TLR in dire straights ahead of CDC defence

Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge 2 champions The Last Resort were headed back to Enschede to defend their crown with a strong and stable lineup fresh from a summer break. However in recent days it appears that the side has been sliced down the middle just one month ahead of the event.

Croatia aCoZz has called time on his time in the side citing that he no longer had the time to commit every night to the cause of winning back their crown. The Croatian rifle was a revelation at the last event. His replacement will be hardest of all with Rifle's being in short supply with Xylos joining k1ck, gifty in Kreaturen and SRP having a collection.

Poland d0ktor has left the lineup with 'lack of mouse' being one of the reasons he cant practice. On top of that he is moving city because of university and has time commitment issues. Whilst the pole was never a mainstay within the team, he was there when they were last victorious, at CPC2.

Two down and only four to go, earlier in the summer it was rumoured that mAus was planning on departing the roster to play with his compatriots although the move never came into fruition. It appears that all is not well in camp TLR and we caught up with Clown for a brief statement.

Quote by ClownIt's sad to see acozz go, doktor aswell even he was always just a merc. We are hoping that fresh blood in the team could make us the team we were last year - a surprise!

The pre-CDC merry-go-round isnt over just yet, tomorrow there will be the announcement of another high profile roster change, but for now its TLR who are now in a desperate situation.
hmm, will emorej be new in team ?
great fuckup
dire straits!
Take mAx (is he still alive?)
you're SRP now ! You want them to lose ! :D

but yes mAx is an option
gl in finding a replacement
als ge merc nodig hebt

<-- :D
lettu + twidi imo!
Quote: lettu
"Some of our players didn&#8217;t have the time to play enough anymore because of real life issues. Also the fact that we couldn&#8217;t enter the biggest ET LAN there is ahead of cdc3 (twidi is going to write English before his final exams at that time) which was a huge disappointment for us. We didn&#8217;t have many more options than to call it a day"
got my english exams on monday 24th of september just after the cdc3 and couldn't find any possible solutions that I could be back at home on monday before 9 am to do that exam

and otherwise I haven't been playing actively for about 3 months now, so guess I'd be even worse than before, if possible :D

gl in your seach TLR :)
if some more teams die, cdc is going to consist of 5 teams
Poland Doktor :(
gl finding new ones!
fuck :'(

go go clown and get some really nice players pls! :(
bok acozz !
take raveneye
my rifleskillz are like the moon and the stars
miles apart?
ye thats relevant :p
i was thinking of: unreachable/untouchable but yours sounds more relevant:(
Easy for Belgium mAx
mAx won't play ET any more

o, and this news .. its old xD
dont take isen, hes not to be trusted
Clown can rifle, take Cadre dropouts
lettu & Lazio ! :>
i smell big Italy news !!!
what happened to syk? he didn't last long
SRP having a collection.
we need tiigeri back @ rifle so let him play
aCozz :S Wtf ,,, i'll stay your fanboy
let clown rifle and take me okay?
gl clown :)
bb aCoZz :,(
mAx & tiigeri = win win
rafiki and swahili = win win
Poland dokt0r :'( :'( :'( :'(
no doktor :(
Need Raziel & Raveneye tbh !
take me :>
winghaven to learn rifle and own : DDD
gl finding new guys
damn, looked forward in seeing them again. Take care
Maybe in a few years or months when rtcw2 is out m8. :)
Stay cool :P
I will m8, you too! I'll drink a beer and smoke a marlboro light with Winghaven on you guys :P
JeRome ? never
gl Finland matias
gl Switzerland rapt6er
you should have taken Switzerland gifty when you could do it but mmh now you are pretty fucked up!!!

get Belgium mesq he is a pretty good rifLe @ LaN!!!

gL anyway!!!
anyway ez bash for Juris !!!!!!!
GL Matias!
aCoZz = best LAN performer in ET! Sucks online, makes up for it by ownozering on LAN!!!
no... that would be toxic.
aCoZz > toxic!
but toxic /kill'ed in real life :<
not its not rly a problem to find new players :)

ridla and snoop or smth :)
riddla and snoop ih helix ;>
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