OVERLOAd back to W:ET
10 Jan 2008, 18:14
OVERLOAd Gaming is proud to announce its latest Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory team, one which will attend European's largest event; the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 under its banner. The team is well known for ending 4th at the last CDC3 and getting an direct invite to compete at the upcoming CDC4, it is composed of Dutch players.
You probably guessed who we're talking about already, however while the following names are probably well known for the players from the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory scene we will shortly introduce them for those who are not. We thank BuLL for the great player descriptions.
Azz0r: Michiel "Azz0r" van Eekeren started playing at RtCW demo and after some time he ended up with Team Massacre where he managed to stay a pretty long time. When coming to ET he was the co founder of Knights of Death.ET that went all the way up to Kreaturen that went inactive end of 2005. He's an experienced player and is medic or engineer most of the time. He also drives around in a wheelchair, so don't laugh @ cdc4.
Lun4t1C: Riano "Lun4t1C" van Krevelen also started at RtCW demo but walked another path than Azz0r. He played in Nameless Squad and BooZze (yawn.be founders! :D) and after a while he ended up in Kreaturen. After the Kreaturen vs mysod final in december 2003 he was the founder of Kodler.ET together with Azz0r. He went inactive in oktober 2005 when he started playing ROSE Online till today.
M1lk: The first time I saw Robert "M1lk" Buys playing was in 2004 when he played for Clan Holy. In november 2004 he joined up with StaZi what was one of the best teams of the benelux that time. In february 2005 he also ended up in Kreaturen where he played with us till the end. After this adventure he played for IDKFA and Impact Gaming and attended all 3 Crossfire LAN's. He's a quality player for the team with some ingame leading abilities.
foSt: Remy "foSt" Zitter played ET in teams like StaZi, dHb, iLlusion and aegruS. He also played for Team Netherlands and won the NC with them. After getting caught for a public hack and therefore being inactive for almost a year, he decided to come back. He's an overall medic with some excellent aiming abilities and I's sure you'll see them at LAN as well.
BuLL: Jaap "BuLL" Boerema also started, just like Azz0r and Lun4t1C, RtCW demo in 2001. After some Dutch and Belgian teams he ended up with the Dutch team gAim in autumn 2003, which was a respected clan back then. He played for Kodler.ET from the beginning and stopped playing with them in 2005 when, as said before, they went inactive. After a succesfull time at rAtatosk and several NC seasons he also played at all 3 Crossfire LAN's.
buNdy: Erno "buNdy" Kleinster is also a true ET player. He played together with his mate Horu$ (Ir0n) for years and ended up in epitaph.ET where they beat Kodler.ET in the EC quali (grrr.. :@). He always played rifle and after an inactivity period of almost 2 years he is trying to come back to ET. Last months he played ET:QW with no other than ovr`Sainted, but that wasnt really fun for him. We hope he enjoys himself in his time with us.
A long story short, the lineup of the team looks as following:
OVERLOAd Gaming is very happy to have a team with such exceptional players representing us. We are looking forward to competing at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 against the other top teams from all over Europe.
OVERLOAd Gaming website | #overload
Heeeuj Rose Online =D
nice to see bundy back in et!
btw your homepage is broken with opera;((
and center the banner!
gl guys
but GL ;)
zit azzor echt in een rolstoel of is dat een slechte grap?
On a saturday, 3 months ago if I'm correct, I called him to see where he hung out. He was a bit drunk and I figured it would be fun to see him in his condition and I went to the bar where he was at. When I got there we drank a lot of beers and when it was getting late, we went out to get some shoarma like we always do.
He met a couple of his other friends and when we were done and ready to go home, he was fooling around with some of them. He ended up in a sort of chase with one of them, he ran on the street laughing, when a vehicle came up and hit him.
I was so fucking shocked, I called the ambulance and stayed with him. He was still conscience and asked me if he was alright. He couldnt move though so I told him he would be alright.
When the ambulance arrived I went with him and met his parents at the hospital. I left soon after. The next day his parents told me his back was damaged and he would probably have to spend a long time in a wheelchair.
Good news is that It is very likely that he will be able to walk again and function normally in the near future.
cool friendship story :D
like in the movies
gl and hf in CDC4, still.
turn it on plz :<
Experience, teamplay and diehard aiming in one person, who can beat that.. :(
u are a cool and good player bull... but i dun get why u play with guys like mize, fost, jackie etc :<
Yes, they are arrogant, yes jackie is a total moron sometimes :D, but it's pretty funny sometimes :D
Why not actually? online only xD?
would be some BS if he wouldn't, GL at lan though.
Milk groetjes van je vriendje witz!
but gl :XD
Gl tho
Anyway very nice oldskoolers lineup GL ! <3
scene is full of shizzlin' pimps nowaday mofo! blingbling!
Anyway gl milk, bull, azzor looking forward to seeing u guys at lan again
Cheaters or excheaters are allowed to play at lan?
+ otherwise I have to play with idiots like u =]
2.Dont play with those 2 hackers then.
mis see t2hendab?ise oskad oelda?mis kirjutasid? idiioot!
gl overload
especially bull, M1lk .. played u some times during theese years of rtcw and ET .. and BTW dont listen to rat, having fun is what all gaming should be about!! :p