CB Fall Season Signups Close

image: ecxviiilogo_big

Signups for the Fall Season of the ClanBase Enemy Territory EuroCup and OpenCup are now closed. A total 259 clans have signed up to compete - somewhat down on previous years highs, though still one of ClanBase's top games.

This past month has seen a number of big names return to the game in order to compete in EC and CC5. Notable names for this seasons EC include mamut, TLR, Vicious and Evil, HighBot, Overload, Authentic and Fear Factory.

  • Creating groups & EC invitations/qualifiers - 8th until the 13th of September
  • Qualifier Week For Eurocup - 14th untill the 24th of September
  • OpenCup groups And Eurocup Groups Online - 25th of September
  • First matchweek Starts - 26th of September
  • Season ending - 21st of December

]Austria Team inTro
Belgium Overload
Belgium System6 Gaming
Czech Republic NecroRaisers
Czech Republic Regnet tym
Czech Republic Release Candidate
Czech Republic NL
Germany angelDust
Germany Art of Wolfenstein
Germany fanatic-Gaming
Germany HighBot
Germany Mighty Esports
Germany Plasa
Germany PowerMaurerClanGermany
Germany roYality e-Sports
Estonia Squad.ee
Estonia epicAimers
Estonia MightyMonkeys
Spain uNik
Finland Incomplete
Finland pajatus
Finland turboApinat
Finland Ratkiriemukkaat
France dESIRE
France Force Attaque Manoeuvre
France Freshcore
France gi'team
France sAN08
France muse-gaming
France uNhit
Greece Team-gr8
Croatia Cortana
Hungary Overdose-Gaming
Italy extreme soldiers
Netherlands accurate
Netherlands dNan
Netherlands DragonballZ
Netherlands uQuk
Poland 7-Sins
Poland 7-sins
Poland aerials
Poland Authentic Gaming
Poland dECLINE
Poland eXert
Poland Feat Factory
Poland invitium
Poland ISR
Poland Kolorowo Kredki
Poland peXg
Poland re-play devilry
Poland sKyrocket
Poland tempus moriendi
Sweden abSence
Sweden disposable
Slovenia mamut.si
United Kingdom The Gathering
United States of America InterNetz
Benelux 8Bits FiF Green
Benelux AntiClimax
Benelux krauts
Europe aMenti / TLR
Europe We Never Cheat
Europe emagine
Europe 4evolution
Europe Aero #2
Europe Aero #1
Europe Chubby In Its Infancies
Europe cornu
Europe cs3r
Europe DreamTeam
Europe European frAg
Europe Featless
Europe for teh w!n
Europe iDeal.esports
Europe Jacks
Europe Kruger
Europe re-play
Europe Regulators
Europe Royal Knighs
Europe Sixpack Gaming
Europe TAG
Europe g.spot
Europe Vicious and Evil
Europe zOhMyFuckingGod
Europe Polar
Europe sienihermannit

Find a full list of the teams signed up for OpenCup on the ClanBase ET page.
United States of America Internetz! for EC. :DD
lol at the amount of Poland that signed up for EC. All EC worthy...
! Looking forward to the fuckups of every year :d
! Looking forward to your whine of every year :d
Hmm... I don't really know any of the teams on that list.

its missing Anonymous S. N. Battalion btw.
Always Fins with the retarded names :~)
its kolrowe kredki i think not kolorowo, but maybe im wrong
Wow thats a lot of teams signed for EC
wasnt there another aD team yesterday?
accurate leave aD
quite fast isnt it?
we (accurate) joined them, but after joining we noticed that aD had 2 (ex)cheaters in chare sprno and junky so we left them inmediatly
1/20 of thoose teams are ec worthy :XD
u forgot polar! :(
Fame whores, you would've posted a news if true :p
the signup is true, the lineup might not be ;D
its a late signup, we still need time for a newspost!

its definetely no fake ;p
lies, all lies
i lold ...
What's your lineup meight? :-)
they dont have one basically, toxic is desperately trying to scramble players together it seems
Poland have the most teams again
"Though it would appear reigning ET champions The Last Resort have failed to signup."

they signed up as aMenti
So they did...

197 aMenti [Third place EuroCup XV - Enemy Territory Third place EuroCup XIV - Enemy Territory Second place EuroCup XIII - Enemy Territory] Europe 0 / 0 10 No

Maybe they couldnt field a lineup after all and didnt want to take part with random mercs!
they signed up before you could choose between yes/no/only for EC and after those options came every team already signed up got it set to "No" by default

that's why some EC worthy teams still got the option "No" for EC
" signed up got it set to "No" by default"

it's set to "Wants"
No, the teams that were already signupped before this choosing options was added got put to "No".
86 teams wanna go EC :-)
France San08 - Since when EC is low+?
half of those teams there would even fail miserably in the OC premiere
Most of those teams are shit anyway :)
Before crying like a retard (oh wait, you're one?), you could have used your brain, couldn't you? You would have noticed that it was a mistake.

But thanks! You've, at least, wrote our team name properly!
haha Sir, it's always nice to see how fuckin serious the ppl take someone'ss comments. someone felt offened, palim palim! :DDDDD
Then go back to school and, this time, don't miss the lessons about irony
lol suddenly, of course. gtfo :{
C'est une erreur, vous êtes pas reg. pour les quali EC, c'est ca ?

Did I say that? No, I didn't.

I just said it was a mistake (from Patriot I believe) = we don't want to play EC

I guess he didn't give attention to that
Stop acting all rageful on the internet whenever someone asks a question k, thx :|
Am I really "rageful" when I answer :L? I just like to be clear, nothing more tbh
Did I say that? No, I didn't.

Quite offensive when my question is purely objective and not ironic, but that's my PoV
Yes, you did :(.

But, maybe because you asked it in a way I didn't like?

Quote by xed0swork out your own comments lametard...
"Did I say that? No, I didn't."

Is a quote from your comment above.
I don't see any "rage" in that answer, nor anger

anyway, who cares? ^_^
You make it sound like you're talking from an upper point and that is extremely irritating, but yeah, who cares, bibuy
Why does everyone think he is EC worthy or has to try to get into EC no matter what skill the team actually has? It only means more work for the admins, which could result in a delay for EC as well as OC.
cause then they can say "look i played EC, im high now"
have to agree with this one, but they thought ET is dead and EC is for low+ skills now=)
rofl at internetz watch them hack there way EC XD
Im on Mamut now....so watch it buds.


Also, does anyone else get that their pb guid is invalid when trying to enter it to Clanbase? This is getting fucking annoying... can anyone help a brother in need?
its 32 characters. /pb_myguid in console
Yeah i did that, said it was invalid...i'll have to try again.
yes we wanna play EC! :D
oc 2nd division max mister sergi!
gl in OC premier
NL & RC ?? GL
Since everyone is signing up for EC or OC premier.....
I think the "least skilled" div's in OC will be the new challange next time(begging for "the pro's" help:P)
team-gr8 xDDDDD
Imo let every team play a qualifier that signed up for EC, but who you guys think they need to show them first if they are good or bad ..

So just 10 teams with direct invite or more i dont know and the rest just play EC Qual.

I know many guys will whine, but this is the best way to pick up those new teams who are ec worthy ...
last time there were EC qualifiers
What about making a cup only to select what teams will play the qualifiers... bs
Yeah shattering idea using previous official results to judge activity, commitment & skill - not simply invite based on past reputation to fold 2 weeks later. toFour, ET-Cup... waste of time those where.

Ah yeah, CB doesn't do common sense no more... ~/
The main problem to do it is the time, in fact we have done it in the past (hi Cash). I sincerely think doing a cup will be the best method to select some teams or to get a clue about others.

Anyways, as every season, we will get whine doesn't matter which teams are selected, (you can make a search CF and read the comments from last EC seasons). Your "common sense" can be completely biased to the rest.

And about making a quick cup, remember some teams can have a bad day, not only the last result of a match matters.

Ps. I am still missing the journal when everyone is making his own list
Or some Poland teams can have a really good day!
Not whine, neutral critique, 'n you don't need to tell me 'bout the usual whine :~)

Don't think I suggested using a single cup to decide seeds 'n invites, course that would be daft. But you could've done more to encourage competitions prior to EC & make your life easier - & increased the general health of the scene.

That was smth CB used to be involved with. Now? Takes others to even promote your comps...
The main problem of the fall season is the summer and not all teams, in fact only a few, are active during the holidays, so it's really hard selecting teams by their latest months results and you know we must to look a bit ahead and consider also, not only their stability but their lineup and yes, why not, their results in other leagues, so yes any match played around matters.

Don't mistake yourself, EC is not my competition, I always felt it's the community one representing the top teams and we do our best to support and run it, and believe me, it has been always a great effort done by a bunch of nice guys spending a lot of hours and working for free.
your common sense seems to be off sometimes to, it bans innocent Belgium players * cough lio cough *
"Ps. I am still missing the journal when everyone is making his own list"


atleast there was some discussion about it (not many lists tho), but it dropped off from the list already so we'd either need a new one or that one stickied!
lol @ nl, regnet and rc xDDD

gl aMenti & mamut !
Authentic ?? Big name??
Fear Factory
aMenti / TLR
We Never Cheat
Vicious and Evil

Seems like a decent enough eurocup.

ps: change feat to fear ;D
It's the same in the newpost then, just copy pasted ^^
ah lol :D
accurate[/b] & angelDust[/b] o pls kevin! you must bE jOkInG!
:< no hate nigga
sorry, only love ! nIGGa<3
thats better now change ur comment into accurate is the best !
nice leaving polar out
As I said I copied from the list and you guys weren't in there.
ow, we actually arent in that list true, someone must edit the newspost lol
Make a newspost first! :DDd
idd nackskott and junky for eurocup
lal, fif owns a lot of that list... put them in!
haha thx :D <3 ;P xD
-angelDust +FiF Green
and polar must be in ofc :D
I suggest no direct invites, all qualifiers!
I suggest one big group of teams (like 32) and let them battle it off using a swiss system-style procedure!
erm, where the fuck is polar?
they dont take you serious :/(
right fucking there
Where's Imperox?
kapaa too low
erm, where the fuck is S. N. Battalion?

(works for polar apparently)
seems like pretty good season ! + There is/are always about 250 clans ,which is good thing

Need clan btw pm me here
from Poland:

7-Sins, aerials, dECLINE, eXert ,FINLEET, invitium, ISR, Kolorowo Kredki, peXg, sKyrocket

pls, mercy -.-
yes invitium and ?
Poland Dvk3 on 08/09/08, 16:26:05

a lot of ec wannabes
"+ for OC Premier / better teams. "

i see ur list :DDD
no jauhis @ ec :<
had to laugh at some of the "signups"
a lot of ec wannabes
wouuw.. there are still many teams playing this game :) ..wish luck all of you :)
lot of them go oc2 or smth pls, not ec
there is turboapinat!:D
don't think so as almost all of the EC teams are aiming for CC5 and I guess only the finals will be played after CC5
there is turboapinat!:D
aka team who raped u yesterday!
gL blitzi
Freshcore high skilled
you dont! i know everything!
hopefully they will make groups of 5 or 6 teams this year.
Netherlands DragonballZ will take it.
FranceuNhit Eliminate

hF EuropeaMenti/TLR BelgiumOVERLOAd & SloveniaNecroRaisers <3 filuS
CataloniaWinghaven Again Again
gl s6!
Freshcore and The Gathring?

Lol maybe we should all join EC
nothing personal but I expected to see skilled teams playing EC?
even if they have signed up for ec as "wants" but it still doesnt mean they get there? im pretty sure there will be skilled teams playing EC, why always this stupid flame?

Freschcore and The Gathring.
Dude check CB ladder to see their skill - both doing wars on that ladder
because if THEY are skilled (I played against both teams) then i must say mamut.si is overhigh++ or smt
You didnt get my point, read it again and then reply again.... I know that they are noobs but there arent any rules that you cant do "wants" EC or smth?? as far as i know... so ur flame is pretty stupid
lol dude if u think this EC looks good with those teams your kinda strange.
EC is for skilled teams as I see it. Then I can't see why teams like them should be playing it? because they ain't skilled @ all.

thats my point
no you still didnt get my point, i meant that why cant they put "ec wants" ? maybe they arent ec worthy but thats the way the might get the "oc premier league" i know few teams who did this for getting it.... and well. I still know that they arent ec worthy but there are plenty of teams who truely are... and even if they arent "known" but i would still call them ec worthy.
they aint EC whorthy, then I beated both teams with mine. and my truely opinion is that we aint good enough. so tell me how the fuck at least those 2 teams got in?

my sight of this:


and still doing by these retarded actions.
eh? THIS DOESNT MEAN THEY GOT IN? ARE YOU STUPID? :dD Tomorrow there will be @ 21.15CET wich teams gets direct and wich gets quali........ seems like you dont know shit about it. Next time come here and whine for those teams when you have better knowledge about it.
LOL CARE! I know its quali - but how the fuck they made it so far anyways? nobody knows!
lol ur so stupid... srsly :DD never seen such a stupid guy. YOU CAN SIGNUP FOR EC IF YOU WANT BUT THE 2ND THING IS THAT CAN YOU MAKE IT TO THERE, ONLY ADMINS DECIDES IN THE END IF YOU ARE EC WORTHY, signing up as "wants" doesnt have anything to do that how did they get so far... ur so stupid srsly :DD
LOOL - its stupid retard.
Why all teams can signup? fucking double work for admins ffs u dont get a shit what im telling u
many teams :S
gl nkNn
where is rize?
Excuse me... Why so many teams are signed up for the upcoming EC?

This is gettin' ridicilous... I smell some overestimating!
lol every team signed in? all die imo.

Europe mamut
Europe TLR
Europe polar
Finland V&E
Belgium overlaod
Poland FF ( come to cc5 aswell or go play 2nd div thx )

Europe Jacks
Europe S.N. Battalionline
Croatia cortana
France muse
France dESIRE
Finland Inc
Sweden dispo
Netherlands zeroE
Germany rY
Germany HB
Poland devilry
Poland Auth
Belgium FiFg
Europe TAG
Europe replay zZz

and some other team but these are more EC worthy imho
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