Play Quake Wars this week!

image: etqw_banner

Yes, you read that right. The public Quake Wars beta will be going live this week!

Over on the official community site, badman has just this second posted all the juicy details regarding the beta..

QuoteWith the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Public Beta approaching, we have a few more bits of information about how the whole thing is organized, how you will be able to get your key, and, most importantly, when key distribution will actually start. Now, the ETQW Public Beta client will not work without a valid beta key.

With that in mind, your next question is undoubtedly "How the *bleep* do I get a key?"

First off, I know there's some concern that most of the 60,000 Public Beta slots will go to FilePlanet subscribers - this is not the case. In fact, the keys are split right down the middle, with half going to subscribers and the other half to people with free FilePlanet accounts.

Now, the ETQW Public Beta client will not work without a valid beta key. With that in mind, your next question is undoubtedly "How the *bleep* do I get a key?" Aside from the fact that this is a family-friendly blog and I won't have that kind of language around here, it's pretty straightforward: There will be a special Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Public Beta mini-site going up on FilePlanet that will be available throughout the key distribution phase. When you log into this site with your FilePlanet account and keys are available at that time, you'll get your key along with a download link for the beta client.

Let's move on to the actual distribution phase of the beta. As you're reading this, the beta is being released to a very limited number of select FilePlanet subscribers - we're calling this the sneak peek phase. Essentially, we're using this to test the delivery process and to see if there are any last minute showstopper issues. If you are a FilePlanet subscriber, you may get the chance to partake in this.

If the sneak peek goes well and no catastrophic issues crop up, we will move on to the actual key distribution phase. This is going to last several days and on each day we will make available a number of beta slots through the aforementioned ETQW sub-site on FilePlanet. During the first three days of this process, keys will be available to FilePlanet subscribers only. This will be followed by two days of keys for anyone with a free FilePlanet account.

The best part, and I've been waiting five paragraphs to say this, is that Day 1 of key distribution is currently scheduled for the middle of this week. That's right, the first batch of keys for the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Public Beta will go out in just a few days! FilePlanet's ETQW sub-site will be going up that same day.

Now why are we spreading these out over several days instead of throwing all 60,000 keys out at once? Simple: We want to make sure that as many people as possible get the chance to obtain a key and we feel that scheduling a predetermined number of keys to go out each day is the best way to do this. We're also going to be gradually ramping up the number of available keys with each passing day, so as time goes on, more keys are passed out per day. This allows us to steadily increase the load on our back-end infrastructure, making sure we can effectively test that.

Of course, a multiplayer beta is useless if there are no servers to play on. Towards that end, we've been working closely with a select number of Game Server Providers to get servers for the Public Beta up in North America, Europe, and Australia. We will continue to work with GSPs around the world to make sure Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars servers can be found in every major territory when the game ships.

One last thing: We will definitely keep you updated throughout the various phases of the Public Beta roll-out, so be sure to check the site regularly to find out the latest.

So if you're gagging to get access to the beta, which will be a one map affair on Sewer, read the text below.

If you are a current fileplanet subscriber, starting Wednesday and continuing for 3 days, you'll have the chance to grab a beta key. If you have a free fileplanet account, you will have your chance to grab a key from saturday or sunday continuing for 2 days.

Keep an eye on this page if you have a fileplanet account!

I've got mine, so i'll see you on the battlefield soon!

Source: Community Site
They won't get my money!
nobody is askin for it
Make it a bit more complicated please...
Looking forward to fragg ya all soooooooooon:D

Great that someone else posted this, wasn't in the mood for late night news writing:x
so somebody explain in few words what to do to get to play it. im too lazy to read this stuff.
Go to the store and buy it :)
no, you need to be a NEW annual subscriber, if you have an old account, wait till tomorrow or Wednesday for more keys
Fileplanet are currently guaranteeing beta keys to new annual subscribers
Yes, but only if you login to fileplanet at the precise time they have keys spare.
If that's your attitude they will be glad to hear you won't be taking part in the beta.

It is expected that from Wednesday onwards, the "free" keys will be available in waves.
Yeah, you've a guaranteed key if you reserve it - they're just not active yet unlike the new subscribers.
mm I'm not so sure now, they say beta keys but also mention the demo.
seems to me you cant reserve beta's, only the demo.
_shy & keran don't like it!
true there are no hax yet
More bullshit please.. :D
someone post me a link to the place where i can get a key with my free fileplanet account
Indeed !

I'd like that too.
direct link would be better for my lazyness

i'll employ my sister to sit at the pc refreshing tommorrow, for..

I have to go into Leeds to fight an epic battle at Subway and conquer the evil overlord "Footlongoman" and the "Eye Of Pepsi".

I'm going to be so fucking bored now school is over -.- I only just watched LotR btw.
If you bothered to read the news in the post, you'd know that the sub-site on fileplanet to get your key will be put up on wednesday.
"This will display any keys you have associated to the current GameSpy ID you are logged in with. The keys on this page cover betas, trials and other key-related programs we have run on FilePlanet."

Right... How do I get this beta associated with my account?!?
u will get them on wednesday if u r subscribed, and on saturday, if not.
ok now this is pathetic. i guess i wont bother trying out the beta. "see you on teh batelfeild"

thats stupid.

make an excepetion for the guys that bought the game allready imo.
I just read some note "This is the beta, not the demo". Does that mean there's a demo coming aswell?
I was hoping for a "when" answer :P
I would like to know as well, but there is no information about that yet afaik.. What I know is that it will be released a few weeks in advance of the game itself.
why does this fileplanet crap still exist?
Because they need a destribution center for the beta.. 30.000 people downloading a 800 mb file in a few days creates a tremendous load and requires a multiserver + multinetwork setup which fileplanet has access to. Fileplanet has much experience running betas like this so they are the most obvious choice.
What about these tiny things called Torrents? Highspeed downloads and easy access
highspeed for sure... :S
,no! ET forever
Holy shit that fileplanet site is slow and crap. Somehow I have the feeling that ET:QW will be the same...
I think I'll download it to see, anyway. =D
I even bought the game and they said i will get a "private beta licencse code" but they never gave me :)
you've already got h4x for it, right?
So, you need to be a paying for the extra super premium-thingy to get the key&download?
No, read the news post :P
got the client, just need the key :/
Nice! As I've a fileplanet account now, I can play the beta at the end of this week?!
without key ! (need cracker 8))
wouldn't work
with bot it will.
the final game?

afaik this beta doesn't include any server code (only client).
I hate fileplanet ...
the game is not worth it...
$40 for that beta, excuse me :----D Free user will get those 30k remaining keys during the 2/5 day period. I wouldn't I really wouldn't do that :)

First annual, now
Then subscribed
^ takes 3 days, 30 000keys
Then free, 30 000keys
^ takes 2 days
public demo
Where to get client pls post link
wooo good news :>
yeh demo would be nice :X
is it no free public demo?
yes it isnt free public demo
it is .. free 30.000 keys...
Do you have them? I would like to buy one of them for -500€.
so funny mature boy...
and if there will be 50000 users, who want to play qw ?
20000 users will suck their dicks, so it's free, but not public "demo"
public demo will be released a few weeks ahead of the game itself
yes I know that :)
hi2u battlefield 2672, vietcong, halo, whatever
damm how early in the morning on saturday do they give beta keys away?
is it downloadable?
what a crap
so unexpected :D
When is first free wave?
gg can't play it...some shit OpenGL error.
OpenGL normally refers to your drivers... If you're using customized drivers you should use the drivers from your manufacturer or upgrade/downgrade them.
let the flames begin
me waiting for the demo

way easy'er
this sux a bit but i dont care.
i think those ppl who will play beta are very nice.. they test the game even before i can download the demo. perhaps the game is crap and i can save around 500 mb for the demo DL ;)

when we play it it will be bug free ( it should be )

maby not so bad that key beta thingy :p

ps. havent seen MAZZbruce for a long time since FDNL et server is off :(

wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D
he always played on BiO
ahh... im going to play on BiO now :)
need free key :x
good crap to do easy money ! ^^
more whine plz
plz - there is a reply button if u wanna flame a person - HäSSi
I've got PAID account, but this link ( ) doesn't work for me o_o
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Penn why will the public beta only up for 2 weeks? I know they want to fix some stuff during this beta, all the bugs etc .. But isn't it possible to let the beta running during this period of fixing bugs etc?
all this fileplanet-stuff sux :x
downloading :)
i have key and i'm willing to sell it for 50€, who wants it?
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