Crossfire announce Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3

image: cdc3banner
London – July 10, 2007 – devotii and Crossfire are proud to host the third Challenge series at the WZZRD Enschede Gaming centre in the Netherlands.

Over 12,000 Euros in cash prizes have been provided by Crossfire and its partners for the first two hugely successful Challenges. The third event will see an increase on that figure.

Due to huge interest and the over subscribed nature of the event it will be spilt into two tournaments. The first taking place September 21st 22nd and 23rd and the second taking place November 16th 17th and 18th.

The September event will house prized tournaments for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 6vs6, Enemy Territory Quakewars, Warsow QCup 1vs1, Quake 3 CPM 1vs1 as well as the conclusion of the Fnatic Academy Call of Duty 2 tournament whilst November will be a dedicated devotii Call of Duty 2 event with an RTCW QCUP. More information on the format and prizes of these two tournaments will be announced in the coming week.

“I’m honored to announce our third event and delighted that it is proving to be such a popular event in the gaming calendar” offered Stuart “TosspoT” Saw, owner of “We’ve learnt a lot from the previous events and are pleased to be partnering with devotii, WZZRD and QPAD for the third installment. Our ambition is to champion less well know games and raise their profile in the gaming community”

Michael Benson, Marketing Director of devotii, added, “We are proud to be working with Crossfire again. These great live tournaments and our new online games arena provide even more for opportunities for teams to compete against each other in great environments. Crossfire and devotii are both aligned in trying to bring the best to gamers and gaming.”

About devotii

devotii is a unique subscription based online gaming offering devoted to making gaming easy; with advanced yet simple-to-use functionality in a secure environment using next generation propriety anti-cheat software. devotii is building an active gaming community with sophisticated social networking tools integrated with ‘one-click-to-play’ functionality. For more information about devotii please visit


Launched in 2003 Crossfire has been the home of competitive Wolfenstein and Call of Duty. In 2006 Crossfire launched its first live off-line event to great applaud and driven by its 12,000 members continues its pledge to champion the smaller games through exposure, events and original media. Crossfire continues to work towards the goal of offering a prestigious home for its community and the challenge events are the spearhead of its plan.

About WZZRD Gaming Cafés

Starting in 2005, WZZRD Game cafés has rapidly grown in the Dutch gaming scene.
Over two years, WZZRD has been providing gamers with the best possible gaming experience offering the latest hardware, competitions and services in the their cafés.
Recently grown to three establishments, featuring the largest Game Café in the Netherlands, it accommodates the needs of gamers for casual playing time or competitive LAN tournaments. In addition, WZZRD Game cafes organizes any type of gaming related events varying from product releases to company days, at one of its locations or externally.

About QPAD & the QCUP

QPAD is the market leader in gaming mousepads, crowned for their quality products over the years. QPAD endeavour to champion the community atmosphere of gaming supporting players and competitions across the globe. The QCUP is a project that demonstrates QPAD's dedication to its community, by supporting gamers across many platforms. QPAD first presented Warsow to the competitive community at 2007 in Enschede. After a successful project, QPAD were compelled to run a QCUP and felt Crossfire was the best organisation to run it.

edit: YEAH 1ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
"nice" nice :)
=DDDDD start praccing and making teams!
nerdy, dont act so happy
Nice translation!
i know:D:D dutch is not allowed..
That wesbo is going to follow us all!
great, cu there :)
wie gehts hin?
bis enschede? fahren wa zusammen? ;)
könnwa machen
schon geguggt? fliegen net billiger? wo pennste überhaupt? msn???
When will you start playing :<
Warsow War§ow fucking nice !
fuck, are u also coming ????????????
depends on my job,prices etc :D
sfto not paying ?
they have no sponsors ;>
it depends on the prices u will recive for WarSow and if i get holidays @ my work :D
cool cool :)
prolly both events for me (rtcw <3 :P)
sounds nice =)
See you there!
Will all the games be played on both events (September & November) ?
1. read article
2. think
3. ask relevant question about stuff not mentioned in article

september etqw
november rtcw

i can paly rtcw if you need someone :o

hi btw :o
is it possible to play both (et and etqw) tournaments?
warsow 1on1 and ETQW neither ????
q3 1v1 + et 6v6?
no, one tourney per person
it will be played the et:qw beta? 1 or 2? or maybe do u know if the game will coming out?
this lan is late september. retail version will be out by then (since the demo will be out when quakecon is here, meaning early august and the retail version is supposed to be released 2-3 weeks after the demo, at the latest).

you just have owned us!
I cant do it with the mp40 any more!
#eZ is still looking for a highskilled 6th. /q decem @ qnet

btw nice turning the p around cbc3, not cpc3
it's flipped vertically and horizontally!

(cdc not cbc) :D
actually its rotated 180 degrees!
I'm going there i only need a active team!
en tiedä yritetäänkö sittekkää, tuntuu silt et oon ite ainut joka on ees kiinnostunu lähtemää, kukaa ei auta kuudennen ettimises ja sitku ois ollu kuudes jota ois voinu testaa ni pari tyyppiä menee pelaan jotai quakewarssia ni jooh.. :XD
joo tässä ny on vähän sitä ET "viimosia kunnollisia hengetoja" fiilistä ilmassa..
jep vähä silt vaikuttaa kyl.
i will pwn @ CPC3
easy as the rest will be at CDC3.
is it possible to play both (cpm and wsw) tournaments?´
If people aren't allowed to compete in the ET:QW and the ET tournament what's the point of having both?
it will be splitted, so np imo
but there will be more clans for ETQW than ET clans who will travel to enschede
ETQW just has the better MGC organisations who can send teams (or they will actually join those mgc's)
while et is not really attractive, because it only has this 1 lan
and for ETQW there will be other lans announced in the upcomming months i guess, soooooo :)
you can only play 1 match at a time and all the tournaments run simultaneously
need € :<
i'll be there! =)
The first tornament looks WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to over done, need to move one of the tornaments over, preferably ET. That way then ET players can play QW aswell, just my opinion :<
Would like to be there :x
nais, 2 guys avi for c(d?)pc ! pm !
cu @ lan
plz no 21th! how about 28th? :<
there is two fridays in this year when I cant move anywhere and you pick another of those :S
so n1c3
phew, dont say v&e will be without Finns! Need lepari!
ofc not :[ hiton äikän kirjotukset -,- pitiki jättää se just syksyyn.

<repesin oikeesti.>

too bad!
Suomenkielesi omisti
Anteeksi, että käytän puhekieltä myös kirjoittaessani xfiressä.
tarkotin kyllä sitä että äikän kirjoitusten vuoksi jää lanit väliin :)
need also a team :] pm in irc `jaN_ cao there
can't wait :D
see you there!
lol BRUNSKY ! :D

Welcome @ Crossfire :D
is the tournament already busy on the 21st? because i don't thin my folks will allow me to miss 2 days of school for a pc game so i would leave at like 4 am friday and arive at perhaps 00 am saturday or so
If its the same as previous edition it will start friday 09 AM.
are you going by bike or what?
by train

edit ;i ment leave my house at 4 am, for example a train at 4.30, arrive in antwerpen at 6 +- , leave antwerpen with another train at 6.10, etc
it wont take you fucking 20 hours to arrive lol
a & p are so close together, my fat fingers press both ;<
lol, fo sho :D
als je donderdag om 4 uur weggaat en zondag om 3 uur weer terug gaat mis je 1 dag, daar kunnen je ouders toch wel mee leven? het is tenslotte toch het begin van het jaar
Great news :) Almost want to book a flight before I got a team >_>
Nice! I'm probably gonna play ET:QW anyway so think I might drop by to see who I am playing then. Might be fun to play in the Rtcw tournament two months later. So maybe I get to see the famous Mr. Saw. Oh noes!

Who makes those banners btw? They are amazing.
xRio made that one. theres only one banner i can see? just check urls
see you there then !

Marauders > *
Doktor! Where do you hang out on irc?
shakes! me and hugor are coming too! if we can get some more mercs will play in the rtcw tourney! lol

YES! Hope many W:ET teams will do their best to come! But Et:QW noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ;)
let's take VANHAOMENA666, he will sure be eager to lanproof his unbelieveable sniping skills.
he also has great attitude and sense of humour!
Looking for highskilled team to attend lan /q
who is
never heard of this boon!
looks nice
gives me a month, plenty.
Quake 3 CPM 1vs1
so nice

Any limitations on the mouserate or accelpatch stuff?
wasnt last time
nah, but im guessing you can no longer use raziel realtime patching as it fucked up the pcs.
i think they shud allow mouse hz patch as u can just chnage that quikly, but not other reg tweaks i suppose.
last cpc2 i fucked up 20 minutes of my starting time by getting things as hz working (and of course my config) so i guess not :P

you can change regedit stuff in 2 seconds though
bullvox will be teaching all players how to use their computers! :P
plug and play? :D
even mystic agreed!
I really can't imagine how itrequires more than 2 minutes to change the hertz, executing config etc etc. I don't think I could play with completly different settings than at home.
Okay let me give you a slight view of the scenario:

1) I opened the RaZiel hz changer, but forgot to change the realtime to 'rebootmode' option. Changed hz, computer crashed completely, had to manually system restore in safe mode (at least 15 minutes)
2) I actually managed to get 500hz now. So another 2 minutes for a reboot are gone.
3) I open ET, execute my config and notice that with any fps over 76 the sound drops at some points and the lag I get is huge with fps > 76. Had to change that in my config + the resolution I normally play on wasn't native for that monitor. Costed me another 5 minutes to figure out what was giving the laggy problems and the sound dropping (someone told me it was the soundcard)
4) I finally could get to play after plugging in my keyboard plug over a big-ass wall (1 minute more)

So that costed me about 20 minutes :P
i use the usb swither one with the orange logo, and have never had a problem.
i decided to use that one afterwards as well. :D
well this time i will visit cdc.. and hope i got my handshake from u ;)
this time i hope my boss doesnt call me to work again at short date :/
lol, the 2 fridays in the full year iron cant be available because of exams and the et competition starts on one of those fridays, how bloomin' typical >_<
i will play one day for iron np4me
Searching RTCW PRO's for a team to attend the november event!
i can play in your rtcw clan?
cu there!! time to play bit poker before i guess..
I think we'll have something to please that specific request
idd!! u got it.
i think you need something to respond to irc query requests! ;)
Hope this time they have some working system to reset the computers after a game.
tgs setup was better wasnt it
just plug and play
ppl change keyboard settings, use weird registry settings or in some cases players didnt use any tweaks and also had no clue how to undo them or what had been changed.
plug and play is a quote from bullvox from the prize ceremony on the last one :)

Rest assured that we've already discussed potential ways of speeding up the transition between PC's.
I think it's pretty important the the players can at least set a few basic settings (hertz, completly acc disable, ..)
? its just headset + mouse + exec cfg
you didnt play there, it really isnt

i had problems on every fucking pc :XXXXX

edit: gonna get some more cd-keys :DDDD
We've not restricted this in the past, why are you now telling me that this is important?
because he thinks you want to restrict everything because of past problems
why would he think such a thing! :(
Tell the fucking polish guys not to intall drivers to the same mouse I got! :( No drivers ftw!! This time its serious tajM!
had to click blind through the belgium setpoint uninstallation
aslong I don't have to play on a laptop again ! :p
cya there
need team, pm me, going at vacation in a few hours so i guess i'll respond later :)
Need highskilled team for that o/
Absolutly great ! This just made my evening complete! See you all in november, and maybe even in september ! ;).

Would like to know what the RtCW QCup exactly means though...
Great, man! And nothing is cooler than to quote himself! :P
100 fps with 6 smokes over long from b1
good enough for me :>
ez bash for you, master :)
me + bliz need 4 high skilled players to go ( probably we got sponzor!!)

p.s. ( we would like to play with who already played cpc or cpc2, we are avi now till 4th of august and after 20 august everyday!! )
cu there :>
need a team for rtcw and et tournament's
GL in those tournament's :XD
I will work for 2 months so I get money :)
People with a cb ban are allowed to play?
slave :O
Nice one i will try to reach the cpc3 :D
Great stuff, everyone should have a great time there
need 5 players to rawk the et tournament :o
what about qw tournament? number of teams, team size, no vehicles?
Can I use by usb stick to load hacks? Can these computers handle hacks? Can I hacks?
Great! Will be there with the same team prolly. Let's hope for more rtcw teams.
Qualifiers or invite only?
IF there are qualifiers, when are they being played ?
zerobarrier direct invite imo !
Is that you on the pic in ur profile?
ye ofc thats me, why would I put someone else in my profile pic
maybe cos u fanboy him Dr-Dj.W45H1NG70N
Nice1 looks a bit weird though :P
<- crazy :d
cYa @ Bungalow nr3
I see YOU at bungalow 3=)
woei :D cu in september and november :D
oh btw making a team for rtcw!!! have 3 players so far so msg me if u're interested
if foonr, fusen and sol all go, i may have to come and bum them.

Also chmmp looks like he has a nice anus, I may have to rage him as well. The finn's love a bit of the bum-fun.
you have mistaken finns with swedes.
Finnish sounds so evil though, with phrases like "SAATANA" and "VOI VITTU" and the classic "PERKELE". I really thought "KARVAMUNA" was funny though.
vitun vittu, vituttaa vittumaisen vitusti.
Only the Finnish language has like 40 different ways to say fuck!
not quite, but only the finnish language can use word fuck to make a sensible sentence that consists of many words. thats a real sentence and every word is induced from the word "fuck/pussy"

freely translated that sentence means something like:

"fucking fuck, im so fucking pissed."
Awesome!^^ warsow nicee
cu there =)
Looks nice. Gonna be fun to see you all there again=)
bah.. fuck off please, I only got 1 important exam this autumn which I can't miss and from all the exam days between 10.9 and 3.10, it has to be just on monday 24th of september :l
when do u release some more details ? Qualification-Rules/Invites or anything ? I am asking especially for Warsow War§ow btw :D
Hoping verdendi (...) will be good to go for cpc3!
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