TLR: In With The New

image: 7xkweaw

As the TLR organisation moves forward we have to say goodbye to the old Enemy Territory team and bring in a new one. As some of Impact Gaming could not continue with actively playing, the remainders of the team have came over with a few others to compete under TLR.

Along with this we can introduce a new manager into TLR. United Kingdom Paul "eVo" Sexton was a huge party of Impact Gaming and will now move over to help TLR with management along with Ben and Mike.

Here is a statement from TLR CEO, Michael Robinson:

Its with great pleasure to welcome Paul to the management of TLR. He brings with him a wealth of experience in managing his own team and organisation to great success. His background being from Enemy Territory, also welcome a new ET lineup in time for the newly annouced CrossfireQcup and CDC4 where TLR shall once again defend there 1st place crown. We look forward to a long future with TLR and he can bring the success he had with impact to TLR

And here is a statement from new TLR manager, Paul Sexton:

It is with great pleasure that i have joined the TLR management team. Both Mike and Munchies are dedicated managers who have similar aims and goals to myself and together i believe we make for a great backbone to the TLR organisation and i hope to now bring my own style of management on board and help take things even further and compliment the work that Mike and Munchies have done so far. I know there are a lot of people who have supported me at Impact and i hope that you will now continue to support me at TLR. With regards to ET the current Impact ET team will complete this EC season and then that will be the end for that group of players. Some will retire from competitive gaming whilst others will be going to the army, gl to mystic there. Therefore i have been working to bring together a new group of players who will now be going under the TLR banner and will you will see them soon active in the crossfire Qpad cup and the forthcoming CDC4 installment.

The new Enemy Territory squad for TLR is:

United Kingdom Sheep
Finland Squall
Finland Iron
Netherlands perfo
Malta toxic
Netherlands tekoa

Good luck to the TLR ET squad and Paul in the future

The Last Resort
good luck
i heard perfo uses lagscripts ?
gl perfy
Gl toxic, sheep, perfo and tekoa
GL, and that TLR website need like 2 mins to render :o WTF!
you must open it in firefox, dunno why, but in IE it got something strange
I'm using FF ;)

IE is for nabbies and for sites which doesn't support FF :(
because its on tables lolololololl xDDDDDDDDDD
GL tekoa toxic sheep perfo <3
gl tekoa and gl for mystic in army xD
good luck
Gl all <3
might do well in Qcup
gl tlr... still need mAus and wing :o
mystic will end the iraq war all by himself
wars been over for ages mate. el presidente says so.
cheaters always rape @ lan,

gl schaap en perfum
gl Sheep, Squall, Iron, perfo, toxic, and tekoa!
mpg didnt have newspost
but you have a gold medal in EC (soon)
standard by now
Donex will find a way. Expect a cb ban soon.
But now I'm here Snoop. ;)
hello again! :D
do not disappoint me!
lolipop lolipop.. oohooo lolipop!

;b ...anyway hf to sheep, perfo and teKKKK .
glhf Squall, may the force be with you.
die kevin ! :P
:DDD mr.backup only :D gl jeroen and mike ! <3
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The remains of parodia gone! :(
Nice lineup, good luck to all of you! And tox, try to aim on them next time!
Bastard! :D
nice fuckin lineup, gl Mike, Perfo, Tekoa, cya @ CDC4 (me = spec lawl )
gl guys, especially tox ofc<3
gl guys
Nice awards @ tlr profile, half of them werent even won by us being in TLR...
Expected from such mgc, to take awards which their squad didnt win while being with them even.
a simple gl+hf will do 8)
you should of be in the main lineup bitch ;[
n1 hating
take it easy dude, someone had a bad sleep :XD
it was copied from atarax profile, well done in being right. It will be corrected thanks clown, nice to see you doing ok too!!
Im not that good, since I found out you asked tosspot to kick us from our xfire clan account and take it over. I wonder what's coming next? Your new squad will be seeded #1 @ cdc4 since "they" won last cdc?
why did u left tlr anyway ?
Quoteshit mgcs and stupid managers
gl @ defending TLR's awards and crowns :XDDDD
whats up your arse?
shit mgcs and stupid managers
speak to toss about your account. i won't get involved in no spam or anything on forums or sites as you know. But the case as i explained to david is i never took no account or asked for yours. I actually wanted to sign cod4 up for the q cup, there was 2 accounts with our website on, i asked toss to help me and he gave me your account. I was'nt aware it was a problem as i was given it by the main guy from crossfire. So from my part, you need to take it up with toss.
So your saying you were to stupid too make a new account, so you bothered toss with it?

Are you a distant relative of Atarax maybe? The resemblance is astonishing!!
having delusions of grandeur or something ? :s
I would reply with sense to that, if I only knew what the autor meant to say.
your not the same acozz, you have changed! :(
dont be so harsh to people
<3 ure rifle skills!!
GL Squalliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and tekoa
welcome to scatmans world.
u talk?;o)
why wouldnt I?
Dunno maybe cause i was in the understanding that you didn't post don't know why:-$
I dont post alot but I still post now and then. ;p
:o now u repley'd twice to me.. now i have to reinstal et and ask u for a game;o) I did it once btw... but u don;t remember:( let me say this to make me look coel: It was like me U irZ vs CRACk JIMINIEEEE and big L :D u remember?;o) im dutchiiie fan except for the footbal we got like a shit pool...
thats been like a year ago,my memory isnt that great but I remember it vaguely. ;p
lol....U = like gymnasiamistus?
Nope,far from it. :)
lol what did you do? havo?
Too much gold @ Achievements :D
lol,yea and still not arrogant! others are already arrogant after 1 cup they won.
What a man <3
spread the love <3
Top teams should be more responsible with recruiting cheaters. Nothing personal against you perfo, but you hacked and you should not be welcomed back with welcome arms by any top team who should be setting an example, unless they want to aid the death of the game they continue to play.
he is nice on vent
so am i, but you wouldnt recruit me!
we will replace perfo with you if you upload that damn cast for me!
remind me in 2 weeks, in LA now
will give perfo 2 weeks prior notice tomorrow
:DDD loly mikey :D
even if he hacked everyone deserves a chance :P but the storys with mize fost and qyz's stuffs is enough to kick him, even if hes nice, and i dont have anything againts him. tought gl to them
but perfo is allowed to play at cdc4 ?
be reasonable without perfo the game will die too!:)
ye, that is so true.
nah :(
I say some public hack is difference then a privat hack, oke public cheat is also wrong and stupid if you use it. But when did he get busted? in 2004/2005? don't know the exact date.
but it's a bit stupid if some rly good skilled player can't be in top teams because he played with a public cheat years ago, but that's my oppinion.
true that
I'm glad someone in your position have the guts to say that. It disappoints me to see these top-tier players so easily look through the fingers when it comes to cheating.
its not proofed that he hacked tbh!
It was his brother! :XD
pretty bad team.......

sheep is bad and will choke and let the team down! and squal!!!! wtf lol


gl all :) perfo go!
@ Clown and aCoZz

Just checked the TLR MGC profile and as far as i can tell the awards look right for what you did when in TLR. Also lets be honest you were one of the very few ET teams to ever get funding to go to these LAN events, have some respect really. It's a new team and afaik i have never had any issues with any of you therefore would it have hurt you to just wish us good luck?
i don't think some of them in the former team for ET have that respect(some do), sure theres plenty teams out there that would have loved the support i offered. First time i have posted in on crossfire on this thread hope all the people on hear are not as disrespectful
This is the internet, most will be.
it isnt about you. I think they're just warning YOU about TLR.. :D
TLR is what i own and run , so yes it is about me really.
he commented on evo AFAIK LOL!
LOLD :_dddddddddddddd
Yeah, the grand total of 650 euros for both lans. Im so thankfull! Too bad we had to add about 1350 euros for both lans from our own pocket... And the promises made were too hilarious, the money ammount dropped each weak which was left till lan.(Btw, thx to acozz, who gave away all of his cpc2 prize money just so we could be able to pay the enterance fee for cdc3, without him it wouldnt have been possible to attend the lan.)

Without us they would still be a shitty dod:s team or some other crap, now they actually have SOME awards they can show to sponsors.

If you have no clue why I am uppset about this situation, don't bother trying to be a smartass.
a either you cant read english well or you really have an attitude problem!

Your clearly not looking at it properly, whatever amount he gave you is more than most other teams got and he never ever asked for any of it back, you got to keep all the prize money which is more than 1350 euros so either way after both lans you ended up in profit so you got to have a good fun weekend away and it cost you next to nothing yet you flame the guy now for not giving you more money out of his own pocket which he had to work hard for.
I don't flame him for not giving more. I flame, so to say, for false promises before cdc3. Which almost led us to not attending the lan. As I said, wasn't for acozz(mind you, he didnt attend the lan himself) charity, we wouldn't be at cdc3, and all because of these shitty promises. I really hope it works for you and your squad evo, but some things in life you have to experience, since it's had to believe what others say. This is the one situation where you will probably call bullshit on everything I say till you experience it yourself. Good luck.
ok, well good luck anyway in QW, see u at cdc4 if things work out
the money came out of my own pocket, as evo says i worked hard for it. I never taken any money from CPC2 cause i though you deserved it. For cdc3 i gave you more than cpc 2 also out of my own pocket whether i gave you 5 euros or 1000 i still helped you and kinda disappoints me that you are so ungreatful. I think you where all top players and good at the game you play and yes you did do alot for TLR, not saying you did'nt just don't understand why you are so agressive towards TLR, you did'nt loose anything by joining us and i would say gained.
I hate the attitude you present your new squads, no respect for the old ones, even tho we parted ways without any arguments so to say. A simple "Our old squad won last two lans, and our new squad is looking to do the same" would have been more than enough, and you wouldnt see a single word, but "gl" from me and other ex-TLR players.

Quotewelcome a new ET lineup in time for the newly annouced CrossfireQcup and CDC4 where TLR shall once again defend there 1st place crown.

Sounds like this squad, had won those last lans and not us. Mind you, the multigaming doesnt defend the title but the team which was in it. F1 racer doesnt lose his title if he changes the team, and the guy going to his place doesnt defend the title of the guy before him... That's just isnane.
i don't see the point in carrying on posting its getting stupid, i wish you and the old player luck i am sure you will do as well as you did in TLR in both ET and in h2k for ET:QW so wish you luck.
It happens with everything,dignitas went with the achievements of idle while the team was nowhere near the idle team anymore.

Everybody that follows ET even a little bit knows what TLR team won those things,no need to get all irritated.
i dont have any bad things to say about the old ET squad, but i do think you have taken this the wrong way. I dont think this post was meant to piss on your parade or anything. Everyone knows the old squads achievements etc, but when you join an MGC you are representing them .... so the statement is correct.

Posting the specifics about how much support you recieved, and saying with sarcasm, "im so thankful!" is kind of ungreatful.

Also saying that TLR would be nothing but a dods team without you is not only ungreatful but kind of insulting. There are a lot of other people who have put quite a lot of time, effort, and in Mikes case, money into TLR.

Bah whatever, i wish you guys all the best of luck etc, and i hope you understand that no one was trying to detract from the old squad or piss on your parade.
true, you did win the lans under the TLR name - but F1 is the wrong comparison I think as its a single person and not a team (given there are a team of two racers- but they dont both win the title..)

Compare it to football instead- if a football club wins a tournament/league and a player (or the entire team infact) moves to another club its still the previous club that has the honour of having the trophy in its cabinet, their name on the cup etcetc. Perhaps it could have been worded better in the post but TLR did infact win the CDC2 and CDC3 ET Tournaments, with different players.

I doubt they are trying to take anything away from you, if anything I think they are thankful you made their name in ET ;o)
Best of luck <3

but i dont think its as good as the last lineup
gl guys, nice lineup ! :)) cu @ qcup
gl Squall!
ben is a dickhead
but everybody loves reymond!
its with an A asshat.
shame killing 2 clans for 1 clan...
and what if these 2 clans are already dead?
both teams were practically dead :XD
Damn... I'm awesome
good luck boyz!
Better then old lineup!
no aCoZz :'( , TLR| TosspoT :D
gogogo perfo1!!11
Gl guys ! lowmid <3
gl teKoa
GL teKoa!
best of luck old junkies <3
nice things you achieved on lan with this team.
just wait for my mines, mr!
gl sheep squall iron
just rofl at the pathetic little person who deleted that comment xD
wot a shame :x
I've no doubt that with the backing of TLR, the ET team will be able to push themselves further than was possible when known as Impact Gaming.
nice, gl
who's perfo?who's toxic?
(18:25:12) (@TLR|perfo) juuu den yet1 wanneer word ge weer gepakt op cheats zenne
(18:25:12) (@TLR|perfo) juuu den yet1 wanneer word ge weer gepakt op cheats zenne
(18:29:17) (@TLR|perfo) heee den loco ook in de house, is je botje KaPuT?!
Too bad you got caught :(.
image: 6l26xyr

from perfo, not me!
people WITH teamplay maybe? XD
wijgmaal kaka
Good luck Paul.

I think the possibility of pulling out from Enemy Territory after the 'original' squad left should have been seriously considered. This is the second squad(?) in quick succession and in my opinion doesn't look like staying together that long. Good luck nevertheless.
why not? me iron and squall have played together for god knows how long already and the others have nothing better to do cos they are tards! \o/
shit can happen
And yet despite that, you've achieved nothing, relative to what the former TLR achieved (i.e 2x 3rd place EC's, 1st ET Masters, 2x 1st CPC2/CDC3 and 2nd at the Cadre Cup). No disrespect of course.
thanks evan, i think your wrong though, i chose these guys because they will be active and i think can blend well together, inital pracs look promising, lets hope your wrong :)
gl guys! hopefully we'll see @ cdc4
lanonly ;<
mystic will be like tank in army !
pasikuski ;DDD
truck + mystic = tank !
gl guys!
n1ce flag tomasz :D
best of luck perfoy ;)
BIBui perfo
but i miss the tlr from past year(cdc3), that line-up just pwnd!
uber team(without sheep&tekoa) dignitas own they to easy no mAus no win
all cheat
gL guys
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