Mick banned from Clanbase

Fnatic report that Dignitas hotshot Mick has been banned from Clanbase for repetitive abusive behaviour. Dignitas had already been removed the tournament after one player had the wrong GUID in their match and now salt has been rubbed into the wound.

However the fnatic article raises some interesting points about the ruling and the objectivity behind it. The admin who made the ban is also a manager of the team they were playing against when this happened (h2k) and h2k were also in violation of Clanbase rules themself by not taking demos from the match which is a forfeitable offence.

The post ends stating the Dignitas and MeetYourMakers will join fnatic in boycotting Clanbase's premier competition.

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I didn't know it was a ban able offense.
stfu :)
[insert porno pic here]

QuoteWe would also like to remind Clanbase that they owe us €1500 and several graphics cards for over 8 months! We will put all our efforts into the far superior ESL League that is actually aiding the development of professional esports rather than hindering it.
Clownbase strikes again!
hopefully more teams will follow up with boycotting, clanbase eurocup might was big several years ago but cb turned out to be a fucking joke, and this story just proves it once more.
same for NC and his final =)
what final are you talkin about
this year germany vs finland. 4 players from the same team on one side, 5 in the other side. Rules allow only 3 players from the same team. Isn't that a good joke? ^^
well as far as i can remember we played with butchji,drago,fireball,hazer,phate and me - which is according to my knowledge 3 from the same clan and applies to the rules! :-)
butchji, drago, hazer and you weren't all mpg at this time? :o
hazer joined up with us in mpg later on.
I wasn't aware for you sorry ^^'
but anyway : squall, lettu, iron, lepari and torspo were playing in the same team(vae).. They failed but CB didn't mind...

edit : i hope i'm right this time >_<
At the moment of the final hazer was already in mpg, but the reason he was allowed to play according to some people was: "He joined mpg after the tournament started, so it doesn't count." Which is ofcourse ridiculous. But so was the entire final and CB on itself, so w/e.
ye the final was totally ridiculous, oh my god.
When both teams transgress the rules and CB-Supervisors reactions are: "lol, what can we do?" then yes, the final was ridiculous.
vae was also formed / started playing after nc had started
we asked admins if we can play with more than 3 vae guys and he said its ok
we couldnt play with more than 3 j52 guys however
I don't see how that contributes to my rant. Supervisors aren't above the rules and it is irrelevant whether he agreed or not since I wasn't attacking any of the players directly.
if somebody missed the previous part - http://www.team-dignitas.org/index.php?id=6612&page=2

I dont think ClanBase will win against dignitas, tbh
clanbase nablets
I feel a ban incoming awell then xD
I thought of lio first tbh :o
Nice to see someone taking a stand against Clownbase.

Mick and Dignitas are hugely respected in the community and should be treated as such. They've done a lot for the scene. It's a ridiculous decision imo, and one that's clearly a bit biased.
sarcasm you numpty!
If they boycot it just mean easier turneys for more random teams.
"Also posted pornographic pictures"
Nice one :D
It would not make any sense for dignitas to play the winner bracket final in EC, without their team leader SKO, which was where this incedent started. H2K said after the match that SKO was not playing with the right guid, which was true.

However I do think that it states in the rules, that ones you have started the game, you cannot make a match conflict based upon guids, bad server etc. Prove me wrong please.

Next, when the digimons wanted the demos from H2K, and they could not deliver. This is also a reason for a forfeit match, but this was somehow disregarded by CB?

I can see why Mick is frustrated.
it doesn't say that about guids

it should, but it doesn't

Ohhh that you cannot make a complaint after you have started the match?
yeh, it says only about server settings and shit
I was just informed that it only applies ladder matches, the thing with creating a match conflict on guids after the game has started.
In ET it's in the rules (or was), but seems like it isn't so in CoD.
Omg,COD community should losen up.. rlly
Look at the ET-scene (read ovr & co) xD Flame all-around & nobody really gives a fuck (except hatin')....
we the e-units y0
Call of Duty 4 = serious business game for serious business teams
internet serious business ..
CB is a nubs place :D but still... can't be so serious or can it?
"Dignitas had already been removed the tournament after one player had the wrong GUID in their match and now salt has been rubbed into the wound."

Not true. After Dignitas got the default loss against H2k in Eurocup WB Final due to a wrong GUID, even tho it has been proven by IP check that it was infact SKO playing on his laptop, Dignitas decided to leave all CB cups, we did not get removed.

clownbase !
even though the decision by CB might be a bit controversial, it is correct since it simply follows the rules, the rules might be incomplete or wrong, but they are the current set of rules and should be followed as that (I only wish CB would follow their rules more frequently)

dignitas should not be treated differently just because they are better than other clans, the rule applies for everyone
In that case both clans should get forfeit since h2k didn't have any demo's
if that's the case then yes
the second case -> rules allowed the guy with wrong guid to play if it can be proved that the guy was the one who was playing in dignitas.

so, you can see 2 things which went wrong
I don't get the first part, SKO wasn't allowed to play because of wrong guid and that made the sups to forfeit their match in favour of h2k
but dignitas proved it was really SKO, by ip match
that doesn't matter, rule is a rule
thats what i mean, someone said it is in rules ;-)
Serves him right!
i cant care less!! cb is getting worse day by day but that old!!!
Clanbase just sucks, do not care about them.
Oh shit, before you know it ClanBase loses their sponsorship with GameStop for game vouchers
Is it just me or are 9/10 whine cases vs. clanbase about wrong guids?
its always u, u hater!!!! :P
I am HATER!!!!!1oneone!!!1!

But it's true, if he had his guid up to date this news woud not exist, nor would the team ignore next ec (if I got it right, stopped ready pretty much after the guid thing)
oh the drama
CB admins are retarded , most of them become admins because they want to get "known" but don't have the skill/brains to be rly skilled.

Nonetheless the CB site is still one the most user-friendly of all gamingleagues so untill something better comes up ...
ESL's is the best they have a map of Europe on their index page :x
esl usually has good leagues, but they have their flaws too.

their site is terrible obviously, and the ruling that a teamcaptain owns a spot in the league after qualifying and not the team that qualified is just ridiculous.
they have to garuntee it to someone, and its risky doing it to anyone else. Leave it to manager > can kick team. Leave it to MGC > can kick team. Leave it to entire team > cant change roster. Captain is the best option, at least, it has less risk.
the team removed the captain, even from the esl roster (don't ask how it's possible, i just know it happened), admins agreed that the team should play, but later on switched it back and put the captain in charge of the team again, after which the team got kicked and the captain was allowed to take the spot with a completely new team, while the team that qualified weren't allowed to play.

risk is relative, bullshit isn't.
risk is relative.. to the other options. which I stated. I still think its best it's the captain - it's up to the team to select someone they trust.
seconded. The CB ladder and cupsystem is very good
agree. ESL is nicer that in the past but still CB site rox
rly nice move, the community looks fine
seems like you got something for esports weekly
I just got an update from a CB admin about Mick his ban, so read further on the Fnatic site if you're interested!

QuoteMick also said very offensive things, and he feels like he should get a different treadment as he's in Dignitas, I quote: "We are DIGNITAS for (..) sake! You know how big dignitas are? Bigger than your mother's (..), and that is (..) big".

Lololol, mister bigshot Mick XD
well done CB banning that retard
Clanbase <3 :XD
terug met beide benen op de grond vette bal
Shit happens :D gj cb
does it sound weird only to me?!?

QuoteDignitas is aware that Sko should have warned the admins about his laptop
pretty stupid behaviour imo if dont inform ur opponents/admins before -> epic fail by Sko

2. the CB-admin is player/manager of the opponents? Hello?!? How stupid do i have to be to accept that? They MUST have know that days before and had the chance to NOT accept that... -> epic fail by team

QuoteWe would also like to remind Clanbase that they owe us €1500 and several graphics cards for over 8 months
thats more weak than the prob before... -> epic fail by dignitas...why supporting (by playing it) a organisation i cannot trust? It also shows me again how trustable contracts etc r these days.

-> my conclusion: pretty unprofessional behaviour after Sko´s personal mistake... no wonder chandler has reviewed it the same way again...so this time they r bad loosers...nothin more in this esports-drama!
He's not an admin, he's the fucking supervisor of the cup.
It's not just the decision that pisses people off, it's the fact that 5minutes after granting his own COD4 team a forfeit win he was gloating about it on the H2k website in front of everyone.
woop go roychez. And I'd encourage anyone else to join this cb boycott!
CB gone crazy ..
If the sup is a manager of one of the involved parties standard CB procedure should be to hand any conflicts off to the co-sup and/or gamesup or, in the case where they aren't impartial either or are unable to help resolve the conflict, the cup chiefs. The partisan sup should step back and not involve himself in the matter at all. Unless it's changed since I left, which doesn't seem likely.

If that procedure wasn't followed then something is seriously wrong, if it was then it just makes me pity dignitas for making fools of themselves.
ClanBase, sadly, has always had its issues. at least since I started playing in it a good 5-6 years ago.

One of the main issues sticking out here is one I have never understodd. Admins having associations with teams allowed to make decisions on their matches - you only have to look to football to see the lengths they go to with always having different nationality refs in games (even in champions league games aswell I think) they understand even someones nationality can effect a decision

yet clanbase have people, in the management of a team, making decisions of the outcome of their matches.... a lot of big profile games, and of course smaller ones, have been effected over the years. I doubt theres a player here who has not seen or been directly effected by it. Times for me were playing teams like mysod and Krea in EC - they had admins within the team/management making decisions on games - I never really thought this was fair.

Its now happening again, but with a much bigger gaming group, I dont think anyone would doubt they wouldnt act on it. I see CB dying quite soon as the top gaming tournament for EU. A new organisation needs to step in and be the Premier EU tournament, ESL seems to be very organised which is great.

another tournament site that perhaps could take note of this is warleagues, they put in a lot of effort, but a lot of the time fall at the last hurdle with some of the same problems that cb brings.
Ke spoX should be removed as admin since he's doing things in favor of the clan where he's playing for.

Match should just be replayed since digni had a wrong guid and h2k didn't had demos.

If they started about the guid before the match the decission was right, but if after the match comes out that the guid was wrong and h2k can't give demos to dignitas. It should just be a rematch.

So fuck h2k, they are noobs anyway I can rember playing the first time cod2 at the GamePlay vs one of their playing and losing 14-30. The player I played againt shoudl realy be asshamed for being killed by somebody who playes the game for the first time. If I had one kill more I would have won a steelseries 5Hv2 USB.
"However I do think that it states in the rules, that ones you have started the game, you cannot make a match conflict based upon guids, bad server etc. Prove me wrong please."

Those are ladder rules, those do not apply to cups.

"One of the main issues sticking out here is one I have never understodd. Admins having associations with teams allowed to make decisions on their matches - you only have to look to football to see the lengths they go to with always having different nationality refs in games (even in champions league games aswell I think) they understand even someones nationality can effect a decision"

This is in no way allowed, if you encounter cases like such make sure you contact the chief of cups or game supervisor.

"the second case -> rules allowed the guy with wrong guid to play if it can be proved that the guy was the one who was playing in dignitas."

Incorrect, please read the rules again. Also it states nowhere that demo's have to be uploaded after a demorequest. Therefore H2k doesn't have to upload them and they will not receive a forfeit loss.

Just wanted to get some errors out of here, bye!
I wonder how long it would take for a team in the opencup to get a red card for not recording if a team asks for demos. These series of decisions have biased written all over it.
Admins and supporvisors are too scared to make a sane judgement with the rules _in mind_ in general, so they hold on as tightly as they can to the exact letter of every phrase.
the rules say that demos have to be recorded and given to the opponent if they ask for them!

atleast thats in the ET rules, dunno about CoD
The internet is serious business ;o
When Gamestop vouchers are at stake it is!
lol yeah ;D
Is there even gamestop in europe?
Yeah there is, some countries.
why is this main news? is he the ultima nerd ?
Its cos everyone licks his ass
lol, well, didn't surprise me, that's Mick alright
internet = serious business :D
Same thing happened years ago with the top CS 1.6 teams withdrawing from Clanbase. However the big difference then was they had no real competition in terms of online leagues.

Nowadays however there are many top leagues all offering more prizes than Clanbase EuroCups so all that was left was the prestige of playing and beating the very best in the game in the EuroCups.

With those teams withdrawing the prestige is also gone so there is simply nothing left but game vouchers from a company that neither teams in the final can use.
ESL started after CB? funny when you see how big ESL is now and how amateur CB stayed
Not sure which was first but way back then ESL was German only pretty much. It's only recent years they made a big push for other Europeans.
#epicfail imo
Abit harsh maybe, so what if Mick is abusive .. who isn't ?? Doesn't deserve a ban.
yey another ban..
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