OVERLOAd back to W:ET

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Europe OVERLOAd Gaming is proud to announce its latest Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory team, one which will attend European's largest event; the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 under its banner. The team is well known for ending 4th at the last CDC3 and getting an direct invite to compete at the upcoming CDC4, it is composed of Dutch players.

You probably guessed who we're talking about already, however while the following names are probably well known for the players from the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory scene we will shortly introduce them for those who are not. We thank Netherlands BuLL for the great player descriptions.

Netherlands Azz0r: Michiel "Azz0r" van Eekeren started playing at RtCW demo and after some time he ended up with Netherlands Team Massacre where he managed to stay a pretty long time. When coming to ET he was the co founder of Germany Knights of Death.ET that went all the way up to Netherlands Kreaturen that went inactive end of 2005. He's an experienced player and is medic or engineer most of the time. He also drives around in a wheelchair, so don't laugh @ cdc4.

Netherlands Lun4t1C: Riano "Lun4t1C" van Krevelen also started at RtCW demo but walked another path than Azz0r. He played in Belgium Nameless Squad and Belgium BooZze (yawn.be founders! :D) and after a while he ended up in Kreaturen. After the Kreaturen vs mysod final in december 2003 he was the founder of Germany Kodler.ET together with Azz0r. He went inactive in oktober 2005 when he started playing ROSE Online till today.

Netherlands M1lk: The first time I saw Robert "M1lk" Buys playing was in 2004 when he played for Europe Clan Holy. In november 2004 he joined up with Netherlands StaZi what was one of the best teams of the benelux that time. In february 2005 he also ended up in Kreaturen where he played with us till the end. After this adventure he played for Europe IDKFA and United Kingdom Impact Gaming and attended all 3 Crossfire LAN's. He's a quality player for the team with some ingame leading abilities.

Netherlands foSt: Remy "foSt" Zitter played ET in teams like Netherlands StaZi, Netherlands dHb, Europe iLlusion and Netherlands aegruS. He also played for Team Netherlands and won the NC with them. After getting caught for a public hack and therefore being inactive for almost a year, he decided to come back. He's an overall medic with some excellent aiming abilities and I's sure you'll see them at LAN as well.

Netherlands BuLL: Jaap "BuLL" Boerema also started, just like Azz0r and Lun4t1C, RtCW demo in 2001. After some Dutch and Belgian teams he ended up with the Dutch team Netherlands gAim in autumn 2003, which was a respected clan back then. He played for Germany Kodler.ET from the beginning and stopped playing with them in 2005 when, as said before, they went inactive. After a succesfull time at Europe rAtatosk and several NC seasons he also played at all 3 Crossfire LAN's.

Netherlands buNdy: Erno "buNdy" Kleinster is also a true ET player. He played together with his mate Horu$ (Ir0n) for years and ended up in Europe epitaph.ET where they beat Europe Kodler.ET in the EC quali (grrr.. :@). He always played rifle and after an inactivity period of almost 2 years he is trying to come back to ET. Last months he played ET:QW with no other than ovr`Sainted, but that wasnt really fun for him. We hope he enjoys himself in his time with us.

A long story short, the lineup of the team looks as following:
Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands M1lk
Netherlands buNdy
Netherlands foSt
Netherlands Azz0r
Netherlands Lun4t1C

OVERLOAd Gaming is very happy to have a team with such exceptional players representing us. We are looking forward to competing at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 against the other top teams from all over Europe.

OVERLOAd Gaming website | #overload
GL M1lk and BuLL!
Gl guys! Cu in Enschede

Heeeuj Rose Online =D
ik verwacht bier van jou!
weer winkelwagen achterlaten :D:D:D:D
Dit keer nemen we em mee! :D
mja of dit keer gaan we met de auto :D
je bedoelt, dit keer nemen we WEER Krea bieri's mee :D =]
gl jaap & co :D
gl guys
GL, M1lk, BuLL, foSt & buNdy!
gl :) niCe
gl overload :)
gl , maar we gaan jullie toch inmaken
would be better to find a replacement for fost...

nice to see bundy back in et!

btw your homepage is broken with opera;((

and center the banner!
me wanna see fost on LAN :)

gl guys
looks like u like flags :>
lol, didn't they say something like: unbanned players aren't allowed to play?

but GL ;)
gl foSt mattie
GL hoor wheelchairboy, farmer, inv3ntorr, sosdealer, pimp en ik_speel_met_elke_sens_ownage
flek aboes! gl :)
nice, gL jonges!! zie jullie daar wel :>
no tekje, no win
gl cheater
omg buNdy teh K@ozZ oldschool playa!!!
nice hoor :P zal me benieuwen hoe bundy en luna spelen :+

zit azzor echt in een rolstoel of is dat een slechte grap?

ben je er nu een grap over aan het maken?
Ik denk niet dat die ermee wilt spotten
Ben je onze grap over zeto aan het stelen? originaliteit ver te zoeken :)
vila kun je lezen? wat milk heeft getyped? dat is echt gebeurd schat. x
lol , hard :/
sjezus was wel ff opgelucht toen ik die laatste regel uit milk zn post zag
ik stel een doodnormale vraag. toen ik je op cpc1 zag zat je voor zover ik weet niet in een rolstoel. bovendien ben ik niet net zo triest als tweederde van de droeftoeters die deze site bezoeken die daar wel grappig over gaan lopen doen
As you might know, I live in the same city as azzor, and I met him in real life when I joined Kreaturen. After that we often met eachother during the weekends when going out. Our friendship grew and we started to hang out more often.

On a saturday, 3 months ago if I'm correct, I called him to see where he hung out. He was a bit drunk and I figured it would be fun to see him in his condition and I went to the bar where he was at. When I got there we drank a lot of beers and when it was getting late, we went out to get some shoarma like we always do.

He met a couple of his other friends and when we were done and ready to go home, he was fooling around with some of them. He ended up in a sort of chase with one of them, he ran on the street laughing, when a vehicle came up and hit him.

I was so fucking shocked, I called the ambulance and stayed with him. He was still conscience and asked me if he was alright. He couldnt move though so I told him he would be alright.

When the ambulance arrived I went with him and met his parents at the hospital. I left soon after. The next day his parents told me his back was damaged and he would probably have to spend a long time in a wheelchair.

Good news is that It is very likely that he will be able to walk again and function normally in the near future.
srlys that maked me cried :(!
cool friendship story :D
like in the movies
Damn, sad to hear. :[

gl and hf in CDC4, still.
hf BuLL & Azz0r
hF guys!
gl dutchies :D ...bullz0r, milky and azorrrr : ) ..nice guyz even more in real life ! :D
zo een heerlijke lineup hoor, gl :P
gl, although I think a MGC shouldn't support a ex cheater.
tot op cdc4 neger!
fullheld u at flag last night..

turn it on plz :<
ye but u are too good for us :(

Experience, teamplay and diehard aiming in one person, who can beat that.. :(
cant argue there!

u are a cool and good player bull... but i dun get why u play with guys like mize, fost, jackie etc :<
Give me one reason why I shouldn't? Playing with them for years now and we'r just having fun. We don't really have any other options to play with, because then only me and milk would be the active ones on ventrilo.

Yes, they are arrogant, yes jackie is a total moron sometimes :D, but it's pretty funny sometimes :D
Kinda know that feeling ;o once a friend of a hacker always a friend of a hacker!
ET is still alive bitches!!!!!!!!!
is that actually buNdy or jackie in disguise?
won't be hard to see the difference on lan ;D
GL oldschoolers
no teKoa , no win :<
ehmm...wtf lunatic got busted twice in the last months for using nexus. :/
goodl luck haxx0rzzz
gl M1lk & Lun4
more flags :D
gl dutchlanders
players that has been banned can't go? :s
lol bundy !
so and who of them don't hax?
gl guyz ! hope to see you @ enschede again !
Lol, welcome back buNdy, and the same to Lun4t1C! Very nice team, also I like this newspost too, so gl on THE lan!
oh nice gl guys
nice to see more cheaters in overload !
gl azz0r !
Lun4t1C is allowed at LAN? Wasn't he busted a 2nd time after his first ban expired?
Well good luck then!
Thank you!
They are a tough enemy!
Sorry, just heard you guys are not going to LAN.

Why not actually? online only xD?
He didn't get a ban for that.
That's true, but it doesn't matter for the cdc4 cheater policy afaik. Whatever, I don't want to be a telltale, but I think chosen knows it.
It doesn't matter if chosen knows it (wtf is chosen?). Bulld0g said it was some error or text file that people doesn't get banned. So thats the story.
Chosen is responsible to sort out the "cheaters". And that would be new for me that it was a bug. Whatever.
Ehm, I got banned for that file o0


would be some BS if he wouldn't, GL at lan though.
lolol noob :D
hallo meneer de tovenaar, hoe maakt u het tegenwoordig?!
n1 supporting a cheater...
Nice lineup

NetherlandsMilk groetjes van je vriendje witz!
ROSE nick?
No idea, only know that he is one of the best in the world. But that's not so weird since he's playing it every day for 2.5 years now
kimici is the best and he is not him.
Lol at "best" in an mmorpg ;P I was higher level zomg kthx bb! *lol*
omg no ins no win !
but gl :XD
foSt homo cheater
wow, a fucking romand, just to announce a line-up

Gl tho
hf CancerBuLL
Is that blitzbundy?

Anyway very nice oldskoolers lineup GL ! <3
yes it is.
jaja jij toen fdnl, ik herinner me het nog uit de TPP tijden
fost onlineonly
succes ouwe rukkers!
laat het ze zien he remy :P die nationscup cheat huilerts
ej grote neger bundy ik mandel en xizu zijn ook op cdc met tcm etqw team cu there <3 u veel hugs
the only true pimp in the whole scene <3
oldschool* pimp
scene is full of shizzlin' pimps nowaday mofo! blingbling!
fost cheater from gold NL NC team? :O
Yes? What are you trying to say
I didnt read his info, sorry and wish you guyz best luck!
Good Luck :P
Lun4t1C : D <3 gl mate
milk i thought u were gonna go round Netherlands teKoa's house and kick shit out of him until he agreed to come? :(

Anyway gl milk, bull, azzor looking forward to seeing u guys at lan again
luna,fost more busted guys please.
Why do you care? They are unbanned, so your comment doesn't make any sense.
doesn't make any sense. lol? please.
Explain to me what your point is.
OVERLOAd Gaming is proud to announce its latest Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory team, one which will attend European's largest event; the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 under its banner.
Cheaters or excheaters are allowed to play at lan?
yes they are, read the news, then post again rofl
Ok, but why do u play with bustedcheaters
because they pown, mark my words.

+ otherwise I have to play with idiots like u =]
:D Every cheater pown.
1. I'm not that.
2.Dont play with those 2 hackers then.
because they were busted on a stupid public hack, and they have the skills to perform well on events like this. just check them out at lan and talk again ;)
nice lineuP! Azzor and Bull...gl!
Bundy is back :D, GL mr i-sing-on-vent :D
Ja ruski ja otsen harozo

mis see t2hendab?ise oskad oelda?mis kirjutasid? idiioot!
Ei tea ja ei koti ka.Suka.Hoia kõva ja õpi eestikeelt.
ma opingi!opin parem inka! tra utle kus elad, siis saad mul kiiresti nahhuj aru, kuidas sa peaksid oigesti r22kima! btw, eesti keel vajaks ainult siin selles v2ikeses litsiriigis!&#1074;&#1089;&#1105;, &#1061;&#1059;&#1048;&#1051;&#1040;, &#1087;&#1086;&#1096;&#1105;&#1083; &#1082;&#1072; &#1090;&#1099; &#1053;&#1040; &#1061;&#1059;&#1049;! &#1079;&#1072;&#1077;&#1073;&#1072;&#1083; &#1084;&#1077;&#1085;&#1103;, &#1076;&#1077;&#1096;&#1105;&#1074;&#1082;&#1072;!
oho!...do blowjob swedish punk!
Tubli.Liiga raske keel teil.Ei ma ei anna enda aadressi:)
gl boys!
glgl bull !
no wesbo? gl
What the fuck does wesbo has to do with kreaturen? :D
old overload?
That's a complete different team!
M1lk owner
Good luck 0wners!
GL guys, and wb fost? :o
Gl, bull, millk & co :D
stop whine about foSt & lunatic , they are unbanned and are oldschool. It's cool to see oldschool players back , wb dudes & gl.
more whine about cheats plz.
gl overload
rofl @ buNdy :D gl
wow classical lineup :P gl
Lun4tic unbanned?
didn't lun4tic cheat in the Croatia cortana vs United Kingdom TLR match ?
we got raped cancerhard, where did u get this from..?
maybe he specced him!
gl guys
Good to see u back !

especially bull, M1lk .. played u some times during theese years of rtcw and ET .. and BTW dont listen to rat, having fun is what all gaming should be about!! :p

Gl bitches =)
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