SummerCup sign-ups draw to an end!

Only some mere 12 hours left before the sign-ups for the biggest anticipated ET-event this month, draws to an end.

Tomorrow, saturday 14 July, at 12.00 am the sign-ups for this year's SummerCup will draw to an end and with 114 sign-ups so far it seems we'll do almost as good as last year's edition. If you didn't sign up yet, but are still interested to do so you can do it here.

Today the poll already drew to an end and the 2 maps can't be a suprise to anyone as they were on top of the vote since the start. With respectively 31% and 29.5% it will be Braundorf_b4 and Oasis completing the maplist!
It has been braught to my attention some days ago that Oasis has a small problem with the ClanBase config, so for that map ONLY we will make an exception and use the most recent Euro 6v6 config.

The complete maplist now looks like this:

- Radar
- Oasis
- Supply
- SW_Goldrush_TE
- Braundorf_b4
- Bremen_b2

As I already got a lot of questions about when the Cup exactly would start, I'll mention it here once again:
- Sign-ups are open until Saturday 14 July 12.00 am.
- Groups will be made public Wednesday 18 July.
- Clans can start challenging the other clans from that evening on.
- The 1st matchweek will start on Monday 23 July.

Referees & Writers:[/u]
Such as every ClanBase season, this Summer Cup is no different. Cup admins are an essential part of cup maintenance, and the cup will not function without them. We need admins to referee as many wars as possible and provide good coverage of as much matches as you're able to.
Requirements are:

* Decent knowledge of the English language
* Being able to be active for the duration for the cup
* Good knowledge of the rules
* Being friendly
* A cool head.

Cup admins make a cup, they keep it going and without their support the cup won't be of a high standard. Click here to become an admin.

Visit us at

*EDIT: Sign-ups are extended until sunday 15 July 12.00 am !!
OASIS ! nice
U moeke jonge, U MOEKE
still cless :/
fuck, i'm so bored, i would almost go fuck myself
ezbash for Superretardedplayers
Now all we need is a parodia mix. ;D
thought the same
signed us up, lets hope its a good one!
(: nice
omg, oasis :d
original oasis?
Yes, otherwise I would've added SW_ or something before Oasis.
i kinda though sw_oasis_b1337 is more balanced
maybe its more balanced maybe its better to play but that is a RHaNdcup so no need to be succesfull!!
nothing against you mate :o
It's just crap.
no frostbite :<
thank god for that
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