Crossfire Quakewars Key Competition Winners!

We've had some fantastic entries into the competition and just like our last competition this community proved that it can be quite creative when it wants to be! However, where there are winners there are losers, and we would like to thank everyone that entered and promise that this wont be the last competition on the site!

However, the congratulate the winners, we the Crossfire admin team have chosen our winners in the following categories:

YouTube Winners:
Captain 1337
(Honourable mention to Meez's Entry)

Motto Winner:
Hype - Crossfire, more than a community

Wallpaper Winners:


Journal Winners:


Congratulations and happy hunting! All winners will receive their keys in their Crossfire inbox's, if Captain 1337 could make himsef known to an admin that would be most appreciated!
lol zerender XD
now please whine more

QW here QW there, 95% whine, omgzor everybody needs a key OMG gimme key OMG share key OMG downloadspeed


beta should have stayed closed only until everybody can buy the game or download the demo
agree, this ET:QW beta spam is annoying
I totally agree with you.
omg I got key downloading play in 30 mins
weu cheasy!!!!!
QuoteYouTube Winners:

Wtf? What about meez?

QuoteMotto Winner:
Gold Hype - Crossfire, more than a community

Wanna kidding me? No creativity. Not even funny and this motto is already taken by 39432904323432409 communities,e.g. this one.

There are also some better journals. You suck hard as jury. :D
Obviously you didn't see the other entries :(
all respect, even my motto was better: People don't join crossfire, crossfire joins people.
Nah lol, too long and cheasy!
For the first time in my life, I agree with you.
You seem to be Dutch. So the rare accordance is normal. ;)
tbh mine pownd all:

Crossfire - Like a wet pussy, juicy and tasty
If we would be an +18 community ..
YAY WHAT a great use of my morning :(

Guess I'll just have to keep checking fileplanet....

Maybe if leon had sung it.... :(
man i loved it u should have won
you realy should have won :o

if i would had an key i would give them to you :(((
man, you were great :)
Meez > Topher, tophers one is boring as hell :\
nice 1 topher :>, meez also definately deserves a key!
If it was then Hype certainly wouldnt have won!
He must be chosen just to mask it! Otherwise, I can't understand how this bad motto can win.
You obviously don't know teh history ;-[
I do. Ey come one. Your motto is nothing special and is already taken by tons of organisations, communities etc. But it's still the most reasonable selection of all.

That meez didn't get anything is like electing her instead of her for the Miss Universum.

The wallpaper of zerender is quite funny, but it's just a stolen idea. Pics like that are already on every forum since days. Milk's is just an ugly edited screenshot etc etc
Because he spent more time on it, doesn't neccessarily mean he should win it, I agree my motto is not that creative but by looking at some of the other entries, I think it's ok.
Yes, like I said before, it's not my taste, but reasonable. And it's not about that it required so much time. It's just at least as good as topher's one.
Flyingdj too? :p
It was arni's admission. :D
no key for meez? :X
haha first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I'm not 2nd :[
I'm captain1337.
woo! is the dude with the saucepan on his head btw.
lol made a fake account so he can make that video xD
I'm Captain 1337
those youtube shits are retarded besides meezes one
i would have won if i wanst away :<
i find Meez's entry far more original than the others
you got a pm.... check your Crossfirenu group please i also posted there with my user name =/
i am stenorile from youtube check the youtube group please. sorry for spa, =))
wallpaper winners are a joke, only zerender deserves the key, other 2 are just shit (especially m1lk's which is too shiny/glowy and eyekilling, I would never have that on my desktop)

there were couple that were far, far better and more interesting(not including mine cos it was just done in 2 mins so I didn't expect anything)

edit: youtube vids are OMG, meez should've win cos it's most interesting, eventhough he can't sing whatsoever
Subject: Quakewars Key From: TosspoT Date: 23 Jun 07, 18:51

oh.. and I was not part of the jury! :P
fuck you, meez should get a key
Meez' is the fucking best , why didn't he win ? :X
hype's motto sux :p
congratz to all winners.. :(

edit: yes. meez should rly get a key
mezz posted two late. the time was already over when he did.
17:15.08 (Meez) but just to check i did make it into the competition right?
17:16.33 (TosspoT) yeh#

I posted a link in private to TosspoT before it finished processing on youtube, so I did make it, I think... not sure about the rest.
ahh =))

I hope they did not give my key to one of them who said they where me :-|. lol
me too, your video was rather entertaining :)
lotto is hype's motto.
congrats to the winners x)
I didn't win :(
thats so stupid, meez's one is far better then any of that
meez should've won :( poor boy <3
no comment

(eventhough this was actually a comment)
looooool rizz complimenti :D
meez should of got one tbh!
give meez a key
Motto Winner:
Gold Hype - Crossfire, more than a community

Nice Stealing, m8 :-/
ahhaha Topher ! :D The best.
meez deserves a key!
image: apg5zod8t71ovzata

wtf why my great wallpaper didnt win??

i should have won a key to give it to meez for his great musical performance :(((
nice one, best wallpaper ever

and great job meez
Nice wallpaper
Lol Nice one meez :)
Meez deserves m1lk or rizz's key...
meez voice sucks but he deserved it :)))
meez>all plz...
Meez's was fantastic
haha nice vid topher :D

*edit but meez should have won :<
idd. i offered him my spare key but he has like 3 now anyway so nP.
MEEZ FOR PRESIDENT, seriously respect m8
lol meez ownz :D
3rd place wallpaper :DDDD
best quote imo: Crossfire, spam is not the answer
Crossfire - Where spam is dire!!
Crossfire - Where every "clean" player is a liar!
Crossfire - Retards joining through a wire!
Crossfire - It is Toss who we admire!

God, this is fun!
Why didnt you post this one earlier? T&F are always recruiting
hehe really nice topher xD
nice meez, have to say :)

you sure got some baLLs
i just dont care about what people think about me :D
good otherwise u would already have killed yourself

and thats how it has to be !
Gratz all
You know you could have just ASKED me for the mp3 rather than ripping it from the youtube vid in poor quality :e

Ah well, I release it under creative commons 3.0 non-commercial share-alike license ( )

mp3: How You Killed Quake Wars (mp3 V0 - avg bitrate 229kbps - encoded using LAME)
I was bored :)

Anyway... Sry for not asking it :)
im asking for it, link plz.
Hypes fucking motto?
Thats lame, mines better - Never fear when crossfire is here
Crossfire - Whining and flaming at the same place!
rly, look at this topic..
youtube winners:

1st Meez
2nd Captain1337
3rd Topher


somebody else than hype =D. that motto is used like 15019501510 times, even in crossfire.

in wallpapers there was some fucking funny & nice pic, well it seems like it didnt win :<

about journals I dont care.
LOL meez deserves all the keys!!
roflpantofl, tbh my motto's pownd all:

Crossfire - Like a wet pussy, juicy and tasty

Crossfire - Fire out of your cross
meez would have deserved a key tbh.
btw this is more a joke than a serious competition
well, how can you make such thing competitive? one likes more this motto, someone else likes more other motto. same about wallpaper, youtube. you are right: that wasnt rly competitive but who cares? :)
lol Topher, i fucking lol'd :P
captain 1337 !
Meez video the best :D
im waiting already for the key that i win...
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