Crossfire Reaction To anti3 Leak

image: nc

In competing in the Crossfire Nations Cup both Aza and teKoa agreed to abide by the competition rules, and in turn the anti3 T&C. In doing this, they agreed to not leak and / or share their anti3 client with anyone. It has come to light that both teKoa and Aza leaked their clients, spreading it around irc and

At best this was inherently childish and disrespectful to the anti3 dev team, at worst it was a malicious attempt to sabotage a new ET anti-cheat.

And as such teKoa has been disqualified from competing in this seasons Nations Cup and banned from Crossfire for 3 months, and all subsequent Crossfire hosted and affiliated tournaments during this period. As he is currently perm banned from Crossfire, Aza should never have competed for team Netherlands in this tournament - and we apologise for this mistake on our side. He continues to be banned.

It's sad to see that the '3v3 World Cup' successfully adhered to the anti3 'no leak' policy, whilst it's more prominent 6v6 counterpart obviously couldn't.

Crossfire accepts that the Netherlands team as a whole and their captain perfo did what they could to avoid this, and as such Crossfire chose not to punish the Netherlands team. However, as both Aza and teKoa where disqualified from playing, the Dutch team where unable to find adequate substitutes to field a team. Meaning that team Hungary will progress to the next round following a default win.

Crossfire will remind all players competing that only they and their clan leader should ever have access to the client download link. And only the player should download it. anti3 and Crossfire both monitor who has accessed the client. Any player caught leaking their client will also receive a 3 months ban from Crossfire and all hosted and / or affiliated competitions.

Anti3 have also stated they will not be allowing teKoa or Aza to use any further private anti3 client.
QuoteAs he is currently perm banned from Crossfire, aza should never have competed for team Netherlands in this tournament - and we apologise for this mistake on our side. He continues to be banned.

lol what, why was he perm banned in the first place?

be aware I am not ciriticizing the decision, it is probably the right one

had teKoa (and to some extent aza) stuck with his original plan to make a statement about refusing to play and not publicly linked his anti3 download then it would be a different story but yeah, linking it around is just fucking things up for everyone else
For reasons such as tonight, but hes agrophobic so we should make excuses for him being a dick - its not that he just wont show up to lan
If you get banned @ Crossfire because of spam you might not be able to play NC? :D
Am i missunderstanding this point?

Good decision!
Aza isn't exactly banned for spam, if you catch my drift.
Yes, i expected that, but it was rather meant as an example. If you are banned here because of spam, you aren't able to play CF NC?
Doubt it, since spambans usely last only a handful of days.
Yeah, true... But what about racism & all that stuff... I'd be interested to know that if those things could cause a ban @ Crossfire Cups.
I think so, yes. Probably just using aza as an example here. Best watch out for warning points.
Yeah since i'll never play NC that rule doesn't apply for me. :-D
you might become the next star player :O
I am already, but sshhh...
i always knew ur a hidden star!
spam is different.
LoL like they care for being banned from CF, haha
Only 3 months? I mean they will be able to play at next cups (except next cdc) -.- They should be banned also at next online cf tournament (doesn't matter when )
Trying to destroy a new anticheat system is worth a longer ban!
Specially from top players (didnt get surprised from the AzA side.. he was hacking in the past, im sure!) but is really sad to see such a good player like teKoa doing this.

Anyway i just wanted to state that the ban means NOTHING for them. Look, leaking the anti3/getting banned means that they (specially aza) dont need to show their real skill, means that they cant play next lan (OH NOES... aza never attended to cpc..eventhough it is at his own country) and means they cant spam crossfire (orly? tekoa never writes too much.. and aza is banned since ever -.-). They should get banned to next 1 or 2 Online and offline competitions.
Yep, thats the point. They have to get banned at further Online competitions.
teKoa good or not, he's a fucking moron
cdc will be announced three months in advance so ...
Like aza was going to CDC anyway ;o
Good decission. Crossfire getting rid of cheaters and cheaterlovers, good riddance.
chapleja is a cheater
and made quiet nice some of money from it :~>

you know...
this is remind me WW2
after the WW2, USA and RUS were in the hunt of german scientist in order to create new technology, and they wanted a specific scientist, for got his german name, the one who planned the V-2 rockets.
well after they cupture him, they had a moral question. use him to create rocket technology, or kill him for his war crimes.
well we all know what happened in the end, but the bottom line is:
never trust a nazi
same goes for cheaters espcially ones who made money from it
chaplja proved hes trustworthy imo.
your story was quite, useless (no offence).
thats what they said on hitler !
i dont see what hitler was to do with stuff like this.
then you arent rly someone who is worth explaining
when you plan defence you dont take in minde things that are obvious

look at it from the outside
a cheat coder building an anti cheat
this is scream for loling and failing
but this community is too blinde to see what will happen, its like i will them them they will die tomorrow, they wont want to believe, so now they dont want to believe but they will see !

"you plan defence you dont take in minde things that are obvious" - you dont? its obvious to take obvious things in mind, cause they are bound to happen, haha!

"its like i will them them they will die tomorrow, they wont want to believe, so now they dont want to believe but they will see !" - erm..?
ahi u dont like at it that way
some peoples trust him because he "proved him"
but the majority trust him because there is no other option
we are forced to, and its the only chance
smoh alay v-tizkor ksheani aomer leha
ze itpotzetz lahem bapanim =)
its not, even if he code a cheat and then he will be able to create a bod and only this bot works, still the rest of the bots wont work, there will be only one bot available on the game, and ever other code in ET that was created wont work
sababa ze adif m-100 botimg, aval adayin
ao ziyen aotanu batahat :XD
Wernher von Braun is the guy you got in mind.

And kudos for apllying Godwin's law so very quickly.
if im not mistaken, chaplja coded mainly free linux cheats and was against selling cheats.
you have no clue...tell me how does someone make money on free cheats?

and for the love of sanity, try to work on your english and spelling, it's not that hard, just check the words you don't know on google
chaplja didn't make any money with it.
he didn't even support cheating in cw's.
and i guess almost all of those who know chaplja a bit know that he's trustworthy and that anti3/etace is not some kind of evil plan.

and even if this was the problem for them, they should not have used it but not fucked the whole project up.
btw imho its not a crime to develop new technologies!! people who use the developed technologie to kill people are criminal!
Using forced laborers from concentration camp is a crime though.
von braun was more a pioneering rocket engineer rather than a dedicated nazi. he was indoctrinated into the SS else if he didn't the Riech threatened to cut off all his funding.

his dream was to get the first rocket into space which the russians (Sergei Korolev) beat, then be the first man to have a rocket land on the moon.

i know you're naturally anti-germany, but luckily sweeping statements are easy to defend against.
that scientist had caves where his workers work there till they died
jews and russians and many pow
and he knew thousends dying there but he didnt stop it cuz he wanted his missile to be ready
im not anti german, most of my e-friends are from germany and they can say to you how much i respect them :D

i implore you to watch these 4 docu-dramas

maybe you only need to see the first one, but i can't recommend them enough
nah i know everything i need from home ;D
my brother build missiles and spaceships for the army :~>
Yeah all scientists were true sadists that gained pleasure from using slaves... Dude don't know if you know anything about GULAG archipelago and slavery over there created by russians... it's been much bigger and more fucked up stuff
i didnt said that
i said that they knew what happened to all slaves
and imo stalin was not as bad as hitler and i know what is gulag :~>
No, Stalin was well worse, but Russia came up from the war as a winner and as the unfortunately truthful saying goes "History is written by the winners" the hype about Stalin's crimes, cruelty etc was nowhere near as big as the one about nazi's deeds.
yep i know what you mean ;)
Should get rid of you as well. Cheater.
Technically, I'm an ex-cheater.
Retarded cheater.
more important: what about clanbase? wondering because killerboy claimed that anyone leaking anti3 will receive a cb ban.
clearly he was bluffing, he has no power to do that
Leaking an anti cheat device, making it possible for cheaters to find a way around this program very soon. I'm pretty sure you could get a ban for that.
There is no rule against such a thing
There was also a rule that banning people by a demo wasn't enough proof but those rules have also been broken.
Im just saying that there might be a chance.
eh what

banning by demo is allowed if it's obvious, read the clanbase c&a rules :\
Ok my bad,

but it's still possible x|
Already in 2006 there were people banned because of demos.
I hope there is, I know they are your friends but this was one plain retarded thing to do.
On the ClanBase website, IRC, email or talk during the game
ClanBase takes action against the following abusive behaviour:
Promoting cheats or contributing to their spread.

and if you think thats not enough, it will be easy to add/edit a new rule to "leaking a-c software".
how do you know that:D
Good job but they should be banned a longer time. And maybe even CB banned. Players like these who are ruining the game should not be allowed in any competition.
Excuse my ignorance; but what is anti3?
some kind of new "wonder anticheat"
I heard it was some newly discovered planet next to Mars.
is it pink???!!
second. and also, how can a client be leaked, why the client shouldnt be downloaded - shortly: could somebody explain whats going on in other words? :)
Quote by chapljaAnti3 we made for the nationscup playoffs works on such a way that everyone has his own version of anti3 which acts like his guid. Also, nobody is allowed to share it with anybody else, for obvious reasons (we don't want cheat coders to get it, which they did now).
So what are the possible ramifications of cheat coders having player x & y's anti3's?

Surely a cheat coder having your GUID is no big deal?
well its the uniqueness of each anti3 build which makes it almost impossible to crack in a short amount of time, the more anti3 builds they have the more they can compare and figure out a way to crack it
anticheat tool that checks through your PC's memory and examines if some strange progs are interfering with ET
that's pb, m8!
actually this is what pb should do, but it doesn't... that's why it sucks so hard
need longer ban and KB to ban them @ CB
That chess game was epic, I tell you!
with a bit of dutch touch, everything is epic!
cant disagree on that.
btw nice sprees from second spawnway on goldrush against SWE ;)
Can't say im surprised by the two in question, if anything the ban is a little short.
where do i download this shit? apparently i need to turn it on else i can't play tomorrow..
whole teams's anti3 is given 15 minutes before the match.
Apparently people complain about the tool causing lag so why can't you get it earlier to pracc with it?
to ensure that no leaking & cracking is being done.

we got it like 30 mins before the match so we were able to play one map while having it running. was fine for me atleast.
it doesnt cause lag. its shit servers & pb what causes the lag.
Doesn't cause lag. ITS PB THAT CAUSES LAG


now slap yourself and wake up..
Rebel is living a dream =)
Go back to tecktonik, you utter faggot
Why, is it that good?
You tell me - Mr." Yo do you know nice tecktonik songs pls"
You couldn't tell me any, so I till don't have any tektonik.
Fuck yeah I couldn't tell any, does it look like I'm the kind of person wearing a pink mohawk and chess-striped-strass shirts ? :(
Don't know how you look like and thinking like that is stupid.
"does it look"

Didn't say "Do I"

Anyway we're going away from our main subject : Flame on the internet !
Now shut the fuck up and look at those damn quotes ( " " if you're too damn retarded to see what I'm talking about) , you tardcunt.
are you actually attempting to flame me you miserebable french frog ill snap your arms of and fucking cook them you little twat
"you miserebable french frog ill snap your arms of and fucking cook them you little twat"

I just shat my pants
shut up and eat frog
tg campagnard :D
Let him be, he obviously doesn't get it.
So do we have any idea on the amount of damage this leaking has done on the project of Anti3?
well it pretty much only gave ones wanting to hack it more time to do that. whether its nC or some cheater playing the nationscup or whatever.
So its not like all the work done on it has been done for nothing now already...because that is what would suck most, if all the work would be for nothing now.
Actually waiting for pansemuckl to make some kind of superior statement now on nC
Quote by PansemucklnetCoders is looking forward to checkout ET-ACE as soon as possible. We already got our hands on Anti3 (too bad that non-cheaters do leak aswell) and its too easy to bypass. Even bani (ETPRO coder) considered their anti-cheat effort as too weak to be implemented to ETPRO. Apparently there is some sort of cooperation, but is scared of these people anyhow.
It was posted for more than one week ago.
sry for not beeing informed about the latest hax
Just wanted to underline that this statement wasn't in any relation to the latest happenings.
i don't understand :

you get your own anti 3 client before match ,it has it's own ID / GUID for each person.
Then you stick with this one ? or you get new one every match ?

Tekoa + Aza -- they posted their almost full guids/id's of personal anti3 client.
so happens now ? someone can log as them and fake them ?

if cheater gets anti3 before match ,puts that into clean et folder ,plays match ,after that
gives his details to nC + his mates do the same .
assuming last paragraph : anyone can leak it to nC ?

the problem is that I don't understand how it works so ive just written what I understood.

if Im correct , they have no influence on anti3 being leaked to nC ,as anyone can get it and hand over to coders.

From what I have read everyone has there own so that you stick with that GUID / ID forever. Well anyone who is in the nC tourny. ofc though they will be found immeaditly.

From what I understand.
Yes, you usually stick with the same Anti3 you had in your first match. On relative isolated situations we could ask a player to download a new Anti3 before his second/etc match. Aza & Tekoa's accounts are known to be leaked, so they won't be accused of cheating if someone else cheats using their copies.

As about the other issue. It has always been our rules that leaking is punished. If somebody leaks without getting caught, good for him and bad for us. It's not the end of the world however, and, as they say here, "It's illegal only if you're caught" (about underage drinking, for some reason you need to be 21 to drink alcohol in the USA).

Quote by Anti3 license agreementThe Software may not be decompiled, disassembled, reverse engineered, redistributed (in any form), modified in any way or used to create derivative works.

Since they broke the rules and got caught (well.. it was quite public anyway), they ought to be punished.
Aza & Tekoa's accounts are known to be leaked, so they won't be accused of cheating if someone else cheats using their copies.

fuck yeah!
i guess for them 2 (at least aza) its better coz they can feel safe now lulz ;<
i dont rly care about any of this tbh :P i just thought ur "fuck yeah" reaction hilarious =D
QuoteAza & Tekoa's accounts are known to be leaked, so they won't be accused of cheating if someone else cheats using their copies.

But that would be the best punishment I suppose. You leak - you lose :D
Eh, they got their punishment, at least for the time being. Punishing them for something we don't know they did (cheating) would be unfair.
now I understand Quad :)
Quoteabout underage drinking, for some reason you need to be 21 to drink alcohol in the USA

Too young to drink a beer = Old enough to be sent to war.

GREAT country :)
Why would TeKoa do that though? Thats what I don't understand :<.
From what I myself have seen posted on, Tekoa's involvement is a bit uncertain, he shared his Anti3 with Aza, Aza was the one who made it public. He was probably unaware of what Aza would do with the information, or at least that's what he claims (we can never be sure, can we? There's always the possibility that there's an evil plan behind all this). Anyhow, by doing that he broke the rules, and ought to be punished.

Quote by panse
Its a matter of fact that a group of bot customers actually scored on a high level competition But of course, I cant tell any details. The league is full of cheaters, and -sorry to say so- only the dumb ones are getting caught Too bad I cant tell how many prices bot already won ...
grow his e-penis some more by quoting such utter bullshit, plx.
if a guy is trying to destroy or manipulate an anti cheat softwaere, t smay be for som personal reasons....

The hole wolfenstein enemy territory is fighting against all these cheats.
and anyone who support this coders, hackers, have to be banned also.
but 3 month...
what are 3 month in an career for more than years?
may be, u should banned for competitions and cups. but not for a time....

the best think for a gamer is ofc, to play at NC EC or at the lans.

in my opinion, don t say 3 month, say next NC EC seasons
Which i don't seem to get is that, noone is forced to play this game, and if you really don't like the game then why ruin it for the rest. Just don't play it or don't join the competition you dislike. It seems as a joke to the guys fucking around with this shit but that's afterall what's killing the game, people just lose respect to the game cause the ''higher'' players do such things.

As much as people tend to say ET is dead, obviously it's not even near as active as it was years ago but there are still people who enjoy/like playing the game and why not let them play it?
inFi with that statement, you just allow cheatarssssss!!!!
i honestly don't care about cheaters anymore, cause its just 1 big paranoia nowadays. Obviously the less cheaters the better but it's all fucked up cause stuff like stated in the column. I find ''high skillers'' doing things like that more depressing than the whole cheater bullshit.
well said.
Because the people cheating are the ones who WANT to play the game and probably tried their very best but still BLEW. So after they couldn't win fair they started cheating because they were terrible.
How many cheaters have you seen use the "I don't care, I do it for fun" card? They care more than everyone else. Why do you think cheaters take their time to BUY (YES PAY FOR A FREE GAME) undetected cheats just to be somewhat decent (not even close cuz most cheaters are RETARDED and way too obvious.) If they were cheating for fun, it would be on some random 2.55 shrub server.
It makes them mad when they can't win something, even by cheating. Too bad there are people like tekoa and wrobbel or w/e who obviously support cheating. People like them should be banned for life from ANY kind of competition in ANY game.
i totally agree with you, but i find it much much more dissapointinting to see known people do silly things like that, rather than finding out there's like 50 new ppl been busted.
Et is dead -.-
should be a way longer ban if u ask me
tomb me up man, stfu here :D
QuoteAs he is currently perm banned from Crossfire, Aza should never have competed for team Netherlands in this tournament

To my knowledge Aza was at the time permanently banned for spamming. Hardly a reason to not allow a player to play in tournaments.

However, his current action does deserve a big fat ban imo. And shame on you tekoa. tsk.
some of his accounts aren't banned
oh shit, insider info!!!!
and why does it matter if some of his fake accounts aren't banned?
like we actually have time to ban any one of his accounts, considering the fact that you cant get much more nolife than what he is. :(
Whats Going on Eh?
I received this anti3 yesterday for the nc game. There I was told to use it. Now my question is: From when will it be obligitary to use it, I mean in normal clanwars, funwars, public etc. ? And how can I check that the others on the server use it or will you be kicked from the anti3 cheat installed server if you dont have it activated ?
ofc you don't need it in funwars :) and ofc not in public
but I mean 90% of all etwars are funwars and even there you wish to play vs cheatfree opponents, so I'm not really satisfied yet =)
it's a CB rule, not a universal rule..
how exactly anti3 works? will it be usefull in noncompetetive wars and become complete anti cheat like pb was since cheaters amount become disaster?
ask killerboy
anti3 is just for the NC playoffs. its going to be integrated as AC on the new mod, et-ace.
ah I see thats what I wanted to know
banned from cdc aswell? oh sorry, aza doesn't go to cdc :<
should be 1year ban AT LEAST.
Loctarar saw the sourcecode. Quad saw the sourcecode. Bani - etpro saw the sourcecode, (he works with Microsoft, do don't even say he might be a nooby coder"
That comment made so much sense.

Are you kidding or are you really that fucking dumb? :D
I think u didn't understand me completely :P

QuoteAza should never have competed for team Netherlands in this tournament

just already when he started to play for NL. Ofc after he did this he must get banned.


I dont care about ET that much anymore.. But whenever wolfenstein comes out, and you(in general) are cheating, in my precious game and time, i will find you.. beat the shit out of you, then trow u in my trunk and go for a drive >_<

i'd pay to watch that :D
it was already leaked 5 days wasn't it?
hes prolly an nC customer, or pansemuckl believer... i don't think anti3 was given 5 days ago anyway
well maybe it wasnt the side-along client but the code was afaik
wtf are you talking about? anti3 code was never leaked
and i thought tekoa was a really nice guy
tekoa your my hero.
surprise surprise
And the Awards for the two biggest retards that should be raped by 1000 black men go to........
hmm thing about 1000 black mens is tempting :)
ban em all !!!
jeroem :o)
Aza is a fag anyway, big ego big mouth and most likely ugly as hell
Please, you don't has any clues.
ban them from CDC aswell, oh wait .. aza ..
Oh my sir, your almost funny.
that post is full of nothing but lies about anti3
fair enough. good to hear
A retarded vagina.
Stfu he'll snap your arms of and fucking cook them you little twat
wtf is this anti3?
its like tequila but for computergeeks who dont like fresh air
fuckin nabs these two idiots!
Boe fucking hoe.

Ban the 2 moron's and get over it.
not funny hidiot
teKoa fuckin rules with pistol.
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