Clanbase ET NC!

Almost one month after the applications for this year's Nationscup had been opened, the results have been made public. Clanbase had to struggle through a mass of registrations this year, and they had to make some difficult decisions. After all they managed to set up a list with the selection of the teams who received a direct invite, and with the nations who will have to proove themselves worthy by passing a qualifier. In the following list you can see all the invited nations with their captains:

These teams have been directly invited, and do not have to play a qualifier anymore. The team captains of these nations are asked to contact their national manager a.s.a.p. in order to be added to the country account:

Accepted Teams + NationsCaptain[/u]

Belgium Belgium ( Anaconda )
Czech Republic Czech Republic ( Flash )
Croatia Croatia ( Gumiflex )
Estonia Estonia ( eRRal )
Finland Finland ( Simamies )
France France ( Douille )
Germany Germany ( Kuraigu )
Hungary Hungary ( Bor!sten )
Israel Israel ( FragOn )
Italy Italy ( Mamalukes )
Latvia Latvia ( Clown )
Netherlands Netherlands ( Perfo )
Norway Norway ( Lakaii )
Poland Poland ( duce )
Portugal Portugal ( Archy )
Russia Russia ( JokE )
Spain Spain ( Gengis )
Sweden Sweden ( Tornis )
Switzerland Switzerland ( Gunner )
United Kingdom United Kingdom ( Evo )

Next to this 20 direct invited teams, there will also be 8 teams that will have to battle themselves a way through the group stage. They were selected on ping and on results in previous NationsCups. They will have to contact eachother in irc to set up a date, and make an arrangement due to the time difference between many of these countries.

The list:[/u]

Bulgaria Bulgaria ( Mirage )
Chile Chile ( Nozz )
Denmark Denmark ( Fisken )
Ireland Ireland ( Skydeh )
Malta Malta ( Toxic )
Romania Romania ( quad )
Slovenia Slovenia ( Carniee )
United States of America USA ( Bliss )

The Qualifiers have been drawn like this:

United States of America USA vs Romania Romania
Ireland Ireland vs Bulgaria Bulgaria
Chile Chile vs Denmark Denmark
Malta Malta vs Slovenia Slovenia

Last but not least: every Nationsteam captain has to idle on the #Nationscup.ET irc channel.

Good luck to all participating Nations: Let the games begin!

gl to all nations, especially be!
wtf? where is austria? :o
why no australia?
350 pings :(
Doesn't stop America. :P
big difference between 150 (america) and 350 (australia)!
Koreans played a couple of times a 1day-cup with 400 ping. rico played as well and had 450 ping I think and still owned us :<<
you can do it @ 350 ping

:o Anaconda as captain! <3
funny how busted cheaters can still be captain of a NC team
Bulgaria for teh pooning!
where is team norway? :X
– Lakaii –

there it is!
nvm.. just saw how the lists worked :X
dumme gutt!
Estonia estonia 4 teh win
zlol no Austria
can't believe, that CB really did this
didn't sign up...
slapped in the face by karma dick
cant see austria on the list lol...
me likes no austria ! 8*D
nice post, koe:) (slet van cb:p)
ge weet egt ni hoeveel werk da was die flagskes aan te passe:p wa een landen vent :p
je hebt da goed gedaan! kom ventrilo btw
hope we'll see malta with toxic in the nationcup =)
No canada no win =[
you know why :p try finding tranix imo :o
malta will win if vKg plays again
omg tornis!!!

I KNOW TORNIS IN REAL LIFE!!!!!!!1111111111111111oneoneon
chile xD
what are deadlines for qaulifiers?

and dates for group matches?

afaik malta didnt sign up but since we're there, we might actually set up a team XD
Im not allowed to play for team malta as I have previously played in teamsweden :(
that really sux

i mean, you'r actually living in Malta know, who cares who you played for :/

what about your brother? kiitos?
Sure u are, blaze played for both.
hmmm, there was apparently an arguement for me not being allowed to play nc for Malta.
No no just tallk to the CB-crew. Smaller nations have been allowed to play with four guys from the same clan before just because they didnt have enough players. And as said people have played for more than one nation before.
why is everybody moving to malta these days ?
good job, nice weather. Nice life!
k actually a good answer
i was there once for 2 weeks and enjoyed it as a place for your vacation but never thought about living there
hehe, I live 5 min from the beach in a penthouse seaview with the elevator in my livingroom. Otherwise I might not have lived here
go skydeh!!!
nc? why no1 told me to sign up :x
omg its a sign austria ololol...god really exists...cant believe it
n1 @ day_
gl chile :D

scotland should have been given a qualifier tbh
they are counted as UK and cannot have a team
Need korea. query ReMiND, Need japan. :-O
Finally Romania in!
Also I could say gl to some qualifier teams, but would be the best to see all of them in the cup! C'mon, get 4 more teams and allow all!

Ohh..I forgot, GL Hungary of course!
lololol where is team turkey xD
nice taking Finland simamies instead of Finland Raptor !
agree, a very nice choice!
neve [/s] is the real italian captain!!!!
Austria forgot to sign up :D
austria omg :DDD
roflpanz @ austria :DD
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why are you laling?!?
nice day_
day u fucker :DDDDDDDD
rofl nice day_ best nt cpt ever...

ger4gold btw
you should have done the captain...
well day asked me if he can do it I didn't know that he will be so nooby as cpt :)
you would have formed a cheater free lineup though...n3co for president!
the question is not wether they are rly proofen cheaters or not... the image just is shit and i m glad that day didnt get his things done...

that lineup was a shame for our country

<3 nozzje :) denmark will be ez bash
gl anaconda skydeh mama!
good decision to not consider team austria
Oh well, not like Austria would've stood a chance anyway.
well done Austria ...

really a lovely bunch of ppl acting for us there!
well it was better not to sign up before playing with the lineup announced some time ago :s, sry for me it was a good decision
we signed up? lolol
(`,`) herro
Spellingcheck on title pls.....
why do you press 4 times enter after every country? make a proper list
its called copy & paste =D
Hope doneX managed to add Team Slovakia and Team Austria... more teams = more fun, pleaaaaaaase
more cheaters in case of austria
Ok I didnt know Team Austria are cheaters? Need potter and co. imo, but Team Slovakia are clean! :)
tornis...good decision cb
ägd noob!
FFS ..

i wanted to play for USA ..and forgot it again.. ohboi

can i be cap for GER and play for USA ?? xD
clanbase, nothing is impossible
ok, i'll check it out xD
Portugal shouldn't have an invite seeing as how basically their entire team got busted last year. :/
They have a totally new lineup, without cheaters.
I don't see why they shouldn't be given a chance !
where is Anonymous Team Tortuga :( ?
Yaarrrrrr, we shall hop in on matches and capture the show halfways!
Damnit ! They should allow Team Tortuga to play : (
gl NL dont forget to turn z hax on like last year
omg Japan omg
where is ETWC?
couldnt signup? :s
Poland duce take this to final ! gl hf
Go be :)
awesome post layout! :p
Quote Germany
&#8211; Kuraigu &#8211;

Nothing against kuraigu, but I'll never understand it, what qualifies him. But GL!
maybe not him, but the rest of the team who signed up :)
Yes, but why he is captain? :/
minority benefits.
i'm not gonna use the german word I wanted to!
IZ bash for Denmark, I guess :)
iiz for ESTOWNIA!!!
Belgium Viswijf as captain :(
ROFL, fu rafiki :p volgende keer op mijne ventrilo is ban :( :D
GL Czech Republic !

btw slovaci, vy ste fakt sranda narod :D
gl and hf all
shame no Scotland, id of been confident we could beat any of the teams in qualifying ;)

GL all !
tbh, team cymru should av been allowed
u guys woulda got bashed xD
Wales :)
Poland ftw ! :)
GL team-eesti :)
wtf TORNIS!?

recount plz
United States of America USA vs Romania Romania
Is it good news or bad news? USA are pretty good, aren't they? And there's the ping issue :(
The potential winners are

Germany Germany
Estonia Estonia
Finland Finland
Belgium Belgium
Netherlands Netherlands
Forget about finland and estonia, imho.
dno about finland , but team-est lineup will prolly be

Estonia Night
Estonia holz
Estonia reload
Estonia vikat
Estonia gaz3ta
Estonia r3vers

So quite good imo
Woohoo! If only you are right! gazeta <3
I'm right :) Or erral is wrong :)
Not good enough to win, so forget about Estonia.
be isnt so good either
Better than Estonia.
maybe , but not as good as fin or ger
That's what you think.
Your a belgian , so your opinion isnt relevant
You've proven numberous times already that you're too stupid to be taken serious, and this is yet another one.
because i am hyping my home country or that you r doing it ?
And we should take you seriously Rhand?
LoL you are the biggest retard on earth.

infect is
imo you are overrating Germany there... not to bash them but all their top notch players were in mpg so it will be pinking some less players to fill up as well...

Finland Poland and nl are my favorites; Germany Belgium and the uk as possible but not quite there yet
GMPO is no more , so they r not a team
Belgian guys are always very funny.
wow, that's really a super lineup imo
gaz3ta omg omg omg
keep dreaming :)
i am not dreaming btw. . If you r smart enough, you'll find it :)
Like last season too, forget about finland.
What was the old lineup and what's the new one ?
like every year :D
Not every year. Previous NC we had the New Wave but it didn't play out as one might expect.
yes idd, i was a bit dissappointed by estonia last year but this year... I don't think it's gonna be the same :p
should be usa vs chile
and romania vs bulgaria, agree... but hey, lagfest ftw :)
wheres austria omfggg
kuka vittu on simamies
kuka vittu sä oot josset simistä tiedä
koskaa kuullukkaa
edellisen voittajatiimin kapteeni!
on siin kans skenetuntija ku tiedä ees suomen viime nc:n kapua joka johdatti suomen voittoo ja kävi näyttämäs taitonsa olemalla potm ainoassa pelissä jossa pelas!
ilman simistä ei ois suomessa NC tiimiä
jaa a, en tiiä sitte mitä mä tölläsin matsien aikana tein ku katoin viime nc:s suomen jokaisen pelin enkä muista nähneeni sitä :P aika sujuvasti meni ohi >_<
kuka vittu sä oot josset simistä tiedä
np 4 russia
wtf? where is austria!?!
i wanna see that ownage team in action
gl Slovenia Slovenia! ...will there actualy be a team Slovenia ? :D
Slovenia noctiferia
Slovenia noctiferia
Slovenia noctiferia
Slovenia noctiferia
Slovenia noctiferia
Slovenia noctiferia
plz allow austria to play :'<

if they are able to get a lineup not consisiting of retards and/or cheaters \o/

else: do not
wp fragon :>
Where is Team Ukraine with Captain Malczik ?
captain malczik :DDDD
we'll rather not field an nc team at all than we will field a nc team with polak malczik :D
Och Team Belerus then!
nub evo captain wtf , where is waki the uberpwnr :(
Austria should still get a chance to sign up imo .. GL you'll have a heavy job against estonia
ekhm its you who should give the reason to do an action which is not normal and logical?
they didnt sign up. so they are not playing nc. tell me why should they be allowed to play in nc
if it is because they forgot to signup, then I think they still should get a chance to
no we shouldnt :D
LOL simamies :D
taem swe for teh win :P gl tornan hihih
Simis hoitaa homman kotiin
Team be for teh win

Gl and hf guys
haha austria selfowned
no gl's to denmark?! :d
GL fiskEn, fryzer, bamze, exquizit, squash!
GL Denmark.
Sorry Canada cannot play, nobody was on to give me their clanbas ID's :'<
ye well I wish you could gathered a team :) to bad you couldn't do it in time.
omfg add team ukraine instead of those czech noobs
gl Captain Simamies and Captain Perfo! :D
btw, team RUssia is big MISTAKE in this year! GL!ahahahah
gl russia : /
Don't worry!Next year will be better!
<3 team bulgaria FTW
Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria

I'm pritty astonished Turkey aint in NC , thought they could set also a nice team
gl & hf all :o)
GOGOGO Estonia EESTI !!!!
Go Ireland vs Bulgaria, better than silleh sheepshagging wales:D
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