EuroCup XVI announced

image: eurocup

One week after the announcement of the new Fall Cup Season, ClanBase presented today the games and tournaments for EuroCup XVI. The list contains 12 different games and a total of 15 tournaments, following Crossfire games will be part of the next EuroCup Season:

Enemy Teritory (6on6)
Call of Duty 2 (Search & Destroy + Capture the Flag)
Warsow (1v1 Duel)

Signups are already open for more than a week and will run till the 23rd of September. Select your game and cup here.

As you can read in the official CB news, an EuroCup for ET: Quake Wars is also missing as the tournaments for Counter-Strike, Warcraft III or FIFA.

ClanBase News
Kewlio !
yes, CS 1.6 and WC3 are as dead as expected
imho 1.6 isnt dead but all the top teams dont play cb serious anymore and a third class team wins EC then!!
1 day old.
nice, unexpected
thanks god they are not making qw eurocup, would be total joke, as qcon was
Joke or not, Europe beating North America is all that matters! :-]
I wouldn't give a fuck about it even if Latvia was beating whole world in it. So interesting it was.
awesome! :D
Awesome :D !
ok I need a team for EC !!!
cu @ EC mates!
how many spots for ET EC?
if its the same like before 16 slots, 8 direct + 16 qualis
nice maths skills :P
nice maths skills :P
f its the same like before 16 slots, 8 direct + 16 qualis

you mean.. 8 + 16 = 16 ?
16 qualis have 8 winners, 8+8=16
nice way of explaining it :P
u must be fucking stupid :L
dont laugh about my brainskillzzz :<
ZillAzOrdZ direct invite
we need 3on3 EC! which will not happen although i want one! : /
OC premeir is the same but more skilled
true and i'll be there
If tm wont continue after cdc3 then I might be looking for a team for this event.
kk i am avi
bremen_b2 for EC and bremen_b1 for CDC.
Whats the difference and why dont leagues/cups/lans use only one version?
coz they didn't know that b2 rox !
haha, kafux is turning into a cb admin :D
oki im avi, pmme
nice nice! :>
sucks hard + old
ET:QW is also now in it ;)
yes, @OC :D
Enemy Teritory (Last Man Standing) would be much more exiting!
DotA > "normal" wc3
this years eurocup will surely be a k1ll3r
and you are a lady killer

i wouldnt call it EC, it will suck harder before it even starts
At least one test season (OC) is needed before a game could have an EC.
bremen sucks
not rly :'<
Bremen does suck. Put sw_oasis instead. Why is it out of the map pool once again? I've been asking myself this question a lot lately. Replacing a map like oasis with a 5 minutes lotto rush map aint gonna make this game more playable.
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