New Crossfire Warning System

Since this morning when the new Warning System was introduced, there has been a flood of queries into what it actually is and what it does.
image: tornado_warning
The basic idea for the system is that in the past, the admins at Crossfire weren't able to easily track repetitive rule breakers very efficiently. It all had to be co-ordinated through word of mouth to one another. By introducing a purpose built warning system we are able to log who the trouble makers are and effectively administer bans when in the past they may have gotten away.

This is not all doom and gloom for users though as from now on you should not get banned for small instances of rule breaking, instead you will get an official automatic warning instead of a custom written PM from an admin or an immediate ban.

Social Punishment

As some people seem to think they want warnings, if you get more than 20 points your profile will no longer display your buddies, achievements, last visitors or your profile text.

How it works

Every user by default has 0 points. This is the ideal amount you should all aim for. 0 points mean you are the ideal user that doesn't break any rules.

For every rule you break, you will be given a certain amount of points depending on how severe the abuse was. Anywhere from 5 points to 50 points is the normal range.

You can view your current warning point total in your profile, the higher it gets, the darker the number will appear.

If you reach 100 points, you will be given an automatic ban for a number of days that is worked out by how many warnings you have been given.

An example of this;

You've been given 5 warnings and have reached 100 points and there for been banned, your ban will last for 10 days.

You've been given 10 warnings and have reached the 100 points needed for a ban, your ban will last for 5 days.

This means that if you receive multiple small infractions over things like spam, you will not be banned for as long as someone who has been causing big problems with posts concerning racism etc.

The method of determining lengths of bans may change in the future, but if it does there will be a news post to inform everyone.

In the case that you think you have been treated unfairly or the warning given to you is too severe, then admins have the possibility to remove the warning. This is only likely to happen in very rare circumstances and pestering admins over a 5 point infraction is unlikely to cause anything but annoyance.

If you receive 100 points and you are banned, after the ban has ran out your total points will be reset to 0. And you will start the cycle over again.

First one to 100 wins...

"All you crossfire admins are fucking retards!"
ban, 50 points at least!
Well Done fusen.
*thumbs up*

neater crossfire with less retards :)
i dont want 0 points :( i want to start with 100 and then go back to 0, giving users points is like giving them compliments :P Taking them away is more like punishing !
but those are poo points, if you has more you smell, and vice versa.
fusen did it again
now i cant spam :(
after one has served the ban, will the points drop back to 0? I'd use a system that would erase lets say 10 points every two weeks and after ban you would not have 0 again, but 50. Would make people more cautious about what theyre writing :D
your points get reset to 0, the ban length doesn't increase for second offenders though as I still want to believe in a second chance :P

I like the idea of over time the warnings reduce.

I'm thinking that for every 2 weeks you don't receive a warning, your smallest point warning gets removed.
sounds fair :)
yes and if someone is clean for 2 weeks his points go under 0 and he can make -100, yes this is the better idea
Use a priority queue!
that sounds good
I think you should have a sort of spawnprotection! Everytime you get unbanned you cant get points for like 2 days!
who's idea this was? 100 points for him/her immediately, thx
based on what
100 special browny points or 100 ban points? :X
should i be also a ridler? guess....what......
k..50 points for you?
Why the fuck does this guy still have 0 points?
This was a clear language violation!
oh please :p

at least my post makes sense!
polak, 100 points! ;)
nah, insta lifetime ban! :D
I love Fusen.
forum game.
Great idea imo
how can I get 100 right away?
hack the site?
beat admin up irl
u dont think this will result in 100 points

what about cheaters? will they just get 100 points straight away? or a usual ban and bb?
they have hax to remove points
Usual ban.
they just make new account and continue on spamming the site, like usual.
!ON!1EON!ONENENE now you can fuck with sol :DD and two times in a row !!!!! becuz 50 + 50 = 100
"hellgoat has just deleted a comment you made on this news article."
Did you get any points ?:>
Did I ? No.
persecution of the crossfire filth!
back to highschool..?
crossfire is still alive because of what you guys call "spam"
make journals... post replies etc...
rofl pls XD
welcome back Frop! <3
wtf where the fuck have u been
#ban.crossfire - for racism <3
Free racism?! Nice.

Make sure SNB don't hear about this.
sry but this feature fails
nigger based shit
so basically, if I have 20 points I should start breaking rules and post gaypr0n-pics because I want to have that f**kin ban so that my buddies, achievements, etc. will be visible again?
well it's not guaranteed that you would get unbanned if you acted like that.
good point. fusen said he likes that reducing points idea. if you are clean for 2 weeks youll get some points removed, etc. i think theyll introduce this soon
Why does Beyonce always sings: "to the left, to the left" ??

because niggers have no rights
nah man just wanna know how many points ill get. (making nice bets)
ha someone told me that in work the other day!
nr1 dude :D
dont push it to the limit. surely its a harmless joke but still.
sounds good but i think u should also see how many points the person has totalled up altogether. Its pointless seeing that they have 0 points even though they may have been banned 5 times
image: 1gkvur

over moderation i tell ya!
the cake is a lie
It's so delicious and moist
Look at me still talking when there's Science to do

Jävla hellgoat :(
That was a joke, FAT CHANCE

you still paly? :>
Neh, i only play some mixes with Norwegians and old teammates :B

DMD will do a comeback though, if mori does aswell !
Cmon make ladder, like top 100 rulebreakers :P
yeah, warning level ranking plz!
ahah ye, that would be nice
nice system actually
Crossfire - A dictator Community ;p
Nice idea anyway
its sad crossfire has to go down like this just to stop this stupid acting, i hope in the future xfire wont need such a thing
rofl plz its just a warning system, get over it :E
lets say all your account info gets removed and after several days you were nice and stuff and your ban is removed, will your achievements etc come back or do you have to re-write them?
They'll come back. It just stops them from being displayed.
It also means no hitcounter results!
This is so awesome!
Well, fuck you very much!
hard :(
Will it show up that the some admins (like Sainted) is the only one moderating the same person over and over again?
Don't feel special, I moderate every ET:QW hater (99% of the crossfire community falls under that category ^^)
I stopped flaming the game when it died, must have been a couple of months ago now. now get off my internet.
Doesn't mean you stopped hating it though
I guess you never heard anything about self opinion + facts. What a limited person.
Its a crossfire rule which says you cannot 'flame' about the games they support: ET, RTCW, CoD and ETQW. Though the rule only applies to ETQW and every criticism is considered flame.
You never heard of the Crossfire rules I guess
You could quote the rulles instead of give me a warning. 15 years? 13?
Anyway can you tell what rulle i passed by?

Can't see anything that i disrespected.

image: 33813663nv9
atleast he gave you 5, i got 30 for being a CB admin.
i would have instabanned you
seeing your recent comments, i woudnt be in a position to say that
even if i post nonsense, its only half retarded as yours
you should of been banned alrdy mr. fake account, you are asking to ban him while yo uare making nonsense shit oo
haha i still have more points than you ! ^^
where's that 30?
someone remove 20 from them i think :o
you feel special while using this oldsql smiley?
I hate ETQW too and yet I've never been moderated. Then again, I rarely give any reason to...
I didn't get the idea of warnings - how will admins decide if there is a need for warning or not? For example our beloved "admin" sol who would ban everyone who thinks that communism is bad - if I say to someone that their parents / relatives / family friends or whatever murdered and raped other nations for <insert random number of years>, then I get warning, but if someone say that I'm fucking fascist and nazi just because I love <insert random country> doesn't get any warnings? Will it work like that?

Also this system IMHO will lead to random useless and biased warnings from incompetent pseudo-admins (just like sol is).
I dont know what happened to you but I doubt it has been an innocent violation you recived something for. There are no pseudo admins but there are different rating on each personal oppinion from each admin to rate a violation. With the points we can easily identify who violated what and what we should do against him.

Which means, if you realy want to say that sol is a bad admin, you will see that everyone might become a bad admin ^^ Also for users, it's easier to find out who gave u a warnig and which admin did what (for your own ofc)
Then please tell me if there's a difference between you fucking russian communist and you fucking latvian nazi? So I could printscreen that and put your answer in my profile. You know - just for fun ;X
you actually compare nazi's to communists?

they are pretty much polar opposites when looked at their original meanings

Then explain me difference in killing by classes and killing by race, please. ;X

And that's just one example where admins will definately show their incompetence in only ONE fucking thing. And there will follow a lot of other ones IMHO.
you 'n kurbads say a lot worst than that :)
for most western people russia and communists are not as bad as it is for u since most around here dont know what happened there. We most kinda dont have history lessons in school nor interesting stuff tv about the things happened within the last 17 years in east europe.
where in "the original meaning" and idealogy of communism does killing of classes take place?

you don't need to kill in a proletarian revolution, you are simply taking the power away.

what the eastern bloc countries had can hardly be described as what i posted above. same with maoism
same fucking thing happens when they get power, only difference is that the commies have proven this way more often
I think he means that there should not be a difference between saying nazi-germany was great and saying that USSR was great.

What the original idea behind communism was is not important in tis case.
It's very simple. Both are not allowed.
sol is communist and racist, unexpected
thats why there are 100 points and some random 5 points wont make it different
is there a rule, how many points u get and for what?
for example if sol is angry today, he can gives double more points as if hes not
Which means you can complain about it in irc and get other admins. if I gave u a warning for spamming with 20 points, you can get sol to look at the latest punishment and try to reduce the points with a small and serious conversation :)
stop blaming sol..sainted&ronner are much worse
yes, im the worst.
no, sainted annoyed me a lot more;/
You mean people still think I'm banning everyone in spite of ban/delete messages showing which admin did it? Damn. :(
i used ur name only coz o dont know other admins, nothing aganist u ;)
This idea is stupid for me.
the way u explained it makes it sound like a game =/
So this means I can post [img ] goatse [/ img ] once and just get 50 warning points?

apparently the only people whining about any admin, but mainly about sol, are those who annoy the most with their continous spam - i never had a problem with any of them. don't know for others, but i stopped "enjoying" reading crossfire long time ago. these days i simply jump over 19 out of 20 comments made by people wearing loekino's flag. apologies if there is some normal non spamming person wearing it, but imo 99% of them have very rarely something useful to say. i do, and i think many others, post now and then a useless comment with no meaning just for fun, but i think a line should be drawn because like i said, crossfire is too often very boring to read

fusen, code an ignore function please ;f considering you already have the buddylist code, making a clone of it with inverse functionality doesn't require too much time :D
totally agreed!
Agreeeh with this Croatia citizen!
gimme 1337/100
so if i will get 20 points i will have to spam till full ban to clear them? :X
well moderators, i hope you have fun with this useless crap...
this is not really a smart system cause when people have 50 points they cannot see their own buddylist so the only option to get your buddylist back is to make more warnings till 100 so it will be reset after your ban.

so make another solution like : every month -5/-10 or something otherwise this system will give the opposite result you would like to have
people that try and get more points after reaching say 50 will simply be perm banned.

or manually banned for a much longer period.
that's cool if you got a forum only for 18+.
but what else can u do then when u have like 40 points to get your buddylist back? there is no other solution unless you add some minus points for like every month
make sens rly pfff
i know it from other communitys but well i think we shall get used to that,... you could rename crossfire into "ueberwachungsstaat" and yourself into "schäuble" would be nice ;)
don't like it. just ban (1-day or more, whatever) but this is just too much imo...
bb spammers & killerboy >:D
wat een kenker zeg
NICE :))))))))))
just put a federal signal 2001 doing alert tone all day right behind their houses!
will the points somehow disapear after a while?
sure, if you bake the admins cupcakes :D
Very good initiative. :O)

Too bad though that this wont correct what annoys me the most. Which is not the occasional over-the-line comment some people make, but basically every single line they write.
How do you appeal against warnings?
contact an admin
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