EDiT adds the one

As you all know team Belgium EDiT (or whatever is left of it) was in need of a key player after the departure of Belgium snot. However this is not an easy task to fulfill. First of all it's hard to fit in with us on comms and ²ndly to pickup the position snot had in the team. We've looked around seeing who could suit us and we could only come up with one name. Give a round of applaus to ...

The dutch star player Netherlands abort ! He has proven in the past to be "one of us" on comms as it's rare to find a dutchie that likes belgians so much. He has played with class teams before he joined the best team there is. Portugal K1ck , Europe Random ,Netherlands Team nl to name a few.

This leaves the lineup to


Netherlands abort
Belgium acid
Belgium Kevin
Belgium lio
Belgium mesq
Belgium vila

The team will keep playing and irritating all online and offline tournaments. Starting with the CB EC XVII. We hope to stick around for as long as ET stands !
omfg snot <3
gl anyway with ur new nl player
good to find out this way :D

gl abort haha
Good choice. Good luck lio and kevin.
gl with EC
omfg with you don't take xAv?
no xAv = no win
Otherwise they need to talk english for one person thats what i think
french speaking part
owyeah the french speaking belgains are to retarded to learn dutch, while the dutch speaking belgians are forced to learn french @ school.

belgain should be devided in 2 countrys imo or just force those "waloniers" (or how it has to be written :P) to speak some dutch, it seems they only can speak dutch if you don't pay then at the snackbar :D
not gonna have this conversation again -_-
'while the dutch speaking belgians are forced to learn french @ school.'

Don't be retarded seriously. Just about every school kid in most developed countries has to learn French at some point, including the likes of the UK and Germany. Don't turn this into a flamefest.
we icelanders can choose if we want 2 learn french/german or spanish but we have 2 learn danish/english
I had to learn French for a minimum of five years, the fifth year we also started German, then for the last, we had to choose to drop one or have a second language for one of our options. Could also take Latin as well.

These arguments are redundant anyway, since everyone learns English (thankfully). :P
Stfu evan you don't know anything about this. In a double-languaged country you just have to know both the languages. Only in Walloon they can choose between english or dutch (or dutch isn't even thought at all).
What kevin said
hf abort! :) <3
GL abort :) <3
Netherlands treason?
gl abort.
gl abort =d
nice :)

image: abort_logo_small

gl !
image: TEAM

GL & HF !
nice forgetting acid and putting abort twice :D

btw i'm the green lantern? wtf :'(
saad isn't it :<
image: matrixeg4

The one.
start playing again!
gl abort!
abort clanhopper !
gl abort
gl jan
good luck belgians eventhough Belgium nuNca wouldve been the only good replacement
gl abort!
goodluck lio, abort and mesq (:
good luck
Gl Abort <3
there can be only Netherlands one except for Wales sqzz who you already tried (and failed) to steal from United Kingdom UnKind :P

Anyway gl guys, keep the squad together.
you stole savage, whats the difference :)
he was cless and looking for a team, is that not different *-)
I won't argue about this, as you know what I mean ;-)
well there aint really a point there, savage had posted a recruitment post on crossfire lol, sqzz was in the UnKind lineup preparing for EC qualifier if we are lucky enough to get one
good luck kev&mesqiii! others can fuckoff!
need maus tbh

gl abort anyway!
QuoteWe hope to stick around for as long as ET stands !

well said man !
long live ET !
gl kevin but u guys arent getting sqzz :)
How come It's hard to fit in with you at vent? Your just mentally insane and scare everyone away? :o)
gl abortji
abort so does not like me :'[
gl abort
i c what u did there
What is the connection between u and flanders?
Im pro-belgium, but tbh its not a cliché ;)
I have some friends from wallonië and there dutch is very limited... even compared to my (for dutch standards) crappy french.
gl hf homies
gl editers
lol fra :D
I'm dutch, and when I'm in Wallonie I just keep talking dutch because I know 90% does actualy understand it but they just act like they don't. They are just to proud of their crappy french language (yes french sucks imho).

I have nothing against belgians, but I really think the walloniers shouldn't be so proud of the french language and just talk dutch if somebody starts talking dutch against them.
gl abort :)
i have lerned about this in shool, Waloniers/flamanders conflict! its caused by economics aspect isn't it? "D
yes, cuz we have money and they dont :DD
notrly but its partly true that we pay for them
E-mail: skilled-bash at web dot de

ofc he is!!11
gl abort and EDiT, defend our belgian pride!
dutchy needing to defend your "pride", priceless:D
only thing i hate is people in brussels that can't speak dutch
VERY nice choice, gl abort!
GL abort :>
No Rafiki, No win!
rfki is in the better belgian team, #gd
gl kevin and mr.9kdmg o/
gL abort!
abort sux :<
1. who the fuck cares, if you are known in the internet
2. do you really think you are known?
their clansite : beasttube.com
abd who the fuck are you then? retard.
EC is pretty shit!1!!1 lol
Good luckXD
and who are you?
GL abort ! <3
hey vince <3 :))
QuoteMaybe I'm a bit naive thinking all of this, but it feels good to be Belgian, and I don't want this to change.

Can you just accept that Flanders wants to do things our own way? We dont need (socialist) French policians blocking change and reform. At not point during the discussions of State Reform did Flanders ask for independance, we're just asking to do things our way without French (socialist & cdh) blocking these changes. Being allowed to spend federal monies the way we want it without Frenchies saying "lololol, you got to do exactly the same as us (=French federalism vs Flemish Confederalism ).

Stop living in a dream. The sooner French politicians do this, the sooner they will accept Flemish reforms. If history thought us one thing, it is that Flanders asked for moderate reforms a couple of times in the past which Walloon denied or blocked. The result was that Flemish demands became more radical and in the end the reforms went way further then the initial plan.

The Flemish movement is a democratic movement striving for a Free Flanders in a united Europe of Nations. In every part of the world such movements are considered to be democratic movements, just not in Belgium where French politicians talk about Flemish Nazis (even NVA, which has nothing to do with VB and got everything to do of continuing a movement which has been active eversince Walloon culturally repressed Flanders, up till the point where we are today: Walloon desperatly trying to keep the status quo, afraid of change and losing all the extra money of Flanders.)

Btw, did you notice that Walloon asked money again? This time to keep the federal budget within limits and guess who has to pay for it? Guess who said no this time :) Guess who will keep saying no till you guys finally accept change.

Seriously: STOP DREAMING. Belgium never existed, its a fictional creation. All the romantic blabla stops you from seeing what belgium really is: A buffer created in between Germany and France, to stop them from waging war. Eversince the Belgium independence, the French elite have tried to culturally dominate this country, from denying official bilinguism in the whole of Belgium till todays DEMOCRATIC reforms flanders is suggesting.

ps: show me one country in the world where ppl are goverened by politicians who they cant vote for? Flanders suggested a federal voting system where flemish ppl could vote for French politicians and vica versa. Guess who blocked that reform?
pps: show me one 'federal' country where ppl are not watching the same National TV broadcasts? TV happens to be a crucial factor in creating a nations identity, countries watching different newscast have different 'agendasettings'
ppps: I advise you to watch Flemish and Walloon news on the same day (if you can actually understand dutch enough). You will see both countries have few in common.

Do some reseach, stop the romantic '<3 belgium' crap. The Flemish Movement is a democratic movement. The sooner you frenchies accept that, the sooner we can try to fix this country. Or just become independant if you refuse to cooperate.
reminds me on nazi propaganda - "it was all the jew's (french) fault"
thats not very nice fra :(((

izibash for edit now xDDD

nice post btw
abort and liking belgians? gL ;D
Good Luck! wb horsepron!
gl kevin
gotta admit that frenchies don't do the least effort to speak another language when they go somewhere. there are ofcourse exceptions (like you) but in general they are just too stubborn and too proud to just even think about talking another language than their own
hf lio:|
ye ...the boy on the left side / up is cool because he has paper in his hand :X
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