cZar marches once again

image: czar_logo Right after the merge with Finland, cZar.ET is was left alone and spend their last days under the flag of Netherlands Zerobarrier.
After the split of Belgium Finest, the Belgians and the Swedes decided to pick up the mp40's once again.

cZar.ET will be competing at the biggest event the European scene has ever seen, Crossfire Devotii Challenge III @ Enschede, with the following line-up:

Belgium mesq
Belgium vila
Belgium lio
Belgium acid
Sweden blaze
Sweden eddie

With only 2 weeks left before the event, the team will do everything they can to be as orginised as possible. Squad leader Belgium mesq had the following to say:

Belgium mesq:
QuoteWe only have two weeks left to prepare ourselves for CDC 3. That's not really enough but despite the fact that we don't have much time left to pracc, I think we will do very well at CDC 3. I hope we can surprise at CDC 3 as we did with zerobarrier.

Best of luck to, enjoy your stay @ Enschede!

mIRC: #cZar
2 weeks
first :O
hphun eddie vedder
Pearl Jam ftw
gl eddie + blaze and the rest of the cTardZ
gl hf :]] I hope this is better than the older fine57 =& so i hope you will end in top 5 !
omfg, not again :S cZar for the 300th time? let me guess.. they will die in 1 month and after 3 months your gonna try again with everytime almost the same line-up?
rofl. this team is only for cdc. is there any point in last more than 1 month? :x
flogging a dead horse.
quit clanhopping damn
after long consideration, we will go to the lan as ' Spider Pigs ' instead of cZar, thx for the support

Our tag wil be SpideR Pigs


image: homerpiggieji4
spider pigs nice :D
cZar gaming wasn't dead ?
gl blaze!
k gl h3h3
white men marches on
gl 2 all the belgians :)
gl blaze & edDie :-)
too much czar "revives" are soo unlucky :(
again, boring.
thats what i just thought

we need something fresh.
Or something not belgian.
what about a lithuanian clan (they got a funny, colorful flag)? or maybe african (but damn, they dont have enough money for buying a pc!).
If they arent intelligent enough to use condoms, what makes you think they can play ET?
gl, nice team!
"I hope we can surprise at CDC 3 as we did with zerobarrier." if finishing 7-8th is a surprise then people must have had really really low expectations
what can u expect from belgian powerhouse?
1st place ofc!?
only if MesQ1 plays!
true cant perform without legendary belgian riflenader
what? are u drunk? do u even know who we are talking about!?
im sober as any random finnish guy on a friday night.
what? are u drunk? I know I am.
damn you cant be fucking right, they are gonna pwn around and shit yo!!!!
lol, indeed
Whats your problem?

Nobody ever expected us to make it trough the group stage, and we ended FIRST in our group with ease.

In the playoffs we directly faced impact gaming who beated us, but believe me, this game could have gone either way. After 8 hours delay we had to play vae at 1.00 or smth, with everybody tired of waiting - yes they had the were in the same situation - we weren't in our best shape.

The fact is you can't deny we did good at that LAN .... So think first, then type & submit
WOW sorry dude i didnt know u ended FIRST in ur GROUP hope u accept my apology
lettu, don't act like a tough guy in here, do it @ LAN or at ventrilo when you're not scared to say something.. Unexpected, you are in the same team as decem..
What's your point nerd ?
MesQ1, don't act like a tough guy in here, do it @ LAN or at ventrilo when you're not scared to say something.. Unexpected, you are in the same team as lio..
and with that you are referring to what ? that im scared to talk to someone ?
if you dont understand, dont comment.
hope to see you again at cdc :)
if you cant solve it verbally, get primitive or something?
your getting smarter with the day, you receive a star, congrats.
the thing is, you were/are very primitive to begin with.
thats the point of the whole case, if you come again, i will show you how primitive a belgian can be
threatening people at internet, how pathetic can u get? :DD
flaming people at the internet, how retarted can you be? :DD
out of arguments? figures..
well see at cdc how pathetic I really can be
okay, remember to tell me after cdc then.
that won't be needed this time
I'm not able to bend on such primitive level, so it's hard, please help me. what you're saying makes no sense.
stop repeating yourself, its irritating me and makes you look like a dumb fuck, and as you are the first one to call me so primitive you must atleast know some things about primitive people, how else would be you able to notice me being such a person.
I've seen monkeys @ TV. now could u say what do u mean by that?
well what do monkeys do when they are having troubles with others, do i really have to explain everything, you can be dumb but you my friend are crossing the line.
just get to the point already?
im to primitive, and as you being such a smart person you should easily be able to find out yourself
well like you said, ure too primitive.
first your asking what my point is and then you are replying with that shit again, this brings me to this evaluation, or you are to dumb to figure something out yourself OR you have been googling, how to flame people and copy pasted the first thing you found to conclude that you actually don't know at all what your talking about
well figured.
thank you.
you are the dumb fuck here, now pick an insult against me:

who are you? fucking no name
stfu noob
say that at lans
get skill pathetic nerd
omfg... decem sooo funneeeeeeeeeeyhhyy
This shows how mature you are :-).
ok nerd, I guess many know already how mature you are.
stfu ugly tard , what has he ever done wrong to you
slimy asslicker pls, shut up?
asslicker :D , look who's talking Rewind pwner
yes, I was very much into asslicker mode at rewind, wha what? what are u talking about?
Quote Vicious & Evil
Stoned&Drunk @ CPC2
4th Crossfire Prizefight Challenge LAN 2
28th ET-Cup

yeah man your so cool and leet to get stoned and drunk , wauw you must feel soooo cool now .
I know im cool, why dont you have

my friends zerobarrier
image: cup_gold in their GROUP
Because im not like you :


Etc because THAT would look stupid
well if it looks stupid, isnt that a reason to have it in ur profile? as you're quite retarded anyway..
There's only one as retarded as you , hey i'm gonna act cool guys , i drunk and im stoned , and im gonna knock at someone's door , and when they ask the next morning who it was im gonna be scared like a little kid and deny everything.
well it wasnt me who knocked so why should I lie about it? :D I was just part of the 20 ppl group where someone, cant even remember who, knocked your door at 3am, then some random came screaming outside and everyone started laughing after a while. the best thing was MesQ1 next to him trying to look tough :DDDDD
Mesqi didn't came outside you idiot , btw , i hope that you understand that he completely owned you in your little .avi , maybe you should have someone to translate it.
yes, he owned me totally. too shy to even say something to me in english. and he did come out, get ur facts straight before u start arguing about them.
why should he say smt in english while you clearly spoke some finnish as well fucktard , come again and we'll see who's the toughest
cuz I was talking directly at him? are u that stupid?
Man you are a fucking retard , get some brains before you try to begin a conversation with me , get some maturity as well OH COOL DRUNK AND STONED GUY , and maybe get some balls ( Owned by a 12 year old kid in rewind , congratz )

You are the idiot here , an immature fuck that thinks hes cool , come to cdc again and we'll have a chat in english, maybe i don't even need to use words retard.
oh please :D
Can't reply anymore?
true, I find it funny to flame etc, but when guy like you, who has no idea what im saying, nor what he is saying himself, comes and talks to me, it's kinda pointless. could compare it to talking with walls etc.
doesn't even know what his saying... , i think you are the more dumber idiot here then me , you are just a retard , the fact that you keep placing idiotic comments proves enough
if you have a look at the latest comments, you're doing exactly that. "lol owned by 12 years old kid in rewind hahahahahha" - very mature, fucking slimy twat.
the fact you get owned by him even says more about you , and now stfu shittard , meet me again , really man you are one lowlife piece of shit
first of all i dont act tough on the internet nor in reallife
and scared on LAN? vent? :'D ur creativity is really lacking..
lol meight it was ur fault

you should add first place of group to your trophys, then there wud be no missunderstandings!!!

No achievements found.
as usual and once again
Finland > Belgium
gl vila & acid :)
gl eddie :)
gl blaze and eddie, wish I could drink & smoke with u guys @ cdc3.
whats ur problem? werent u in the team that went to sleep like eleven o'clock without drinking and shit? also managed to WIN your GROUP!
"whats ur problem? weren't you the guy who was shitting in his pants when lio asked if it was you knocking on our door @ 3 o'clock?" You are really the biggest retard that ET has ever known, thinking you are cool because you are drunk @ LAN, respect man.
oh, thats how it was? :DDDDD maybe its just me and 20 other ppl who remember the situation wrong then.
honestly, I think a nice time to stfu would be like right now, and btw I always want to have osme drink contest against someone like you.. Seeing what your state already was when you came with the camera to us at like 10.30 and already being drunk says enough, then opening our door at 3.00 at night to see mesq or whatever you wanted makes you even more retarded and then the next day to start saying it wasn't you when I ask it to you right in the face just puts another point after what a wuzzy you actually really are. hF at REALlife, bet you've never gone out before cdc.
:DDDDDDDDDDD ahahhahahh, seriously, oh my god :D

"Seeing what your state already was when you came with the camera to us at like 10.30 and already being drunk says enough"

Yes that's how it was.. When lio came too you and said something about coming in at night in our bungalow, you started shaking and you said huh? no it wasn't me..
it was me! oh shit...
ure gonna get beaten!
still tired? Sheep is still celebrating.
rofl ;X Ov!e was replaced by mesq @ <[o]> if im not in mistake and now mesq leave them XDDDDD kakakaka rofl nice guy -_-
was a rumour
yeah ET gossips :o
GL cZar
good luck mr trunk
wp eddie.
GL guys :-) NA BERZIE!!!!!!!!!!!111111
-.- gl
gl lio :)
Haha, jokes
GL mesQi
offline only
GL Mesq and Blaze :) Na berzie GUYS!
gl mesq n lio mates
2 weeks
gl mesq, vila and my sweet lio :D <3
eddie hope that we will still meet there ;)
gl blaze :))
Blaze doesnt need to smoke to get stoned!
laughing in lol
good luck!
nice action eddie :(
z<o/ :D gl
gl lio, vila & acid <3
good luck mesq!
gl @ cdc3
gl , i'm confident that this team is better than finest
gl cZar :>
its blaze! :DD gl mate
gl ziffKen
GL guys :p:p

en vooral den lio en mesq :)
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