We are eSuba, drop your weapons!

image: eSubaBanner

After a long time of preparations and long disscusions with the head management of Czech powerhouse Czech Republic eSuba I can now proudly inform you that from now on Czech Republic eSuba will support an Enemy Territory team! From the beggining of my projects I knew that the only ET team that could ever succeed in such a thing is no other than our Czech Enemy Territory flagship, I dare to say known to everyone as Czech Republic infrag. So everything is arranged and we are looking forward to next season, playing under such a famous name. The main goal will be of course train as much as possible during August for the upcoming CDC3 Qualifiers same as for trying to finally reach as 3rd Czech team ever to fight in the next EC. I believe that our team is able to qualify at least for one of these prestige events but it will surely depend on many things. But the team has again full motivation to achieve something under the name of Czech Republic eSuba and make the managers happy with our results. This news was my dream for long time and now it is a proof that everyone really has a power to do something for W:ET and that always is chance to move our game forward and attract more players and eSport organizations. Hope that this thing will inspire people from other small Enemy Territory communities to keep on working for this great game and enjoy next season.

Now look at the new Enemy Territory lineup of Czech Republic eSuba:

Czech Republic Jiri 'hellish' Kolar - Squad Leader
Czech Republic Ales 'alexzoo' Pitra - Player
Czech Republic Nikola 'Brs' Docekal - Player
Czech Republic Milan 'butch' Konir - Player
Czech Republic Radek 'Loo' Jarosch - Player
Czech Republic Tomas 'nindrt' Sevcík - Player

Czech Republic Ondrej 'smOke' Baca - Manager

Czech Republic Jiri 'hellish' Kolar: "Joining such a famous multiclan such as eSuba is big motivation for our team. Finnaly we have chance to proof our Enemy Territory skills and represent eSuba at home scene same as in europe. We really appreciate this great opportunity and I am sure that headquaters of eSuba will be satisfied with our future results. Our goal is pretty clear for us - qualification for CDC3 and of course try to do our best again in EC qualifiers. We really looking forward to represent eSuba in such events and I wanna say thank you one more time for this chance managers of eSuba."

Entry news: http://esuba.eu/template.php?lang=cz&filter=all&action=clanek&id=1585&page_mode=&page_mode=
IRC: #eSuba @ QuakeNet

Thx goes to xRio for making sexy banner and TosspoT for editing and posting it as main news. More information about czech Enemy Territory boom coming soon...

W:ET <3
gogo hellish !!! <333


wd smOke (k)
gl hellish
gl butchji
very nice - i am infragfanboy since 1 1/2 year ;)

remember the 3v3`s with duniel and me (@loo ;p)?

good luck@all
fucking nice :D
czech ET scene just had a major upgrade! gg smOke
best of lucks.. nice stable lineup.. since.. years? :D

since the very beginning i guess ;D
"October 6 2004 20:26 Clan created as 'infrag' ;)
Yeah, it's an old clan. But does it have a stable line-up? ;-p
with 2 changes they've played with the same lineup for more than 2 years i guess.
gl butch and co
gl hellish <33
Good news for the ET scene. More skileld clans :)
gl hf <3 czech ET
gl and hf :>
gl guys, welcome in #skilled-et :p
good luck guys, always a nice team to play against, even if you do have nindrt \o/
thats not whine what he does :P If you knew him more you would know xD

nindrtka, hellish <3
you're a nice team so dont get me wrong, but u have been together for ages, what would joining a multigaming change? you'd still play at the same skill, which imo is around real medskill, considering dignitas would be high and umm teams like auxilia or fearfactory medhigh.

gl nevertheless. having big multigamings take in ET clans is a good thing for the community.
financial help to go to lan?
I mean skillwise.

Joining such a famous multiclan such as eSuba is big motivation for our team. Finnaly we have chance to proof our Enemy Territory skills
go to lan, prove skills
which would still be the same, either you dont get my point or you try to make different point out of it.
look at eSuba.cod they went to cpc2 after not really being considered highskill and the ended up fourth. Going to LAN which being in eSuba will give them a chance to show their if they're more than where u place them
is that bad english or am I bad in english?

going to lan while being in esuba

show there if the'yre..

anyway I dont know much about cod and well, time will tell then.
you're right on one, wrong on the other! Its late :(
where am I wrong? (so I wont repeat the mistake)
they're = they're(they are) going to a party
there = I am going over there
their = is that their car
yeah so where's the mistake?
u r right actually :D
eSuba was considered as a highskill team before the cpc2.
No they werent as when I did the seedings and invites which was done with a selection of top of players, they were given a qualifier not invite. Says it all.
guyz take it easy, it can be my translation skills mistake. We are just very happy that we can represent eSuba. We can talk about skill after month of heavy training with new player butch ;) gn8
take teente in and you win!
a team like infrag is easily the same skill as morrigu was at cpc2. i think they'll qualify.
so whats ur point? morrigu had cheaters online and they sucked terribly at lan, getting raped by every team in the group?
If people didnt consider esuba to be high skilled arround the cpc2 they were either stupid or dumb, because esuba has been playing on high level for quite some time before cpc2 ;<
No they werent as when I did the seedings and invites which was done with a selection of top of players, they were given a qualifier not invite. Says it all.
the only reason they did so well is because they stayed in our cabin
you'd still play at the same skill, which imo is around real medskill

man plz can u stop saying bullshit and first look at ur self then talk about others,.. played a war against u.. and raped u like a barby..
U rly think that u are much more than medskill, but u are fucking not.
God plz help this guy.
wtf are u talking about? what would my skill have to do with anything? besides your team has never raped my team whether it has been a random mix or a team vs team. u left after 1 map last time we played, we fullheld u at goldrush. that was quite funny actually.
wtf are u talking about? what would my skill have to do with anything?

more then u think..
well please explain me, oh mighty retard.
you are saying they are high skill? that peder decem pretty much said truth

if you are one of these "xfire skill med+" guys, then well, you are idiot

if we take idle, tlr, elolve, impact as a high skill, then teams like ff, aux, cadre (:V), as med-high, then these esuba guys are real med skill, who can probably be med-high on good days :)
i didnt say that they paly on the same level as tlr or dignitas, i was just saying that they arent so bad as decem sayd ;F
did he said they are bad?
Does acting like a cunt turn you on?

Nobody needs your wise-ass comments. Funny how you suddenly picked up this attitude of yours.
wtf are u talking about aswell?
idd dude.. he is too smart for all of us here around.. ;))))
no, that was actually kamz.
I want to apologize but I cant finish my collum, article, news? about czech ET scene coz every skilled english editors sleeping - so maybe during day ;) gn8 all and thx for your replies
gl laggers
I still find it amazing how long the infrag guys are playing together with the same lineup now.

I still remember in like 2003 or 2004 i already played hellish,butch,alexzoo etc ...

very nice imo, gl @ esuba!
tbh it's normal, the only reason the better teams don't stay together is because they have highskilled players, and as the skill increases, usually the ego does aswell, so people are not satisfied all the time and blah blah, imo :}
So you should be the best player ever?
nice foreign joke, "hi i dont like gays", "omg u must not like yourself", HEHE!
Except what I said was not a postulate like: "omg u must not like yourself".
still a foreign joke which requires 0 brain cells
I have no idea what a "foreign joke" is. But I step back because you obviously outcounterererd me in the count of braincells...
I gave u an example, shud be clear
i bet u know it.
gl infrag aka esuba, hell butch brs loo <3
I think you can be proud to be member of eSuba ;)
GL chlapci!
gl guys ;D
decent team, gl
lol hes an idiot :)
good luck guys =)
welcome to eSuba, gl
well written, gl
gl m8s!! ;)
infrag? singularity without marv i'd say :XD
Best of luck guys!
One of the most stable lineups & hopefully we see you at CDC
gl infrag
always a pleasure playing you guys ;)
see you at cdc butch :D
Good luck :)
great banner
my sarcasm detector is broke, please help me :P
The wolfenstein-logo doesnt fit at all but otherwise its pretty good.
agree on the wolfenstein logo =) had to place it.
still not really happy with the whole...
but thx ^^
gL Czech Republic singularity :o

get marv :P
definitly worth reading it!
gl infrag <3
congrats, gl guys
rofl, lanskill=?
gl Czech Republic butch :)
gl guys
gl guys, awesome lads

<3 butch[ji]
Lol the games vs you guys were always shit :P Bastards!

Gl with the team :)
wish u best luck !
Gl, need marv in that line up though!
I stand by my comments, it's not arrogance, it's facts, the day players like decem, rbnt, blaze, asd, clown, adacore become better players than me, will prolly be the day I quit.

Plus, I just used myself as an example, don't get all excited, there's 100's more players who are better than these guys but not playing anywhere near their level.
Those teams have reasons for those players being in the team - Clown for example may not get incredible stats, but he does his job, and maybe having maus, aza or butchji in the team wouldn't have the same effect; there's a reason those players are in the teams they're in, it should just be accepted.

Adacore for example (imo) is a nice guy, and a smart player. Maybe he doesn't have the best aim like some of his teammates, but if the team wants him there, and they're winning EC, i don't think there's any reason to complain.

By the way, i'm not insulting, but if you watch a demo of yourself, you'll also see a lot of stupid mistakes like you see when watching others. You just don't notice when you're playing.

(this is a reply to some of your comments in the linked thread too if you're wondering what i'm on about)
Never said I was an awesome player. But i'm pretty sure I'm better than those players I mentioned, and I don't mean just aim-wise.
I'm not saying your bad, or that your worse than those players mentioned, just they have a reason for being where they are, saying they shouldn't be there just makes you look silly:(
I still think they shouldn't, I can't think of one characteristic they possess that would make them deserve being there more than other players who are better than them in every aspect possible.
Team likes them morE? :c
lol. Usually Im too lazy to read such long text@xfire but damn that was fucking funny :DD
when j52 joined evolve it was nice, but this is !$(/&T%(!/$

gl anyway
nice team infrag lineup
skilled OC premier/EC quali team

random "who" comments are not needed

gl boyz!!!! <3
i am hex4, kiss my ass

gl Nikola and Milan :XD

more cro names pls !
It's crotards who steal names!
I still hate you for taking our final in 2k5 @ summercup... but gl
I remember playing against you guys a few times over the past couple of years and i don't see many (if not any) lineup changes at all :o

GL in eSuba :)
gl butch and the others :)
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