4kings - 7 of a Kind

image: 7ofakindinitialod0

After months of hard work and editing, the 4Kings ETQW team have released their very first fragmovie!

ETQW player Norway 4K^rglaf took up the challenge and has pulled off a movie that culminates both frags and editing to create a movie which lets you see the best parts of this team!

After many hours of putting the movie together, it is finally ready for release and is available for download. Great job to rglaf for the movie, and a great job to the whole 4Kings.ETQW for providing the content!

Quote by Statement from 4K.rglafAfter a couple of months really hard work (12 hour editing days etc), I am finally done with the 4K.etqw fragmovie. Originally intended to be made by someone else, I stood up and took the job when nothing seemed to happen. Pete "nkm" Newcombe has been a really good asset helping me out and giving suggestions throughout the whole editing period, and even though it's not a heavily edited movie, I still think it contains a couple breathtaking frags that I think everyone can appreciate.

Download links and article with over-the-top adjectives can be found here.
pretty good movie, nice frags

but sometimes too dark or too much light (especially Area22). Some scenes are too hectic (tank). And dont know if its possible, but only show the fraglines (... [weapon]...) from who you are watching. Also the end isnt done nice: before the Thx 4 watching stuff. It's suddenly done, you could have faded out.

filefront, DO NOT WANT
There will be several mirrors during the evening.
im so oldskool demos didnt even work properly wen i played etqw !

We're so pro!
I have only spam frags! lies!!
I can't wait till it's finished downloading!
awesome movie! its worth watchin

but one scene need to be censored imho
while u were killin me 3 times in 15 seconds (:
poor quality and kinda boring :o|
gonna download it 2morrow at work... crap internet here T_T
Really nice movie and frags.
really nice..enjoyed it :)
wtf, game still alive?
Nice movie. But quality & editing sux. Many frags are from gather/mix :[
really subjective newspost :&
Was a direct copy from the 4k site, so ye, pretty subjective x_x
aha that old thing called a source.

still i object to a newpost containing so many superlatives as 'excellent', 'breathtaking', 'great team' and 'amazing content'.
they missed out 'shit hot'
or a soundbite of toed yelling "schmokin'" ;D
Over-saturated, practically every screenshot I've seen from the game looks better than this.
Did i miss the good frag? Didnt see any from EYE, dignitas etc. And the music got kinda boring after 3 min. Else its an ok movie...i guess
This SniperSteve must be high, eh? :D
outro stolen from ign gtaIV review, gg

Hvordan uttaler man rglaf egentlig? regglæff?
aaar-glaf som swede sier er jo en litt morsom uttale :p

ærr-glaff ftw tho

laster nå, *glede seg*
enjoyed it, nice work
n1 Sniper+Tank skills

rest was oK

was also fine that some oldsqool music were in if im not wrong
more attention for an average movie plz
Terrible quality, overused music, some shitty effects :\ no creative outro (every knows it was stolen from gta4)
Can't wait... :-\
Well maybe you will enjoy, but i didnt :\ Specially about the ingame quality.. seems soo bad :\
uve stolen my thoughts black boy !!!
DUH.. ofc.. we born at same day , at same year.. what could you expect? :D Brothers in arms!
Good Stuff
ow mai mai those random gather frags xD

rest was nice LOL
first nice et:qw movie I have come across.
amazing hyperblaster...
hoi max:>
liked it :)
im glad i didnt start playing this game, both graphic and gameplay look awful, even ET is nicer, not to mention a cod4 or smth ...
and the music in the middle is horrible, wtf is that crazy shit?

sry, no offence i guess it must be one the best ETQW movies, but it was quite dissapointing to me.
If maps in ET:QW where just as small as the average CoD4 map the ET:QW engine could add way more detail, however both engines serve their own purpose.
Yeah you right there, although it is harder on outdoor areas unless they are a fair amount of corners or large obstructions so you can hide details (LOD) at a shorter distance and you wont see them pop up when they come to be rendered. For indoor areas its a lot easier as rooms can be portalled off from each other so can bang in a lot of detail providing you set up entrances to each room in an efficient manner
Frags some are good, but the overall quality of the movie isnt good.
nice crapmovie rofl
u sux donkey ballz so shh
Oh please you gotta be kidding me :DD

Singlefrags with tank ! :D HIP HIP HURRAY :DDD
Movie was great except gather frags at the end and some tang gun-one kill moments!
hannes dissing somebody elses movie, unexpected
why dissing? its constructive feedback. never whine never flamed...
fucking piece of shit !
u better get my coffee or coke delivered or ill insta steal your 100% on next lan (if we ever meet again :( )
this vid rly makes me want to play etqw again :)
watched it and somehow got the urge to play etqw a bit, even if onimage: labels=1pub only

only I don't have it
You could try the demo, too bad that "includes only a bad map and doesn't have the most recent bug fixes" ;X

Anyway, you don't need an account to play versus bots (ETQWPro supported as well) or watch scrims on ET:QW TV, so you could just, well, lend the install DVD from someone to try it out.
wait wait, you don't need cdkey(account) to watch etqwtv? didn't know that :o

(btw I've only now seen this reply since I don't have that shit that pms you when someone replies)
was nice movie, but dont use the frags from the lowskilled/medskilled teams :p
dont talk about skill... u cheat so u dont know what skill is
(own3d) stream or it didn't happen
Made me wanna play again :)
Lack of good rifle frags =/

Nice work though tbh.

And still ShowCrosshairInfo = 1, no good.
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