YAWn! hacked

image: logo

The popular GUID matching website YAWn! has unfortunately had its database compromised, and as a result everybody is strongly urged to change all of their passwords if they are the same as their YAWn! password, should they have an account there.

Earlier today you may have noticed a couple of strange things on Crossfire, such as the 'Fusengate 08' article disappearing and the 'Cheaters' forum thread being defaced, among various other things. This was caused by a few of our members having the same passwords here as they do on their YAWn! accounts, and inadvertently allowing the individual to login to their Crossfire profiles and disrupt the website.

We have identified who is responsible, and it is some random peon from the recent bust, unsurprisingly. Despite what you may hear elsewhere this person is not affiliated with any cheat website, nC had nothing to do with this. The YAWn! admins have been informed, who have taken necessary steps to ensure that this does not happen again. It should be noted however, that the guilty party still has a copy of the old database and can continue to cause certain people problems if they do not change their passwords.

A general rule of thumb is to never use the same password on different websites, as obvious as that may sound it is surprising how many ignore it. You should also use an alphanumerical password with upper and lower case.

Unfortunately, this has already affected one of our members quite seriously, so we strongly urge you not to take this lightly. This will only affect those who have an account on YAWn!, with the same password to it used elsewhere. Despite that, this is a good oppurtunity for those of you with weak passwords to change them to better ones.

The YAWn! website is still fully functional and should be safe to use, provided any members have changed their passwords.

You can change your passwords here.

YAWn! newspost: http://www.yawn.be/
owned :(
hopefully the guy that hacked yawn can't track down every site i visit right?
No he can't, but it's still a good idea to change your passwords though.
heh, already did, thanks for the notice though :>
he may always try to guess =)
well if u use same password everywhere, i suggest you change them.
using individual passwords everywhere is for like... paypal, banking, etc.

Otherwise I just have a few that I use depending on what type of site it is I use it on.
Nothing more than logic could deduce.
Why, are you hiding something? :DDD
haha, ik heb je bangbros acc

Haha Oh Snap!!

Nothing like a bit of Biz!
did yawn send some random passwords after registration? i forgot, what my pw was
ask netcoders, they will know it :)
who was it? :D
whats the point if they got a copy of the databse ? shouldnt be smarter to change my password on all the other websites ?

signs of apocalypse.......
That's what he did. :/
say what?
you doomed the world mister !!!111
hiding behind a 9 days old account is indeed no way childish
nice lugeraim
we care !!11!!
omfg.. storing passwords in plaintext... that's why i hate custom made websites (maybe by amateur devs that have nothing to do with security). All respectable sites should store a 1-way hash of passwords, or at least make sure their db can't be copied :(
The passwords was/is not stored in plain text.
it wasn't stored plain text. it was stored in an MD5 hash, however, MD5 hashes were quite strong years ago, but the time needed to get a positive match on an MD5 hash by using brute-force techniques has grown smaller as computers grew more powerful. There are websites where you can simply enter an MD5 hash and see if someone has ever "cracked" the possible password to it.

Currently it's better to use an SHA-512 hash since that will take quite some time to "crack" with nowadays computers, but just a reminder, NO hashed password is 100% safe, ever.
ouch... i didn't think about that :<
although i can think of algorithms to make the password 100% unrecoverable unless you get access to more than just the database (source code). Simply by hashing the username (immutable) together with the password or some other data, you can't retrieve the password anymore without substantially more effort (unless u know the algorithm). Another example, if you do the hash twice, you end up needing to brute force a 32 character string that can't be found in any dictionary, rather than the 5-10 chars for the average password.

Anyway, point taken: wasn't plain text.
heard about collisions? 8) Even if u have 1MB string, there is a big probability that there will be a shorter string having the same hash. To avoid this I'm usually generating 512 hash and combine bits.
The probability of collisions is 2^(-128) anyway... That really doesn't seem "big". From my pov, completely ignorable...
Proper password, even if in MD5 hash, won't be brute forced with modern computers or not at least in your lifetime. 12chars with lower, uppercase chars, numbers, and characters. But I get your point.

Also, no password is safe would be the correct way to say it. No matter what, there is always a way.
It already is done by websites, by breaking down the md5 in parts, and using many different computers to crack down each letter.
Takes some minutes actually.

Won't give out the site, but it's the same that the hacker used.
I know the method of bruteforcing, but if you take a hash from


and try to bruteforce that, you will do so for rest of your life with these modern computers.
U r SO wrong.
you should be pretty safe with md5 + a salt only you know
salt added, sure. Still, strong passwords are still highly recommended.
ehehe tru
can't log in anymore WHAAAAA help me
Who was the one responsible?
he wasn't on the list smartass
he was never on it afaik
how would you know?
nvm, doubt he was. proxy ftw
because i saw the list and didn't see kamz's name?
placeholder on 05/01/08, 10:59:42 PM | Reply


(before you saw the list)
but he wasnt on the list! :D
he was never on the list lol
and you can still see the guys that have been removed the apology thread
admins could not mention him on the aplogy list :D
why wouldn't they?
becaue Marsians told them not to do so :)
I would like to know whos responsible?
rofl owned :)
I would like to know whos responsible?
the guy who made server never heard about sha1or stuff like that ... this would never happen
and i wondered why yawn entries can be faked so easily...
"Red triangles come from PBBans, not YAWn!"
that doesnt make any sense as a reply
YAWn! reads the PBBans database and adds red triangles accordingly, they're not manually added by YAWn!
i am NOT talking about warnings.
at least i never used that word
yawn entries...
how did he make it?
sending the data to yawn. nearly as easy as hacking yawn i guess
md5(yourpassword); is more than enough for almost any kind of site ...
not true. particulary when you use passwords like "doomsday" or "liketowank"
if you use such a password you deserves to be hacked ;o)
not this fucking shit again omfg
wow those netcoders guys are really impressing me

plz ask a security counsellor how to make your web pager more secure :S

rule: haxers can only attach at unserused webpages (-databases).
nice fuckup
I blame Cobra
i cant rememebr my account but i have one :s
Im surprised they are trying to fuck a bit with us. Even more surprised it's working.
don't blame the users sol, blame the website coders they should be sure nobody should be able to see the passwords

after such a easy hack on the yawn website, I'm not believing any more in red yawns, they are prolly all faked ;)
I'm not blaming any users, and I didn't say that YAWn! was hacked 'easily' either.

Red triangles come from PBBans, not YAWn!
you do by saying that a good password is important and that you shouldn't use the same pass on 2 or more sites.

1) good password is only needed for bruteforce hacking, they got the passwords from a databasew so no bruteforce recured.
2) Most people have trust in website security so they shouldn't be using 100 different passes.

websites need to be better secured, so atleast kiddo hackers can't get our password.

But I should have never registered on yawn because they have no disclamer, and now I can't get them in front of judge when I lose data.

If they would have a dsclamer where they say not to give ur personal data's to others we could be rich (or not dunno if they actualy have some money), because they gave away our data's just by not being secured enough.
thats why they didnt have a disclaimer. because user got to be aware that there is no 100% insurance, his pasword is safe.

if only users had nonpopular passwords, database with password hashes would be useless for hackers, since they wouldnt have found anything on websites like http://md5.shalla.de/cgi-bin/search.cgi . and if someone obtained your password from a website, where there was no disclaimer you were talking about, and used it to log in to your e.g. e-mail, that isnt rly fault of yawn, since you had the same password on both accounts
they would have get the password from yawn, and if their is proof they got hacked I can blame yawn for not securing my password and giving it to everybody with a little bit hacking knowledge.

image: internet-24591
but its users choice whether to use the same password for some valuable account where he stores his family money and a noncommercial, volountary, gaming website written by sunday-coder :D
still its users' lazyness fault, because if you had other password for cf and yawn, nothing would happend
but if the website was secured there would be no way hackers could get passwords.

You can use an encryption server, so they atleast need to hack a other server where the encryption algoritem is saved.
if you don't know anything about YAWn!'s database and wether or not the passwords were unsecured or not, then don't jump to conclusions.
atleast it wasn't secured enough if some retarded hacker can get to the passwords
it wasnt secure enough because some users got passwords like "mummy" or "mybeloveddog"
like I said, stop making assumptions if you don't know what actually happened.

it's the fault of some users on YAWn! cuz they used uber simple passwords. An MD5 hash (which yawn uses) is simply weak on very simple passwords since there are websites were you can look up MD5 hashes and see if that hash is already cracked to some simple password or not.
no it's yawn's fault that they could get into the database at the first place.

so 1 thing that isn't secured the way it should be.

and they shouldn't have used MD5 as verybody knows it's easy to hack.

And if they knew thier site security sucked they should have forced everybody to use a 10 digit password with atleast 2 characters and 2 numbers or smth.

So don't blame the users, blame the crappy coder of the site.

btw is cf using the same way to save password? if yes I need to change to a 50 digit password before I get hacked.
YAWn! is partly to blame yes. They should've enforced the use of strong passwords.

MD5 is not necessarily all that weak. If you have a strong password that doesn't make much sense, then an MD5 brute force crack is quite useless because the result will have no reference to anything that makes sense in the first place. But yes, a stronger hash such as SHA-512 makes it quite a lot harder, but even such strong hashes mean shit on simple passwords.

So yes, in the sense of the coders of a site (or anything that stores passwords) the coder should enforce the use of strong passwords and use the strongest hash method available to him.

As for cf's password encryption. I don't know since I don't code for CF, but my guess would be you are not far of of your own guess.
You can brute force an MD5 hash as you would anything else, except first hash your result and then check if it matches the password hash. Hashing without using a salt is pretty much useless...
where have you read that yawn promises not to allow 3rd parties to see their database? :)
"That is several years' work for a huge number of cooperating PCs or one very powerful supercomputer. The recent SHA-1 break is a collision in which two random, non-meaningful messages were found to have the same hash in 2^69 comparisons, or about 2000 times faster than the brute-force method. That is still a very long job."

He couldn't have done it in 1 night if they used a nice encryption. And he'll need to decrypt every single password then. Lets see if he has my password in 2012 ;)
perhaps not your password, but passwords like "soldier", "hamster", "johnny" etc.etc.. such simple crap is already cracked for MD5 hashes.

Take the dictionairy and MD5 (or any hash method for all I care) them and store them in a database. Voila, a lookup table for simple passwords.
I guess yawn or xfire maker didnt write his own hashing function just used the one, php got. But still, i know its impossible to break it by some stupid hacker busted in Fusengate2008, even if he has spent 3 days and 3 nights in front of computer :P i just wanted to show you that this sentence "but if the website was secured there would be no way hackers could get passwords." is not true =)
the website could have been much better secured, thats what I meant.

using the standard php md5 hashes is just plain stupidity, atleast for website with a large userbase.
rofl dude the only way to get a password out of a md5 hash is bruteforcing, which can take years for only one password .. so hf bruteforcing the 9419 yawn's users :]
if pass is simple you can search the md5 hash database, check it. get an md5 of word "game" and fill that hash here: http://md5decrypter.com/
as i told you in my other comment, ppl using common words as password are definitly mentally retarded .. dosent mean you have to use a 25 chars one but no common words seems logic since you can bypass it without having the hash itself ... now even if the md5 hash method is getting pretty old its still a secure way to 'encrypt' a password .. after all theres no reverse engeering ..
and only these people got hacked :)
this is where you are wrong... simple plain stupidity, yet i think 95% all the sites out there do that!
CF got owned by NC
its YaWn! not Cf u twat
Shut the fuck up, thats why the fusengate got deleted and cheaters forum. How do you feel, fucking spastic.
you need more bans on CB

oh and you so owned that guy omg! spazm!
Why are you getting excited you obvious fucking sheep shagger. Why would I care if your dad is dying of leprosy, I dont need to know this.
yeah, you're really making sense, you really must be from nc!
yes but the threads about YaWn...retard...
so, how they know passwords anyways? they should be kept in database hashed. and when there is a problem like that, admins should have an option to reset all passwords to some random ones (many ways to generate random string in php) and send them to the e-mails of account owners.
Deleted your post accidentally, they were hashed, not everyone knows how to set a good password though.
still its way too hard for some small hacker to break the hash. dunno how they made it if it was hashed :/
There are websites where you simply can look up cracked MD5 hashes. Lots of simple passwords can easily be found this way, and if a user of a website uses a simple password, no MD5 hash will make it secure.

Besides, hashes are only a way to make it harder. There is no 100% security due to hashes.
yeah i asked already if it was made by looking on such websites, just sol removed my post accidentally =)
Probably some desperate nub that got busted trying to get rid of the red triangle on his name. :D
And just to be very clear about it, you're bound to hear some nC peons claiming responsibility for this but nC had NOTHING to do with this, it was merely one of their members.
so they had the litteral password in the db
md5 anyone?
there are websites with md5 hashes database. if someone sets password like "destruction" it will be there
MD5 is weak, especially on simple passwords.
used in junction with other encryption techniques it isnt ;)
I prefer getting hacked on all my accounts then taking out 15 minutes for changing all my passwords.
Haha, stupid turtle :D
This ain't straight mr. niggah admin!
Nice one, deleting your comment.
I didn't delete my comment. I wasn't able to read your comment on mine. Probably an admin who needs attention.
You are always claiming clear bullshit and when you are eventually proven wrong you delte them.

When someone accuses you of deleting your comment some sort of admin has done the job. Keep going!
Ok, thanks for your opinion.
Actually it was not a opinion and it was conributed as a constructive comment which was intended to flame you.
Ok, thanks for your constructive comment which was intended to flame me.
Keep your filthy mouth shut against Freedune, you twat.
Oooh, e-thug alert. run!
Agree, they can change my profile or whatever

atleast I've a other pass for my 2 email accounts :D
pff they could use my pw to change my profile, maybe it would turn out in something nice!
so people got paswords like "cat", "dog" etc?:D
Passwords with like 8 lower case letters and no numbers are fast to crack, you can do it on some websites even. But if you add some numbers and upper case letters it gets a lot slower :)
oh, thanks for the information sol (seriously)
Websites should also have a rule of thumb to never ever store the passwords, only checksums of them. They don't need to know our passwords, they just need to know that we know them.
read comments a little, we have already said they were kept as hashes :)
I don't have time to read comments :P
I just thought i will change my crossfire.nu password same as yawn.be password . And then i read this ..guess im not changin anything then :)
what has made you not changing your paswords?
I had dif. pass in yawn site and crossfire site so i dont need to change anything.
only yawn password :)
btw what profit is to have yawn account? :D
Dunno made it year ago and havent logged in for a long time.
Kewl today i logged in cuz i heard about this shit.
nice read, but if everyone is that stupid, that he/she has the same password in every community... not my prob ^^
different passwords everywhere
I dont get it... why edit your yawn password in the first place ?

You dont have to enter it to use http://yawn.be, and the yawn-client remembers it for you... so there is really no need for the password to be easy to remember...

(in case of a format, get a new auto generated password and just C/P it into the client again...)
next nC task-own crossfire...
First of all, hacking websites is illegal. Anyone involved in illegal actions will be held responsible. We do have our server logs and now we need some additional information to catch the people responsible for the latest exploit of our database.

Therefore Crossfire offers a reward of USD 1000,-- to anybody who will provide addition information that leads to the one(s) responsible for the incident.

Any information is kept strictly confidential.
I thought i would have to change my password from sites, but it doesn't make sense anymore, since I'm very sure my password can only be found by brute force (it's not in dictionaries), so.. I won't bother...
I'll leave mine the same, maybe they can pimp my profile a bit
i dont even know half of my passwords :D
Changed it
yawn is down again? :o
'' The YAWn! admins have been informed, who have taken necessary steps to ensure that this does not happen again.''

meh :/
what a sh!t ffs, i got rcon passwords on my yawn profile ;/
dont think they can rly do anything with the rcon passwords.
dnt think and stop on this :D
image: 128347587844687500fail
plz... can't you do better? yawn made et a worse game, no point in fakenicking, and everyone was a cheater because they had a red triangle? that's just shit :/
QuoteWe have identified who is responsible, and it is some random peon from the recent bust, unsurprisingly. Despite what you may hear elsewhere this person is not affiliated with any cheat website, nC had nothing to do with this.

if it was someone from the recent bust, then ofcourse it has something to do with nC... wtf are u talking?
Difference between nC customer and nC staff.
all the same imo, only difference is the users that dont have that nc customer status, those i would call "non-nC-crew"
See argument down bellow.
Don't say they stored the passwords un-encrypted? That would be fucking stupid.
They. Did. Not.
But with todays technology it's easy to crack a md5hash.
The following 37 users say Thank You to MigrosBudget for this useful post:
Alex, Assassin Hax, Austin, b!lly, binkie, bugg3r, Dante, Dogsss, durdur, Flawless, Foxy, Frozen, haqshot^, HolyWarZ, Jmpin_jimmy, L4B1N4C, lexi40, Luke21, matttu, motherhacker, muppetalert, mystic, naz, Nimbus2506, Noway!, Pansemuckl, Phil, Poison77, polokezwart, purix, ridl3r, Sgt.Rusty666, substanz, superb, unaimed, ZeroCool, []SpooN.

i love it, propaganda at its best :D
image: chapljaiviewej0
Propaganda? IMHO that's the reality. After so great and vicious busts (or name them as you wish), when like few of them got actually banned, I also tought that there will be tons of new nC customers who will suddenly become popular in CF just because of high skills... This fusengate stuff should be happening quietly.. working closely with yawn, CB, PB and others who could make any decisions in this case)

I mean - popularizing things of which you ain't sure you can't get rid of is pretty much dumb in any way.
check the other pic, the screenshot which only shows mbudget and slyce being busted.

Quote"Oh wait that’s the wrong list, or not?
No actually that’s how the crossfire bust list looks like in general, 15 entries and 2 people? Would that mean that actually there wasn’t that big bust of which the admins were talking about? I'd be pissed off if I was a user on crossfire and was promised the "BIG CROSSFIRE BUST"

And that's what i call propaganda, they only show a very small part of the bust, which suits their purpose and use it in their way. they don't even mention all the other ones who got busted (take nevari, ufoleet or some others as an example).
small or not small part, but yet this is a very good and actually very perfect commercial for them! Even if CF busted 20-50 players (from which are probably 30 Jaymod / NoQuarter or whatsoever mod players) from which got really banned / busted and rejected from all cups like 2-5 players, there will definately be a great money incomings to nC personal for creating brand new and working ET or <any other game> private bots just because of the small percentage to get really busted (HW bans, IP bans, GUID bans etc.). I hope you got the idea.
i know what you mean but i don't agree.
i don't consider "being hacked" twice (!) a perfect commercial. This shows that they just can't guarantee the anonymity of their paying customers. It's not really the place where i would feel safe when i wanted to buy a bot. And everyone knew about nC before this bust too.
Since you mention jaymod-users etc... well these guys usually don't even know crossfire, most of these guys on the list are competitive players, no matter if they're in high+ clans or random med+ guys.
Ofcourse there is a big chance that they won't even be banned @cb, still they are branded as cheaters and if ppl are not completely retarded they will not play with them anymore, which means there's a big chance these guys will have to get a new nick (but then i ask myself again, who trusts a medhigh-skiller without ANY history and a 3-day-old yawn (e.g. ph6xy/myst6x before... ppl who played with them and knowing who they are or not questioning their history actually deserve to be punished too tbh).
first of all, i have no idea why are they coming with an old quote of me because it was made for the first fusengate. if you ask me now, i'd say fusengate2 is successful.

about doing-it-quietly.. unfortunately, the collected information is not proof enough for clanbase, so crossfire is the only league which will ban caught players
thought exactly the same :)
Who the fuck cares about some poorly written pseudo-propaganda, help some more John Does that never LAN get some e-fame before they grow hair on their sacks and get sent out to clean other people's toilets for a minimum wage.
i ll change my password on youngnakedgirls.com then
QuoteYAWn! hacked

oh noez :<
if he is doin that with his own ISP he is in big fuck imo :D
lol im still using the pw of the email that crossfire sended me :p

The goddamn hacker IS NOT from nC, how hard is it to understand?
I know who he is, and it ain't anyone from nC-crew, but simply just a nC-customer, that didn't want himself shown in FusenGate.
And the hacker didn't hack CF, just yawn and got the pw to an admin.

Please stfu with your childish attitude: "OMG crossfire dont hide that it was nc lol".

The hacker did several law-breaks, and I've used hours together with Gods from Crossfire and with Snuble to find out who it is, and I can promise that it isn't anyone from netCoders.

And it's quite idiotic by netCoders to say that this news is a lie. Because it isn't, goddamn.
if he is a nC-customer then he is from the nC-crew..
nC-crew = administrators, moderators etc.
nC-customer = random nub that bought cheat
Great logic, so if you were to go and hack nC (you being a Crossfire user), then we (as a crew) are responsible.

Oh, wait...
thats so stupid comparison, nc customer = nc crew, random user on nC site without nc customer status = random user..
You're not too bright.
nono man you dont get the meaning of customer :D customer is a person who buys smth. like you go to the shop and buy milk - you are customer.

customer - registered user who bought hax
normal user - registered user who did not buy hax

i know that, but just go look at the nc forums, they're all like a big fucking family over there.. if one customer did this im sure there was all the admins backing him up with this, atleast it looks like this for me
That is false.
The person that did this didn't do it because of the fusengate, not even because of nC at all.

Actually he hacket yawn.be before the FusenGate.
Go figure.
If it ISN'T nC person, then maybe GIVE the name WHO did that? Or CF administration is too afraid that they'll get hacked again because of weak protection of the site?

I think that we (those who wasted our time here for more over 3 years) deserve to know who did that, am I right?
No, you're not right. Why do you have such trouble distinguishing between YAWn! and Crossfire? Our security has not been breached.

The person who accessed the YAWn! database is not representing nC, he is merely a customer there.
It wasn't breached in direct way, but yet there was someone who hacked YAWN knowing/guessing that the password from there will be useful here and deleted not RANDOM shit like "now playing", "Fusengate" and "CDC4 signups" but very SPECIFIC information aka FUSENGATE information.

Besides, if it's just a customer there - why don't you reveal him? Still afraid of being hacked again?
Why should they reveal him?
What diffrence would it make to you getting his nickname?
Would you hack him back? :\

Let them handle it themselves, I'm sure in time you'll know anyway.
I'd definately won't hack - I just want to know that little information, who was that lowlife, who did that and deleted whole list not just himself from the list.

The difference would be that that I'd atleast know who did that, not keeping suspicious any of you here. Also that would make me feel that CF do care of it's regular visitors and would inform what's happening and so on.. ;<
You will know who he are after a while, I'm sure.
Anyway, no one forced you to use Crossfire, you can't demand information, can you?
they are not afraid that he hax cf cause he is unable to, unless he is some kind of oracle and is able to guess password to an account of one of admins. he didnt hack crossfire, he haxked yawn and simply used the password of one of admins. its not breaching security :) its just the stupidity od a person but security system is fine lol :)
Wise words. :)
who is it?
Is it maybe possible that crossfire and their confederates lost control?
Is it maybe possible that you sucked so hard that you had to buy a bot... and still were just a random noname? kinda sad, isn't it?
It is not.
Crossfire did not delete FusenGate because the bust were to small etc, then they would delete the ip-match.htm aswell maybe?

This case is quite serious, still idiots like you care to believe it's a setup by Crossfire to excuse the FusenGate-delete.
That's just something nC is saying to gain trust again, so that they can make more money.
They make it look like only 2 persons got busted, and that it's safe to buy at netCoders.
I wouldn't have bought a cheat on nC after two FusenGates.
After 2 illegal actions of crossfire members/admins, normal people think that it's super duper uber hard to hack websites and will just buy a hack
Yeah, TosspoT and Fusen help Pansemuckl to make more money =)
ye being hacked twice is really a perfect commercial! If i wanted to get a bot, i would really trust Pansemuckel and i would immediately give my money to him, since i know my anonymity is guaranteed!
Seriously, are you really that stupid?
ca. 50 peoples are busted if at all - ca. 1200 peoples use hax... considerable success :o
ok nvm, you are really that stupid.
I wish I could be so intelligent like you :p
where is that bust you promised to 5 jan?
Muy Bien ... :/
omg pwnd ?!?!
hehe =)

me too
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