Scandinavia takes over Germany

image: v4

The second round of the Crossfire QCup is nearly done, and we had some great and interesting matches. Whilst Europe H2k lost after a decider versus Poland Random Gaming, the other favorites were marching on.
We saw three matches, with the germans facing scandinavians, but like in World War II, the germans failed again and Germany ocrana is the only german team left in that competition.

Sweden Kompaniet 4 - 0 schwarz Germany
Sweden Eyeballers 4 - 0 eGamespoint Germany
Finland 4 - 0 Stofftiere Online Germany

In the other matches, we had the following results:
United Kingdom 4Kings 4 - 0 C4 Gaming Poland
Poland Delta 3-1 Infinity Denmark
Europe dignitas 4 - 0 Finland Retroactive
Europe H2k 2 - 4 Random Gaming Poland

Today, at 19:30 CET, we will see the match of Spain nextlevel versus Germany ocrana on Sewer & Salvage. Let's see if ocrana can handle the pressure.
Stay tuned for Coverage.
Demobase will get updated tonight.
im soooooo proud right now !
aight eyeballers !
Quotebut like in World War II, the germans failed again and ocrana is the only german team left in that competition.

sounds like ocrana were the only germans left after ww2 hehe
"with the germans facing scandinavians, but like in World War II, the germans failed "
ermm..what?? sweden was neutral during WW2 and finland fought on 1 side with germany big time 0_o
thats what i said!
np4d. <3 !
Finland is not actually part of scandinavia.
it is actually,
whenver you say scandinavia it mostly means sweden, norway, denmark and finland, sometimes even iceland and faroe islands. I wouldnt consider it as a mistake to say finland is part of scandinavia.
Finland isn't Scandinavian. It's one of the Nordic countries, but often included in the term Scandinavia because of the close historic and cultural relations to Scandinavia, as written on wikipedia.
yeah, so I dont think its wrong to say finland is part of scandinavia.
it's fennoscandia swe+fin, skandinavia nor+swe.
hehe, not that it really matters, I just wanted to point it out.
but like.. why does SAS then have finish flag on all the airplanes :d they have norway sweeden and finland on they'r planes.. and its not because they fly there couse sas flyes 2 Iceland aswell but they dont have our flag :o
Finland is not in Scandinavia!
wow, well done random gaming
swine how could u loose vs logitech 4:0 ? :/

expected lost from h2k
no 6th to pracc serious for over 2 weeks now...
hurensohn excuse
waiting for your excuses when you will lose your match versus Team-HoT
dont need excuse , cuz i wont play mate, oNline only !
I blame swine, he is the lowest player in sfto!!! XDD

ok hannes is even lower than ya :P
"with the germans facing scandinavians, but like in World War II, the germans failed again"

pls... in WW2 Germany occupied Norway and Denmark and Finland was occupied by Sowjet Union (later Finland fought with the Germans against the Sowjets). Sweden stayed neutral, like Goliath already said! ;)
not funny, serious business :'(
where did i say that:DDD:!!!!:<
Goliath on 12/12/07, 13:54:22 PM | Reply

there it is! :p
Sweden stayed neutral, like Goliath already said! ;)!!!!!
that's not funny either!
edit: wtf wasn't that you? damn it, fake flag
You have serious flaws in your history knowledge :D

Finland lost the war, but was never occupied by any country in WWII.
well on 30. November 1939 Sowjet Union attacked Finland and on 12. March 1940 Finland surrendered (peace of moscow) afaik! but you're right, "occupy" was probably the wrong expression.
you're talking about winter war now, and that was so far funny war becouse both sides were winners.

1. Finland didn't get occupied. (as did poland, estonia, lithuania, latvia etc etc..)
2. Soviet union won the war and saved it's ego before other countries.
ye i was talking about the winter war.
and ye, i guess you know more about it since you are finnish. I was just writing down what i had to learn (finland having to surrender, peace of moscow n stuff but i don't know the details about the role of finland in ww2).
i apologize for the expression "occupy" though, wrong interpretation :p
We were actually secretly plotting to rule the world after all the armies hade been weakend by war. Dunno why we ever executed th plan.
worst history knowledge ever, gratz swine :p
I don't see where he fails, he said germanys ass got kicked, nothing about finland or scandinavia kicking germanys ass during WWII.
Quote by swinewith the germans facing scandinavians, but like in World War II

.... ok
it was meant that germany got raped once again...not that they got raped by those countries in WW II :-)
ye, sure :p
more comments for WWII than for matches!
Crossfire 3.0 - A History Community - powerd by X3M Servers
funny yet clever
im missing the "etqw is dead" flame :/
well you cunningly changed the subject from etqw to second world war. etqw sucks.
all planned meight ;)
come on d3c3m dont be like that
team-dnd takes over.
Finland isn't a part of Scandinavia btw.
fuck scandinavia piece of shit mutherfuckers get aids and lick vagin pls
WTF! fu u dutch peace of shit :d
go lick some vagin pls ;D
finland is not scandinavia..
and bayern is not germany!!! oO
h2k is overrated, could have seen this coming a long time ago.
ye grof were so much better :), really miss you guys
Things not going well for h2k...
thats true :)
i dont see why u have to bring the war into this...
to add interesting content?
its just random and irrelevant :OOO
wow, shame u wasted your time reading it and then discussing about it afterwards.
well its not exactly long and i wasnt aware of the content before i clicked on it so whats the harm?

no ive read it ill express my opinion, isnt that what everyone else is doing?
you should change ur nick into carebear
i dont see why u have to bring et:qw into this...
LOL history dRAMA!! >_>
Oh and ET:QW is DED!
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