Crossfire NC playoffs

image: nc

Having finished the group stage phase of the tournament, the next segment of the nationscup will begin. With potential cup winners Netherlands Team NL coming second in their group after a forfeit loss to Chile, Latvia Latvia not making the playoffs despite a strong place in the previous nationscup, and France France's exit from the cup, we've by no means been short of any surprises. We've also received an excellent spectacle from our non-European peers, Australia Australia, Chile Chile, Japan Japan and United States of America USA who've all made the playoff stages, proving their place amongst the competitors of Europe.

For those of you who've missed anything gamestv and our dearest Scotland pedro have left nothing missing, providing heaps of coverage. Match reports can be found here, whilst ETTVoD is also available here. Results tables from the group phase can be found here.

After issues with France potentially having cheated, the responsibility to take further action against cheats was taken, and as a result of this, thanks to Croatia chaplja & Romania quad, anti3 will soon be available for the remaining matches in the cup. Any questions about anti3 can be asked to chaplja in

As for the playoffs, the eager amongst you will be glad to know that they'll be beginning very shortly, the first match week Monday 11th August to Sunday 17th August. A preview will be available very soon, including details such as which teams have been playing especially well, predictions, and previews of the upcoming games. Details about the cup can be read below:

1/8 Finals: 11th -17th August
1/4 Finals: 18th - 24th August
Semi Finals: 25th - 31st August
Grand Final & Consolation Final: 1st - 7th September

Map choices:
The map pool will remain the same (supply, bremen_b2, sp_delivery_te, sw_goldrush_te, radar) however each team will choose one map to play. Both teams will tell an admin before the game which map they have chosen, and then teams will be told their opponents map choice as the game is beginning. In the case of both teams choosing the same map, elimination will begin after the pertaining map is played once. No team may choose the same map in two consecutive matchweeks.

Wildcards & (Re)Scheduling:
There will be no use of wildcards allowed in the playoff phase. If two teams cannot agree on a date, the match will be forced to the Sunday evening of the matchweek.

The tournament will be using single elimination.

Playoff Brackets

A1 H2 - Belgium Belgium vs Switzerland Switzerland
B2 G1 - Japan Japan vs Russia Russia
C1 F2 - Germany Germany vs United States of America USA
D2 E1 - Australia Australia vs Chile Chile
E2 D1 - Hungary Hungary vs Netherlands The Netherlands
F1 C2 - Poland Poland vs Malta Malta
G2 B1 - Finland Finland vs Sweden Sweden
H1 A2 - United Kingdom United Kingdom vs Czech Republic Czech Republic

The ruleset will be the same as used in the group stages, which can be seen here.

Teams are now suggested to find their opponent and schedule games as soon as possible. Any questions can be asked to admins in as usual!

Good luck!
YAY ANTi3 <3 quad <3

linux client for anti3 available?
Hentai just gave me warning points because I made the first post.


Oh and by the way, good job.
POLAND <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


btw, when will you give them the anti3 program, i suggest giving it to them 20 minutes before the match max.
I believe it's 15, according to what i was told by chaplja.
ok great! more <3333
easy for you to get us through another round :P
they will suck donkey balls with anti3 dont worry :D just like gnajda without a bot, hes worse than a blind cow playing ET
but still better than u ;)
lol, anti3 or not, poland could field like 5 teams and everyone would rape you.
why do you hate malta so much ? i see you flaming us everywhere ;/////// i admit reaching the play offs was kind of lucky even fi we did play w//o nils and kiitos and with a bunch of players that havent played for a long time (1+ year or so) and we still managed to win a match so ....

p.s to Rhand - don't you think about replying ... leave me alone -,-
Quotepoland could field like 5 teams and everyone would rape you

thats a fact, not flaming
its a bit of both ;p
like youre any good or will ever make it into team spain even now that et is almost dead -.-
hm maybe im not spanish ? fail!
unfortunately none of the MEPA players went hardcore like toxic did

taking me as an example: i didn't find the right clan to start with playing with European players and then I never had the will to go on

and true, they will rape us :D

its a bit different though in cod4 (i know cod4 isnt ET). afaik team malta lost 21-19 against poland last NC :o
that's the reason why xo wrote his column....
Poor Malta :D
i think you should say poor Poland since they'll have to play using anti3 tbh! :XDDDDDDD
Aren't you supposed to be part of the admin team for the site that typically hosts the most "prestigious" ET tournaments?

Act like it you ignorant fuck.
stfu troll, your only purpose on xfire is to act as a flame bait that never leaves his house, you have nothing better to do than think that you are a lot smarter than you actually are you use random obscure programs that look like shit because it makes you feel smart. Why use mirc like everyone else when you can use irssi which looks like total shit? "OMG I LEARNED ALL THE SHORTCUTS HEHE I'M MEGA SMART"

Thats actually it.
Great retort, I guess you couldn't think of a good response so instead you went off topic and insulted my choice of computer software? You always surprise me killerboy, always. I expected some unintelligible bullshit response and what I got was an unintelligible off-topic attempt at an insult involving my preference in software.

I'll defend myself anyway, because I'm bored. I use programs that I prefer, and that do what I want them to do. mIRC simply does not do everything I want it to do, and takes much longer to use. Navigating windows in mIRC using the keyboard is fucking annoying, and since I don't really use my mouse when on the desktop it seems like a waste.
and yet im right
QuoteI'll defend myself anyway, because I'm bored. I use programs that I prefer, and that do what I want them to do. mIRC simply does not do everything I want it to do, and takes much longer to use. Navigating windows in mIRC using the keyboard is fucking annoying, and since I don't really use my mouse when on the desktop it seems like a waste.

No my friend, complete and utterly wrong.
what should i say then? You are indubidbly cool?
No, you should formulate on-topic responses instead of veering off in to some logic defying hypocritical bullshit.
HAHAHAHAHAHA how many fucking times do you want to misspell that fucking word? I see you post it because you obviously didn't fucking notice you were taken the piss out of by nev and you thought it sounded cool and you STILL manage to spell it wrong every mother fucking time, even though I've PERSONALLY corrected it for you one of the times. Jesus fucking Christ someone give me a gun, seriously. :D
09 Aug 07:52
Using urbandictionary is case in point :/
amen to that.
It's definition.
its copypasta of what confo wrote to urbandictionary.
What? You really are as clever as Battery's map design aren't you?
thought it was you, considering your 'jokes' are always unfunny and stuff. my mistake.
Yep, your mistake. I'll let you off for now.
how about a gun ?

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youre saying using irssi is "faster" than using mirc? also, fyi, you can have exactly the same bindings on mirc than with irssi.
Can you? Because the bindings I had setup in mIRC were nowhere near as easy to adapt/manipulate :\

I just prefer irssi. I prefer the look, I prefer the super light footprint (putty uses <3mb ram), I prefer the features and the script engine (perl) is much more powerful than that of mIRC's.

Obviously it's not for everyone, most people are used to GUI's, but if someone attacks me for something ridiculous as my software choice I'm going to completely slaughter their argument.
it has its downsides, which is the reason im not using it anymore. I might consider using it among mirc if I'd have a shell.
My God, you just saved yourself 15 MB RAM !! As if that's gonna make a difference...
Great methodology there, "hey guys lets waste resources because we can". May aswell give up researching sustainable development, professor Rhand is here to teach us the way of wasting.

Although seriously, you are just nitpciking, I don't use irssi solely because I save ram (may I remind you that not everybody has 2/4gb ram?) it's just an added bonus.
Even if you only have 512 or 1 GB RAM, using irssi instead of mIRC is barely giving a performance boost. And no, I'm not advocating "waste because we can" but if you gonna use that shit as an argument "I'm going to completely slaughter that argument."
mIRC/MSN used to use like 50-60mb of ram, now they have a combined total of 3mb.

How is that not an advantage? Any reduction in memory footprint is a good thing.
Ah, that's something else. You said only IRC in the start. Well, if it is IRC + MSN combined, I can understand it. Only IRC is a bit dumb tho, my IRC uses between 5 and 20 MB RAM while after 2 hours the peak is at 18,3.
mine often went over that, but then again I'm on quite a lot of irc servers
not everything is about performance boosting. it might not make a huge difference while only using these programs, but considering an average user has about 40 processes running at the same time, using lightweight programs might be the difference between using below or over 100% of your ram, which you really will notice.
15 MB can mean the difference between using the swap and not.
using the swap?
I'm not gonna read that so let's just end this.
Guess I shouldn't have expected any better from someone who still thinks butchji cheats! Let me spoon feed you:
"Paging is an important part of virtual memory implementation in most contemporary general-purpose operating systems, allowing them to use disk storage for data that does not fit into physical RAM."
Yes, what was I thinking not wanting to read a wikipedia-page for a discussion which has ended half a week ago! Shame on me.
Clicking a link and skimming a paragraph for a little insight is really an arduous task. What was I thinking.
I'm a busy man, you know.
So busy, in fact, that you're browsing xfire at this very moment. Well, I hate to take more of your time, it's been a very pleasant conversation!
No, I'm busy because I'm browsing crossfire!
unintelligible, is that a combination of unintelligent and illegible? ;D
i know the definition, i was just wondering!
im an english literature student, not language!
agree x 10000
anti3 = killing ET
Let's go play Quakewars.
whats polands lineup?
n00n (c) - 6b2ca437

S4rna - 34c09082
Dolar - 6d35718e
dialer - 31785069
dvk3 - 5362f750
edain - 17ec59b6
krisek - a472fcbd
miks - dd2b98f9
wiesiek - 5d9dbb1e
Xanah - c62855d4
zMk - 0701cf30

pb guids are a bonus since you've got sexy legs.
its not really hard to press strg+c and then strg+v
how does this anti3 thing work?
Anti3 checks your etpro memory, if it sees that this has been modified, you are cheating.
im pretty sure that will cause alot of lags.
well i heard some ppl whine about fps lags, but that could be coming from PB or being paranoid about the program, ram wise it shoudn't effect you as it takes 100kb. But from my personal experience i never got lags (maybe because i already do :P )
Is PB disabled when using anti3? Because that would be more than fine (lagfree game finally)...
no, PB is used alongside Anti3.
Played worldcup 3v3 and it didnt lag anything.
Had no lag with it here
im pretty sure you know what you're talking about.
pb causes massive lags so why cant it be that this proggi does the same?
because anti3 doesn't scan your computer see whether you have hacks installed, unlike PB
because it is totally different?!

btw it was just random flame so dont care
I don't have massive PB lag. Wierd.
i would understand if you asked whether it causes lags, but i don't see what makes you pretty sure that it will do it

snoop on 09/08/08, 17:52:42 Del | Edit | Reply

pb causes massive lags so why cant it be that this proggi does the same?
bibuy USA
omfg anti3 ;(((( bibuy russia
well, hopefully we have some nice stuff to witness when/if some players fail with the anti3, waiting forward to it.
i can tell you that not much will fail, just because they won't cheat with the bot, unless you are totally dependent on the bot (gnajda). so i guess you will see skilldrops instead of ppl getting FAILED status.
thats what I also meant with my comment, skilldrops.
all eyes on you sir!
yeah i m so excited xD
idd looking forward to it :) and i will shine even more :XD (if we get past aut and have the chance to play with anti3)
sounds just great (:
KillerBoY u are fucking ignorant its true, move your keyboard to trash and stop pasting your shit here
Makes alot of sense tbh... So, we can cheat at the group stage but not anymore after the playoffs start? Absolutely amazing.
Exactly, hentai actively encouraged cheating in the group stages. More fool you if ya didn't!!
As i said to rfki previously, makes sense to play a full cup using the anticheat (even if it means "delay the cup for some weeks"). But makes no sense to change the "rulles" in the midle of the cup. I dont know if someone cheated against my team (im sure that no one cheated, but its just an example).
it's in the post btw
I got it 'n already watched a few! Check your bnc. Muchos gracious... <3

If I can return the favour anytime I will :O)
can't connect to bnc atm :/ my internet is being gay since last monday morning
Is anti3 failproof?
of course not
You really think you can beat us :XD? I didn't know that we need Anti3 in NC, but It's nP for us, you ex cheater !:)
wtf is wrong with this Poland ex-cheater business? can you atleast hint me with a link or where you got this cheating info from :D
LoL, Why someone deleted my comment...? As I said Killerboy, You really think You can beat us ?:D We will see!soon!
You take his low flame seriously?
Well, Not really, but he is so excited, I am just trying to dout him :D
(comment got deleted for posting a public log, you will never guess which admin it was)

and i replied with, why are you calling me an ex-cheater :D this is something new!
Well, someone told me that you got kicked for sth like ot_blalblla? :XD, but if I'm wrong, sorry then.
sorry, i don't have pbbans :(

prolly fuxor told you, the guy who actually has pbbans
A1 H2 - Belgium vs Switzerland
B2 G1 - Japan vs Russia
C1 F2 - Germany vs USA nice match
D2 E1 - Australia vs Chile
E2 D1 - Hungary vs The Netherlands nice match
F1 C2 - Poland vs Malta
G2 B1 - Finland vs Sweden nice match
H1 A2 - United Kingdom vs (Winner of Czech Republic/Austria)
now we even have a better lineup and a better teamplay
correct me if i'm wrong, but did japan not have 300+ pings vs russia's 50? this time it will be 150-200 each so i think that will count for something as well.
oh but angelus you should know by now that japan had the high ping advantage!
gl aussies!
Idiot. You have the audacity to be proud of a 4-2 victory over a team which had to play with 300-350 ping :DD

This time you'll have 200 and they 150, we'll see how much of your teamwork will remain now you don't have an enormous ping advantage.
japan played very good x)
Such a lowskilled opponent in the play-offs, lol.
austria could have strong team, if their pro players should all play!
Hehe, I didn't write it about UK's opponent but about Poland's :D. I'm Polish but I'm in England for summer ;D And Austria isn't that low.
as long as Poland (have to) play clean, i don't mind.
None of Poland's players is/was a cheater or was/is even accused of cheating so I don't understand your whine.
mate, Poland have cheaters, believe me, you'll see 1/2 skilldrops!
n00n (c) - 6b2ca437
S4rna - 34c09082
Dolar - 6d35718e
dialer - 31785069
dvk3 - 5362f750
edain - 17ec59b6
krisek - a472fcbd
miks - dd2b98f9
wiesiek - 5d9dbb1e
Xanah - c62855d4
zMk - 0701cf30

Who of them ? :<
One of them have family cheat history.
zmk and krisek
krisek? :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD if u dont see his own on Poznan Game Arena 2006 Lan against zeroPoint, cdap, Netr dont say anything better kanker tard.
your polish, your opinion doesn't count
your fin tard, your opinion doesn't count
1. finnish opinions do count
2. he isnt finnish
fu, i can be what ever i want on the internet!
I didn't, and I'm pretty sure I were there!
dont call polish people your "mates"

i even have a video where anyone can see you @ wh, so stfu mr pro
post it, i'll be glad :)
our poltese conns dont accept such big files- 46mb-to be uploaded
if we would have all these pro´s we wouldn´t have played anygames due inactivity probs or because the team got destroyed of some kids :(
gl non-Europeanz
Go Hungary! I really hope the dutch project called "Finals: The Netherlands vs. Germany" will fail in the early stage...
all single elim not just the first round now?


need to see brackets asap!!! please before 1st round
Waiting for them to go up.
iirc it's this

Belgium vs Switzerland ->
Japan vs Russia ->

Germany vs USA ->
Australia vs Chile ->

Hungary vs The Netherlands ->
Poland vs Malta ->

Finland vs Sweden ->
United Kingdom vs (Winner of Czech Republic/Austria) ->
expecting avi's from malta even with anti3 on and forfeit for them ofc
avi's from killerboy thx. its not like toxic or any of the others are doing any effort whatsoever to win.

edit: the only effort is toxic forcing people who haven't played ET from the last NC/even more to reinstall the game 30mins before match.
i smell the next busts by killerboy :D malta going straight to the final !
i hope Poland will kick that maltanise(?wtF i am not so smart as KilerboJ :/ ) asses. I rly didnt care about result before, but after see Killerboy making fun of us with uber pro anti3 and stuff, i want so much our win!
let them kick killerboys ass not Malta :(

btw the people living in Malta are called Maltese
thanks for hint, i just simply didnt know how to write it ;)
pls direct flame towards killerboy not malta... from the maltesian ppl

best regards
he's the big shame of Malta
unfortunately with his attitude, yes

if you remember him,Yancho from MEPA also leader of Team-Malta was almost close to him since he really used the rules WORD BY WORD in order for Malta to get something out from a competition but at least he wasn't a lamer like him... at least Xo never opened a column against him :p

he really needs to grow up (to killerboy: sry mate but its the truth - dont kick me from team malta plz XD)
dude you dont even know how to spell it

fail mate, epic fail :(
E2 D1 - Hungary vs The Netherlands

it should be :
D1 E2 - Hungary vs The Netherlands

hu vs nl and de vs us will be the _closed_ matches
Doesn't really matter, it makes the point >D I changed it round so that 'The Netherlands', the longer name was on the right, and didn't make the section look messy. I'm a perfectionist like that :c
im on fire so gg
Hey hentai, you fucking anime porn watching faggot. Here is how the brackets should be.

1 Germany 12-0
2 Hungary 12-2
2 UK 12-2
4 Belgium 12-2 (1)
4 Finland 12-2 (1)
4 Poland 12-2 (1)
7 Chile 12-4 (1)
8 Russia 10-4 (1)

9 Czech 10-4
10 Japan 10-4 (1)
10 USA 10-4 (1)
12 Sweden 10-6 (1)
13 NL 8-0 (1) [1]
14 Malta 8-0 (2)
15 Switzerland 8-4
16 Australia 7-5

So paranthesis mean forfeit wins, brackets mean forfeit loss. I gave 4-0 for forfeit wins but if rounds won and loss are tied between teams, teams with no forfeit wins have the advantage.

Made this in 15 mins yet it takes Hentai 5 days to make his terrible random bracket. Good thing rounds won and loss aren't even considered. You're a fucking idiot hentai.
- Abusive behaviour towards any cup admin or opponent, at any time during the cup season, can be punished by the supervisor.

Guess it doesn't matter, you won't be in the cup for long however you said this :D
hey hentai, exhibition match: usa vs uk?
=oD rageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

GL vs germany!
Don't want to play us? At least we didn't lose a round to Canada.
We lost on a map we've played once or twice individually and never together. How terrible.
And you think Canada stratted that map with a bunch of players who play together once a week (match time?)
There are barely any nations that play anything other than officials. I don't see your point.
By once a week I meant once a week in the game. NA ET has been dead for about a year now. That means no teams except maybe 2 scrimming and by scrimming I mean organized pugging. You think it's easy playing with 6 guys who don't even play the game against players who play every day?
I never said it was easy...can we stop talking please, this conversation is confusing me >(
Against north-american teams this argument does not count.

(Canada never scrimed once lolz)
You would've lost against the great powers of Canada
"Hey hentai, you fucking anime porn watching faggot. Here is how the brackets should be."

make me smile even though i saw the USA flag
the main idea is good, but you cant play against poland again

the problem is about the playoff announcement, too late

we need adult cupadmins next time
Hey hentai, you fucking anime porn watching faggot.
Waiting for Japan vs Russia, see if the Russians decide to whine like little girls cause they have a high ping :)
gl rollstone
why do I have this strange feeling that everything has been done to make it easier for UK, from groups to playoffs, weird that playoff structure wasn't determined before..
somehow I feel that if UK wins, they're going to magically end up playing against the worst teams that are left(japan/russia or australia/chile) in the next round
exactly !:D
I think the only mistake cup admins did that they could not keep the playoff tree in secret till this announcement. I know some/all of the teams (like mine too) knew their next opponent more than a week ago.
Sadly some teams (like The Netherlands) had group games left, and they used this advantage (unfairly)...

By the way don't worry, if UK wins their next opponent will be Finland/Sweden...
Actually none of the teams knew who they'd be playing. I'd told some that it was likely to be A1 vs B2, B1 vs A2 etc. for CD, EF, GH, but we changed it for various reasons. Anyone who supposedly used this to their advantage will have gained nothing.
I don't really care, because to win the cup you have to win all games, for me it's just interesting that Netherlands The Netherlands suddenly lost their last group game by forfeit, and let Chile Chile win their group.

If this would not happen, actually the first opponent of Netherlands The Netherlands would be Australia Australia, and if the dutch guys would win that game, the Quarterfinal would be against the winner of Germany Germany vs. United States of America USA. So, almost sure that in a "normal" situation one of the Quarterfinals would be Germany Germany vs. Netherlands The Netherlands.

Also I remember what happened in the last ClanBase NationsCups with Netherlands The Netherlands:
- NationsCup XI
Germany GER 4-0 Netherlands NED

- NationsCup X
Germany GER 4-0 Netherlands NED

How interesting...
They had 5 players online on the day, most of which didn't want to play. It was a very last minute thing (date/time was forced, perfo had only come back from holiday that day etc.).
well in this case...............
Do you also remember the final we played against Germany?
Ye, I remember you can win against them only in the finals! So, meet them in the finals! :)
I'm a corrupt admin. Busted.
then gtfo gay anime animal porno addict
It was predominantly Netherlands Cash that created the bracket.
k so which players/ teams will be forced to use anti3? And who will have the authority to force someone?
what kind of question is that?
every player of every team participating in playoffs

authority? league organisators obviously
Those brackets look like they are set up so that some teams will meet up in the Final 4...

Also, the way Vader made those brackets are the correct way of doing it, But it is your cup lal.

Finland yet another time -_-
I think we'll have a good and fair match about who'll win the worst rifle of the match award.
Easy for tornis.
np, decem will own his own team with a panzer an we win...! :)
aha! maybe I dont take panzer then!!! or is this somekind of trick, you dont want me to take panzer as its too fearsome? hmm.. hard choice..
decem as ag0n wannabe? :DDdd dont expect another 5 panzer kills at a nc offi! ;D
"Hey hentai, you fucking anime porn watching faggot."
good to see Australia & Japan should make it to the final 8.
Would be nice if some1 makes a news or smth about Wooden Spoon Cup :)
nice ping 600 vs ping 700 will be so a fucking interesting game ..
Poland - Malta 4:0

Poland gonna win !
easy bash for belgium, they're gonna win all the games in there
rotfl thx for the easiest opponent for Poland ;) GL everyone!
expect a lot of hax movies after this match :P
go go switzerland <3
Netherlands NL is overrated. Australia Will take it.
wiesiek krisek sarna + 3 randoms from the list = easy

THX anti3 .... might be usefull might be not
GL rollstone!!"#!"#!#! im ur fanbo!"#!"#!"#

*self fanboing*
Don't worry man, I'm here too! LOL!
denmark isnt playing coz we dont want to own you all nP xD
no more anime porn for hentai :'(
Should play Japan vs Russia on a central USA server rather than the western USA server that Japan and Australia have been playing on. It would mean Russia with 150-200 pings and Japan with 200 pings. I'm sure a server can be organised... otherwise I don't think we will hear the end of Russiahummel's whine if they lose with extra ping.

Chile vs Australia should be good if it's played on the western USA server.
Is there really no decent routing between Russia and Japan? :X
Great methodology there, "hey guys lets waste resources because we can". May aswell give up researching sustainable development, professor Rhand is here to teach us the way of wasting.

Although seriously, you are just nitpciking, I don't use irssi solely because I save ram (may I remind you that not everybody has 2/4gb ram?) it's just an added bonus.
the reply button is at the top right of each post :P
he wasnt even making a reply, he just seemed to copy paste what i said randomly with no input of his own ;_;
so he failed at quoting too :/
be easy in semi-final, right after... Harder with Germany :)
if evertyone should suck my balls i can come for 2 weaks
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