X-RaY anticheat now with ET support

image: logo X-RaY anti cheat has today announced its support for ET and have recently added it to its game list. The software which is used in many other games has the backing of the UK's largest league, Enemy Down and has a very active development team.

The software is clientside and requires users to create an account and download the x-ray software. The software then forces screenshot uploads and scans your computer for cheat processes. On top of this the software has a very active support system in which the ET community is welcome and encouraged to participate in aiding them detect new cheats that have been released.

Crossfire is very happy to be supporting X-RaY and thanks their development team for a prompt response to our request for support in light of Punkbusters recent exposures. As such we will be launching prized ET and CoD4 tournaments using this software in the coming month.

:: X-RaY Homepage
:: X-RaY Guide
why you are always first on tosspot news? is he your slave or sumthing?
tosspot is just my fake account
That would explain so... little. Actually just creating more quesitons for me. :S
I would very much urge people to give this a shot. I'm no tech wizzard so I cant talk to its effectivness but I do know that they will support an active userbase, which is the one thing you all complained about PB not doing
what the f*ck.
X-ray Anti-Cheat is fully Vista and XP compatible, and runs with almost all games these two operating systems support.

that suxxxx
ah you got it.... :/
you can't dualboot? need eth?
Hm, should he buy Windows: XP because he plays ET?
I bought my PC solemnly for ET, don't do anything else with this one.
no one buys XP anyway so that's a pretty bad point
Actually microsoft had to extend the sale period for XP due to massive demand. The plan was to stop selling XP and only push Vista, but that kinda failed.
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure most people in the gaming community know how to pirate stuff, most probably linux users as they are 'more advanced'
gonna never try it!
An advert banner would be really good to promote it further as not all Crossfire readers do read the news. It's already in third place of news at this moment.
punkbustes recent exposures whats meant by that?
Didn't you hear about the story yet? If not, I'll tell you.
he was afk for drölf years
you should tell me in a PM
cause ive been afk for a while but ive seen all those bulletins that didnt make any sense either :/
ET is saved!
I hope you are right.
ET is lagged thnx to X-ray
HAH, I sens the fall of tekoa :DDDD
Would be great to see a cup so people are FORCED to try it out.
Like Anti3 but on a smaller scale :)
Is it cpu-eating monster?

edit: Someone set up server with this!!!!!
it is oinly client side... :( and even more suckage: it only supports m$
Then code a nix version :)
it silently records stuff while you play and transmits after the game so shouldnt be too bad
Like someone silently raping you while you walk through the park? Shouldnt be a problem.
well you get the peace of mind that if they are running XAC while they rape you, its more likely they will be caught raping you and unable to violate you again next time you go for a stroll after a few years of intensive therapy and reconstructive anal surgery
How the fuk do you silent rape someone ;D
Hard to explain. Seeing is believing.
That means nothing, limited network traffic doesn't need much CPU. If you have high CPU load due to memory scans with PB then there's no reason to think this is better until you've tried it.
while youre right i am willing to bet a lot of the people whining that PB causes their cpu to suck actually have good systems that are capable of running the game + ac pretty well..

certainly in the UK, upstream on residential net connections is YEARS behind download speeds as the majority of internet users dont see anything beyond "8mb down speed omg!!"
i think its a great move by xray, although i have my doubts about this...
ET-ace is dead. great!
what?! is it?
even 50 tools working at the same time wont help :/
cheaters always win
This is retarded. Thoose kind of programs should be easly bypassed from a coder. Even pb_ss can be bypassed lolz....

you really seem to know alot about coding & shit and always seem to give nC the upper hand lol.
Yes i have my connections!! Eventhough you are the costumer not me :P
Connections as in cheater friends ? you just don't seem to give any ANTICHEAT program a chance at all :/
doh, look at his flag ^^
Your comment sums up whats wrong with this community, people try to help it and instead of trying to work with them you just flame immaturely flame them.
rofl, i cant register myself with my email address & too lazy to make new one for this only.
then u wont fucking play rofl
its working now. nP
Immaturely flame? Just use your brain mate. Pb_ss have a decent system and all coders can bypass pb screenshots (they come clean etc). This is a clientside program. Should be easy (im not a coder..).

Anyway anti3 (coded by quad for worldcup) seems better (atleast it "reads" the etpro memory to spot some cheats etc).

Im not being immature. Im just constating some facts.

ps: what about linux users? yeah...
And inside 5 minutes you've tried and tested this new program aswell as submitted your requests for changes to it on their forum... or did you not bother?
Cant you set up a server with this?
Not from the university library but when I get home ill see what i can do.
yeah you should plan a show match with 12 very suspicious players, and let s see who get 10% acc with this program running :p
they could still use aimbots
no, its also looking for cheat-processes running while playing, not only screenshots
Server? There's no server. It's all client-side.
show match whatever =o[
it wont be any different from a current game AT ALL

may get a few detections after the game, dont know how effective it is atm
I have a nice suggestion for a show match. Let's ask 12 of the most obvious cheaters in ET to play a show match against each other 6v6. And make sure they're not friends, to know they're not using the same hack!
Not yet.. But i will try later. But screenshots programs never worked that good (and you know that) thats why i dont have any hope at this method. Anti3 idea is way better :)
You didn't read netcoder's laugh about the stolen source code?
it was bullshit maybe?! Its impossible to have a source code from something unless you hack the coder pc and stole it :D
Something was stolen there. Any source codepack or something. I'm not into it, so don't ask me what exactly. ^^
Not stolen - just not properly mentioned
what exactly are you talking about?
The only good solution as an anti-cheat is LAN.
2nd that : )
linux? not
image: ps3banana

Oh noez ET is saved :D
nice.... Now we need new maps and a new ETPro :>POL!
No Linux support? Sad... Very sad...
Nice, this anti cheat fits nice with my mousepad :P (X-Ray Aqua 3)
Sooo when is this gonna come to use and stuffz?
"As such we will be launching prized ET and CoD4 tournaments using this software in the coming month."

so will be tested in the coming month, but even if it would be success, guess it would take like a year from CB atleast to take it into use, if they'd ever take it :D
no way that it would take a year if u describe cb the situation with pb and nC etc...they will use this tool too ofc. u can be sure about that.
on the same day when the new dignitas team starts praccing..
dignitas got a new team?
should make that frontpage news tbh
you got pretty much owned
forcecvar cg_enableBadJokeDetection 1
waiting for chaplja & luk4ward comments
nice :>
dont say nice fucking cheater, you haxed yesterday I know it I saw too many lean for 1 person, you trying to hide something BITCH!!!!11one
make an avi, make an avi!
FaIL3rBoY's job, sry
nice.. alteast it will stop the hacks for some .. weeks?
haha i caxn´t wait to see some guys playing at offis :D.. lets see if everyone keeps on his skill :o

but i dont think it will help for a long time...
Could someone give his opinion about this tool, who has knowledge about the topic? At least nice to see another option.
easy to install but it needs 34.000 K from your cpu
How the hell can it take 34k from the cpu?
34.000 Kilobytes ~ 33 MB
and can you please define how a program can take 34Mb from the cpu? As far as I've learned during my 3 years at Applied Computer and Systems Science Program a software only gets a certain amount of cpu-cycle's depending on the CPU's current load and its therefore wrong to measure that in Mb, Kb or anything on that scale :) Thats what I ment:)
Ye, sorry. Didn't see that he has written cpu. Double owned.
:D I just wanted to make my self look special... but not special as in retarded... cuse I'm way cuter then that!
Succesfully! You impressed me with ur english and description. :P
I did huh? Oh I'm so great! But u are quite cute to! ;)
think you can compare it ith the esl tool aequitas
there goes half of the community ! wiiii i'm happy :-)
alsof het gaat werke..
didn't you cheat aswell? :o
need chapljas or someone elses comment who knows this kinda stuff.
more money for netcoderz
I recall the last news about X-Ray. They said it took them 1 million Dollar to develop and all it did was taking screenshots.
thumb up from me
Its scanning ur PC, but when it scans ur PC, does it make some lag or raise ur CPU usage?
Yes. Like PB does.
for some

For me (vista!) it doesnt
The only thing I asked is whether you cheated yes or no, you did, that's where it stops.
we use this in aus for cod4, seems effective.
aussies always win :(
look great imo =) i installed and did account. now we only need force from CB and chalpjaxz0r statement.
I think I tested that to ut2k3 or soemthing and it reeeeeaaaaly made the game laggy and shit.
After looking at their pages I can see that I was right, to UT3 it would be like playing with 30fps and ~100 ping(yes that is quite much in that game), with random 999 spikes and made random crashes.
After about 2 days I never ever saw any one using it in a scrim again, and then I quited it.
image: 1929812365_7ce4e310c0_m

need an onedaycup with that tool
I hate stuff that scans your computer :( stay out of it! but hey, I'll support it :)
start hating the internet then 2
PB takes my ss wierd, it takes from my desktop.
With xray I will have clean ss \o/

Guys who whine on memory usage/cpu GTFO
Buy better PC!
Not everyone can afford to have an ULTRA PC because you need to run one million programs in order to play a fucking multiplayer game.
+ ANTIVIR + PB + IRC + ...
ET on goldrush is laggy even if you have nothing else running behind.
Indeed. But that's another point ;)
Yeayea, " buy better pc." I bet every1 doesn't want to buy new computers because of FREE multiplayer game.
Buying new PC not just for one game. For everything. If you dont have money then it is sad thingi. I played ET with 15fps ages ago and I didint whine about fps coz game was to new. Though I dont see that even old PC will be bothered with Anti cheat program to run slower. If you have low fps etc you will have it with anti chaet program.

Need to be more positive :) Look at the bright side.
I've played et also whit 15-40fps for more than 2 years now. And this computer is fine, if I'm @ msn and listening music, gaming is bit sucky, but ok. And I'm not complaining. It's nice that some1 wants to keep this game alive whit these new things. But soon this game is like CS whit steam shit. You need account to this and that. It's nice that cheaters get's caught, but still... It's freeware game, cmon :S

and about OS.. How about linux users?

ps, I have money for new computer, but I have an real life also which cost's too :)

E: I haven't tested this yet, but I think it will drop my fps.
Yet you have awesome not-at-all-expensive mouse&keyboard.
yea, my old kboard broke up an year ago and so did mouse. Like I said, I have money but I dont want to waste it to new computer because of one game.
Quoteps, I have money for new computer, but I have an real life also which cost's too :)

Therefore you buy most expensive available "gaming" keyboard and mouse?
They lookd nice, And I didnt buy G5. Just G15. Just Shut up ;DD
Sorry but downloading something to play a game = gtfo for me.
and i thought you were playing ET
Maybe its the same like DMW. Server checks it if it is on and it scans.
In mohaa you cant get to server if DMW is not scanning on connecting
If it is all client side

But I guess it will track from the x-ray website who is using it when and what was uploaded
and i cant sniff what it sends and fake it? pb screens can be faked, too (surprise)
i didnt say u cant
index design done already ? :x

As for it's integrity, if you're not an uber leet coder then plz refrain from commenting on whether or not it can be bypassed*, everyone complains about PB so lets give something else a chance.

*not aimed at you Killer.
he hasnt downloaded ET yet
i really hope it stop at least some cheater and we should try it before we say something. if all those who only flame anticheat cuz there afraid that cheater friends cant play stfu it would be really nice.
X-ray Gaming users has exceeded 20,000 across Europe and the USA

it will only work if u have to use this anti cheat prog at clanbase and/or esl

otherwise noone will put it on their server :/
hello, it's clientside.
and that means ?
that means it has no connection with et servers at all. you just have download it (a programme) and run it just before you are going to play et. it makes screenshots and sends it to the admins of the programme.

big leagues got to force using this programme though.
big leagues got to force using this programme though.

thats what i meant :P

thx for explaining
ingrish n00b xD ^^
yes indeed, im sorry :D
biggest joke ever tosspot!

i can only suggest all ET players to switch to linux, if they consider this bullshit. Youll then be safe and can do whatever you want ingame...
that's status quo anyway ..
"i can only suggest all ET players to switch to linux, if they consider this bullshit. Youll then be safe and can do whatever you want ingame..."

Switching won't help. If they do go with this it will have to be mandatory, and since there's no Linux client of XAC it will be bye bye Linux gamers.
this cant be a solution. You cant just get rid of linux support from a game that supports linux...
I agree that it shouldn't even be considered as a solution, but I don't know how else they could make XAC mandatory.

How do you know which OS clients have (without trusting PB or ETPro IAC)?
well simple :) dont make it mandatory...
If it's not mandatory then it won't help catch cheaters.
we're just gonna ban the players from Crossfire who use linux, that way we dont hear the whine! :P
Im sure im not the only on that just wants to hit the game.exe button without having to worry about if some program you have to register for running in the background is on and working. Even if the big leagues force something like this you will have many problems getting everyone to start it up before playing a match(correct guids on CB anyone?). I really dislike having to download something extra to play a game it's just a nucence.

Sorry but I think this is 2muchwork for something that apparently just takes screenshots, the real hackers will find a way around it in a matter of hours/days.
No one can force you to play with it if all you want to do is play for fun.
1. not working with linux.. so not usefull at all
2. coming in a month or smht.. nC got enough time to bypass it..

but nice to see that smth is doing !
being done* :D
<-- confused, can someone who have a good knowledge explain the difference between x-ray, thesgl, anti3? all 3 haven´t linux support or? Are there more tools like this to use in et?
its only taking screenshots. its not detecting anything.

those screenshots are even reviewed by their admins. this is in no way professional.
In BF2, another supported game, quite a few of the screenshots were bugged aswell (we only used it once)
Quotescan for known cheats and bad processes in the background to help with cheat detection.
not using it = no screenshots
(you need to check it manually, after the game)

What I find more intriguing is that they say they're scanning the system, but how is that supposed to work? They can't kick for cheats (no server), all the program does is upload screenshots* and all you can do on the webpage is look at screenshots**. How am I going to find out if someone cheats?

And what about players using linux? Exclude them from competition?

*screenshots are uploaded after the game is finished. what about other data?
**that's all i can see on their page.

A bit of forum searching:
When a "Bad Process" is found it is displayed in the players profile. Apparently any program that is querying memory is considered a bad process. (whatever that means)
On linux: "We do not support Linux and will not be doing so. Apologies."
"whatever that means"

It means it has great potential for false positives. :)
Sounds good in one way, but effectively isolates linux users(like myself) from the community.
well it looks like you'd need wine or windows atm :<

the best thing linux users can do is rally for linux support on THEIR site

it would also help if they see an influx of users from ET as they're more likely to stay motivated..
Using wine for a game that runs like a charm natively on Linux sounds too stupid to me, so I guess we have to start rallying.
we are saved!
Long live ET!
I'll give it a shot.
Well, it takes 20 times more memory than PB, but I hope they use it wisely :D

Hai how's the coding going?
kinda stuck :P i want to create some GUI for hello world but i cant =<
Don't start learning GUI too early imo.. Learn the basics, and then learn some GUI library.
On Linux I love gtkmm, it owns :)
On Windows, I don't code.
niceeee <3 installed :D
won't support linux? :\
not too gr8.

i think it's very eze 2 bypass, k gl :\
fuck fuck fuck.
they should release and easy to use admin tool. where you can set people id's on it, so it checks those id's only
Planning to make someone lagg like hell? :-D
no not like that. i mean like, you dont have to search every player one by one on the website, but instead you a 12 man list where you fill their id's so it searches the all at ones. and you cant make people lag cause you cant force screenshots by searching their id...
Some only search some guys so one guy can cheat without getting busted? :-O
great :))))))
cheaters bb ? Wunderbar!!!
buy new pc...
sounds nice, set up a server and arrange a showmatch between bSturz and deSire, if no-one gets busted you know we need something else :-)
Its client side, no need to set up a server ......
the more anticheat, the better... so rly nice that they've added ET tbh :) give it a try u fools. and for you linux users: i bet there will be a solution...!
log files like @ esl maybe?
» Online Users: 94
Albuz, Behler, bradlewis, d34thw1sh, FisKo, hell, HoMeR, Jago, Joolz, kARn4J, Master23, Morin, mumuthemonkey, nviz, Otsi, pansemuckl, reflexx, resiz, riseje, sCaRaMaNgA, Schu11ers, Stahldieb, stoned_llama, stozzz, sVANARI, TDKREVo, tfgjim, zephyr, ZERFETZ3R, [GR-OF]Amon, [GR-OF]HardRock
What kind of list is that?
x-ray reg. list :o xraygaming.com ...
need the esl tool aequitas :x
what's the difference between aequitas and x-ray?
aequitas uploads the configs aswell and has a larger community
Good news, if its no late april fools joke. :-)
get linux support ...
this shit is soooo laggy even with my machine...just played it and its not playable
at last!
should we download it now ?
There are currently missing screenshots for this user.
Screenshots can take up to 15 minutes to appear here after they have been uploaded.
3rd page are already 2!!1 ;D
Well, all they say is that it scans the memory (active processes) and that this takes the program 2 minutes.
thats how punkbuster got fucked (gamehack & multihack kicks)
Punkbuster checks the complete memory, even the parts not actively used. X-Ray only checks the memory of running processes (at least that's what I've read). Furthermore we don't know how X-Ray checks the memory. It uses a database like PB, but what does this database contain? Maybe it's done in a better (not exploitable) way?
to all the tossers whining about fps drops and downloading additional software: go climb a wall of dicks.
YE! the wall of care!
i wont give away my droppin 30 fps on gold
u get that aswell? :(
Im afraid to leave spawn as axis, hurts my eyes
aahh that's why you're so low!

[dutch]dikke afk'er[/dutch]
months of work for coders - 3 days for nC . Whats the deal ?
That's the biggest bullshit I read on this thread. Can you give more?
many months passed since the pb exposure?
Seems quite the same as SGL, good idea but with no Linux-support, no use
eager to see if it works out :)
it seems like it's totally useless in random pcw / mixwars, also on public since it's clientside and no one can force you to use it. for me, i don't play alot of officials, that really sucks.
all servers will be forced? if you dont use pb kicks you or sumthing =/
it's clientside you cant force it
ofc you can, both mohaa, bf2 and cs got similar anti cheats. It wont let you connect to a server without having it on. (there is a server part as well)
there isn't a server thing for this as I understand it, it's TOTALLY clientside and the way they check if it is on, is if you have the screenshots uploaded after the game on their domain.
Ofc its not.. this is a working anti cheat built in the same way as aqutias and other similar ACs.. Want to bet?
it doesnt matter if its on a pub or in a clanwar. cheating is always retarded and every cheater deservers a LIFETIME BAN
You're next
downloaded, gonna try it later.
make some test-cup where it is forced!!!
Linux players in leagues ?! I never counted more than 10 ppl... 99.9% playin in XP/Vista/MS OS...it's no problem...
Eh, are you so narrow minded so you think only ppl with [linux] after their guids use linux?
I would think maybe maybe 5% or something here use linux.
I cannot see the sense of it... I want to say, no problem with supportin only for XP/Vista.
I see your point, but there is more guys using linux playing ET than you think, so you are wrong as usually.
Please try this...before every match in 3o3,6o6 type to console /cheaters - this util show u arch / os type of players. I played 1 season on Linux ( FC8, 6o6 ESVKA team ) ... before every praccy or match I typed /cheaters and rly it was very rare to met with linux guy. Today im playin in WinXP ( Ventrilo bad compatiblity in linux - unplayable ) and still i have problems to meet with linux-ppl in game.

Maybe on pubs or praccies you can find more linux players, but i think, it isnt so hot. So you are wrong. X-ray developers have same strategy as Ventrilo developers they're targeting on MS OS.
QuoteEh, are you so narrow minded so you think only ppl with [linux] after their guids use linux?

Learn 2 read, there is only some versions of linux that gets that, slackware and redhat do not get that FE.
O rly ? u r so sure, but u r still wrong, if arch cannot be resolved it is UNKNOWN no WIN32... Learn 2 understand.
Yes it can be "win32", are you totaly new to ET or what?
it cannot be, r u totally retarded ?
I know in your country all linux guys type arch "win32"...
Was you born yesterday or do you suffer from some mental illness?
I think a kind of sickness = dharma, so i didnt expect somethin normal from you, u told only shit without proofs gtfo ...
Just that you insinuate that I am a player for dharma shows how little you know.

You are a bit to bigheaded.
U show us how low u r, only abusin but still no proof...
Mind taking that from the beginning?
it's easy to fake the o/s @ linux..
agree :) but question was why linux player want fake hi os :D
Yeah, all tomatoes are red. -_-

Stop pretending you know something when you don't.
It is seems u dont get right infos...
It seems like you are mentaly retarded...
"1. Windows 97.65%
2. Linux 1.27%
3. Macintosh 0.75%
4. Playstation 3 0.09%
5. (not set) 0.07%
6. iPod 0.07%
7. Playstation Portable 0.04%
8. iPhone 0.04%
9.Danger Hiptop 0.01%
10. SymbianOS 0.01%
11. Nintendo Wii 0.01 %
12. PalmOS / SunOS < 0.01%
13. IRIX < 0.01%"

Google analytics for Crossfire (as posted by Rafiki in the 'What is your browser poll?')

Next you're going to tell me that Crossfire doesn't make up the majority of the competitive scene? Give me a break, there's no linux issue.
Ok but Linux user != Linux et player.
Thought I had replied to Slajdan, apolgises. You're right in principal, but I'd say just about every single Linux ET player uses crossfire, whereas there are probably alot more windows users who solely play on public and don't play competition etc.
The poll say 7%, it is still not a big number but there is still a number, and from past experience with xray I can only say it is SHIT, and if you have read all the latest journals etc with it you will probably think it is shit also.
fact is that more windows users wont care about a poll, compared to linux users trying to make a point.
I know many Linux et-players who doesn't even have an account on crossfire.
Yeah, but there's also probably shit loads of people with Windows without an account on Crossfire :)
Sshh, don't ruin my point!
Windows users have been whining about the lack of support for various games for Linux in YEARS. I've heard it so many times: "I'd like to switch to Linux, but i can't play game X there, so I'll stick with windows". Now id software has been really great at linuxifying their games, with ET as a great example. So yea, let's ruin that!

Face facts, Linux is in almost every way the superior OS for gaming. It is fast, non-bloated and you can squeaze out every little inch of performance. Just too bad so many games use the proprietary DirectX, and so few bother to make their games support Linux.

Personally, I'm not gonna buy Windows just to play a game.

However, it's a really great step that X-Ray is now supporting ET. I just hope the community can find a solution that doesn't keep the Linux users out of the fun. After all, Linux users get excluded form a lot of things (we smell!), so don't kick us out of this too.
i dont use linux, but a anti cheat tool without linux support will not have a future in et (my opinion)
Linux gamers always waiting longer.
Most problem in linux-gaming is bad 3rd apps support. Some Direct-X games u can play on Cedega.

Linux gamers must expect bad support by developers of games or utils for games. :/ sad.
lmao, i'd like to see a dx10 crysis working on the superior os like linux.
I would like that too, but as I said DirectX is a closed proprietary standard which effectively excludes it from Linux.

After all, Crysis DOES run on Windows. Why, except for that DirectX is M$ only shouldn't it run on Linux?
It's only an API, it could technically work on Linux as well. :P
Guess my team is quite a big part of that 10 people as 5 of them use linux. :P
No, I haven't read man infos about neither checked the forum, but how can u force the player to use it, or can you check it, whether it is used?
You check their accounts after the match , if there arent screenshots then he didnt use it
..mmh not the most comfortable solution, but better than nothing.
Btw I just tested it and no FPS drop , lag or instability what so ever
Ye, 30 mb shouldn't make that difference and especially pb caused lags anyway, so that shouldn't be a problem.
You check their accounts after the match , if there arent screenshots then he didnt use it
needs linux support !
Why I will never consider supporting this;

- no linux support
- closed source

case closed, next proposition?
why should closed source be a problem for a AC program? it's harder for the cheatcoders to bypass it.
the whole issue could be solved in less than a day with the client sourcecode

all it requires is a new ET binary that references a secure security module for use in authenticating with other clients/gameserver/external server
and what are your arguments against an anticheat being closed source?

there are good ones why it should (and must) stay closed source, and i simply can't seem to understand every one of you 'flaming' people who beleive that closed source AC is much more secure than opensource.. in fact, opensource AC can't work
ok, fair point, but I won't trust anything thats 100% closed source from a suspicious random company
Nice Nice, they better let this shit work :D
hope it works.
I am just thinking aloud: Isn`t this what nc wanted?
nice, good job crossfire!!
how could you? :(
wieso? was ist verkehrt?
was heisst AN? PM mich wenn dus nicht hier sagen willst.
er meinte, dass du gecheat0rt hast :P
das hab ich jetzt auch schon kapiert, schön dass dus mir knapp 24 h später sagst
ich bin doch heute erst aussem urlaub zurück, da kann ich doch auch nichts bei machen :>
fail.. lets just play without anticheat.. will b better.
Disable punkbuster on competition servers. Force players to register an account at x-ray. Force players to link their x-ray account to their xfire account.

Only allow registered xfire/x-ray users to play on war servers. Not the same as a CDkey but at least it would stop a lot of unknowns from returning.
@ linux users: have you tried wine or something like this?
nope, just whine
a big step for ET?
a small step for mankind
Mooi gezegd filosoof Jaap!
cause it lags like hell? Quake has long abandoned punkbuster, choosing performance over a buggy anticheat program.
*CPM has abanonded PB :P
give it a try
Public bots will get caught faster with x-ray, compared to PB which needs half a month to update to the latest nexus version which is available free for download from day one.
you could still use a public bot and disable everything that could be shown in x-ray shots and use aimbot only.
The smartest way not to get caught is not using wh, as kenta did when playing smg. But in the end they get busted, shooting at hitboxes instead of models.

The only way to get away with cheats is with no screenshake or by using some soundhacks. All the rest will get you busted eventually.
can't we just play without pb ;/ <3
stop wondering!
So, you've tried cheats with xray? Or how did you come to this conclusion?
extract from the FAQ:

When should I use XAC?

You should only load XAC when you are playing a scrim, match, or whenever anti-cheat information would be required. Do not use XAC when you are playing on public servers or practicing.
Nice to see some people are still trying to get ET cheat free, good work! Just hope they can keep it up to date with cheat bypasses :o)...
could this be linked with yawn?
I can't seem to find the download link to for the linux-version!

props for everyother one mentioning it too!
Quote by sCaRaMaNgAI'm sorry to say there are no plans to support Linux any time soon

need it to be forced.
Lol it fucks up my fps. Normal 125 steady, with XAC 80-20-70.
With a ET restart it turns 125 stable, but after a few sec i got BSOD. lol'd
i got a useless question.
from what i understand, most cheats work by "injecting" the code into ET. isn t that somehow similar to an appli launching another appli?
for exemple my shit firewall can tell when a soft is trying to launch another one. couldn t something similar be used to completely help ET from being launch by another appli? (we would lose hlsw xfire and stuff but who cares)

it s probably stupid so burn me. but i m always curious about how things work.

and about x-ray, even if it s for 2weeks, even if some coding bastard can bypass it after 2 or 3 days of work. go for it.
anything that can bother those fuckfaces even a little worth being used.
Injecting code doesn't mean spawning new processes. It is making an existing process doing something else than it's supposed to.
A common way to bypass your software firewall is to inject things into processes that are well-known and usually can traverse the firewall freely. So, for instance, I could write a trojan horse that instead of connecting to it's master directly it injects some code into iexplore.exe to do this connection, and the firewall will interpret it as just another website you're visiting :)
thx for explaining.
so to go on with my idea it would be necessary to block almost every single one process while playing ET :'( and still they would be able to pass by some svchost.exe or stuff like that.

k so i didn t create the wheel. too bad
This is the 331st comment, gratz.
#X-RaY.ET - show support :)
as long as there isnt any non changeable guid or something like that every anticheat is gonna fail
guys you fucking suck. it feels like I'm visiting some programming experts club, the only difference is that you have no idea how software actually works, smartasses. Stop opening your mouth full of shit, before you learn some basic things. I believe, this software must have some updating mechanism, so that cheat makers will have pain in the ass updating their cheats to have it undecected etc, etc. EAT COCKS crying faggots.

gj guys, don't mind these bastards.
I'd agree random flame is pointless, but don't be over appreciative - X-ray aren't selflessly doing this for the good of the community... expect high standards
even if this software in it's current state is far from detecting cheats or making screenshots, it's still something, and it's some little work that has been done. The main thing why this xray stands higher than pb, is that the latter actually is not getting any serious support. PB is just money-sucking machine. Any other software that tries to stop cheaters has potential. But well, ofc the worst thing about xray is that it doesn't support linux, now cheaters will have an excuse, but from other side you can check what os they are using.Tbh I doubt many cheaters will port to linux, considering nC is win32 app only, right?
and how do we know whos who is using it?
screenshot at the end of the game @ profile
Alongside the Anti-Cheat, X-ray Gaming has recently launched a line of rentable game servers that allow you to get your clan servers from us as well. You can pay for them using your Credit/Debit Card or PayPal. Get to play your league matches on servers from the same people that give you the Anti-cheat.

Leagues using X-ray Anti-cheat include: EnemyDown, Latenightcup, Heaven League, OSPL, Cs Zone, The Future Gaming league, Clownbase, Gulf gamers, Twisted Play cups, Pro eXtreme.

Are *you* sure this only client side?
Nobody uses a public hack during scrimms for a long time already.
I say aye !

With this tool we might eliminate cheaters, but we will eliminate Meez with a 100 % certainity.
Doesnt rly matter!
installing :) gs keep it up !
i will stick to et-ace ..

this system is as crappy as CheatingDeath (which is also clientside based only).. and then these huge frape drops users are complaining about??? and don't be saying "well upgrade your pc!!!", i bet 90% of the ET community has a new standard pc.. ;)

but well, if they are "supporting" ET and they aren't asking for big ass bill checks, then go for it .. i won't install it.
cause we know you cheat 8D
So because they dont want money they must suck? and since another similar application thats not related in any way suck you wont even test x-ray?

yay Im surprised if you dont win some sort of award for that post.
i don't wanna support it because crossfire and gang don't support et-ace but some other retarded system..

is xray even aimbot proved ?

Is et-ace even 1% realistic?
It's quite simple, your leagues only have to add an extra bit of functionality and this can be used in the same way as as ET PRO guids are at the moment. http://www.xraygaming.com/index.php?pageid=xac-linking

It's used on top of pb, and those whining are whining on principle, even if it just means that basic pub hacks have to get round two forms of AC then why complain?
Program does not take any pictures if you're not playing fullscreen and many people play ET without fullscreen including myself.
and the best question is, how does it even detect AIMBOTS which most cheaters are using? .. ;)
This is almost the same anti-cheat as used in cs online cups and there are tons of timers for those programs, wich means the cheat coders now only need to make a timer. Will take them 1 day max to make.
Waste of time, nC will do something big @ monday again.
no linux client - no win.
sorry this programm fails.
It made me lag :<

anyone got busted yet ;o ?
duh, people with cheats won't install it until it's mandatory/they're sure they won't get busted
Finally, all those damned cheaters. I hate it when some are sooo obvious. Hope it works!
pb is better
that doesen't mean you shouldn't use x-ray. using both at the same time atm is the best option
having your finalised AC in etpro is the best option :PPP only im afraid it wont happen ^^
now its pb+x-ray= more lag
gtfo, had enough with updates + dl and shit, since beginning of et i had to download

punkbuster update

now this shit, gtfo killing et
over 4 years of existence , I must reckon that 3 FORCED downloads to play thousands of hours of a free game must be truely annoying !

(Vent TS & mIRC have nothing to do with ET , other people in other games use it)
If this works, remove antilag and ET would be leet =)
no more nC then? :0)
next trojan after aequitas for cs
X-RaY, good idea but:
- ET is lagging and warping while x-RaY is launching
- X-RaY doesn't support Linux and other OS except XP and Vista -> kkthxbb
X-RaY DIE!!!
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