Presenting Cortana

image: cortana

The clan started back in September of 2006 and to this day 21 players have made their mark in the clan history. With four players sticking together from the previous EC season 5th place winners, and now adding the latest two I present to you our EC squad.


Croatia aCoZz
Croatia calisto
Croatia frozz
Croatia gmx
Switzerland GuNnEr
Croatia komar
Croatia rimi

The team will compete in EC XVII, ESL Major Series and ET Masters in the hope that they will progress further than they previously have.

gl guys, btw komar i edited your text, your engrish sucks :P
Hasn't been in use for quite some time now.
gl guys nice lineup
gl guys, nice team
you pushed my cup down@@@@@

they thought like ,[haat]fuck kiewan [/haat]
replace gunner with a good cro, then it would be nice. Not that gunner sucks , but it is way better to speak in native language.
then just play without him they got 6 cros
Nice to see another good team in the ET scene!
gl <33333
gl guys :)
1 doesnt fit in, hmm ;>

hf frozen & acozz
gl acozz and gunner
gl gunnerrrrrr
gl rimiiiii
no mama no win
<3 gumi aco gunner
gl acozz!
gl guyZ <3
gl guys, gl GuNnEr
hf lads

rimi's stikla ftw ;p
nice lineup gl
gl acozz
acozz <3 gl!
why don't you just get another croat rather than having just 1 who isn't a croat :s
no decent croation left!

I don't believe that
dunno, I played a 3on3 against 2(or 3?) croatians couple of days ago, they seemed more than decent and I can't see them here
3on3 is not 6on6
I don't see how is "3on3 is not 6on6" related to the fact that there is someone out there that's decent really
u can be a 3on3 owner but totally suck in 6on6 cause of your lack of experience ( or brain )
and u wont gain that experience that easy if u dont play 6on6 on a certain level for a while ( imo )
3on3 is easier to play for newbs cause it is more aimbased
you can easily see when a player is a nobrainer or unexperienced and this wasn't the case

you can also see when a player like that doesn't give his best if he plays a position or a class that doesn't suit him or he isn't used to it and I believe that's mostly the case in players like that rather than what you described it
blaze maybe, but he is "undecided" about ET atm
call me stupid, but you have centurion and danL in team croatia, so they are also croats, are they not decent? and if they are so crap why are they in team croatia?
centurion is just playing pub and NC when needed, danL is playing in some team afaik
gl ! acozz rimi gmx <3
gl Cortana, nice lineup, nice that u guys have acozZ :P
gl gunner, komar, rimi
gl gunner !
gl cortana!
nice gl dada and stuff ^^
who the fuck said ET was dead :)
gl cortana, calisto is teh pwner np4him <3
Good luck rimi, aCoZz & GuNnEr!
gl wigga @ frozz <333
nice team, gl guys =)
Always nice and skilled (: ..take care my croboyz!
gl nice guys and team...
gl rimi
gl rimi, gunner and acozz! and the rest ofc.
gl guys! :)
Gl ;]]]]
Quite a powerful lineup if they prac
he betrayed us
he ll play with n1ce:p
Nice backstabbing :D
wtf gunner alive? how are u?
me want ZL1NkO back :> best cro ever existed ..
calisto has a sexy voice and gmx is like the most chilled person lol just runs around fragging np all the time .. those two combined they will win EC!
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