perfo banned in 48 hours!

Some in Clanbase might say theres no satisfing the ET community but we'll see. Just 48 hours after perfo's case was put forward by the community he has been banned for six months forcing his team junk52 into a lineup change for the Eurocup final.

This now leaves Clanbase with three Eurocup ET cheat cases and three different results;

Scotland RazZ - Caught whilst playing for helix and banned for twelve months and had all of helix's results forfeit

Germany kerAn * _shy - Caught whilst playing for zeroPoint/pro5 and played a further three Eurocup matches before being banned, no results were forfeit

Netherlands perfo - Caught in the same season as kerAn and _shy yet banned within 2 days, no matches were forfeit

Was his instant ban correct? Should Clanbase have given junk52 the same allowances they gave pro5 which would have allowed him to play the Eurocup final? Which of the three cases was the correct way of handling the situation?
edit: second
miss u jasper :(
why did u have to cheat dude :<
omfg he's your god ?
omg, i probably care about him :<
why the fuck does every fuckin idiot have to cheat?
and why the fuck do they cheat on pb server?
thats just stupid, and i care about perfo!

and wtf is wrong in that?
am i not allowed to like someone?
am i stupid cuz i do it?

ure just ridiculous!!
Quote ure just ridiculous!!

i lold irl xD
another prove, how ridiculous u can be
go on plz xD
i lold again, i go sleep now, make another retarded comment plz so i can laugh again tomorrow :D
good morning, miss sunshine
sebastian said YOU SUCK PERFO
how's sebastian's work going?
he said he quitted because YOU SUCK PERFO fuckkiddumbassshittosserretardcheater
Perfo's and razz ones were correct, keran and shy lasted too long.
razz's was hardly correct... all the games forfeited? please.
That are the CB rules. I think Razz's ban was handled correct, but Keran and shy's bans costs too long, without enough evidence, Pefo's ban is handled incorrect. There is just not enough evidence. (Someone cheated from his ip doesn't mean Perfo cheated! It's like saying a nigger broke in my house, while it wasn't a nigger)
Oh cool, so I should be unbanned too?
Dunno why u are banned
his ip cheated, not his etpro/pb guid...
QuoteThat are the CB rules.

Check my column, they aren't the CB rules, CB shouldn't have forfeited those games, it was a mistake.
Yeah I've read it.
Their previous actions were "mistakes"...
I got that feeling that they don't understand THEIR rules.
Donex quoted the rules from that time, somewhere here or the last newspost. According to that those were the rules back then (forfeiting all matches he played in).
so if we follow your way of think : CB has to go to perfo's house check digital fingers print to know who used the pc and cheated ? plz :s
oh plz shut up :D
That were the rules back then, so yes it was correct.
reset EC
1337% agree
Get lan finals! then we are rid of this!

ow and don't forget NetherlandsMize yet to be banned after months ;>
He won't be banned from ClanBase.
just in a pre phase or what? :p
I think Bulld0g said the demo isn't enough proof to ban him.
but he is not allowed to play, right?
He is allowed to play CB, not ET-cup/ESL though
correct the demo has no guids in it so to CB it could be any player doing a /name mize.

Yawn cannot be used as evidence of a player being present on a server.

no ban.
But IP's can.... please
and if the player in such situation admits he cheated?
me and luna tried! thier decision was final.
u suck at clanbase fuking idiots & pricks, ban yourself and your family from the world
its not ther fault those tards from C&C dont ban him tard
are u stupid?
razz was baned for 12 months or am i wrong ?
your right
razz was banned for life iirc, but they reduced it to 7 moths or something (banned in may I think, was reallowed to play in January).
the first
gg... banbanban
i dont know tosspot ! I DONT KNOW
CB < some lowskill3on3cup
u play the final?: p
why cant perfo play the final...its obvious he doesnt cheat and the yemrans could play on for weeks.

btw: can perfo still play for team NL?
no hes also baned from et-cup
becouse germans are better? thought about that?
Finally someone pointed out the obvious...
Germoney > all ;o
bunch of retards :]
and now lets flame here !!!
this whole EC is one big mess :<
now NL has no skilled rifle anymore :<<
this is ridiculous... clanbase is just embarassing themselves.
you're so gay
hahah :D:D:D:D:D::D ownd ...
heheh :D:D:DDD:::DDD
sad day for enemy territory
*** what a day, what a night for enemy territory ***
finally a swift and correct decision, now was that so hard cb?
Cb is rly bad :\
i think that for once i actually agree ! :o
i think it's your birthday today:d
Cheaters won't destroy this game, Clanbase will.
hoijjjj my little cheater <3 how are you nowadays?
fine and you <3
always good when i spend my time in army lol. what are you doing nowadays?
studying in holland + having fun : )
don't forget to ban Switzerland arrow aka dANZERI (atm)
ya worm, this retard shooting 49 acc 3hs a kill np for him
idd, it's ridiculous
leave him allone, he just got new computer and is skilled xD
quote of the week :D
I think banning him so fast was the only way they could redeem themselves, and close this cheater discussions.
Not really, since this casts even more clouds over why it took a hell of a long time to get rid of the keran and shy.
No generalization here, please.
Oops, edited!
yes, stop generalizing, the fact that two out of two of these players were german doesn't mean they were all german!
funny how TosspoT always adds fuel to the fire with his scandalous newsposts. :D
tr00, everytime when i check crossfire i see those uberTosspoTnewsposts with more than 1337 comments. But it would be boring without them dont u think so? :p
ye but i guess without his newsposts the cb havent done/recognized anything yet and perfo could play the final before he get banned :]
i know and i couldn't care less :DDDDDDDDD long as it keeps me entertained
et and its competition is worth a shit :)
true entertainment > all :o
imo there should be a rule, if you cheated and you get busted like 1 year later, you wouldn't get banned.
or as suggested somewhere HERE, make a cut, and who gets caught cheating from now on (next season) = lifetimeban in the league
He still would be banned with this rule.
fuck cb and fuck cheaters
shows that this whole thingy is working since bulldog works for cb
loool perfo got owned :D would i be you i would kill my brother ^^
im glad the matches got forfeited in helix' case, and also that perfo got banned so fast. about the p5-case? both should clearly be unbanned asap
lolled here.
alles hurensöhne ausser mutti
macht Sinn, is ja schliesslich auch ne Frau und kann deshalb gar nicht als Sohn bezeichnet werden :<
halt die schnauze ich meine es so wie ich es gesagt habe !!!
och bitte net sauer sein schatzi :<
dont be stupid.
i hope that was a joke otherwise you're fucking retarded lol
go hunt some frogs
ok, thanks for that nice intermezzo, now go get some more hw bans or your e-penis might stop growing
I myself think that only players who cheated on pracs and/or officials should be banned, this is none of anyone's business what people do on public servers, so gifty has a point imo.
i see you respect players who are playing on public servers :-)
lol, i dont judge people by the servers they play on.
i dont see what has your comment got to do with what i said.
my sarcasm detectors scale just went thru the roof
make it less obvious next time thx.
what a day...
totally agree with u
I don't understand why keran and shy's case should be a benchmark for how long a ban process should take. That time it was just another two random players in their endless cheat list they had to process, this time they knew that perfo was gonna play ec final any day and had to make it quick.
just two randoms..

playing for a playoff EC team aint just beeing 2 randoms..

cheaters in the biggest tournament in ET should be taken first imo..
For the c&a crew they were.
The point is not that it is a benchmark, the point is that one of junk52's competitors were allowed to play for 3 weeks with their players and could transition in their replacements, junk52 arent given three weeks to do the same.

My general point is that everything should be EXACTLY the same, and in these three examples, nothing is!
That's true, but that's not always possible. Letting perfo play to be 'nice' because they took so long with keran and shy would be equally wrong.
What the hell is that? keran and shy_ also played EC, CB knew that just as well that they knew that perfo played EC... So that's really a bad reasoning for banning him so fast.
Actually I don't think Clanbase C&A was aware of the situation. If they were I think they would prioritize that case and process it faster than they did.
Why wouldn't they be aware of the situaton... What's there not to be aware of?
Because they get a shitload of cheaters to process, and for all they knew shy and keran was just two more in the queue.
I don't think it's like that, I think they knew full well that shy_ and keran played on EC level, just like perfo.
I guess we'll never find out.
Indeed we won't, which is why I don't like random whiners (not that you're one of those) who just say CB is shit.
And why would they know that? Both don't play ET and I doubt anyone who doesn't play it (or never has played it) follows the scene. So tell me how they should've known both are from an EC-team?
Explain who "both" are, and I think that if you are someone with such a responsibility, it's a must to follow the scene...
"both" are the 2 Headsupervisors of C&A. And rofl, so in your eyes they have to follow the scene of every game at CB because they are banning the cheaters.
you forget that ET admins/cheatbusters give the evidence to those cheater buster guys and they know they played EC and im pretty sure they have said that they played EC.
Depends how they have to send the evidence. If it's just a mail, then yes. If it's a form, then perhaps they couldn't.
Tbh I wasn't talking about "THE" head supervisors of C&A, I was just talking about the ET C&A team. My point is that if you're part of a "busting&banning" team for a game (1!! game), you should follow the scene, otherwise (in my eyes) you can't do your job properly.
There is no ET C&A team. There is Bulldog who sends cheaters info to C&A and they ban. And they receive that info from lots of people from every game that's at CB. They don't know every scene, nor do they have too.
Ah, I see. Sorry then, I thought there were specialised teams for each game, apparently not.
The first was the right way to handle it..
good job! now did he cheated only on public or ... ?
waiting for statement by CB .. also regarding perfos defense!
We get to play ANOTHER game with a merc, kudos to us if we manage to pull it off..
The LOVELY nevari was quick to point out that AzA wasnt really a merc for j52 when he played against TLR.
he played for us twice before the official, its still a merc :)
but u own np
gonna be a nice ec without a final tbh :o
lets see :D
hör endlich auf zu whinen
my ban was done within 15 mins so plz
qid abuse!
the clan was a hacker clan. CB should thank me for that
ye ye i know bv, just joking
Next ban will take 2 years and they will be allowed to play 30 matches, nice banning perfo in 2 days when u're not even sure he was cheating
idd :/ gl anyway
the reason for what you said is because they are trying to save their reputation, after letting keran and shy continue playing.
worlds best game is led by the worlds worst people
Are you applying for :p
Parent is THE chance to have the world's best game run by the world's best people...
good to know
Congratulations with your normal nick back :)
clanbase ->
image: clown

clanbase isnt a league anymore - its a big joke
i exactly agree with u
perfo - double ( i mean SHG open & CPC II ) public lan proofed player , EC player , well known in ET community getting banned with no clear evidence , ridicilous.
No clear evidence? Hmmm... same ip as a caught hacker on
What is clear evidence in your eyes?

there IS NO clear proof that he did cheat, and a fitting IP 2 years ago means shit.
Very good response. If i remeber correctly it was 6 Months ago & it's still HIS ip. I don't give a fuck about his brother story it's HIS ip and Clanbase bans for ips.
yea because they are retarded and everyone will agree with me (on the fact that they are retarded)
Explain to me why it's "retarded" to ban for ips, please.
sensationalist and unnecessary
don't be silly, he needs to keep the whine high to promote his new site
what site is this? ebash?
obviously, everyone with a little bit of brain should know why he is acting like that
i dont like ezbash!
but dont act like its such a threat to cb
CB will survive !
olol don posting on xfire roflcopter lolololol
Oh dear :( You mean a newspost that highlights three different CB rulings is used to promote a project I havent started? Anyone with a brain could see that CPC could quite happily promote ezbash, clearly you're missing one!
sometimes clanbase and their admins remind me of premiership referees, making decisions for attention.
CB should have let perfo play the final because they let keran & shy play EC wars too (which was ridiculous at the first place but because they did it they should have let perfo too)

what an idiots
no, they shouldnt allow any cheater to play EC games.
that's what I meant but I formed my comment badly :(

when they got the evidence of keran & shy they should have banned them right away and not let them play any EC matches

and when they got the evidence of perfo they could've banned him like they did but without all this speculation & whine & stuff

that would've been the best situation but as they let keran & shy play 3 EC matches "because they're LANproofed" it would have been fair to let perfo play his final too because he's at least as LANproofed as keran & shy

that's what I meant :)
Agree, shy and Keran could easily have been banned straight away. Saving the hassle of forfeit games and messing the EC up.
LOL shit retards
Just get your standards right, CB.
You guys do have a point that you're doing it as volunteers but that doesn't mean that you have to give advantages to certain clans. Pro5 and Keran/Shy obviously had advantage over perfo and J52.

Just do whatever seems right but make it for everyone the same and don't change your standards every day because it only causes more flame, worryness, confusion, whine, and so on.

Fix it
Good job!
Last night in our cup we had a guy who has millions of red traingles at, and his excuse was that he used your config. Care to explain? :oo
he used cfg from my profile which was full of wrong cvars.
olet niin ilkee
Nobody cares about you.
Hahah clanbase is a joke.
Lol shit retards.
Clanbase is killing et.

There. See? You retards writing all the same crap over and over on the same page can now stop jumping on the bandwagon and either write something useful or not write anything at all.
I lol'd. ET is going to die within days. Thx to Clanbase for banning perfo while he didnt used hax... CB = bunch of shit.
How do you know that he didn't cheat?
I know him since my first et clan, please.. He hates hax, so why should he use hax? I know one of his brothers did..
Ii dont understand why everybody is angry at clanbase. Maybe they made a mistake by banning Keran and Shy not instantly. But obviously they are on the right path now by banning perfo within 2 days.
a mistake? whole cb is a mistake!

My ex boss @ work was a CB head chief, maybe thats why I leaved there? ;D
Why is the whole CB a mistake?
The way of getting cheaters banned. They ban for no reason.
who got banned for "no" reason?
same ip is not enough evidence?
Not the evidence that Perfo hacked.
i cant get it

first all peeps are whining because cb needs like 2 months to ban a person - now they banned perfo immediately and all are whining so wtf?
first of all i think that most oft the pple don't complain about the ban itself.
all events occurred during the fucking same EC tourney...nevertheless CB used 2 different ways of handling the same problem which gave pro5 an unfair advantage.
your also telling cheating is your own fault if you did 3 years ago ,and you should be punished for it. so beeing indecisive in banning is also your own fault and you should be punished for it aswell. accept the whine
yeah right, like u havent cheated lately.. :XDDDDDDD
It's just the fact that Keran/Shy/Pro5 got an advantage over Perfo and Junk52. The rule should be equal, and CB shouldn't change their standards, rules,.. every day.

This just causes more confusion/whine/flame upon CB-admins, even if they do their best. They just need to get grip of 1 rule and use it for everyone and not give the excuse that they lacked time to force the ban through, because I know from some 'sources' that getting a ban through not takes any longer than 10 minutes.

Point is, just get your standards right, CB.
Nice one Clanbase using Perfo to try and clean up the mess you made with Shy and Keran. Face it you fucked up big time with Keran and Shy so your making an example of Perfo.
true, like they did with Razz
you, dear misters, are fucking retards.

shame on you and your whole generation.
"ask perfo!"??
now already I understand
good job to ban him as fast as possible.
ye lets do 6o+ acc in an other game. -_-
Whats the world coming to?
clanbase != world
all of this shows how indecisive CB is
I agree with u but the point is that cb had to ban him. If they wouldn't do that every "cheater" in the future will say something like "hey it wasn't me. i've got 1337 brothers."But its sad that perfo is the one who's banned in this precedent...
as i said, let him play the finals imo.
Why the hell would you let a busted cheater play the grand EC final?
there is no evidence that perfo used this hack, someone in is house used it tho because it was from the same ip..

+ keran and that other dude played 3 matches, and are now in the LB final, maybe they already dropped out without keran and shy ?
Hm i have been banned in 2 years then CB suddenly give me 12 more monhts, for what?
:D, fast tror jag blir unbannad snart ändå, men vilka muppar dem är.
ET = Tour de France ? =((
yes :DD

i think that People always will cheat if its possible, not only in the eSport as you can see in Tour de France : /
He should of been able to play the EC final.

I dont know why CB have done this ban so quick whilst it took ages for Shy and Keran's bans to be implemented.

It's a fucking joke, rule for one..... CB trying to cover their arses once again... Just fuck off?
banning perfo is the most retarded thing after perfos birth
Theres no clear evidence !
ask perfo
And again it becomes more and more uninterresting to watch the last ec-matches because of some stupid years old public cheating.
so much looking forward to qw:et
perfo > cb
all 4 should be banned for life.
sad and unlucky for perfo. But, I hope that all the "no ban"-supporters know, if perfo hadn't been banned there could be nobody banned.

Clanbase made some mistakes, that is true. But they could do whatever they want, you would still whining them for shitty reasons...
Agreed on that. I find it unlucky and sad for perfo. Also a bit of unfair compared to the keran and _shy case. But they way CB acted on this is, is the correct way to make a statement against cheating.
That message is getting lost though, thanks to the earlier case of keran and _shy besides this one.
i fucking agree, CB staff isn't retarded, the ET community is ...
Let's blame clanbase for banning cheating players

Das ist der gleiche populistische Quatsch. Also wenn einer sagt, dass er nicht gecheated hat, liegt kein Beweis vor? Und ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob du weisst wie einfach es ist einen anderen ETPRO guid, sowie einen anderen pbguid zu erlangen. Denn dann wäre die Community erst recht "fucked up", weil das ein Freifahrtsschein für Cheater wäre.
Pls read Tosspot's thread about languages :[
thx, but I can read/understand it :p
fucking cheaters
ahahaha :D cb owns.

Right decision! Great! (except for Pro5, their matches should be forfeited).
np 4 perfo Slovenia Assassin will replace him!
Ich bin sehr gespannt auf dein alternatives Bansystem.
pro5 matches should be forfeited, if not, why not add one cheater to the lineup? if caught he will be banned meanwhile he can hax some matches and help the team to win

For starters, no one really thinks that p5/zP won their EC matches because of keran/shy actually hacking in those matches.

The issue is a whole different one.
nice joke cb xD really ..

i really don't understand how it's possible that such a retards still have anything to say in this ET community.
You should read more arguments on this site instead to join the clique of the useless whiners.
arguments for what?
for banning perfo after 2 days because his brother cheated half a year ago , still don't banning mize, letting shy and keran playing for weeks while they admitted they cheated Themselfves?
1. Mize has nothing to do with this
2. If you think you can do it better, proof it or give an alternative instead of flaming CB
pls, so if someone doesn't like the way bush keeps sending soldiers to the war, he have to become president of the U.S. and proove he can do it better, before he is allowed to say , that he thinks bush should not send the soldiers to the war ?
His point is that he simple had to be banned. And there must be a point they start to handle right. And because they made a mistake with keran and shy, they should never be allowed to handle anyone else in a right way?
didn't they say that a year ago when razz got busted ? or am i wrong ?
I don't get ur point.
back then were different rules
1. If you think you can do it better, proof it or give an alternative instead of flaming CB
an alternative should be treating every1 in the same way ?
Im Falle von dynamischen IPs schon. Wenn IPs nicht genutzt werden könnten, wäre es ein Kinderspiel für jeglichen Cheater zu cheaten. Das würde erst recht eine Cheaterinvasion bedeuten.

Ich glaube persönlich auch nicht, dass perfo gecheated hat. Aber man hat auch eine gewisse Selbstverantwortung zu tragen. Wir haben die Wahl zwischen einer Cheatinvasion, oder Regeln zu nutzen die dazu führen, dass in ganz wenigen Fällen eventuell Unschuldige gebanned werden. Theoretisch ist es auch möglich den pbguid, den etpro sowie die IP zu spoofen...
Silly clanbase...
I agree.
Nice 'journalism'. Lets bash CB although we dont have a fucking clue what is going on in that organization1111

Only reason shy and keran weren't instabanned is because the CB guys who can ban the fast way werent available at that time. As the CB head admins are avi at this time, Perfo will get banned rather fast :/

Get ur facts straight next time.
ban overdrive
I actually suggested to ban you like any other cheater: in a week two :/ Apparently the only reason shy and keran weren't instant banned was because the ppl who had the authority werent available back then.

I will missed you :'( Spanwkill your brother while he sleeps plz.
What part of that post is wrong?
QuoteWas his instant ban correct? Should Clanbase have given junk52 the same allowances they gave pro5 which would have allowed him to play the Eurocup final?

As I said in the comment you are replying to: CB wanted to ban keran and shy using their celebrity fast justice system. At that time the CB head admins werent available, thats why their banning took so long. Unluckily for Perfo, they are available now and will ban him in 48hours. This is not a discussion, just like it never was with Keran or Shy's.
You know that part was flame bait :)
No, its selling bullshit about CB and giving ppl a place to spam their uneducated oppinions about cheaters.

hits hits hits
Is it not pedantically factually correct - keran & shy where allowed to play on, whatever the reason was.
And once you know that reason the discussion ends.

Ppl expect newswriters to actually know what is going on. This is not a newspost. Its pure opinion and speculation.
SORRY OVERDRIVE, I forgot how right you always are and how wrong everyone else always is.

Not to suggest that you were wrong, however when asking a question one is clearly stating that they are NOT conveying factual evidence, as indicated by the question mark and indicated in a non rhetorical question.

But, I bow you your vast intelligence, experience and recent displays of maturity.
Onoz, tosspot got critized.

QuoteI wish you had done some more research

Can't help it you are bullshiting about the whole keran / shy / perfo case xD I'll explain it one last time. Donex complained to CB head admins that they couldnt ban ppl fast enough. CB replied that they couldnt change the whole system, but they could speed up certain bans. This is what happens when ppl like razz, etc get busted.

In case of keran and shy those ppl who could fast ban weren't available.

<3 you to

ps: nice posting collumns in news skillz
pps: you forgot the ezbash add
Wait wait, you avoided the comment and just decided to repeat your bullshit again! What a surprise :)
There was no content in your last reply, only personal attacks which had nothing to do with what I was talking about.

oops, my mistake. 'NOT conveying factual evidence' .
Not to knock your grasp of english because it is far better than my grasp of Belgian (flemmish), but for someone that decieves to be fluent in both you seem to be missing the point in both of my replies, why dont you go back and try again.
ye sure, cb ban cheater, how could they do that??
let's blame them
Ban cheaters for life! (...and perfy)
If they banned razz immediately, and forfeited all of hx matches, they should have done the same with keran shy and perfo.Although, shy and keran shouldnt have played for pro5 after they got busted, same goes for perfo. Still, so many different bans/changes sux, and it's hard to say which one is correct.
The rules of CB changed after the incident with razz iirc, if p5 want to play with busted cheaters, that's their decision. Also, I don't think perfo even had time to play with j52 after he got busted, since his ban was within 48 hours of the bust.
But that's the right thing. And I think that p5 should get punished just because they knew keran and shy ll get busted but still they played with them, and beat Impact & dignitas. Same goes for perfo.
Well, I kinda thought so too, but the point is, that WOULD have happened if there were any admins online, but they were unfortunately on a vacation, which is why it took so long to ban them. So I don't think you can blame CB.
Naja man muss sie halt tätigen, weil es einfach Fakt ist, dass auch Unschuldige gebanned werden können. Das ist in der Justiz nicht anders. Dort ist die Quote wohl noch bei weitem höher.

Also forderst du, dass cheats auf public erlaubt sein sollten? Das großen Problem ist einfach, dass dieser Cheathype schon viel viel eher hätte kommen müssen. Seit dem die Leute wissen welche Konsequenzen es hat ist die Quote von bans nachweislich sehr stark zurückgegangen. Es wurde gemacht, weil es möglich war und ohne Folgen blieb.
A mix of both imo: A 12 month ban for the cheater but no forfeits for the team.
Well, though I do like the fact that busted players (I don't care if it was righteous or not) are banned fast, it's stupid that keran and shy_ were still allowed to play 3 matches, and perfo probably didn't even get the chance to PRAC for one. However, I can understand the point of CB that their admins were on holidays, so it took longer. It may seem unfair, but CB would've banned keran and shy_ right away too if their were enough admins. So in the end, I don't think CB lacked anything, they did everything they could, they weren't lenient to anyone, all in all, I think they did a good job, considering the pressure of the entire community, watching their every move.
they rly should let him play the final :<
Why should they let a busted cheater play the final?
cause he never cheated in a match done alot for the et community was always nice and never flamed anyone. he should have a good goodbye
that are opinions, get to the fact, he cheated and now he'll have to follow the consequences.
ic your are narrow minded, in a real court the punishments for the same crime are mostly diffent due to the circomstances. CB should also keep this in mind imo.
cuz some want to see the best to 2 teams colide
and not some mixes
Edit: damn u2 are fast
i dont want to watch players who used cheats
i dont want to watch players who used cheats
nah np ... perfo can spoof so can he still play the final as another player :P

joke :-)
just start to play ESL. Thats an alternative in my opinion.
it's hard to find a top clan with a steady line up if you can't play events like eurocup anymore, imo
Das würde bedeuten, sobald ein "cheater" behaupten würde, dass er es nicht war, er nicht gebanned werden würde. Die Möglichkeiten etwas im Internet nachzuweisen sind begrenzt. Irgendwo muss die Grenzen gezogen werden. Das ist die Seuche eines kostenlosen Spiels das keinen key benötigt.
its funny how all these guys pay so much attention to this..

dont you have anything better to do?

a cheater or former cheater got banned

thats it.
sikota: boog prob used hax and now perfo got banned

thanks...... whine less enjoy the game more :)
boog dikkert :D
Jij leeft nog..
haii, hoe isset op school? k ga alweer stoppen :P
well lets see: arise ^^ , zAk :<, h3ll!??! and now perfo, god i am glad i don`t have any brothers :)

perfo- zware piemel dat is alles soms denkt men van "ooooooooooh fok check die bierbuik" kan dr niks aan doen, tja is lastig dat ding kwijt raken als je een riem om hebt(OLD)

rhand- geile belg, ik mis je ....euhm naja niet haha <3

sikota- totaal niet, wel leuk gedrag. dat gewhine als je een slechte dag hebt. <3

h3ll- niet doen straks word je net zo dom als ik :P(als je neger bent valt het niet zo op) uni is best kut, merk je wel aan mijn nederlands.
irc wilt niet starten hier, zonealarm is klote :( zelfst als ik die uit is krijg ik rare pop ups :O

dsky? was playing at arena51 (as usual) till someone mentioned it guess its something new, always nice to know people still have rumors about you, some are actually FO REAL, especially the ones that are about the size of my goodies.
Jammer, ik heb je wel gemist.
Quoteespecially the ones that are about the size of my goodies.

Die zit je zelf wel te verspreiden he, telt niet imo :P
En btw, uni = teveel tijd (behalve examens) => ET!
nee hoor, ik ga internationaal rijden :]
Let's focus on new dsky instead, thats way more interesting.
I think CB once again fails to communicate, and you guys are just filling in the gaps.

CB admins cannot ban, these things take time. If they want to ban somebody there's a fast way to do it, but you need head of CB to be avi etc.
it's sad but if CB didn't ban perfo , all the others real cheaters would come and say "blablabla , it was my brother too, why perfo is not banned , and i am ? blablabla , stupid retards fu blablabla" , so they didn't really have the choice ...
Is that supposed to look like me?
I guess, I didn't make it though! :XD
hahahah :D
einer der ersten der genau die gleiche meinung hat wie ich ;)

schade dass es 99,999...% der anderen anders sehen
ich kann auch nur zustimmen :]
ich auch ":XD"
And people still want ET to become a 'serious e-sport?' Well if the other communities weren't laughing at ET before they most certainly will now. :)
They were laughing before and they will laugh even more if this gets known.
as if other games would be better
Razz case would be most correct, but as keran * shy was allowed to play, so should perfo.
the fact is, you shouldnt cheat and if you did, you have to pay the consequences, even if these are not equal to other ppl's consequences.
agree :(
Explain who "both" are, and I think that if you are someone with such a responsibility, it's a must to follow the scene.
su6 irl perfo bibuy :(
nice photoshop skillz XD
googled perfo pants ??
when i did that, i came to this pic :p
made my day :DDDDD
omg so nice!!! Who made that?
feruS is now known as j52|feruS ??? :o
perfo's case is most correct, but being fair he should be able to play few games like keran and shy were

razz' case was totally wrong imo
why is it correct? you probably know that he does have brothers (hated them while being on voice communication)
they are known to be playing ET but cb totally does not care who of them might be guilty and just bans the most known?

funny stuff.
I always said perfo hax back then in p2 times, didn't I x) ?

I didn't talk about the reason why he got banned, just said if someone gets busted CB should act immediately, not in 3 months...

and it's not fair to punish the team for someone haxing on public, but if the team knows about it and still lets him play it's a tough decision...
yes you did, that was probably because you had in mind he was someone else aka snoozer (who was/is in cod2 dutch nation team!!! lol)

the rules are just wrong if they made a small change to an instant ban in wars/practices, mistakes like this will never happen (using your brother excuses can be considered as a nice joke :P)

why do we care if anyone cheated on a pub or care if he cheated on another version of the game since we don`t even care that people have cheated or are cheating in different games

what is next? search all ip addresses that ever got banned or kicked on pbbans/punksbusted on other games and try find their nicks in ET so we can ban them all?
I don't care if someone cheats in let's say cod (hi Evan!) because it doesn't harm ET community in any way... but every ET cheater does harm ET in one way or another
You thought I used hax but the finnish guys still thought together with xizu that I was the worst player? Pretty funny
sometimes u were really good other times sucked so it was a bit weird... I didn't say anything aloud, the decisions were all xizu's

But I said u hax before we joined p2 and xizu tried to convince me that u don't :)
Leef jij ook nog neger?
ja gek

en je weet, eerste liefde is altijd ernstig <3 Dark Elite Warriors lol
werd van arena51 naar dit geroepen :P
:DDDDD Arena51 lol

<3 DeW Gaysquad ;p
hey arena51 is wel leuk hoor :(
Kan ik tenminste fraggen, whinen en goede acc halen :P
perfo banned in 48h, keran in 3 months. Somebody desperately wants pro5 to win the EC.
bulldog got promoted:D?
wp retards @ CB

the person with only a IP as evidence get banned in 48 hours and keran kan play a decider map while being banned gg fucktards @ cb

perfo = most hated by cuphosters or smth?

let him atleast play EC final, keran was able to play matches when he knew he would get banned and he played a map while being banned.
There is no way enough 'HARD' evidence to prove Perfo cheated. For all you know hes innocent but noone gives a fuck do they?
no they don't, the admins gone crazy and don't give shit about the communitie only thing the can thinkk about is "ban ban ban ban ban ban ban" and not looking at the evidence.

And when it is totaly clear that somebody hacked it takes 3 months to get somebody banned, and they even let banned people play a decider map. This should actualy mean that pro5 lost that match by forfeit for playing with a banned cheater.
Nick and seigen are banned and now are all our matches gone where they played in , and now perfo is banned I see still the matches he played with mita ajan @ cb 3v3 eu .. oh noe$
we just left the ladder noob
Not rly , look at our matches @ 3v3 eu ladders then you can see most of the matches are removed where you and seigen played in
k :< but in every match there was me or seigen oO
Ì dont know , check it our yourself : )
LOL pls so what profs you want ? Ip isnt a clear evidence ? This scene gone mad

CB keep up the good work ban every cheater pls !
We just need better, stable and clearly defined rules. But to me it makes sense that they arent taking perfo his reasonable excuses in account, since they didnt do that with previous busts.

And yeah, makes me sad though that j52 cant just finish this ec with the normal lineup. And i guess they executed this ban so fast because they got critised for the slow processing off shy and keran, and because j52 is at final of EC.

why not an "Only busted cheaters & teams EC" next season?
der hackt auf jeden fall, n spieler der zu DEN namen in der szene gehört und seine brüder cheaten weil is ja lustich;X
atleast you can spam on xfire more now, cya meight
I love perfo's fanboys spamming about this
QuoteWhich of the three cases was the correct way of handling the situation?

no one was correct.

just paranoiac over-reaction (in all 3 chases, since we know none of all 4 players used hax/rivatuner/what_ever in any offical match)
rivatuner uhum:D
was talking bout razz :)
30% of the people back then also use rivatuner:D inside info:P
dunno, rivatuner is one of the few things i never used :D
so what your saying is, his team are in final??? lmfao what a disgrace why are they not removed like team nl. fukin bollox imo. what about the teams they have played to reach the final? perfo your a prick and need 10 rapid jabs to the balls
Eyon on 09/06/07, 15:18:41 PM | Reply

Pls read Tosspot's thread about languages :[
agree :|
sad thing :( cheats again :/
bb ugly perfo nab ;D
With cheats perfo> you
without cheats perfo > you
with his left hand >you
with his luger> you
with his knife > you
You < Everything

so don't call him ugly + nab.

but i DO agree with your BB :D
Bb perfo xD
Rehall > su
Rehall > stfu
Rehall > not funneh
Rehall > die?
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