CDC4.ET Last 2 spots UPDATE

Hereby, crossfire announces the last CDC LAN qualifiers.

We got mails from 8 clans. Based on todays stability and rules we picked out 6 clans to fight for a spot at CDC in 6 weeks.


The schedule:

Wednesday 21.00cet:
Game A: Germany Velerion vs Belgium gD 4-0
Game B: Netherlands Hyperion vs Netherlands Visualize

Thursday 21.00cet:
Game B: Netherlands Hyperion vs Netherlands Mazz
Winner B vs Czech Republic NR

Today I got a pm from one of the Czech Republic NR members. They have some internal problems and won't be able to travel for CDC4.
We also dropped Visualize from the qualifiers because they wanted to play with 4 new players while we can only allow minor lineup changes.

The 2 winners should be able to pay their money before Sunday, 27th January. If not, we will replace those teams based on first come first served method.

We wish all the teams good luck and cya in Enschede
gl bpoe
gl, go gD :)
gl Velerion, although the lineup isn't righ afaik. :/
Good luck gD & Efax, 3rd time is the charm? ;-p
zomfg :)
Good luck hyperion and other dutchies
next try for nk3 :DD
nächste klatsche für nk3
gl zeto and squad of gD
gl nk3 and velerion
gl to anox too
thx sweety :*
hope to see u there mate :)
would be nice....i think a cdc with you will be my death =)

*beer* *beer* :D
*m1lk* *m1lk*
*tokio hotel* *tokio hotel* spast
kann man das essen? hurensohn
think about it :D
no milk today....... lalalalala
gl Hyperion <3
too bad we made those changes :(
gl hyperion <3 and ofc fat PLU @ NR
ezbash 4 hyperion
gl Jimini
gD + NR imho
gl gd and dont get bashed buy a lower skilled clan now!
gl bullvox
gl gD emzii bullvox <3
byebye Belgium cZar
btw know anything yet about the payment list?
oh and, gD, HP.. cu @ lan
gl velerion
k Belgium cZar = 2 low

can we hs oc 3rd division?
i think its about the stabilty (because of unique and stuff)

but well quite sad!! :(
y well.. the story with unique is a long story.. but we talked to tosspot that the half of the team will leave and the most of them wanna join instatt of unique with a new lineup.
i think its about the first qualifier round all teams played there. But yea based on skill you should be there everyone knows that.
i should be there? :P
i will!! but not as a palyer1!!!!
online only :[
lies! but i am not serious business enough!! :D
could it be that u guys already changed lineup in the week u've been alive? and besides that, constant lineup changes with unique?

cmon, i thought u were smarter than that
well unique picked pulza.royal,hazer,me
and we all 4 left cause the team wasn´t rly good..
so we asked tosspot if we can join instatt of team unique with a new team made by pulza (with royal and me)
and this is your answer.

try building a real clan and lineup next time :)
i didn´t tryed to buildanything
You mean the one and only pulza? The guy who comes asking for a trial only to flame ppl who play in the team, giving a 20 line explanation about how good he is and how shit the other players are? Then keep asking for a trail, although you are being ignored and end with: "well, i never wanted to play with you guys anyway. I already have a clan for CDC."
22:02:13 +JENOVA` : The guy who made the 2 last cdc4 spots must be an arrogant fucking idiot nazi like tosspot_
22:02:27 +JENOVA` : i hope u gonna die @ car accident
22:02:29 +JENOVA` : fucking moron
22:02:33 +JENOVA` : more low teams @ ur lan
22:02:37 JENOVA` [[email protected]] has left #crossfire

tell him to come to #haat next time:>
lawl, this deserves direct invite for next LAN, as skill levels are excessive in this one
pulZa uncensored!

[cZar|pulZa] mud1tza
[cZar|pulZa] letme play for tag
[mud1tza] not up to me
[cZar|pulZa] im better then ur whole team
[cZar|pulZa] but vinyl is playing @ tag
[cZar|pulZa] hes a totally retarded boy
[cZar|pulZa] with no brain and no skill
[mud1tza] i dont care, im jsut a player, i dont do shit with recruiting
[mud1tza] we needed a rifle tho ;(
[mud1tza] i havent realy watched him play
[cZar|pulZa] in ur post there is something about fops
[cZar|pulZa] lettme play now ?
[mud1tza] stop pestering me, if they want you they will let you
[cZar|pulZa] ah mud
[cZar|pulZa] ur not cool anymore
[cZar|pulZa] u act retarded somehow
[cZar|pulZa]" im something better then u "
[cZar|pulZa]" im playing with a hacker and a retard im cool "
[cZar|pulZa] no need to talk with u anymore
[mud1tza] k bb
what a cocksucker
could be one of the reasons why they didnt pick cZar!
what a retard
I'm something better then you aswell! That's proved xxxxD x_x
pulza is real ownage real lifer oK?? no need @ et PLX u .... ARRRRRRRRRRRG
no not really !
wanna prac tonight? #masculine_mans
kinda have to agree with pulza here loel ;D
DAS NE MINDEREN E VLINDER, gl met u exams morge <3
ty, kga sebiet is beginne leren se ;)
what is this bs! let czar play!
which team are you playing with @ cdc?
gl and cu there =) (me @ fif => outsiders for gold imo :D)
where is unique?
gl gamedivison en hyperion
easy win for sight and fake craqbitch
eYe = mr.fro?
heuheu HP!
btw, dont let NR win, PLU wont fit in the cdc building because he gained lots of weight ;(
Good luck gD and Visualize!!!!!

Hope to see you guys over there!!!!!
velerion imo
3de keer goeie keer
gl velerion
thaaaank you ^^
... >_>

Quote(We only allow a small lineup change, pm an admin if you want to do this)

just one new...maybe. so np for us :P
read the bold part, not the whole thing ffs !!1 ^^
its cause im tired and im from my english is nix gut :o

* we can say it tomorrow if we change one or not
GL mazz !
thnx a lot man :)
i hope u have nen glazen bol :p
dees gade nu tog weer nie late liggen he? =(

gl hf ! en maakt dage op cdc sta begot ! <3
GL & HF gD <3
this should be doable^^
gD + NR

gl all
Gl mazz & NR !
gl nakato
thank you dui! i'll make you proud
gl NR and gD

kluci doufam ze povodite...... hodne stesti .)
Hyperion and gD has much better and stable lineup so they deserve to be in the second round spot.

Not NR and MAZZ...
NR and MAZZ got the higher seed based on history (stabilty) and previous crossfire events. We also know gD and HP are stable lineups but only "some" of them played on previous CDCs.
Ya but that doenst matter imo :D Look where MAZZ and NR ended last CDC :-DD

And Hyperion as far i know they archieved online much more then NR or Mazz
If you think they are that bad, why do you worry?
I dont think they are bad :) I only want to tell you that Hyperion and gD are better ..
then they will qualify, there is no point in ur aguments
yeah, we arent stable at all, were just playing for over 3 years and still suck.

I think we are the longest living clan that even signed up so gtfo plz retard, get your facts straight -_-
Quotewere just playing for over 3 years and still suck

First of all i never said that you didnt had stable lineup.
Hyperion gaming also exist for a long time and they have better players.

You already gave the answer why you didnt had to be in second round spot.
Hyperion and gD has much better and stable lineup

nice contradicting yourself asshole -_-
You are so stupid. Where do you see that i sayed your lineup is not stable or that you change it 2 many times or wtf you think.

I just said "compared to your clan, gD and hyperion have better lineup with stablity i mean they have better players >> AIM

Nevermind since Visualize dropped we will see who is better..
Might it be you changed your 1st post and now the context of the posts doesnt make much sense anymore.

I recall you stating in your first post that Hyperion and gD are simply the better teams and that that was the reason they deserved to go. After Rafiki explained that is was not about who was better but about who was stable and reliable, you changed your post and added the stability part.

Or did i just imagined all of this and you simply dont make sense? :p
I didnt changed anything. I dont need to change the stuff, because i wrote the truth.
You dont need to get all upset about it....i was only explaining what might have been the cause of this miscommunication.

And yes i still think you edited the post by adding that Hyperion and gD are also stable. (just to point out that its a wrong criteria because all teams are stable)


see you changed your post again (you called me 'dude" and some other stuff) and now the first part of my post doesnt make sense.

no biggy...those things happen :p
I just change this part but i didnt change the part before. Maybe only the spelling to correct it in good english cause my english sucks.
get cancer ofzo
You would have never won anyway.
8 clans mailed with a request, 2 clans were rejected, 4 clans 1st qualli and 2 clans second quallie.

And again I don't understand why you aren't allowing all clans to qualify...

clan 1 vs clan 2
clan 3 vs clan 4
clan 5 vs clan 6
clan 7 vs clan 8

Winner against eachother and the winners of that match go to cdc.

In this way you can give every clan the chance and you dont have to pick some clans who will be place into the second qualli.

I am just wondering why you organize the play-offs like this.
First of all we think it's not fair for the other clans when they lose vs. a team that didn't even signed up before the original deadline. Besides that, those late signups are players from another clan which failed to keep stable for some weeks.

Hope you understand our vision on this :)
Yes I can understand it in some way.

But it is not really logical when I think about allready qualified clans that started recruiting for the third time now for cdc, after their placement.
clans like?
Well TAG for instance has made some cdc-recuiting posts a couple of times after the cdc qualifiers.

It is not that I have the opinion that TAG should not be at CDC with another line up as they qualified, but i believe that it is not fair towards other clans which folded and wanted to try again with a new line up.

But it is your choice and I can settle with it, but maybe you can get some advantage with these comments for the next LANs.
Tag only replaced one as far as i know (rimi will play with another CDC team). Someone of the TAGBBQ(GOURMET)CREW inform me? :)
u are right mister /2 @ |= | /< |
Well, correct me if i am wrong, but I noticed another cdc recruitmentpost last week.

Anyway that is not the point. I was wondering why you decided to reject some applications and you awnsered me. Thanx for that.

And maybe you can use my comments for a next lan or smth, but that is your choice
tag = friend of admins

other just not
gl nk3 YOU CAN DO IT!!!
i got some special stuff from tALi. np for me

gl Velerion !
gotta bring it there >:O
hey HP is back again, GL edje en de rest =D
gl to HP and bullvox! <3
NO WAY ! It's mine !
gl vele & patrick :-)
why are you giving mazz 3 chances to come? its really ridiculous, why don't you just give them a direct invite if you want them so bad?

btw, i hope muse didn't signup for this
Mazz had to play sT in the first qualifier. We decided to drop sT from the qualifiers because there were reasons enough to believe they played with cheaters. Because we didn't want to give them a direct qualifier we decided to let them play a qualifier vs Muse (the highest seeded team from the remaining qualifiers). So this was actually their first "real" chance. They lost their game so Muse qualified already (so no... Muse didn't sign up for this qualifiers). Mazz did sign up again and have a 2nd chance to play just like all the other teams that applied before the 1 st deadline.
oki *edit* thought muse REALLY wanted to go
QuoteThey lost their game so Muse qualified already

2 easy bash for EFAX :DDD
gl gamed , nice clan !
HP prob..
bit of a dilema..
i know hp stands for Horse Porn (hi vanhis)
and Health Points.
but, where should i have fun with?
GLCzech Republic NR !!
gl gd and vis
tosspot really likes those benelux clans <3
its just a fact that teams from belgium/nl got more chances to attent this lan as a "last minute" team than teams from other countries
dutch battle looking forward to it mazz!

Efax, Ovie, Axel > All WP.
pijp ze gelijk dan
haat verder dan
sad... :( but gl other teams and have fun
gl & hf @ cdc Germany Velerion
too bad you didn't make it gD!

GL + HF Velerion.
QuoteDue to cheating this match is canceled at GTV!

Mazz will receive a default win!

image: nowai
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