RtCW-Cup II Reaches final stages

image: logo

RtCW-Cup II is down to its last few games, with United Kingdom =118= and Europe RAW meeting in the winners bracket final and Finland fixed against Europe No Pressure in the losers bracket Semi Final.

After some thrilling WTV games so far, seeing some of the tightest games ever in RtCW the next games should be no exception - both games should be played tonight, with the main event being shown on WTV.

United Kingdom =118=[/b]]
United Kingdom crumbs
Austria def
Netherlands juncie
United Kingdom MerlinatoR
Netherlands SeN
United Kingdom sharky

Europe RAW[/b]]
Netherlands abort
United Kingdom dictator
Belgium edge
Belgium kritos
Belgium mAx
Belgium viX

image: game6691

Please refer to the sticky thread to find out how to make WTV work! slots are limited to 50 on the WTV server so connect on time or early so you don't miss out.

sticky thread: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=18126

The Loser bracket Semi final features two teams who have played well most of the tournament, in which should be another good game - the winner of which will play the loser of the Winners Bracket Final to determine who progresses to the Grand final .. as you can see there arent many games left!

Finland Fixed[/b]]
Finland jonzi
Finland lettu
Finland nizou
Finland Mrm
Finland sipperi
Finland sirkka

Europe No Pressure[/b]]
Denmark ankel
Finland Jauhis
Norway Kris
Belgium syL
Denmark vaflor
Norway zerom

Final Score nP 4-2 fixed

We hope viewers have enjoyed past games, and enjoy the few remaining ones to come.

GL all

<3 RAW noobies :)
I don't have inet atm, I hope you won't miss me :p
forgot kritos in RAW :O
and who said that i am playing? i think lettu might be playing instead of me, which would be better choice anyway.
it was just a random selection pretty much of the players I knew. Sip informed me of the proper lineup. ;]
gLLL fiXeD
go nP ! :D
i really dont know whom i have to cheer for!
some real f*ucking thriller-games so far!

and I dont think anything will change tonight ! :P

hf gl for all, may teh best warpers and spammers win.
the best is so obviously you!
yea maybe on the warper-section :D
ty ^^

reinstallia niin kauan että toimiii ja pelailemaan rtcw:tä siitä itekki !
No annas linkit viel niihin päivityksiin!

ootko tsekannu ettet pääse servulle ?

matias ihmetteli nimittäi kans et mitä vittua ku ei päivitä ja sitte totes vähä ajan päästä et sillä oliki jo 1.4 :=)
No anna joku servun ip sit mitä voin koittaa :l
rtg - (OSP:n ainut aktiivinen pubi)
nyt se valittaa ettei mulla oo pb:tä :D
"You have been banned from this server"

:O :D
hmmm lol, et päässy ees servulle asti, ei näy PB kickkiä hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
pääsin jollekki random tj servulle kyl :d
hmmmmmmmmmm :d

noh katellaa jossai kohtia, sul on varmaa joku hax seriali sitte tai jotai. mutta ny päikkärit et jaksaa warppailla illalla vielä x)
pyh, ihan ostin pelin :<
Salee ostit, varastit kuitenkin.
gl to everyone except edge, cuz he won't need it 8)
Go rage those spammers!
wolftv is the worst thing ever, meah is the only thing there is for rtcw:[
Wow nice line up for all the team :D
goodluck to all
who is Belgium edge ?
YE,who the fuck is Belgiumedge & Belgiumkritos ?!?!?
Fucking nonames i guess !
same as gunner!!!! whos that? xd
and, who the fuck is Arick also?
gl 2 both,

Dictator vs Merlinator imo :)
COME ON RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gl to both teams is nice to see the tourny goin well

Wales diccie ftw though :O)
ggs, was a very good game, nailbiting no doubt for both teams.

gl in the LB Final.
same here, awesome games with nP, 1-1 base, 1-1 ice after thrilling rounds, 0-2 village :)

wp 118 & np and GL in teh grande finale
gg, enjoyed that :)
gg, soz for the lags and delay & thanks for patience ;(
wow, nice lineup from nP :)
Hmmm, sounds like a nice match. Too bad I missed it. Didn't know there are still RtCW tournaments.
with ubershitty camming :---C
The camming somehow managed to avoid any decent moments by exactly 1 second every time. But apart from that it was decent
Blame me, everyone else does, but heh, I try my best :)
nah it was bad luck more than anything :p
Sipperi just shut the fuck up, do you realise how much work went into setting up the wolftv server and what it costs to host servers?, (all paid out of my own pocket I may add, no donations/contributions) and all for the good of the remaining RtCW community.

Your attempt at caming the final was nothing more than a disgrace and if you bad mouth me again you will be banned from any further woftv events.
GL Netherlands SeN <3333333
we won already :P thanks though :)
needs moar wtv slots for final!
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