamSwitching 1
(players will not be allowed to switch teams accidentally during game)

agree :DDDD

i wont get ownd by mztik´s spawnscript anymore :D
Quotecom_maxfps IN 40 125
default to kick with no temp ban for now

No more spreadlaming!!! Reya1p said he might be fixing the bugged spread so it still feels the same as the old spread, but makes it fps undependend. Once the spread is fixed the fps cvar could be unrestricted again.
hmm nice
cl_maxpackets "100" =( I'm still waiting on that one
you'll be waiting a long time meight, SO STFU
stfu :o
bah naab
i was only joking :(
<3 #second for more friendship
ppl with no ADSL connection would be fucked up then
And people with com_maxfps 40 will only send 40 packets/s anyway.
I dont think their are rly many people who play with 40fps :s that is just shit..
There are people who play with 76 FPS though, but my point is that if cl_maxpackets really did screw up hit detection then people would be able to exploit that even if cl_maxpackets was forced to 100 (by fooling around with com_maxfps).
Again new cfgs. But some changes seems pretty good.
Add cl_maxpackets 100
idd why???
For some1 who has a bad connection anyway maxpackets 60 are very usefull.
some1 that has a bad conn. should quit!
back in september when i move nP
ppl with no ADSL connection would be fucked up then
like it matters, you are getting owned and find a reason i packets..
Any match not using this config after May 7th, 2007 will be cancelled.
Posted by Angrykid on Thursday 10th May 2007, 17:11

and nice changes
In true ClanBase style tbh :p

"Any person not already following this new law is stupid."
rofl i was about to write the same!
lol thought the same :)

com_maxfps IN 40 125 (fix the spread bug exploit)
* com_maxfps IN 40 125 (fix the spread bug exploit)
* mines in battery removed

fix several game server exploits by the ETPro lua module what they fix?_?
No hoax for you anymore
* r_depthbits IN 24 32 (fix some texture exploits)

yeah indeed, but ur comment will be deleted soon :<.
Quote* g_noTeamSwitching 1 (players will not be allowed to switch teams accidentally during game)

well done. cheers
Can somebody give me a short description what a lua-mod is?
Changed the date to the 14th. Spoilsports!!
* r_depthbits IN 24 32 (fix some texture exploits)

Bye bye maxfps 166. :<<<<
ekhem forcing someone to have lower fps? excuse me...
In quake 4 its limited to 60 by the engine i believe
iD raised the limit. ;x
add cl_maxpackets 100 ...
add cl_maxpackets 76-100 and rate 25000
fuck off of maxpackets pls :x

i cant rly see any difference shooting to 100 or 40 maxpackets guys...

its just the easiest thing you all guys whine about when you cant hit a shit
@ 125 fps you have to put maxpacket 76, more will be useless.
@125 you'll have 63 maxpackets
so why would you use 76 @ 125?
I just say a bullshit, I already have maxpacket 63 in my cfg.
Do my eyes deceive me, or is AK BACK!
semi back:D
spread bug exploit = ?
texture exploits = ?
with depthbits 16 you can soemtimes see things which you cant using 24 or 32. (wallhack-like)
with some values of com_maxfps your spread is being reduced (q3 engine :P)
So no icejump-haxing anymore with maxfps 1? :<
lol :D:D

btw you could never have maxfps 1 on cb config :) it was > 41 if im correct
1) Meaning if you had maxfps 250 and usbrate set to 125hz you had pretty much zero spread while turning around, required actual 250 fps as well. Or something like that, someone correct me if it's not totally right.

2) With depthbits 16 you could see through the walls at some points, if the opponent behind the wall was close enough to it, e.g near the upstairs window above the main entrance at supply crane. Didn't apply for older graphic cards tho, never had that problem with my old Gf3.
Yeah, from far distances I can see trough walls sometimes, it's not hax, just something my grafixcard does...
CB promised to ban for using that exploit so yeah, it was a one sort of problem for those encountering it. :p
Shadows and guns stick through walls too even when I'm closeby. Always fun to see someone's shadow behind a door :DD
Texture bugs

Yes there are no additional programs used, only abusing cfg.
I'm waiting for a new ESL-Configpack, then every major league and every big cup has its own config again. -.-
i think esl, crossfire and WL will stay with their arrangement, beseides CB allways took its "own" way
Well Warleagues lately presented its own new 6on6-config
Angrykid back and bringing some hot stuff for us w00t
basically com_maxfps 125 is maximum now? so it cuts out good old maxfps 200/maxpackets 100 setting, which is actually only combination that 100 packets per second is sent.
why do you like so much not to lag at all?:D

this is ridiculous..

i also use 76 or 152fps .. to sync to my monitor / mpackets..

i think they don't know shit at all about this.

spreadbug .. wtf? .. WHAT SPREADBUG ??

i have the same fuck spread with 76fps AND 166fps ..

ridiculous cuntz not knowing shit about the engine
or u not knowing anything about the bug like u admitted
but yes limiting fps to under 200 would have been enough to get rid of the abuse
i never heard of such a bug and nobody is able to explain it.. GREAT ..

people use 152(166) fps because of syncronisations not because of some spreadbug..

atleast not me!
Let's say you use 250 fps and a polling rate of 125Hz. Then there are two times more frames rendered than mouse inputs received. So, even though you move your mouse, which increases spread, every second frame the game thinks you didn't and thus reduces the spread. This results, at least in this example, in zero spread.
ye, who cares about that?

i double my sync and never thought about some stupid spreadbug.

i even played with 3 or 4 times more than my vsync fps.

but i got told the ETPRO team is workin on this "BUG" ..

weird just that you actually don't hit more or better or have a higher acrcy with a higher fps rate.. just ridiculous crap if you ask me ..
So you wouldn't mind if some players gained an (unfair) advantage towards you and other players by exploiting a bug?
i never saw any spreadbug, mate.

if it is so, then also with 125fps, or not?

125-175 should NOT be any difference, everything above migth lead to some faggot bugs, yeah.

with 300fps you here your footsteps like 1 every 3-5 steps :)

but saying that syncing is an advantage .. pls ;) ..
I didn't say syncing is an advantage, I said using more fps than mouse inputs is an advantage.

And just because you never noticed it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The bug can be easily verified.
If you use a polling rate of 125Hz any higher frame rates than 125fps will lead to a more or less significant spread reduction. Another example: 166fps should result in 1/2 of the normal spread.
I'm pretty sure PS/2 polling rate is 100Hz by deafult, so yeah it would have to be <200fps, not <=.
I'm pretty sure USB is 125hz and PS/2 is 200hz tbh
It can be overclocked to a maximum of 200Hz (just like USB polling rate can be overclocked to 250/500/1000), but by default it's at 100Hz.
I'm thinking its 200 by default.. I dunno why, I guess I heard it somewhere. Do you have any link or something to confirm that it's 100 by default?
100Hz is default.
Actually PS/2 polling rate can be 20/40/60/80/100/200, so for people who want to exploit the spreadbug, its still easily done with PS/2 ;)
Yea, one could. But how good can one aim with 60Hz polling rate? Not everyone's a Zero4 :P

I guess, there might even be a way around the 125fps limit.
My previous mouse actually was a cheapass wireless 40Hz max mouse np4me :D
nice :))) thx
I find it pretty amusing that you still keep in the MG42, while ALL other competitions (ESL, CPC etc) removed it already almost a year ago.
Why should we remove MG? Atleast, I think it ain't annoying at all, neither do the other CB admins.
It is an overpowered weapon if it's used wisely. And if you don't think so, you have obviously never played against some decent placed MG.

EDIT: nice removing your comment :-)
I agree with urtier
why don't you use it wisely?
I guess being unbeaten for 14 months wasnt wise enough? :P
and why are most teams not using it then? if it's overpowerd you should use it imo.
"It is an overpowered weapon if it's used wisely."

not everybody got skilled MG-42 operators
overpowered ?!
mg42 is only good for a few stages on a few maps
same for airstrikes, you can use them on a few stages and then its possible to kill the whole team with only 1 spawnkill (goldrush)
so isnt it overpowered too?

rifle overpowered ?? medics overpowered when they heal themself?
yes and mortar should stay in config as well, huh?
not really
but you can always see the mg42-soldier and kill him
MG is NOT overpowerd. Much like the panzer it is only 'overpowered' in a limited amount of situations. In 90% of the situations it sucks. Just like any other weapon in ET it is designed to be able to deal the same amount of damage in the same amount of time.

Thats why sten overheats, assault rifle has insane spread, rifle has a constant spread etc.
there wasnt any Assault Rifle during ww2 :)
you mean submachinegun? :P
the bloody covy gun that pwns at 2 meters or less
Yes there was:

Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 (aka. FG42)
Sturmgewehr 44 (aka. StG44)
No sense to discuss this. We've got 2 players in our crew that play on the level that you play aswell, and they had no comments on it.
hahaha...and who should that be?!
adacore and i think toxic
i dont think toxic is involved in cb that much and we all know that Adacore loves to play soldier
Toxic was involved and he agreed.
I find it pretty amusing CB isnt using the global config for EC. I've said it before and I will keep on repeating it:

There is no reason to force the average player to use a config aimed at the best of ET. Forcing israelis to play 60 maxpackets is bullshit, same as needing at least 60 fps when playing ESL config.

Besides, I'm sure that with a little experience any good team can take out the mg, just like it you rape mg's on grush or supply. Maybe the mg could be removed on bremen like it was on battery. I say we wait some more and give teams a chance to adapt to the mg, prolly counter it in the future.
open file in notepad and read
gj guys =)
Seems like I still need to learn a lot in that game, sorry!
mortar "1" plz

ignorant spaintard
I thought depthbits 24 was the same as 32, and that it was either 16 or 24. explain, pls.
i wanna help, but im not sure if i understand you correctly...
What I mean is that 24 bits is actually the same as 32 bits (the remaining 8 bits are alpha channels).

in most settings in ET, it's either 16 or 32 bits, but what *I* always thought, was that r_depthbits used 24 instead of 32; (16 lowest, 24 highest)

so what confuses me is that the new CB CVAR gives you the choice between 24 and 32 -- which I believe is the same.

please correct me if I'm wrong, but explain how as well. thx.
so ppl can have 24 OR 32 in their config, as it doesn't matter, as long as it's not 16... if it was EQ 24 OR 32 only one of the numbers would be excepted...
Yes you know the basics of RGB(A) :)
To this time you could use 16 OR 24 OR 32.
Now cfg limits this by allowing you to have either 24 OR 32 as long as it's not 16 (cause then we have less than 8 bits per color) and in some moment in the game something might not de displayed resulting in wallhack-like feature.
And yes, there's practically no difference between 24 and 32. You can see the difference at some point of projecting graphics. then alpha channels are used as transparency.

so the new CB config doesn't only give you the choice between 24 and 32 but mainly it permits you using 16.
What I thought was strange was that there actually was a choice between 24 and 32 when it's the same -- that it even worked. Does it work with r_colorbits as well?
didnt find any restriction about r_colorbits in this new cb config so you can use 16 or 32.
not exactly what I meant. I was thinking if the q3 engine is made so that it understands both 24 and 32 bits as the same value, since they are in theory the same.

never mind
twice less fps ... nice job , lets play 30fps like 2 years ago ;/
hahaha of course you played that game 2 years ago...suuuuure
3,5 years . i got guids till yawn exist . yawn
still you suck without your hacks
my old computer is a gd 5 years old and i can get 125 fps, so what the hell r people playing on :P
Uhh... What are you playing on?
intel 2.66 or something, and mx440
Not everyone buys the very latest computers. Also, when I bought a computer around that time I had other things in mind than CPU speed (which, seemingly is about all that matters for ET).

should have been released before this season tho
Good things by ClanBase always come from Angrykid! Nice, but MG should be removed.
no! the world needs mulsu's mg tax
np: Skoda - Redsquad theme

config is fixing a lot of bugs, nothing you can complain about. I guess CB should have an open discussion with the scene after this season to see if mg or other stuff should be changed.
Don't yell. Btw, I just said that it should be removed, I didn't say when.
Im just defending the spantard11111
* com_maxfps IN 40 125 (fix the spread bug exploit)

The only thing that I was really looking forward too.
remove mg @ karsiah
lol, das bleibt, das is porno! ;D
r_depthbits IN 24 32 (fix some texture exploits)

so useless imo ;<
i bet you have depthbits 16 in your cfg
i do. what's wrong with it? we had it all the time and nobody complained about it.. so why would we wanna change it?
i know, anyway it rox and also nothing bad about since it only works on some places
we had spread bug all the time and nobody complained about it.. so why would we wanna change it?
that question, sir, you can answer me!
funny thing is, it doesn't even fix the alleged exploit on many card/driver combos. But hey what do I know :?
why dont change the yawspeed back again so people who turn with arrows can also play?
coz some aimbot use yawspeed
oh i didnt know that, i thought it was only to prevent 180 turn scripts (lowskill only) and mortar scripts (mortar disabled now)
com_maxfps 125 <3

now u can't abuse fps s1l anymore :<
* r_depthbits IN 24 32 (fix some texture exploits)

There goes 50 fps :(
how will my friend be able to boast about the amount of fps he can make with his pc, now?
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