Quakewars Impressions Trailer

image: uvlogokx0

Europe Ultraviolet Productions are proud to present their first official Enemy Territory Quake Wars work.

It's been some time since our last ET movie, but we did it once again. With this brand new Trailer Europe Ultraviolet Productions are not an ET only Production anymore.

This Trailer will show ingame footage from Enemy Territory:Quake Wars.

With frags performed by Team Speed-Link, Team Dignitas, 4Kings, Kompaniet and Stofftiere Online, you wont be bored i hope.

I am very happy to show you even one more ETQW Artwork! Its a new map, done by iceweasel and recamed from us. A map you think, wow boring! Actually it is not! Those 60 megs are def. worth downloading.

Enough talking, here are the facts:

Type: Frag Highlights
Length: 1:16
File Size: 43 Mb
Release Date: Monday Januray 7th 2008
Video Editing: Hannes
Codec: x264
Frame Rate: 30 FPS
Resolution: 1280x720

Special Thanks to our beloved Tosspot for the exciting cast!

Trailer: Download from MyHannes.info
Map Artwork: Download from MyHannes.info

Looks awesome, shame you didn't use my 5man vs stofftiere though! :D
itll be in the full movie. It just didnt fit in the musics

all demos will most prob. be in the full movie
Was just kidding ;p
<reserved for comment>

edit: fucking nice trailer, i'm considering buying ETQW now :o
<reserved for ur mom>
even though im not a big fan of the game, i have to say that looks awesome
Not really, it's almost, but not as bad, as Zaigon.
very nice trailer or what. rly enjoying the QW movies, but the game is a big shit.
great trailer
looks fantastic :)
nice work hannes!
nice trailer
but not the most skilled game for aiming, i was like t3h p0wn but n00b@et aim gGGG
nice shizzle
really looks fcking nice.
- Looks nice, although I think it's to late for the 'big audience' to convice them. (but, I don't know if that was your intention)
- Frags were nice.
- Music rocks, although used before in the 'Fnatic - Are You?' trailer. (Maybe remixed a bit don't know that)
- The game still sucks
gr8 trailer tbh
Not impressed.
Loved this.

Makes the game look a lot better and more exciting than it really is!

At least to a nub like me anyway. :-(
its a hard game to learn, and in the beginning if it dont work out, i didnt like it either. But when you play with more skilled guys it gets more exciting
Looks really nice Hannes!
Didn't know that trailers are right stuff to major news...

plz where's all sense!?
the sense will ban you!
I think the R3 trailer got front page news, this is to ETQW what that was to ET, tbh...
I wouldn't like to see _any_ trailers in the major news at all.. It's not their place, understood?

..and that piece of crap had nothing to do R3 trailer imo, just an ordinary video from et:qw
r3 was way more impressive
Agreed, although that very last shot with the zoom on the tank made me think of some ways in which fragvids could be improved, that's not really what this vid was about.
no, journal only :)
It got to the news page because it won the best game video price on some site wich i dont remember now...
It got a news item before that too, iirc.
The R3 trailer was longer than some movies...

and it was also good, much unlike this.
very nice work. should've sent some of my demos aswell :<
had 2 say Hi! from Jaede, and greetz.

What do you need to put in your config that you always record?
rly nice trailer.. waiting for full movie =)
Nice trailer =)
Awesome fragvid trailer. And the map preview vid reminds me of tech demos :D
nice vid

but looks like the game sucks
Very well done, looking forward to the full one!
nice admin abuse @ postin ze news

about the clip:

its as good as qw itself :X definately nothing more
I didn't put it on frontpage. :-\

We didn't request it be put on frontpage either. :-\
yo sry then <3
I frontpaged it, and i very much doubt any other admin will put it back, sheerly becuase of what this means to etqw - looking at 90% of the comments, people don't dislike it being there either, even if they don't like the game.
Just because your awesome frag is in it! ;)
nice trailer,
actually I liked trailer

AWESOME trailer for AWESOME game
the game sux but the trailer rox

btw: hannes- aka spielberg
ETQW <3 btw need klan pm :<

30 FPS h3h3k33k3k3lul1
Looks very good.

But I was afk walking my dog when I got fragged tbh.
looks good
hitreg much!
Hentai what a lucky nade :asd:
nice trailer :]
nice trailer, waiting for full version. and ETQW owns.
first impact : qw sux (and it was same for me)
first impact : Meh! 30 fps (when u make a good cfg u have a fps boost)

Then, when u learn all the stuff, after some times, qw owns, cause there is NOTHING similar.

You have the feeling of the frags and the basic classes, like RTCW/ ET
The moves, the graphic and weapons of quake 4
The vehicles of Battlefield (and they are gonna be balanced in promod)

The mix, is a cool feeling :D

This is a great video hannes, it shows how the game is at competitive level :)
The moves, the graphic and weapons of quake 4

almost liked it...
sick shit ! etqw is awesome !
Finally a nice quake wars movie!
nice movie, but shit game :X
nice movie. reload fckin haxx man
play cod pls nub
Looks very smooth compared to what i hv saw before from qw
(i like at 0:34 and 1:14 , nice dof)

Anyway quakewars sucks hard, didnt like it overall
stupid game awsome trailer
nice vid nice artwork!

btw most of frags are nadefrags is this the way of palying ET:QW`?
if they didnt release BETA2 - or atleast the map VALLEY... it might of bought this game, the only reason this trailer looks as good as it is, aside from the frags being really nice, is the fact there are no vehicles :)
agree. liked the first beta, the second one made me rethink
It laggs like hell for me! :(
also why does it look so smooth?! i had 30 stable, or 50-60 fps and it always looked shit and jumpy, i do not think this is a correct representation of the way it plays today surely?!
you need to use some cvars to lock fps to get it stable+use right rendering settings
upload ur cfg then, i can barely get stable 76 fps and i have quite good pc imo
I have kinda strange strange config, so my is not a good example :/

I have AA on and some other strange shit. But its in my profile.
awesome trailer! good job!
This has just made me want to play ETQW again!
I might start playing etqw, it looked quite nice.
looks rly awesome. maybe ill go to play it a little now ;d it looks so nice
amazing trailer for a great game
erm.. scaled from 4:3 to 16:9? :|
nVc, If you configure it correctly it does run this 'smooth', but as you say it is a bit jumpy - however I'd definitely say this is a correct representation of the game (even graphically if you have a system that can handle it).

If anyone needs any sort of config help, I'm happy to try and help.
Probably the most usefull etqw player ever, nice attitude :) We need more like you

<3 !
Gayf sucks monkeyballs, no egoboosts!
It runs like crap on my notebook Core duo with X1600.

How do i fix it?
i don't like et:qw but this 1 was good!

2 thumbs up
ho ho ho
it's the daveclaus!
CAN U PLEASE GIVE A FCKING NORMAL FILE AND NOT MKV fcing bunch of retards thanks
actually, mvk is designed for EXACTLY this, you are retarded to think that we should continue to used closed, outdated old formats like avi, and even more retarded to think that we should used proprietary formats like .mp4
Quakewars sucks dong schnitzel.
welcome to etqw
is it my system which shows some of the scenes very very dark or is it intended?!
I can hardly see anything but the rest looks really nice though!
havent been able to login now for about 2 weeks on ET:QW what a game!
your isp :(
yea im on ntl tho.. there normally decent..


you have to add 3rd rule there same as previous 2 but different IP and it should work
Doesn`t even show half of what etqw can be thb, open beta 1 @ sewers ( 4v4 inf mainly) had much nicer moments even during mixes :|
I think alot more people are looking at ETQW differently now!
brilliant trailer hannes, relase the real movie NOW ! ;)

and for all the "etqw is awesome" guys out there : it is, so eat poo
nice trailer

but et qw is still crap sry.
not that bad
Cool trailer...
Biggest #care ever...
ETQW is dead ... no trailers needed
does it not feel bad that you guys picked the wrong game audience wise? (: really nice trailer !
Idiot comment are not dead -_-'

Great video! Go'ne buy ETQW :D
why 5 fps at slow motion ?
ask SD why they only stream demos with 30 fps
isn't it possible to run the demo with demo_scale 0.1 (or 0.5) for slowmotions? :>
no! it only lowers fps and not time
what a pity.

sd should add a decent demo player. just like in cs, with things like cam paths, frame by frame capture and the possibility to jump from one point to another (select a frame to jump to, dunno how it's called ^^). but i doubt they will :>

considering that all these things arent possible yet (if you dont have some special extern demo viewer), this is a really amazing trailer :)
would really like to know how you made the very last scene on area22 with the zoom on the tank.
ET:QW has cam paths
then tell me how to use them pls ^^
thx sainted for the link

and of course thanks to darkangel for this great tutorial :)
cams were done with camtrace 3D which will get released for ETQW as well.

everything else was done with my MovieMod for etqw, which also gets released once its stable :)
qw is awesome
was awesome
very very nice.
hope the patch fixes my performance problems.
so i can play some more.
performance issues are related to bad hardware. Stop living in year 1996, buy yourself a dual/quad core with a 512 MB graphic card and you are good to go.
Buy me one :(
a good gfxcard will increase frames xtremely
cool it was nothing less then awesome
i actually played etqw in beta1, sewers was a playable map but when beta2 came, i couldn't be arsed to play the game anymore. it's too complicated, they have put too many things in it. like the attacking on valley: there was like 5 missions in it?

tho, nice trailer...
well only 3 maps are like valley rest are like sewer so whats prob:P
nice trailer
nice trailer.. but a shit game... i did buy it played it a bit some pcws and stuff but i removed it.. and i didnt touch the game anymore.. might try again someday
good trailer.
hey the game has nothing incommon with the beta2 crap.
all these maps are not in the pool ;)
Really cool trailer, i hope to see some frag movies from you :)

off topic:
i bet half the people who says this game is crap dont even tried it, and the ones who tried didnt even had the time to learn the game properly

this game blows away the competition when talking about team/tatical work, and im glad its not the mainstream (i bet the devs dont thing that away lol), but at least i dont see lots of anoying kids yealing at the voip and the comunity looks preety solid
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