XF NC - The Results!

image: ncfinal

Belgium Belgium
Poland Poland
Germany Germany

This post should have been made a number of nights ago but an untimely format was needed on my computer, so it's only being posted at this stage!

Thanks again to everyone who took part in the competition and thanks to everyone who followed it from the early stages, all the way through to completion. We had some great games all the way through and for me, it was really fun to write about and watch.

After all was said and done, I asked Belgium Lio a few questions about the tournament in general and hopefully, someone from the Poland Polish team will do the same whenever they get round to reading their PM's. :D

One last thing I had in mind. Blatantly ripping off other tournaments, I decided that awards should/could be appropriate for the XF NC. Nothing too elaborate, just something to maybe point out the recognition/contribution of some people that would normally receive little credit for their actions.

The first stage of this process, would be nominations. Now I do have suggestions in mind but it would be nice to hear from the community as too who you would like to see nominated.

The Catergories would be:
  • Most Valuable Player
  • Most Underrated Player
  • Most Overrated Player

  • Best Engineer
  • Best Field-Ops
  • Best Medic

  • ???
Now with the last choice, I'm leaving that up to suggestions from you guys. Anything goes. I'll try to organize a prize or something as well for the best suggestion and the overall winner. It wouldn't be something major, maybe a BNC or a bag of Doritos. :P

Anyway, to send your suggestions just write the players you are nominating in a list, in the same order as I've laid them out above, with the final line consisting of your idea for the last award.

To send me your nominations, just send me a pm with the correct format I mentioned above and with the nominations I receive, I will compile a short list for the final round of casting votes.

I'll run the nominations to the weekend or the start of next week, I'm not sure yet. Depends what kind of response I get in the mean time.

As I said above, it's nothing too serious, only a bit of fun, so try not to get too worked up over the idea. :P
I really appreacite your effort in this Nationscup :p

We're still waiting for all the match reports!
Unfortunately, there probably won't be anymore added, as during the tournament, I ran out of help and as we progressed on, more and more people where able to watch the games and therefore the reports weren't actually needed to the same degree. :(
Na, I was joking mate :p You did a really good job in this NC.

Try to arrange a new one after CC5!
nice, make a new XF NC soon :) Team Hellas wanna play this time :D
with stable pings? ;p
I guess we would easily reach 999 on USA server against Japan ;<
We are on lan player only.
than is the win np4u ;p
I hope to see a good job from greek players at cc5 honestly !
if there are some ettvs avi, i gonna watch some matches
They will for sure.
GJ man!
I want that BNC btw :XDI
Maybe "Most dramatic action" + some demo/avi to it? :P I would like to see this
good to see some of the awards, hopefully some "lesser likes" may get some and not the usualy "mAus" type characters.



* Most Valuable Player - mAus
* Most Underrated Player lio
* Most Overrated Player mAus

* Best Engineer mAus
* Best Field-Ops mAus
* Best Medic mAus
categories: Most Watched Player mAus
Best alrounder player lio
Worst player mhm im not really gna say tht :S
Top player lio
most laggy player dono, ive only watched 1 nc match
+1 for best allrounder

Worst player : OBVIOUSLY bilgrim! xD (jk bil, you know i <3 u)

Bilgrim is team Ireland btw
yeah, help me get a bnc! :)
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all
mAus > all

PolandWiesiek > ALL
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PolandWiesiek > ALL
PolandWiesiek > ALL
and pedro next time you should save your power for doing a report only for semi finals / finals, i dont think every emember would care to read an quali game report!!!
Most entertaining player
that would be nice

could do most overrated and most underrated teams aswell.
underrated = the netherlands
they were more like overrated
overrated is the new underrated
Nice cup and good job done by all the admins. Next time tha Yermanz will be on top again!
Only if senji drago & urtier decide to make a resurrection!
I'll pray to the holy god of ET for that.
are you going to play rtcw2?
If it's good. xD
who needs them if u got duKe unterstrich
I smell some sarcasm, mister.
Germany is nothing without my support and you know it!
wash your teeth after licking the ass or your breath will smell like shit
* The biggest fail?
Best rifle: Netherlands Lun4t1C
Underrated (by you): Belgium jetro
most underratedreliable: teKoa & AzAtEj
Good Game All !

France FFS !
* Most Valuable Player chmpp
* Most Underrated Player chmpp
* Most Overrated Player chmpp

* Best Engineer chmpp
* Best Field-Ops chmpp
* Best Medic chmpp
hmmm... maybe we should do team of NC? we should vote for one player on one possition. Players should play min. 4 matches?
best player mAus and Lio
What happend to Fins? :l
Nominating the most overrated player is a bit hating tbh :)
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
Poland wiesiek most valuable player
mAus show as usual the power, but wiesiek play realy fantastic + japan power horse gabriel was good
Revelation Team = Chile :D
CZE tbh!
yes because we were only team that could beat BEL at least on one map! 2nd spot!
Idd thats why, was quite impressive imo
# Most Valuable Player Germany snoop
# Most Underrated Player Belgium lio
# Most Overrated Player Germany butchji

# Best Engineer /
# Best Field-Ops Belgium kevin
# Best Medic /

Only watched fin - ger and bel - pol though.
u need to watch pol vs. fin and bel vs. cze replay
and as always you're the only one on the whole forum to actually mean your comment
get a kitchen knife and cut your wrists plz
How can I be a cheater and be overrated?
You must have said this on purpose right? You can't possibly be that dumb.
Unfortunately I am.
I think you're a cheater, everybody else thinks you're oh so good. Hence you are the most overrated player. Taddaaaam. Why don't you follow the example of your teammate and run away from home for some days/weeks. I could do without your stupidity for a while.
I am pissing you off so much?
Irritating is the correct word.
Don't try to flatter me.


most overrated player is someone that people say its good,but after some games people realize that it wasnt as they expected
beeing overrated means that u suck,u are not good anymore for that level(evan if u was one of the best player in that game).in one word=failed to meet expectations
i really dont think this is ur case,as u was one of the best from ur team and from this nationscup.
people know u have a big ego,and they will hit with this things,because they know for sure u will react+some cant stand u for playing better
I was just referring to Rhand's profile. He put me on his cheaterlist or whatever.
yea,nice telling me now nab.just wasted 5 mins image: lolfall
gj poland, nice tournament without top players like kot
where's finland :s
I removed my finnish flag already
reasonable move there.
decem's FTP is down I think, so I'll just use my final one. :/

Was fine earlier. :(
XF NC - The Results! (1337 views, 65 comments)
Gratz Poland
A teraz kto jebie te mental retardy z cf niech sie podpisze =D
With all respect to bel, pol and ger, I would have to say if every country was playing with their best players.. it would have been a lot different
Germany winning again?
If if if...
Greece would win :D
Most underrated = Xanah.
# Best Cup coverage ever Scotland pedro!
* Most Valuable Player - mAus ofc/wiesiek
* Most Underrated Player - wiesiek/xanah
* Most Overrated Player - kevin/butchji

* Best Engineer - lio
* Best Field-Ops - snoop (dunno :<)
* Best Medic - aka rambo or teh reviver? mAus or wiesiek anyway, or mayb teh xanaCh
Everyone says I suck and still I'm overrated? That's just harsh :<
maybe because of the anti3 ?: <
# Most Valuable Player: mAus
# Most Underrated Player: Xanah
# Most Overrated Player: Kevin

# Best Engineer: ?
# Best Field-Ops: SnoOp ("?")
# Best Medic : Xanah
# Most Valuable Player: n00n
# Most Valuable Player : mAus (no doubt)
# Most Underrated Player : acid
# Most Overrated Player : wiesiek (too much)

# Best Engineer : vila
# Best Field-Ops : Snoop
# Best Medic : mAus (clearly)

#Most Valuable Player: mAus
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