junk52 on the rocks

The final three teams in the Clanbase Eurocup will lineup with 18 players, Of those 18 players on Tuesday, 3 now look destined for the cheating blacklist...all lan proven.

This thread which has drawn more than four hundred comments already has IP based evidence that long suspected but now lan proven Netherlands perfo is headed for the ET slammer for 6 months. Resident cheat expert United Kingdom Bulld0g and the player himself have both made statements:

PBusted in 2006: Link
PBusted in 2005: Link
Yawn: Profile
Crossfire: IP Crossreferenced

"sad but true his IP matched on CB fro july/august 2006. 6 months ban coming and for once i feel sorry for having to do it"

Okay case is I've got a big family 2 brothers and 2 lil' brothers. One of my bigger brothers used to play ET with me in a clan (fckd.ThaBomB) the other two are just random public players. As you can see from the icehook.dll bust the IP clearly is mine, but as we all live together in the same house the IP is the same for every computer here.

Look at the offence, my IP that's true, but the guid connects to the public family PC here at home where my older brother and my younger brother used to both play ET on (I have had my own pc since end 2004/early 2005, when I started playing ET on a competitive level)

So the pb guid is from the other PC my brothers used to use. Note the punksbusted webpage tells us that the hack has been used on BiO server when he got kicked from the server. The pb guid links to the public PC here at home, and so does the etpro guid and the IP (but the IP links to my PC as well)

this is the etpro guid of the public family pc

and this is the laptop they're currently playing from. thabomb = my older brother, omega and nyr are younger brothers

to conclude, IP is the same but the PB guid and the ETPRO guid aren't the same meaning that the hack hasn't been used from my pc but from the other (public family) pc

OF course this doesn't 100% prove my story right but I mean the kick was executed somewhere in august iirc and under my brothers name under his guid and NOT under my guid.

my guid at the time of the icehook.dll kick


it's not like i am ferociously trying to insult everyone thinking it was me (well i know better) but please don't act like i've always used hax in online competitive play. for those who think that i recommend you watch the sHgopen lan demos and have fun with watching me suck on lan :/ and to those who still don't believe me, i dunno what's weird about me seeing as whenever i'm playing a game different of ET i'm still fairly skilled

a ban would indeed be justified even though it isn't fully my fault. ( iwas gonna quit ET after EC anyway) but if CB is gonna take action then please make sure to be righteous :P

:: First of all I believe perfo when he says it was his younger brother, after all the pbguid and etproguid are different from that of perfo. What happened to innocent till proven guilty.. If he were to get banned, as he already has been on et-cup, his replacement is Azatej, who we recruited specifically to replace perfo after EC as he was going to stop competive ET. We've known this for a month [him quitting]. I've heard since his brother doesnt have a CB account, he will get banned.. but we don't know yet, and hopefully we can play with perfo in the EC final.

Clanbase took some two to three weeks to process Keran and shy's recent bans, those weeks saw them combine to knock out 3 clans from Eurocup. Will they wait to let perfo lift the most exciting Eurocup in ET history?
Ban coming up I think as far as I've seen in past experience.
He was gonna quit anyway afaik..

Still sad..
Booo =((
Go clanbase its your birthday.
banning perfo would be ridiculous :(
no difference to keran
banning perfo would be right, you should never pick up a bot public, once, whatever ive been playing rtcw and et for 6 years with breaks and never once downloaded or even attempted to download any hax in my career.
there is no evidence that perfo did this, there is evidence that it was on his ip so in his house tho.
Thats a joke... Should be difference between one time cheat on public and official wars...

Your "cheat busts" just killing et...

if someone is cheating in officials ban him, but if someone once cheated on pub should not be banned because half of et community did it even if they don't admit...
yep i agree et community is mostly a cheat community so why not let cheaters play in ec no prob for me anymore:)))
As i said players that cheated ONE time in some random pubs aren't "cheaters"

cheaters = players that cheat regularly in pubs or pracs/officials...
biiiiip wrong thats only the et players point of view on cheaters...
and if I only kill one guy im not a murderer.
`not if you are in the Hungary US 4rmy!
Thats the most stupid compression ever.
ye but he did it only once so its ok :DDDDDDDDDDD
Great reply, lets all behave like 4 year olds!

Care to say whyyyyyy its stupid instead? Or atleast admit that you're wrong.
You compare killing someone to a cheat in game?
gg for ya
Eh, how serious the different acts are compared to each other doesnt matter when you make a comparison. Its about putting something in another situation in a hope that someone less intelligent will understand now when hes able to view the problem from a different perspective. Apperantly you failed to understand and once again you've also avoided commenting your first comment about half the community beeing cheaters.
I can understand but it's stupid since there is big difference between pub and competition...

like between just a fight (irl) and actually killing someone...

And if you want to pull it out of me so yes i tried hack in a pub just to see how it works and yes i quite enjoyed from the features that it has like cams and other shit...

but i also understand that when ppl cheat on pub they ruin it for other newbies and make them leave the game so i didn't do it anymore and also i don't like to get owned by some random cheater on a pub...
but try it? ofc why not, it's like trying out weed while it's illegal in most of the countries... would you like to go to jail for 3 years just for smoking 1 time weed with your friends? i think not.
No your correct in many ways but im just of the belief that even destroying for a small bunch of people is wrong. Think of the message that CB/esl etc would give out in the long run if they didnt act towards cheating even on pub servers... it would get even worse than it is now. Public servers which I still enjoy a lot would be even more filled with cheaters.
They allready filled with cheaters...
cheaters usualy fake guids so it doesn't matter...
you my sir are a typical et player hence you are a idiot.
you my sir are a typical croatian hence you are a little different from them.

rrrr sad gladan sam pazi sta pises jer ces najebat:PPP
They're cheaters according to ClanBase. If you object to ClanBase policy, feel free to take it up with them before you decide to cheat - as opposed to being caught cheating on a public server then claiming it shouldn't be a punishable offence. I'm pretty sure that most cheaters are aware of ClanBase's policy forbidding cheating on a public - don't play at ClanBase if you don't like that rule, you have a choice.
Because et is small game, and clanbase is the only big tournament site for et they have alot of power and if they ban someone he will probably will not be able to play competition in et anymore and get banned on all the other smaller tournaments like etcup (yes i know perfo allready banned in etcup) but still...

but when real cheaters (ppl that buy h4x) geting cought they just change their guids and play again and don't care about clanbase while players like perfo geting banned...

so yes i think it's stupid when 100% cheaters can play and lan proven players can't.
I've come to the conclusion that you're an idiot.

I could waste my time trying to explain why cheating on a public is equally bad, but I doubt I'd have much luck getting through your thick skull. Good luck in life.
If you cheat regularly on pubs (and it's even worse than officials because there is alot of noobs that just want to have some fun) so yes you deserve a ban but when you try it for 1 time? thats stupid
but you still deserve a ban

it doesnt matter how often you haxxed
so it's like:
hey, i only robbed a very small bank, so i shouldn't be punished. ?

i only once was selling weed and they got me, i think i shouldn't get punished.

this is your way of thinking
100% cheaters can play and lan proven players can't

name few 100% cheaters that can play plz.

every time a cheater gets busted using hax on war he gets ban (in CB's case with a large delay)
when killer92_PL gets busted from cheating on pub everyone is like "ok, another noname" and he gets banned with years' delay but when famous ppl like perfo get busted they're banned asap to show ppl that ppl playing competitive are not allowed to cheat
Evar heard about guid spoofing?
just answer my question
You don't understand that they just coming back with different nick, pbguid and etproguid?

who the fuck takes a guy with 2 weeks old guid and no clanhis to a skilled clan?
I dont think many cheaters play in lower level since they can do better with hax

still waiting for ze answer
omg stfu your just encouraging more people saying its ok to use hax plzz go flush your head down your toilet you fucking hax loving gay prick
i have to agree with you...but it's just he have to flush his head down a toilette full of shit.*
No its just retards like yourself that justifies your own cheating with shit like that.
You busted me :<
too bad i play et only once a week
Vertigo is right imo
you pretty much respect the guys who are on public server while some "perfo" is trying hax...

those guys got no right to justice? they want to play fair game as well, even if it is ffa and not clanwar :/
Let's hope for once that Cb bans highskillers as fast as low/med skillers.
Comments suggesting he should be given an exception are crazy from the same community that didnt want the two germans to have an exception because there is no difference between perfo and keran/shy, all 3 are lan proven, so why any exceptions this time?

I base that on This column vs this forum thread both of about 450 comments
Yes true... i think shy and keran should be unbanned too...
and all other that got banned because of one stupid mistake on some random public... if he/they done it mroe than one on pub so it's ok
but if it's only 1 time it's really stupid to ban...
I am really interested in your suggestion for an anti cheat policy. Where to draw the line?
Well from what I can tell, his idea of an anti-cheat system would be that you have to catch the same person multible times and give them the chance to get away with it. How else can you tell that they aren't just trying out the hax for the first time?

ROFL! The guy is clearly retarded, and me as well for thinking like him for that brief 10 seconds it took too type the above.
you hax loving gay prick? stfu you havnt got a clue
the decision is made, it is the right one. no further whine needed from the community side
difference was that it was keran and shy's guids, it wasn't perfos, therefore there is no reason to doubt whether shy and keran have cheated or not. as it's not perfos guids there is considerable doubt. but perfo is no different from any other player and will be banned, in 3 weeks like shy and keran.
throu but perfo's guids don't even match, so pls come with evidence pefo cheated.
You seemed to think that keran/shy should get an exception, what do you think in this case?

"all 3 are lan proven"
That has nothing to do with anything in these cases, the rules apply to everyone regardless of actual skill.

What makes this decision difficult is that Perfo actually could be telling the truth, but the problem is that more people could start using the same excuse if he is found not guilty. Then of course there's the people with dynamic IPs, that could get banned for simply having the same ISP as a cheater and some bad luck in the address assignment...

"The final three teams in the Clanbase Eurocup will lineup with 18 players, Of those 18 players Tuesday, 3 now look destined for the cheating blacklist"
Are you saying the already banned players are still in the lineups, or am I reading this [somewhat confusing sentence] wrong?
keran/shy admitted they used cheats (as far as I understood) and perfo didn't, that's the difference

By the way there are many situations where more people have the same ip; for example the italian provider fastweb gives the same ip to lots of people (which is stupid and causes many problems but it's not the customers' fault). This is a situation with 2 peole having the same ip, and one of them is a cheater, and both get banned. It's entirely different from letting someone install cheats on your pc (in this case there are 2 different pcs involved), so he shouldn't be banned
well, they're germans, nuff said.
How can he get banned if his bro cheated. there must be a difference in guids etc, and even the IP should differ by 1 or something?

Keran got banned but hatred did not, isnt this the same principle?

Maybe im wrong, just dont see how it proves that it was perfo

EDIT: oh wait, i see now that there is no proof that it was his bro, so I guess that proof is enough for a ban :<
Because theres no proof it was his brother, in Keran and Hatred there was proof it was only one of them.
yeh just noticed :P
edited same time as you replied
I dont like the fact that my comments are completely anti perfo because hes a nice chap, but my point is that there must be the same rule for all.
Yes, I agree exceptions cant be made, rules are made to be followed.
you are correct
Like WHAT proof?
in Keran and Hatred there was proof it was only one of them.
Kerans guid has a red triangle, Hatred doesn't. Figure out :P
hatred could have spoofed Kerans guid.

Thats exactly what "they" say in this case: Perfo could have spoofed his brothers guid.
this ban would be a joke!
Well why wouldn't Keran say that to his defence? :p

And if Hatred hacked, and Keran gets blamed for it, that's their problem.
"the IP should differ by 1 or something"

No, they're most likely behind a NAT/NAPT router that gives them the same public IP.
nice lies bulldog,

"i am sorry"

i'am although he didn't say much to me at cpc2 he seemed a nice chap!
I want to meet you once :D Can you come to basel? Then we could visit some Mcdonals and drink Tea or whatever xD
tea@mcd? OMG
unlucky its so far to you
who said I want YOU here?
i know you want me there.
yes you are right I want a big fat woman here like you are
im sure u would want me to come.
you cant sleep at my place, but sure why not :D
why, your mom wont let your friends sleep at your place ?
dont have an extra bed or anything you could sleep on :< well you could use the dogs bed, but maybe he doesnt agree with that.
its a dog. I dont think he would mind snuggling with me.
its a female :D DONT TOUCH HER!
Dont worry, ill use my fingers and btw, im not that hairy so she surely wont mind
Need good pbss settings!

atm 90% of the pbss goes transfer incomplete :-X
You didn't even properly say you were the one and only! :P
jammer dat je gebanned word kerel :( je broertje/broer krijgt zeker klappen :D
He's hard to miss tbh. ;D
no more exceptions!
This community needs a strict rule set, and if someone isn't able or too dumb to follow this rules he has to bear the consequences - easy as that.
NO, the rules should be changed...
Could you please explain the changes you have in mind?
Well firstly players that didn't got cought in pracs/officials should not be banned for 6 months...

If someone got cought in official so yes ban him for life altho he will probably return with new guide... but for fuck sakes
banning 3 lan proved players over some stupid little mistake they did years ago? and only 1 time? thats stupid -.-
are you psychic?

''Well firstly players that didn't got cought in pracs/officials should not be banned for 6 months...''
in my eyes (you hax loving gay prick) once a hax always a hax you should never touch them in the first place fuck off
These so called lan-prooved players compete in tournaments where they can win money . Thus, they should have at least a minimum of professionalism (although it sounds kinda wrong in the context of W:ET). Furthermore, by testing a hack -- even if it's only on a public -- they ruin the gaming experience for other players. In my opinion, this is worth a 6 month ban. And honestly, where do you draw the line if you don't punish some public cheater.
Due to the last incidents and the, in my opinion, right bans, players should finally realise that testing some hacks can have great consequences. Hopefully, this will stay in the mind of the players as long as ET is played in leagues because that's the only way to, at least, reduce the amount of cheaters.
same happened with a german or russian pro CS player a while ago at the ESL, lan proven byt still hacking online > banned
So you want to allow cheating on public? Think about the consequences...
I didn't wrote what i wanted... but the rule should be changed...
take perfo's example even if he cheated, it was 2 years ago and 1 time, and now he get banned right before the ec finals?
Yes and? You are playing down cheating like shit. And one bust is not even 1 year ago. Busts should never time out. And btw still waiting for policy suggestions :D
Are you so fucking stupid that you cannot carry your train of thought a step further and consider that you simply cannot know that he 'only' used it two years ago?
I can't... but you also can't know if he did use it afterwards...

anyway you miss the point where real cheaters that get cought just change guids and play again under different nick... while players like perfo, mize, shy etc. will probably wont play anymore...
busting cheaters would be absolutely pointless if you have to catch them mutiple times. besides, perfo is busted twice, and the last time isnt even a year ago.
right decision to ban him - if he used a hack, he broke the rules and thus a punishment is right. And your demanded rule changes are just ridiculous - just think of the consequences to "legalise" public cheating.
just that would be a perfect sentence (+ ban)..."what goes around comes around" ;)
He is LAN-Proven!
keran isn't :D ?
not quite I guess, if you and ur mate are 2 different people, and there is proof for it.

I thought the same thing as you tho at first :P
Nils, start the cheating!!!!
as a player who wants to participate in cups and on lans for prizemoney, he should atleast teach his familty. Also, every nerd is using this excuse, so it's off road.
The pro5 issue is already a big discussion, now it should just be the same and everything is fine.

Having 3 cheaters (atleast banned for chating, no mather where) in the EuroCup top3 is a big shame. Everyone is already laughing about the game since the fusengate thingy and those people, who are even near to hax, are just stupid.

btw check the nicks worm and ecklav, and find the hidden link
i guess u dont have brothers and sisters otherwise u wouldnt make that statement. he is 16 and is supposed to teach his family, be it younger or older brother what to do and not to do on their pc's?
top3 ec, guess you dont play there?

You want to win money but having people in your family who cheat... sure it's your brother cheating, not you - even after you played with two cheaters who got banned in a team - sure it's your brother.
Explain why this has anything to do with me not playing in top 3 ec?

Is a thieves brother a thief as well? If u start banning people who have played in a clan with a cheater there are a lot of people to be banned.

Edit: tbh what u are saying just sounds ridiculous keeping in mind those words are coming from a major admin in the et scene. u really shouldnt be biased.
Someone pull off an "apocalypse" pic please!
he has a stable ip and should be bannished as everyone - like irfan and adnan for example.
imo play ec:D ec is already fucked, it cant be fucked more so why not, pr05 did it (not saying it was wise decision) bot all 3 of them didnt cheat in those wars:D i expect whine now
I guess its all exactly like perfo says... but if we now also cant be sure if it was the person himself or his brother/sister/mom that cheated in the same house under the same ip... will we then ever get anyone else banned as long as et continues to be played? The awnser to that is no, from now on everone can say that it was someone else in the house that was playing when that aimbot-demo or PBss was made. Im afraid perfo will have to take this one if he wants to save et from total mayhem :OO
^^ im with lotix. You can be a tard at times (oh well so can I) but at least you see things the way they should be.
totally agree. Usually those "my bro haxed on my PC" stories are just white lies... But maybe we should just ban families :)
"Hey mom!"
"Guess what, you're now officially banned from cb!"
Ow, uuh oké, go do your homework now.
rofl @ ins...

"Admins please listen, don't ban me!!! it is my IP but
my seaturtles were playing from my laptop instead of me, they were walkin over they keyboard and they unbeliavable starting to modify .dll files from my ET folders and then one jumped on the ET icon on desktop and ET was launched... one is death now but you can ban the other one until 2017"
Spoofed GUIDs?
not banning will result other problems
If by "most exciting Eurocup in ET history" you mean 3 cheaters and Dignitas not winning for a change we're in dire straits... :(
didnt sol whine:D? and some ego's quits not sure tho?
Try and form a complete sentence with those random comments and I'll try my best to provide you with an answer.
your to intelligent for that soz for bothering your way of living
we're in a tunel of love.
we are sultans of swing
this is walk of life
Making fragmovies
I hope for him and his team that he'll be able to atleast play the final :p
I couldn't care less.
CB sucks!
perfo was shown to have used that computer too, he even admitted that he used it. It's not a matter of IP match = ban, in this case, the IP, ETPro GUID and PBGUID match.
but the etpro guid and pb guid didnt match, only ip
Not that I accuse him for that. But the most cheaters spoof the guids to get not caughtable.
They matched the other computer, which he was shown to have used, he even admitted that he used it. Consider this scenario: I buy a new computer, my old computer is found to have IP/ETPro GUID/PB GUID matches to a cheat - can I then claim that it was my brother, and not me? If I used that computer in the past, I can't prove that it wasn't me - so yes, we have a match of IP, ETPro GUID and PB GUID in this case.
I do understand why u see it that way. but it is common at least in german law system that someone accused of a crime doesnt have to prove he is not guilty but the prosecution has to proove that he is guilty.
That's common in any western country, and that is what has been done here. There is a match of IP, ETPro GUID and PB GUID, that is enough evidence.

Please note that I don't have anything personal against perfo, I'm just trying to clarify that this isn't 'just' an IP match.
lol, in the column mens0 made I wanted to ask if I had to punch my little brother in his face so he won't ever download hacks. Or that he can do it and I won't be banned.

Guess I have to punch that poor little guy in his face :[
Then he'll download hacks as a revange. I bet hes already thinking about what look you'll have on your face when you find out what hes done to you.
i like clowns comment where he suggest perfo should have made sure his brother wouldnt of used any hacks :DD

i guess he's right and perfo should have stood next to his brother's desk with a pole hitting his brother on his head everytime he'd even think of testing a hack :DDD
1. familly is a shit excuse
2. why are you so keen on defending him ? :O
the fact that perfo even needs an accuse in response to this absurd "bust" is an absolute disgrace..

and ye, im keen on defending perfo as i met him twice irl and i was in the same team in copenhagen and i can say with 100% certainty that perfo does not cheat or has not cheated during the period of time he played at a higher level of competition. he's a nice and cool person to meet irl, one of the the rare rather normal people u'll run into during an ET LAN :D

besides i think i've been clear enough in the last 2 or 3 months showing that this whole cheatbusting and anti-cheat attitude is going way too far in the ET scene. It's ridiculously exagerated and there's no reason at all for people to be acting this idiotic :P

to even call this thing a scandal or whatever is just absolutely ridiculous

asking me why i'd be so keen on defending perfo is kind of naive as well... why are u so keen on defending clown? ;)
and ye, im keen on defending perfo as i met him twice irl and i was in the same team in copenhagen and i can say with 100% certainty that perfo does not cheat or has not cheated during the period of time he played at a higher level of competition.

but your not sure if he cheated before he played the higher level of competition..busted! :]]]

besides they can be nice in real life but that doesnt mean they dont cheat. :]
keran is also a nice guy, alexl is a nice guy etc... u can't make anything of that

I think perfo didn't cheat in clanwars, but if he cheated on publics that's bad enough... The timing just sucks for him since he haxed long time ago :P
But why drag alexl into this, he is and always has been clean.
did I say he isn't?

I just said he is a nice guy (:
rite :) sry for the missunderstanding !
That EC season is already fucked up!
The most exciting ET Eurocup? Maybe, but not for the right reasons...by a long stretch.

And yes, it has to be a ban.
I guess you've not been watching the matches?
Only your sexy voice.
I like watching voices as well. !!!!!!!;p
lol this is just funny xDDD so if my brother downloads ET on the other comp and he's playing with cheaters I get banned thats just rofl xDDDDDDD

plz ban first mize and the real cheat0rz and stuff then the not 100% cheaters .... :<
And if he doesnt gett banned what will stop every single et-player from saying the same thing when they get busted? It has to be done.
but there were different guid and it was not on the same pc if it was on the same pc then I also say ban but this is different because now u can say that maby hatred cheated on kerans computer... same thing I think
sjap hij kan toch ook andere guids doen? en dit allemaal verzinnen?
dan moet hij wel dikke nerd zijn x<
heb je zijn hoofd wel eens gezien? dan snap je dit hele verhaal.
ofc heb ik die gezien heb er zelfs plaatjes van zitten maken =)

image: harryqo3.th
jij bent echt een real-lifer!

Zeker werkman. :D
haha ja nog wel miss volgend jaar mondriaan =) weet nog niet of ik blijf zitten of niet
maar kerel wie heeft die banner gemaakt van team grunn?
umm die itachie of die amee weet niet meer ;p
wajoo zij zijn lauw!
Kerel kom #Unlimited-Esports
kom ik morgen wel kga nu filmpje kijken =)
lol, look when he wroted: this is the laptop .........


different guids, same etkey, and that this year, that must be atleast guidspoof!!
could be or they have 3 computers +)
but then they have also 3 etkey exept they copied the same etkey on all 3 pcs :D
I copied by wolfet directory from my PC to my laptop, so different etpro guid but same pbkey o0
sure, but sense?
To bad that players like perfo are getting banned, but rules are rules !
"Everybody lies!"

This truly is an interesting era of W:ET.
Everytime you close your eyes, lies lies ... !!
Affirmative! :)
In dubio pro reo
ceterum censeo cheatbusters delendam esse
Ave Maria gratia plena dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui jesus. Sancta Maria mater dei ora pro nobis pectatoribus nunc et in hora mortis nostrae, Amen!
lol good one =D
alea jacta est?
asinus est?
this pic made me laugh for about 5mins, thx chuckie :p
nP, your profile pic made me drool for about 5 mins so we're even now :p
de teerling is geworpen!
aleae iactae sunt
You open up a lot of room for cheating (and excuses).
ok, who's next?
the only team that is still in ec and clean is tlr and we know who is next.... mAus:P
but seriously really hope no one else gets baned and the only clean team wins it...
exactly, there isnt hard evidence, just an ip match
"just an ip match"

Ip's are actually one of the best ways to identify cheaters as both PB Guids and ETPro guids are easily faked. Coulb be possible perfo faked them both, or was at his brother's pc, etc.
Ofcourse he's saying he didn't do it, he's playing EC final in a week (or something).
IP's can be spoofed also and if you share your internet you'll all have the same IP so no evidence here.
blablabla, nice excuses for perfo to not be banned.
well if twinz hacked @ the lan @ my place on his own PC (his PBguid + etpro guid) and with my IP address should I be banned then?
He did? :DDD
no he didn't, but if he did should I be banned instead of him? Because CB retard admin could have easily said I spoofed his guids because the busts would have been on my IP address then.
Too bad for you I would say.
Stop spreading such nonsense : if you send packets with a spoofed IP address you'll never get any answer from the server you're contacting (hint : it's your IP address). Which makes IP spoofing completely impossible for such activities as websurfing or online games.
See my post below, there's as much evidence as is needed.
fuk of cb ffs
yep this is cb fault....
why doesnt hatred get banned?
no matching ips on his cb account
lets flame here now :)
would be fucking retarded to ban perfo now but hey, cb gotta follow their shitty rules
:D misschien lees ik over andere replies heen maar dit is echt de eerste comment die ik lees met een beetje common sense :)
ET is the most fucked up game anyway.. just let him play, wont make any difference to the scene at all
Based on all my cheat cases that I have come across in my CB period, an IP match HAS to match the specific player's GUID. If that is not the case, then CB cannot say without a doubt that the player has hacked.

If what you are saying is true, then the evidence that bulld0g has would not incriminate you as the ip does not match your guid.
Does that mean cheater only have to spoof their guid in order to be "unbannable"?
well there are more ways for anit cheat to verify someone's real (CB) identity, but yes. Creating reasonable doubt is enough not to get banned....but that is basically with everything on the Internet.

No case is 100% solid, every bit of evidence can be falsly fabricated, so basically all bans on CB are based on likelihood.
So basically it's like a some sort of traffic violation: you can't prove he was driving (there's 5 guys in the car) but you'll slap the guilt on him anyway since it's his car that caused the violation?
sounds reasonable to me.
he admitted it was in his house at a computer he sometimes uses. besides he was +-14yo at the time, i doubt his youngest brother who was prob. around 10yo downloaded, installed and used the hax. it was a time perfo played at intense, a clan who has atleast 6 busted players already.
They'll get banned.
cb heads will not ban in such case. They are VERY sceptical and any ban requires a match between IP and the cb identity.
There is reasonable doubt here.
oh and btw tosspot killed ET
otherwise u would have owned us very hard
If they ban perfo now without allowing him playing in Final, all pro5 matches should be forfeited too.Doesnt make any sense if some people can play 3 weeks in EC whilst people knowing they used cheats and now one guy couldn't...
ban all teh ugly players and then have a giant ventrilo orgy imo
If you would take care of all possible doubts listed here, it would be impossible to ban anyone. Bring one some alternative systems...
They stop hosting any Cup, ladder or LAN that they hosted before and for them ET is dead. Izi bash for CB :<
haha every1 get caught lately good work @ bulldog
You're next!
You don't play a game competitively, so no problem for you I think.
I hope that perfo will be able to play with u in the finals, just make sure that something like.... http://www.xfire.be/?x=news&mode=item&id=1571 that won't repeat.
They'll ban him after EC if C&A crew acts consequently ;). Just let him play the final and go out with a bang. GL perfo!
this is basically how the most common law systems would see it. i fully agree. In dubio pro reo imo. If the guids would be matching it would be a completely different case but as they dont i would say this is just not enough prove.
As I said to toxic, read my post below. It isn't just an IP match.
well are the other guids somehow linked to him or his clanbase account, apart from the ip?
Aside from the fact that he personally admitted to using that computer in the past, I'm lead to believe that there's proof to show it. I've been told by both Mens0 and Bulld0g that there's enough proof to ban him.
well why shouldnt he browse the internet or do other stuff with his brothers pc. that he used doesnt mean he played et on it, atleast u dont have prove he did.
He said that he did... Also, that was the 'proof' I was referring to, I'd hardly think Mens0 and Bulld0g told me he could get banned because he was using the computer for something other than ET.
where did he say that?
In the initial thread which was deleted.
ye cause to let perfo play the eurocup final would be an absolute disgrace :D get a grip.. all of u :D

junk52 only won their games because of perfo's hackskills, and if he in fact didnt hack during their games the still wouldnt count cause his brother (or perfo himself who in god's name cares :D) tried a hack on a random pub a long time ago..

this is just absolutely ridiculous please go reconsider yourselves :PP

and to all those suggesting perfo should be accepting the ban cause otherwise this game would be doomed for everyone could state it was their family member who hacked: I hope your not really that stupid =D

whats so hard about realising there's a difference between deciding to ban someone who hasnt proven himself to be able to manage without hax and someone who hasnt proven to be able to do so? or better: whats so hard about taking the decision tp actually handle your so called 'busts' (:DD:DD) case by case
Hehe you seem to love the words ''absolutely'' and ''ridicilous'' quite alot. :p
"whats so hard about realising there's a difference between deciding to ban someone who hasnt proven himself to be able to manage without hax and someone who hasnt proven to be able to do so?"
o come on, so everyone who ever played on a lan can cheat all he wants cause he is proven? please.
np: the kooks - naive
No, he doesn't. What is so hard to understand about this? There is a match of IP, ETPro GUID and PB GUID here, not just IP.
It's all about ip match, nothing else matters. That's why dynamic ip is useful.
That doesn't matter if you get IP-banned from CB. :[
I think you dont share the IP with your brother / mother within one room.

If one of the last major things like IPs are no longer a prove, it's like nonsense of banning people anywhere.
as it's always been
you do share the ip with your ppl, if you are behind a hub or router or whatever you have one external ip on that device and an internal
and all your comps have an internal one aswell. So for the outside you all have the same IP!
you can check this with anny TCP-IP guy, he should confirm this
or I tottally screwed up in class :D

EDIT: i've read everything else now (:o) and i give both et-cup & cb my support.
If they don't do this there is no way left to ban people with solid proof so imo gg #cheatbusters.et
you dont got my point :p

Ofc you can share an ip over one network - BUT in such a situation and on such a level, you should be responsible for the actions others make.
so i can hack if i guidspoof my etpro guid to avoid beeing matched with IP and CB Guid ? (in this case im busted only for IP)

Sounds fucking cool and fair. Oh, and fucking easy.

remember to claim that it was your dog if u get caught anyway!
No need for netcoders to kill ET, we are doing it for them.

fu editer! I only go "xD" to the first sentence of that post.

wow, stop fking editing already! wow!
id like to see that aswell.
ET is dead...

poor perfo btw :(
I wonder what cb thinks of all theze nice scandals, wonder if they'll give another eurocup to a scene full of cheaters.
np4et nC will have its own cup:)))
we need new ladder and cup for cheaters
thats the only way to keep ET alive
ET is getting raped
dont ban perfoboy
pls clanbase admins...think before you do anything wrong which could let you beeing hated by the community, its all for your own good.
clanbase is hated! Thanks to past decisions. One false decision more or less won't change anything :D
haste recht :(
image: rofl
Ban him like all the others
ahahahahaha hadn't seen that one yet, n1 xD
lol.. et scene is getting more worse and i hear them laugh about us...
NO pls.

Don't ban Perfo pls
ban perfo
ban keran
ban shy

forfeit all matches

in the end every team will have all their matches forfeited i guess :<
sup archy :)
lololol immoo tbh yes
did u already fucked the girl of ur cousin ? :DDD
who what where? info plx!
Jeroen pravi:
lol you crazy nutfuck

Jeroen pravi:
dont post that on xfire

blazz vs immzy pravi:
ahahahaha DD

ownd :DD
blazz vs immzy says:
lol u cant believe how sexy girl i met :D
blazz vs immzy says:
what the fuck rly :D she is unbelieavable :o
Jeroen pravi:
you better remove it

Jeroen pravi:
or I will kick your ass

Well first time that i own tekoa ^^
blazz vs immzy says:
blazz vs immzy says:
tekoa lick my left ball plz :D
Jeroen pravi:

Jeroen pravi:
Jeroen pravi:
( . Y . ) these are better

Jeroen pravi:

BTW he is fuckin drunk. jero > tekoa
Jeroen pravi:
I got this sheep thing you know like

Jeroen pravi:
it counts for me

Jeroen pravi:
so I dont have to count

Jeroen pravi

Jeroen pravi:
blazz vs immzy says:
( Y ) u like my tits?
Jeroen says:
blazz vs immzy says:
Jeroen says:
( . Y . ) these are better
Jeroen says:

its just better
blazz vs immzy says:
blazz vs immzy says:

blazz vs immzy says:
gn8 !111111111
blazz vs immzy says:
blazz vs immzy says:

who is drunk eh IMMOOO!!ASD:DDDD:DDDD
how r u teka?
Damn i feel kinda guilty for this..

Me and Zodiac found (that is I made Zodiac able to find, and Zodiac found) perfos IP, and Zodiac found the PB-ban-stuff on that IP. Now sitting there, evidence enought to bring down one of the greatest players in ET (who we both knew to be clean except for the pubhacks we found).
I did not take part in Zodiacs decision to make it public, personally i would have prefered to talk to some cheatbusters, admins, and perfo himself first. But anyways, i woke up today to "perfo busted".

Now i really like perfo (even tho i don't know him, just fanboy :P), and i fanboy j52 even more, i feel kinda bad. Perfo is by all means a man who has given a lot to the et-scene. Now i feel like i ruined quite a lot. Perfos reputation, the scenes reputation (CB thinking "ET is full of cheaters, fuck ET"?) But anyways, i did nothing more than digging up the facts. The desicion wasn't mine, and it wasn't Zodiacs either.

Yet still, a rule has to stay a rule, you can't change it because someone we like get busted. That would look REALLY weird. And besides, pubcheaters are extremely annoying. I'm cless, so i'm doomed to pubbing, and nothing pisses me more off than a cheater.

But i can't stop asking myself "would we be better off if this was unknown to the community? perfos brother cheating on a pub doesn't really mean anything, does it?"
it's good that cheaters must bare the consequences, so don't blame yourself
But i don't believe perfo to be a cheater..
many guys have tried hax on public which isn't allowed and they deserve ban for that... perfo is just one of them, since most of them don't use hax in clanwars
Quotewould it be better blabla

NO,it wouldnt
i am afraid there are more cheaters but only few are so stupid that they dont rename theirs dll libraries on the start of their "cheating carrier" so thats why are the proofs so old nvm
ban ...
ahahah .. do your homework abit better, nub cheatbusters.

contact evenbalance, pay them to update their fucking anticheat tool and all is good.

otherwise stop acting like you're some kickass cheatbuster!

or even better, ask evenbalance for the et punkbuster sourcecode ... fuQn idiots.
this made me lol rly.
je lekka kontje, je !!
your comment makes you an idiot. By your sense, they should waste THEIR own money for anticheat toolm?LoL.And besides, how could that tool help? New cheats can come again, that ll be undetected. Also, this proof is good enough to ban him, so cut your crap off.
you aren't even trying to make things better. instead you're hunting down ips caught cheating and compare them with guids. perfo explained his situation, i bet he could even post photos as evidence about his situation..

but tellin me i makin a fool of myself? .. ahahahha !!..

so you're saying, no matter how much evenbalance are working, there will always be undetected hax?..

weird that i never noticed this in other games which still had pb support.

maybe find a hobby coder/reverse coder, get some undetected hack (we all know anyone can get them if one wants to) and let him do his work and give the results to bani.

oh wait, too much effort for a dead game, right? :-)
yes,2 much effort. and read above what u have said. Let cheatbusters pay to evenbalance. They are already wasting their free time, why the hell should they spend their own money on, I would say, really ridiculous thing compared to real life. Don't call them idiots because they r doing fine job.
it was a suggestion. ofcourse they wouldn't pay shit to evenbalance. but this isn't really making anything better, even more worse. if they and the scene want a cheat free game, then something has to happen. this cheater hunting via ips is NO solution.
maybe get in contact with ESL, they have their own anti-cheat tool. it shouldn't be a problem porting it to q3 engine games.
Yes, there will always be undetected hacks, as long as there's someone willing to make them...

Reverse engineering cheats wouldn't do much, especially since for example nexus' code has been released freely. ETPro is basically powerless to detect cheats, since the cheats modify the game code to just skip over any checks that exist. Only external programs like Punkbuster are more effective, but Punkbuster is slow and far from flawless.
oh wow, you gotta be crossfire's new nr. 1 retard.
poor perfo:>


All 3 should be banned. All matches of j52 and pro5 should be forfeited.
wont happen
sherlock,welcome to ET
Stupid decision imo. Better ban players who cheat in pracc's, by guids etc but not "by ip". Who cares about publics btw? Last - care more about the count of cheaters in cb officials.. (OC?) And yes, clanbase, kill et.
Little bit of comon sense is whats needed
he should be banned, he gets banned.

right decision, same right for everybody.
its like any other decision made by cb

they should let him play the final before ban him
wouldnt be fair because keran and shy were 2 weeks after the "bust" still allowed to play =)

be fair and let him play ec final

otherwise cb would be retarded
they will need 3 weeks to ban him anyway :]
Not enough proof to give him a ban and he probably will walk away free. I'm just worried his little brother is gonna get his ass kicked :)
if he wanted to cheat so bad he could go to some random cod public, the level is uberlow there :p, but then again maybe perfo's brother is too
fuck perfs "bro" +fist


ask perfo!
i lol about you!!! ( all the stupid whiners and xiitbuster)

perfo got ownd by his crying brothers sad news but true :]

i hope you are able to play the final of EC :]
too bad for et
perfo's story is kinda like many we already saw in the past.
it might be true, but there is a zero tolerance policy, that i agree with, and he should be banned.

Et being seen like a cheating scene is our own comunity's fault, not nC

et is full of kids, and kids always choose the easy way, why bother training to get some skill? just download hax and own the pubs & more...

sad, very sad endeed
conclusion: play rtcw and leave et to the cheaterrrrs :o
Funny that you hear all those players that are out of the EC tournament are like: YEAH BAN HIM RULES ARE RULES :/
yeah thats really funny, seeing only 3 teams remain in EC, they are the only ones with the right to comment.
ban yo
hi ze best australian playz0r
clear ban though :/
one thing should be clear:

if i play sports or only a game in a competive way I need to make sure that I can trust the people around me. Which means I truly have to believe that they dont act in a way that could be negative for myself.
Yes, in my mind i got the responsibility to make 100% sure to give my opponents a fair competition!

There r so much cases in sports when the athlet himself got banned though they were admitting for month that they are not guilty.
Best example atm is Jan Ullrich, Team Telekom should also be banned for years.

we will never get rid of new, clever ideas like "my brother"- or "checked on pub once"- excuses. we dont have the room to make differences nor the technique to make a difference like 50% guilty , 75% guilty... and if people r stupid enough to admit their failure...no need to wait a second more before ban...all imo
i guess you are right somehow. But, let's imagine perfos story is true (and i think it is tbh): I have a brother myself who played ET for few days. So one day, he could just for fun - or if he was very angry about me for whatever reason - rock some pub with hax.
So I would be banned because someone cheated with my IP? I cant really believe that :S
If his brother is a human beeing, isn't there any way to talk to him (ts/vent) so he could admit that he was cheating?..

I think i should stop caring about this case.. ^^
the question is NOT if we can trust his story. The question is if we can be 100% sure that there was no forbidden action beside that. try to proof that, then people can believe what perfos sayin!
If I recognize my sisters playin ET, i would make ´em clear what they could affect by doin this and that...
As far as i know about law, you always have to proof the guilt and not the innocence. imo you can't ban someone as long as you can not proof that is was him (better: on his pc).
But let's face it, in ET you can never really proof anything. guidds can be faked, IPs can be dynamic (lololol) or used by your brother.
It's a hard decision, I would just let him play EC and then ban him, he was going inactive anyway, I think ^^
afaik we do NOT have a democracy in ET. decide urself how u wanna call it...
u got same ip but different guid afaik?
This is so retarded ;s
why is that?
Because it's retarded to ban a player who we all know of hes clean =)
Im 95% sure that he has tested hacks earlier on his ET career. Since everyone likes to compare everything:
If police wants to catch a murder but has no evidence they try to get him from something else
Stop comparing murdering someone with cheating it's just not the same.. And to be honest I've tested cheats too! Heck I still have two or three on my old computer? Ban me please!
no, you're gonna get killed for that one
i doubt it was pretty clever to be honest in that case m8 ;)
They can't ban me they don't have proof :\
thats what perfo thought too, right?
edit: for some people its proof enough too read statements like urs!
:P I don't care really I've tested a hack 3 years ago n7 or something :d and I have nexus and the hack mize used on my comp but I never tried those =)
honestly, i could imagine that some random cheat-buster-attention-whore is already workin on ur bust. i would be careful with those statements these days
You cant ban anyone for a statement, he can say he has 10 hax on his pc, a statement is not proof of it.
i only said that many attention whores would take such statements as a hint, that there can be found sth somewhere.
wouldnt be the first weird bust, anyway dont care if u dont think so
Theres no proof to be found :) I've got demos of all my games and my yawn has been clean for 2 years (:P though I tried getting a red warning when writing my column just to show how ridiculous cvar banning is).
you are so cool
It cant been 3 years ago u tried n7, more like 1 year.. :O)
yep, nugan knows it !
Well I still played in CAN and on American servers I'm pretty sure it's something like that :)
Quotea ban would indeed be justified even though it isn't fully my fault
sounds like "Ive never left any tracks when Ive been testing cheats" to me
ban ban ban
yea... now cb sux.. :ASD

mayby lets make alive ESL?;d
pbguid + etpro guid don't even match, only the IP so it easily been some other member of his family.

If this becomes a ban we can start banning everybody.

And those busts ars from 2005 and 2006, mioze was busted in 2006 and didn't get a ban.

So if you ban perfo also ban mize pls otherwise it wouldn't be fair and their was more evidence in the mize case then in this one.
you are forgetting the fact that you actually do not need an other computer to get a different etpro guid, just an other HDD (you can have ET installed on both)

however, i do believe perfo's statement..
according to the rules, this should be a ban tho.. :(

PS: am i the only player, who never ever actually used a hack?:s
same here! i wouldnt even know where to start the search since "ask perfo" doesnt work anymore ;D
Never, in any game. Dont see the point.

Cheating harms online gaming so much, and cant see how people find it fun :/
what about the australian vs netherlands match? !
I hope ET-Cup admins arent that stupid and that NL ll be disqualified.
Just think, if perfo wasn't playing he wouldn't have been able to defuse that dynamite on Braun and it would have gone to a decider!
Just imagine... more than half of em are suspected cheaters
It was me who defused that dyna, so tough luck.
np4u you're gonna win. :P
finally :>>
everyone can say "i have a big family" on the internet and ofc i will turn my cheats off if i goto lan but back home in my dark room where noone cant see me i turn my hacks on and im soo pro again...

nigga plz!
LoL, so if my brother cheats

I'm fucked 2

place bets witch top player is going to be banned next ... ;)
bibuy EC
If anyone here thinks perfo shouldnt get banned you are hax loving gay pricks, and just encouraging more people out there to try them because your saying its ok to use them once. plzzz stfu ive never once downloaded or even attempted to download a bot in my life nor even gonna attempt to in the future. Hax are for queers and queers are gay same as hax. sort your heads out CB bann the cunt and make an example out of this guy because hax are not for tax! FUCKYOU perfo you hax loving fag flush your head down the toilet, brush your teeth with your bog brush and just die plz. ( i fucking hate cheaters yes )

Remember a bann is not for xmas its for life! :D thankyou CB i love yas!
Wow you are a real badass, served time and all, strange that such thing as a cheat can set u off like this
ye im a badass, cu @ lan
You're an english e-hooligan !!!

Put your money where your mouth is and reallife kick some
pussy @ LAN. ;)))))
whats the odds? :D
ask perfo
I hate this.

We don't need any news post ands journals and opinions from other people... Just give him a ban and be done with it.

Bibuy perfo ;-(
ahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. ha. thats me laughing in your face.
perfo is a pretty sick LAN player, unlucky ban but rules are rules :[
cb rules... *rolleyes*
in my opinion perfo maybe lies, but maybe he doesnt.
You cant really be sure about this.

If i was asked ( i know im not, and im glad about it ;) ) i would ban him because there's a solid proof... he cant really proof his innoecence...
nobody knows man its harsh but most importantly right. if my mum used hax on my pc what would you guys say?
i would say thank you mum! you might finally go outside.
what you trying to say? that im a bum and your not?
LoL p3rF0 cheats? He is a fucking nub ! <3
Well, looks like I have to stop this cheating discussion with this statement from the most respected ET player:

<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated
cheater replaced by another cheater?

LOLOL :joking:

too bad for j52 but i think in 2005/2006 people said too many times perfo was weird with several avi/demos, so i can't fully think he s the cleanest even if he played on a LAN ( they are EC final and on CPC2 werent on top 5, just like zP/pro5 that even weren t able to qualify on their groupstage... a bit weird i think!!!)
the lan performance of shy keran and perfo was all good so that cant be used as a reason

if u think otherwise check demos of shg were perfo owned all :P
no offense but perfo played much worse on cpc2 than he does online.
alot of players werent at their best skill, setup was different, different settings, widescreen tfts, but he was still good...

hence why i said to watch the shgopen demos as since it was byoc no one had an excuse of why they would suck, as they have the exact same settings, exact same setup, the only difference is the fact that they have no lag since its lan
toX i m not talking about perfo performance i was referring about on CPC2 we have seen teams like impact ending second and now on EC they got bashed by pro5, while 1 month ago with same players ( they even play good on lan as you said ) not able to reach playoff. So i can't believe impact players lost their skill in 1 month. also dignitas can be considered aswell. And i think on CPC3 will be the same with top teams playing and some clan who achieve online won't be able to get into final stage of the LAN even while player are playing well.
u cant really use this as an argument :P

pro5 changed their lineup since ze lan
impact played with mztik

also, cos for once we actually have more than one team fighting for first place, people are saying its all about hacks, its really sad :(
yes i think online topteams aren t mactching with LAN events topteams, can you proof the opposite? ofc you cannot..
cause on CPC and CPC2 and poznam and SGHopen we saw something wasn t as we expected for those topteams.
and you know that most of the time LAN events have less skilled opponents so topteams should be advantaged at least @ beginning. ( CPC2 has 16 ET teams and 3-4 were med+ or mixed so why the fuck zP cant qualify @ if they were 2nd on past EC and now going for bronze at least ).
And i am pretty confident about most of players played CPC2 and then played those players online think the same.
my statement is a good team online can be a bit less good on LAN due to fact of different place / hw where players have to play, but not lost like 30% or half of their own skill / tp then 1 week after the LAN got their awesome skill back.
totally agreeing.. i see the same facts as you do!
There is no Proof it was Perfos brother, which means there is no proof it was Perfo himself cheating! So unban Keran SHy and don't ban Perfo!
to all people thinking otherwise, the only match it has to perfo is an ip match. ETpro guid and PBguid are different to that of perfo, now before everyone starts saying 'guid spoof guid spoof!' its not right to ban on so many assumptions. so unlike the case of keran, where the guids matched and was proven to be him and shy, the guids dont match that of perfo.

The only reason that the ban of perfo has been issued is because his brother doesnt have a clanbase account and hence the ip matches the account of perfo only unlike that of hatred and keran where the ip matches both accounts but the guid is linked specifically to that of keran.

This is from what I know...
arent you tired to write same thing 10 times ? :)
poor perf :(
# However ClanBase will only act if the evidence of the cheating is brought to us in full and the identity of the cheater can be determined with certainty. If the evidence is unclear or incomplete, the report will be discarded. Clans will not be held responsible for the actions of their players on public servers unless the cheating player is the clan leader. Read the FAQ for the procedure to report external cheats.

taken from http://clanbase.ggl.com/cheating.php?lid=2986

It clearly states that they'll only ban if they are 100% sure that it was him, and unfortunately, for all the perfo-haters who want him to get banned, if the rules are followed properly, perfo wont get banned :)

now its another question if the rules are actually followed to the letter, then i'll just flame clanbase :)
you can never be 100% sure. release all cheaters
Good to hear.
Stop defending him. His IP got busted, with that IP he logged in on ClanBase which means he is the user of that IP. PBGuid can just be deleted, and it's changed, you just add an extra HDD and u have new etpro guid as well, so these senseless stories can be avoided, eventhough they might be true. And also, stop saying about his LAN performance. He can be good at LAN without hax, but he can be even better with hax online, now why would he use it if hes good without it,thats another story, but this is a good proof to ban him, so stop defending him. Also, you compared this to keran/Hatred case in which u said, it's the same. Well NO, it's NOT the same. Dutchies have stable IP, so it's always the same. In Germany, it's dynamic and IP isn't the same so u cant use only IP as a proof. Also, KERAN's pbguid and etpro got busted, not Hatred's. So why the fuck would you ban Hatred? Please don't say Hatred could or would use his comp so he gets banned or smth like that. Just cut off ur senseless bullshit, and accept the fact that he WILL GET banned. I also hope, you ll be kicked out of EC, because perfo can be considered as leader or ur team. Well, Adacore could fix or confirm that he isn't the leader since he is in your team, but by the rules, Adacore is just A PLAYER of your team, when there is a question aobut ur team, he can't and won't be considered as an EC sup.EOD
and you can also spoof IP addresses, so unban everybody :D
why are you tryin to go over the rules?

IP ban is the most clean proof as many above had said, if aint IP isn t enough for a BAN then we can hack and spoof everytime and say my grandmother is playin or i play form it-cafè.

So i think you as admin should fully agree and take as it is, dont try to justify perfo cause he first admits about and it was a mistake of him cause he could had thought about busting him by IP even if he was his brother playin.
So act like an admin, like you are supposed to do, taking the best care and coverage of the rules, and improve the anticheat policies that scare people from even tryin it once or be involved with them. And don't forget we have seen first merc of the EC history while clans are forced to forfeit matches on lower division if they are 5.
Nice reply to me :d
weren t you caught xD
ur post was meant for toxic, since u were talking about "admin" and I have never been an admin, unlike toxic. and yes, i'm busted!!!
he has cheated few years ago
we've seen plenty of 'mercs' adacore wasnt even here that night, he was out getting drunk cos he had his last exam ever.

jafo also 'merced' for parodia in the EC final as mystic couldnt play and it was found out 30 mins before the game, so before everyone starts accusing us of breaking the rules, get your facts right, its not like we tried to hide the fact that we were using a player who was not on the apl, i made sure with the ec admin, donex, and the opponent that it was fine, and they accepted it. Aza cant play the ec final...

also i'm not a cb admin..
jafo was in parodia roster before the game, Drc also (i think you mean him) aza wasn't, on lower division this kind of friendly agreement are irrilevants, so rules aren t so equal.
you were a CB admin ( i ve qryed you for remove my clan from OC and you did ) if you aren t anymore i dunno but i think you should act same, and adacore is admin too so he should agree with it and calm down the rest of your team.
blame perfo or his brother or his cat but not CB otherwise leave it and play other competition that not bans people got caught with a dirty IP.
u are an idiot :)

ill use your proof then

who knows that hatred didnt spoof keran's guids?
besides the fact that keran admitted it we wouldnt know...

and how can perfo be considered a leader? he hasnt got any leader rights, besides here at crossfire which everyone has...

also the bs of ada 'helping us' is ridiculous as he is too scared to even be involved in something that concerns his own welfare...

and i only said about his lan performance because some people say he's always been using hax, which is not true.

Also in your own post, you are ASSUMING he deleted his etkey, you are ASSUMING that he bought a new hdd, u cant ban on ASSUMPTIONS.

If someone can tell me 100% sure that it was him, ie. the current ip match AND pbguid/etpro guid i'll accept it, but till then, ill keep on going by the C&A policy which says he shouldnt be banned :)
dont call me an idiot while you don't even know me. maybe you dont have any mental advantages so you can just say usual xfire words. anyway, why would Hatred spoof his brother? And yes, keran even admitted so there is no problem about banning him. and I didnt say he changed all that shit, I have just said that it is very easy to change etpro/pb guid,so I can assume he did it, eventhough he maybe didn't. And IP was matched with his IP login, so there is a proof. By your theory, I can buy new HDD, make new ET Directory, get new pbguid and etproguid and cheat with that ET Dir. IP ll remain the same,but pbguid and etpro guid will be different so it wont be enough proof to ban me? Please toxic, get real.
let me explain in other words maybe you'll understand.

Lets assume... that you work in an office with a colleague of yours [2 ppl in a office] and both play ET....

now, you play on clanbase only, while your colleague plays on ESL only.

Now, if your colleague were to cheat and get busted [like perfo's bro] then your colleague will get banned at ESL AND you will get banned on Clanbase as the ip will match your account only...

This is what is stupid with the current set of rules....

Have you understood or do i need someone else to explain?
I know what you mean. But still, by your theory nobody would get banned. Everyone would have his own excuses... also, you should make sure your brothers aren't cheating...and I doubt some guys would play in an office. btw.Perfo said by himself, that he on some way "deserves" the ban.
well... if your brother were to have cheated u cant exactly take it back. I still argue with the system but if he were to get banned i'd accept it even though it doesn't make much sense to me that it is 100%
Yes, explain how it's not just the same old generic excuse that you wouldn't accept from anyone else (ignoring the fact it came from a mate). If you worked in an office and shared computers, then yes you should be banned too. Just because you can't prove which one of you cheated doesn't mean you should be let off.

Someone hacked on a pc in his house
A pc perfo has said he's played on
Ergo perfo cheated

Now unless he can get his brother on here saying it was him you can't accept his version at face value. As you wouldn't anyone else.

Since yer quoting CB rules, how about this one

QuoteYou are responsible for your GUID. Anyone cheating with that ID will be considered to be you (with GUID we mean every unique identifier used in games: steamID, PB guid, XBL Gamertag, etc).
it wasnt his guid, thats why that rule does not fit at all...

why does everyone think that the pbguid and etpro guid matched? it was an ip match, and thats it.
Because perfo's said they do?
How are you not getting this? The guids do match, they may not match his newer pc but they do match his 'family pc' that perfo has played on in the past / could still now.

1 guid inserted in his profile, meaning he 'never' played on that pc [u cant prove it].

Note; there isnt the old guid in his profile.. so how can you prove that he even ever used that pc?

You cant be sure hence why i think he shouldnt be banned as there is no solid evidence...
Biased opinion. Irrelevant.
We finally have a news about us? Shall i start cheating too?
stfu riflenade hack !
he cheated, wp bulldog.
2 Much Bro's i gusse ;-p
i can't read all this sh*t, perfo nice guy, perfo leet......

when will you figure it out, if you have cheats you can't be bad, if you cheat on public you cheat in wars otherwise whats the point of testing it on public? Of course when he comes on lan he's shit, oh my what a surprise.

and best part is famous "brother" excuse. sorry perfohacker but i dont buy this, and neither will cb admins. bye bye and dont come back.
you didn't see perfo playing on shg, did you? :(
its was normal performance not great
he was one of the best, if not the best player on that lan :o
i wasnt impressed, only watched 2 games, did i miss something?
apparently :|
Obviously yes, he impressed me alot there :) Though it didn't feel like playing online perfo, he was still good.
he was good but not impressive, my opinion!
Oh, I am so sad. Did perfoheisers come with some additional software?
stop promoting hax plz full stop. wp bulldog i love ya
i once hacked on a rtcw demo server 4 years ago, ban me !
I used cheats in single player games pls ban me 2
I used cheats 1 hour ago and cheat since 3 years in clanbase pls ban me 2
Damn, you are cool!
I used walkthroughs in Monkey Island 1 and 2 some times :[
good job bulldog. ban all dutchies
We need evidence! PICTURES, pictures of his little brother!
The main question is WHY a good player should test hack only once on a public, with another guid??

a - test, as the word say, for make sure it works and how it works, try to testing if something bust it, if not i can take an advantage using it.

b - test, for see howmuch better i can do with it.

c - test, yes someone told me is fine, i wanna try i never seen an hack ( youtube is full of videos about nC works) then i will unistall it for sure.
mmm can i call at home?
only lowskillers use hacks, im pretty sure more then 90% of busted players were noobs when they cheated
If hax -> ban. But it's strange why he would have hacked since his performance on lan was above average
its so funny how frustrated players say he should get banned and players that are still playing on high level say he shouldnt get banned :>
It's not funny, it's pathetic.
ofcourse it is
this statement coming from a junk52 player is both funny and pathetic
dobraaaaaaa :))
It's in the nature.. High-level-players are getting pretty good friends (i guess?), and when one of your friends get tossed out in such a way i can imagine it causes a bit of frustration..
he should be banned !

(coming from top level player i guess, i would need cheats to be high like you are!)
well u say cuz we owned u in ec
why is that? your games wont be forfeited so there is absolutely no reason for me say that just because of that.

I already know he got busted, whether he gets cb ban or not, doesn't rly matter for me.
just wanted to remind you
i've seen your skill boost after LANs, I didn't forgot our match either :-)
im caught hacking :<

too bad i cant remember ur skillboost after lan but ye, u didnt show up at cpc1 and 2 so u should better stfu about this ;)

and chmpp before u say i suck at lan and somehow play much better online u should watch a demo of me playing at lan
didn't mean you but your team. sorry i wasn't clear enough!

oh, and I did not have team in cpc1 or in cpc2 so how could i been there
weve beaten impact who became 2nd, ur team never showed up at a lan so what are we talking about here?
we are talking about you, still. Not about us.
ok and i said we didnt suck since weve beaten the team that became 2nd, and i asked u why uve never shown up at a lan...
answered your question already!
so u didnt play with negative image at this time? i think u did
img was back with 6 players. And 2 of our players was still playing with murso and trying to attend LAN. so img did not try to take new players since our performance sucked already without it.

after murso didnt success of going we tried to go with img but last possible spot was taken by octense 10 mins after newspost so we didnt get it :<
maybe next time, who knows!
prolly u ll have some teamprobs again 2 weeks before so i doubt to ever u see going to a lan
how is that team probs again?

I didnt have any problems with my teams just because I haven't attended lans. But good you can see problems there Mr. Insider.
ofc i can

and in my opinion every player who didnt play at lan should get banned because u can never be sure if they hack or not
that brings us to the topic on the top!

LANable perfo got busted, how ironic.

So, are you gonna use him in EC final as a busted hacker like pro5 did or are you gonna replace him?

edit: i agree with that there should be way more lan events just to be sure!
if we can play with perfo we will do it np

and its funny how only players get busted who went to lans, but if i would be an admin i would ban everyone who didnt show up at lan
that would still let LAN players hack online like they are doing already! so there would be no point. Well, online players wouldnt be in the way but who cares about them anyway.
tell me a reason why a lan player should hack?
i dont know why shy, keran & perfo did hack. DONTASKMEMEIGHT!
well since u say they should be banned for it u are a big retard :) cuz EVERYONE knows they never used it in a bad way, cb and other leagues just wanna show their force to destroy clans and carrier. if a player cheats in an offi - ban him np. if he uses hax in an 1on1 6months ban like wtf^^ they could ban people who spawnkill on publics aswell then since its very unfair for all the noobies who play there.
i didnt say they used it a bad way but cheat is a cheat.. im actually suprised that atleast of them had dick to admit it without giving some 'tested hitboxes or 'it was by bro' explanations.

Ban is good. Thats the best way to tell players of clanbase (and other leagues) that cheating aint allowed, never.
well killing people for smalls crimes is a good way to avoid that others will do it aswell tbh but still noone does it (anymore)

its just hilarious to ban player who didnt do anything bad

*edit* everyone who wants to get them banned is just jealous at them cuz they arent as good as them and ofc wanna see them going down
but its better than not ban players who did something bad. If they would not be banned, the whole scene would be cheaters.
whats the point of banning someone who didnt cheat in an offi? sry i rly cant get maybe my point of view is to different from the most people here. but it didnt hurt anyone, it didnt change any results so pls WHY should they get banned? and im talking about everyone who got banned for bs like this.

all the rules are made by a bunches of noobs who became admins cuz they were too bad in their game, so now they get their attantion with shit like this...
part of your reply before fits this one

Players who cheated in the past
Quoteshould get banned because u can never be sure if they hack or not
lol man why the fuck should they hack if they played at lan??? u r soooo dumb man everyone who thinks like u is fucking dumb! players that never went to a lan are accusing lanproven players like wtf is this? if they ban someone who cheated in a 1on1 they HAVE to ban every palyer who didnt show up at a lan yet because u can never be sure that they cheat! chmpp how do u prove that u dont cheat? tell me pls... u just cant so u have to get banned - as easy as it is
yeah indeed why the lan players hack, good question!

first of all playing in LAN aint proof that you can not be hacking. As you see these few players getting busted.

secondly, players who did cheat will more likely cheat again, so they all should get punished for what they did to get clear start. Its way better to see players suffer the ban than seeing them playing like nothing would have happened.

you are like the most stupid person ever to say that all players who did not go to lan should be banned. How would you think you would get any new players to go lans then?
Et is gonna die !
alleen wij blijven nog over, en dan ben jij de chef! :D
het is sjef :<
Clanbase is retarded

perfo <3
Why the fuck is ClanBase retarded? Because perfo's brother cheated?

they ban him because of his brother
So? Every other League will ban him as well. ET-Cup already banned him.
well all retards then i supose :)
wie du uns innen rücken fällst
brother my hairy ass, fuckin kid should own up and take it, i cant stand razz but atleast he had the balls to own up to it.
I can't believe there are so many retards supporting people that cheat on pubs.

Start paying for some fucking public servers you idiots and then you might care more. And if it wasn't for the people who supported ET and the public servers you wouldn't have a competitive game either - so learn some fucking respect.


Fucking idiot. This EC has turned into a joke.

Hey Butchji having met you I thought u were ok but ur a fucking retard too for fielding known cheaters in ur EC team. DICKHEAD. Hope u come to qcon again this year ;)
Haxxing at public is lame, indeed.
I love you Lucel
tbh the only person who has remained mature in this matter is the one and only perfo. WP!
riiiiiite.....cause that made fuckin sense,SINCE THE TOPIC IS ABOUT HIM CHEATING!!!!
Indeed, it's about him cheating, or his brother cheating. But he's one out of very few, related to the topic or not, who seems to handle it like an adult. Sad but true.
hes been crying last day under bed [/Insideinfos]
America, fuck yeah!
British actually - just live in US ;)

But yeah great film :P
totally agree on the public server thingie
I use cheat everyday, ban me!
It wouldn't happen if he had dynamic ip.

Cheaters, go figure.
Keran,Shy and Perfo deserve to be banned. Every player must keep his IP secured from cheats. If you must use shared IP for playing, dont play competively! "IP is your player name, IP is your name" so think a bit before using shared IP for playing competively.
listen guys, everyone who has a brother or sister who plays online should pls stop gaming now!

i would have to stop then aswell, too bad
Of course you can use shared IP for playing but if your brother or sister get caught of cheating then you are as guilty as your brother or sister because you cant proof that you didnt use cheats. Keep sure that nobody from your family use cheats then you dont have to fear anything.
what u say is so pointless man, if u have a twin brother who has the same dna as u and he get caught for a crime where they find some blood of him or smth they both are same guilty?
twins usually think the same (not always though :P) so he could have been his partner. :D
Twins dont have same fingerprints anyway, afaik.
he talked about dna.
I know that, but do fingerprints will be a way to find out who is the criminal. :P
Only if they are stupid to leave fingerprints,but yea there are still people that are that stupid. :P
twins don't have the same dna
only one-egged(or whateva) twins
Even those don't share the same DNA, except if they're 100% identical (which almost never is the case :P)
LAN ISN'T A PROOF FFS you can be the best player of the world on lan but who knows what happens at home :/
it's your own responsibilty for what is on your computer and i think there's been enough cases over the years for players to understand the consequences of cheating, what ever the situaton. The fact that he is in a Eurocup team and been to a LAN is irrelevant.
wasn't adacore their backup player?

he should replace perfo imo!
u can replace him if u want
ok I can replace perfo :P
LMAO i wonder if there are any ET players left when i get back from vacation. Give me some more bans with sentimental stories please. Lets make a rule that busted hackers arent even allowed to spec at CPC3. :P
No speccers then.
i can live with that :)
how does it feel by eyes of the older one? First you tho that youngers are coming and you can't do better than them, then in the sec they all get banned. funnieh :XD
I have to say that i believe perfo on this, but its the right course of action to ban him..

Sry man, just the way things have to be done if u dont want to end up tolerating cheaters
"Will sNoOp reply when I say 'Ban perfo!'?"
yes he will
und jetzt?
Nix. Mir war nur grad danach :/
image: tmb_4bc32e7b9f41e63b2ccea61647fa3e06

if there was a place for this kind of ban, it should've happend back in 2005, not middle 2007
sajebis blj2t
made my day :D
perfo <3

I believe u, cause i've had the same with my little brother.

Too bad everyone says this while they don't even have brothers, so if it's fO-rEaL they don't believe it ..

If you have younger brothers (which he has), who also play ET (I played with his bro's on pubs), the chance that someone uses a hack, isn't that small.

Like he can do something about it that his brother used a hack? he's not the father ;s

and btw, if he gets a cb ban, it would be ok to still let him play @ lans imo

btw butchji, you're german right? noticed because of the replies of u showing that u only see this as a chance to defeat j52 in the final, if u get it to the final that is..
eidt: perfo's statement a load of teen bs gg retardcheaternabFU
Too bad, they should have their word to say.
Perfo seems to be clear anyway, he said and gived proof that his wasnt his pbguid.
I dont wanna be his lawyer or smthg but, in my humble opinion, admins should try to know what's the real situation...
Moreover, Those bans are rly stupids coz the only one result is that talented players wont play anymore just for a public cheating old of several months/years.
Those rules are shit, reals cheaters wont be discovered anyway (I mean probot users like netcoders or elitecoder customers) and bann publics busted, moreover when busts are dated of more than 1 years wont help the community...
Privates bots users could continue to play, nP for all...
and btw, if perfo is right (nobody will ever know) its a shame :(
shut the fuck up all
I need more pictures
600th comment :o
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