TLR ET Ranking

image: ajv56x

Today the TLR crew is proud to announce its first edition of a monthly top ten ranking for Enemy Territory. As any competitive community has such a ranking available it was about time to bring such a feature in. Furthermore the competitive scene itself became active again troughout the last months as hot events such as the Crossfire Challenge 5, ClanBase EuroCup and NecroRaiser's highly prized ET Cup have been announced and are about to start. With top teams competing again the need for a rating and the motivation to actually do it, raised even more.

We have chosen a system in which a community expert panel consisting of 13 known characters within competitive ET finds a final top ten ranking rating the teams by current and potential strength. The expert panel members are taken from different parts of our scene to represent the opinion of the community as a whole.

  • United Kingdom hentai (Crossfire)
  • Finland decem (Crossfire)
  • Scotland pedro (Crossfire)
  • Germany swine (Crossfire)
  • Netherlands Lightning (TLR)
  • Germany butchji (TLR)
  • Malta toxic (FatGames)
  • Poland kot (Re-Play)
  • Belgium lio (Overload)
  • Netherlands Sainted (Overload)
  • Finland chmpp (Vicious&Evil)
  • Czech Republic smOke (
  • Malta KiLl3rBoY (ClanBase)

Quote by TLR|boLately the idea came to my mind to create a ranking for Enemy Territory like every other competitive gaming scene has got. The CoD4 Ranking by could be taken as an example for that project. Some may even remember that one-time ranking back in the days introduced by evan. Such a ranking could be useful for teams which are in the need of support for e.g. CC5 to show potential partners how they are rated within the community. Next to that it could bring further motivation for teams to practice harder and improve their position. In addition to that will it of course animate to discuss, which is an important part for an online community.

As the fall season with EC, CC5 and NR's ET Cup has yet not even started really, the ranking will of course not be as accurate as possible. Nevertheless, there has never been a ranking everyone agreed with and somewhere has to be the beginning. It will be exciting to see whether the teams can live up to the expactations or not. As it is planned to continue that ranking on a monthly basis, we are able to implement all changes, results and archievements in later editions. Since some teams got just created for EC and CC5 and not every team took part in every offline and online competition, it is impossible to rate the teams on their performances during official matches or to calculate their position with a system like the G7 Teams are using. Therefore we have build a kind of expert panel which should include the opinions of the top players as well as the scene volunteers to represent the community as a whole.

The Ranking:
  • Europe TLR.AMD[/b] 125]
    Lineup: Clown, dAv1d, Lightning, Matias, mAus, Winghaven, butchji
    IRC: #TheLastResort

    Quote by TLR|boTLR have been voted to the top of the ranking. CC5 and EC will show if they can live up to the expectations and repeat former successes.

  • Slovenia Team[/b] 104]
    Lineup: JaKaZc, Night, r3vers, RELOAd, senji, urtier

    Quote by TLR|LightningFormer lineup returning to the scene and many are tipping them as the fighter for the title of EC and CC5 but the current state of the team doesn't show that they are ready for it. For to fight for the title there needs to be a lot of praccing going on but if they can get that going then for sure they are ready for the fight.

  • Belgium Overload Gaming[/b] 84]
    Lineup: acid, jetro, Kevin, lio, mesq, vila, zeto
    IRC: #Overload

    Quote by TLR|LightningThe Belgium Flower house, 'All whine no skill' could be their motto but looking on how long they've been together, it wouldn't be a surprise that teamplay could get a long way, after always grabbing next to the prizes we'll see yet again a year of grabbing next to it. But the teamplay will at least let them fight for top 5.

  • Finland Vicious & Evil[/b] 82]
    Lineup: twidi, lettu, mikza, squall, iron, chmpp, cadein
    IRC: #vae

    Quote by TLR|LightningA team from Finland playing under the German flag put a team on the field that played a lot of games together in previous teams or in the nation team. To put it short they've been around for a long time only the big prizes haven't been there yet maybe they can do it this year but I think parodia will still stay number 1 team of Finland after this year.

  • Europe Team FatGames[/b] 75]
    Lineup: toxic, snoop, syK, teKoa, m1lk, Tiigeri, mystic, Mztik, jauhis
    IRC: #FatGames

    Quote by TLR|LightningA new team on the block even though you can't really call it a team yet since the players playing in it have been changed just some days ago but the players they got will for sure be good enough to make it an interesting team for this season. With toxic as candidate for most overrated player as captain, what could go wrong?

  • Poland Fear Factory X-Fi[/b] 67]
    Lineup: Wrobel, wiesiek, Templar, Xanah, wiadro, dvk3

    Quote by TLR|LightningFear Factory also know as Cheat Factory. They won't be happy with all the different names they get but it's all their own fault after being kicked from last EC for having a cheater playing for them. Also for this year they will be a team to recon with, since it's yet another online competition just to show the "real" skill of the team.

  • Poland Re-Play Devilry[/b] 61]
    Lineup: buzka, kot, Robol, Wodzian, miks, S4rna, r1co
    IRC: #re-play

    Quote by TLR|LightningThis team is almost the same as the successful team Net-Runners and looking back on how they preformed, it wouldn't be a surprise seeing this team going for the top. The teamplay isn't there yet but praccing can solve that problem and for being the only polish team in ET that can be trusted, we can only hope they will succeed.

  • Europe S.N. Battalion[/b] 28]
    Lineup: Meez, perfo, hentai, Sight, Rk, Viax
    Homepage: Crossfire Profile
    IRC: #snbattalion

    Quote by TLR|LightningAlso this is a new team for the season with some known players and less known players, they seem to make a good mix together but experience will tell if they can make it further. With perfo as captain you can always be sure to see a cheater free team so the only thing they need are pracs and get the experience so they can climb this ladder.

  • Europe Re-Play Sleeperz[/b] 17]
    Lineup: Eirik, Griim, hell, Lazio, w3st, al, toNi, Nonix
    IRC: #re-play

    Quote by TLR|boRe-Play Sleeperz is one of ET's most stable teams around. Having played for one4one already they made it into EuroCup by winning the OpenCup Premierleague last season. Now they have to show if they can compete with the top. At least in our ranking they are rated at 9th spot.

  • Europe Vital Gaming[/b] 16]
    Lineup: DabSter, Em0ReJ, maxuh, rat, zerender, xAv, anim
    IRC: #vital-gaming

    Quote by TLR|boVital may have surprised many by easily beating atoon in their EuroCup Qualifier match. The experts rated them to be one of Europes top ten. May the upcoming events prove what they are made of.

As there are quite a lot people questioning on how we got the final ranking here is the format we used for voting the top ten teams. Every single expert panel member gave his personal view on the current top teams by giving the teams points from 1-10.

1. Team 10 Points
2. Team 9 Points
3. Team 8 Points
4. Team 7 Points
5. Team 6 Points
6. Team 5 Points
7. Team 4 Points
8. Team 3 Points
9. Team 2 Points
10. Team 1 Point

As of yet the ranking will include the top ten teams of Europe. Expanding the ranking to 15 or 20 teams could be a possiblity for the future but is currently not realisable. Including non-European teams from Israel or the US could be discussed but did not matter so far, since there was no real global competition due to ping issues and missing LAN events like QuakeCon.

Every month the ranking will be refreshed with the opinions of all expert panel members; so there is the ability for every team to get into the ranking in case they aren't yet. The expert panel will of course be updated as well, as not all people keep being as active as they are now. The system we are using, gives us also the possibility to remove folded teams from the list without major problems, which was an issue that for example occured at where dead teams still earned money.

Finally I would like to thank TLR's very own rifle Lightning, who has been so kind to comment the teams. Furthermore I would like to thank TLR|pesteh for the graphical work. And finally a big thanks to the whole expert panel and all people involved.
image: oa1zix
TLR rating itself 1 :>

nice effort (no irony! :<)
but they are #1 ;_;
based on what?
based on all?
they have just reformed so no idea how they will perform, you could say based on previous results but last time i checked the mamut (old idle/dignitas team) won more for a lot longer, currently TLR have not won anything, most of these teams have just reformed and are competing in EC and CC5 for the first time again, no idea if they can live up to previous glories so this is the most pointless ranking ever
that squad has been nr 1 for long time, also ive played them and they prooved still to be the best. beeing 1st doesnt mean they are 1st next month but the point is that most think they are it now
i guess i just find this totally pointless
better than nothing, and I dont see how a review about team's skills is pointless, its not like rankings are needed in first place but i cant see how it could do any harm either, also it gives ability to check how those rankings were changed in the ranking
This ranking is not about money, not a ranking that decides about seeds or anything, it's not a ranking of major importance at all; so where the hell do you take your aggressive motivation from, to talk it that bad? It's just 13 people who voted their top ten. You could agree with it or not. But think about whats pointless and what not, your constant flame for instance is.
what flame? Are you reading something i am not, and what aggressive posting, something must be lost in translation with you
I think he chose his words wrong, he should have said pride or arrogance. I'm sure if FG was #1 you would have no qualms with this ranking. That is understandable since you manage that team and you would like to see them on top. It's just the vibe I, and probably he, sees in your posts.
these rankings were not based on FG, they were based on the old Polar team and then someone decided to just change the name to FG for the sake of this, its not the same team, i dont want us to be number 1 until we have prooved it, but no one has prooved it yet so i just think this is a bit of a soft rankings system
I agree it isn't completely accurate, but it also isn't pointless. It creates conversation and excitement which is good for the ET community. Which is what I wish some people here would see.
past glory isn't the same as current skill. based on what i've seen and heard they wouldn't even have made the top 10 two weeks ago. neither would polar for that matter.
well it's my opinion formed after playing against almost every team in eurocup (except mamut, but they don't seem to be praccing at all... could be wrong though)
no accurate no good list right ^^ ?
based on that 90% of the players are the same and were like unbeatable
Well say one team which is better
any of those teams up there could be, no one has prooved they are the best yet so its complete shite, no one has won an official competition so no one knows who is the best yet
hey man.. seriously.. why the fuck are you ignoring me & iron? can you pay the fucking cdc4 money, please?

sorry your money is going into this project!
not with that attitude he can't, JEEZ! :D
jesus.. he has been ignoring us for weeks... and holding the money for like 2 months... should I lick his ass?
i was being funny
no other team comes close to them, they prac (ok like 1/2 a week) & got some of the finest players in ET
only 2 people from tlr on the pannel
Pluralistic voting. :)
Lightning speechless cause mystic is on the lineup
what are we doing so high? not even 10th atm
np i heard u maybe got some new übermedic .. he will get u on #1 !
# smOke (
# KiLl3rBoY (ClanBase)
# Sainted (Overload)
# swine (Crossfire)

with all due respect


+ Mamut should be lower, FF should be higher as well as snb

€: sorry, just heard the rankings got made at the 12th of september :)
agree, i guess some of them haven't really played et for like the last 6 months. it's useless to take them into the expert panel since they can only go for the lineup and don't know how good the teams rly play atm since they probably haven't played against these teams yet.
swine has been trialing for a few teams as for the late.
didn't know. still i doubt he (same with some others) knows how good teams like vital, devilry or mamut really play and can probably only judge them on the lineup.
cant wait till SNB and vital really suprise
+1 my master
what's your point?
When CB was deciding about EC maplist they asked one player of each EC invited clan. Thus one could presume it was done in a representable way by people who actually got a clue. I seriously dont see the point in asking some ETQW fanboy who hasnt played ET in ages.
When CB asks the EC people about maps it is because the EC people are the ones who will be playing them. But who are the primary target for a ranking like this? Everyone in the Crossfire community, and that includes me (sadly for you).

Your opinion about me doesn't really bother me much (again, sadly for you), however I would just like to point out that I've never stopped playing W:ET. I'm just playing it less active than before.

So what's your point regarding the other three people in your list?
QuoteYour opinion about me doesn't really bother me much (again, sadly for you), however I would just like to point out that I've never stopped playing W:ET.

what? you still play ET? Never seen you play in the last 12 months, so either you are totally invactive or playing oc div 17
Hey, there's nothing wrong with playing in the last division of the opencup! :P
thx! and if acozz plays i rate TAG top 10 worthy aswell, so get him to play! ;D
(check my profile!!)

almost looks like you imply that's meez in the picture! i bet he wishes he was that handsome

oh, you should add meez's ASCII of you, FOR A COLLECTION OF EPICNESS
Not listed, cause no Worm ofcourse ;) That's their topplayer of the team.
then your are really out of date since worm is back
Who says that? He said to me he quit playing Enemy-Territory cause of school.
He had a lots of things do and even his profile says he quit.

QuoteMy current team:
It wasn't unexpected that such a guy will come back
First of all, Netherlands Accurate :-) and the other 10 newbies are (imo):

1. Slovenia / Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
2. Poland Fear Factory X-Fi / Slovenia
3. Europe The Last Resort
4. Europe FatGames
5. Finland Vicious and Evil
6. Belgium OVERLOAd Gaming
7. Europe Re-play Sleeperz
8. Poland Re-play Devilry
9. Europe Vital-Gaming
10. Europe S.N Battalion
huh, have you played vs ff and tlr recently?

right now TLR are the top, maybe FF can pull it out of the bag but, for now, they aren't better
I think that FF will win TLR on official match but thats only my opinion :-)
Rating Sleeperz over kot's team, lol, have you lost your mind?
yap, zZz pwn the devilrys!
didnt snb beat vae 4-0?
destiny is still butthurt from the last time we played
btw u know for sure your going to cc?
for sure? no not really

personally I'm still indecisive, it's a lot of money just for one weekend

I just wish deadline was later so I could see how well we perform and decide based on that, eg, don't want to go and then get knocked out 6th-8th or something.
ye its indeed very expensive, let me know if u know it :)
is this a "want to see you play on lan" kind of thing or did i misunderstand :\
ye that a missunderstading:P I wont even go to cc so no problem, and i dont think u cheat
if u go will u take the plane to amsterdam?
with some more prac you'll end up in top3, Im sure of it ;)
if hentai can come, yes. WE SHALL FORCE MEEZ NP
last time it was 2-2! with 4 kill panzer of me ofcourse!
adler indeed said it all :O)
idd, we were lucky because of my winghaven skills. Else we wouldn't have won
devilry won from FF with the same lineups...

Sense - your logic doesn't make any
never seen devilry playing against FF :S
my bad it was authentic
supreme niggers are much better
i would rate replay higher than ff & maybe even higher than overload
QuoteWith perfo as captain you can always be sure to see a cheater free team
btw when did you won smt mr Skelleton, Middle Ages? nah just kidding , was fun to read
QuoteAlso this is a new team for the season with some known players and less known players, they seem to make a good mix together but experience will tell if they can make it further. With perfo as captain you can always be sure to see a cheater free team so the only thing they need are pracs and get the experience so they can climb this ladder.

No he isn't! ;_;

Good work anyway, think FF should be above fatgames/vae though :\
really nice idea, good job so far but imo ... snb deserve higher considering how well they did against vae, although i do assume this list was formed before the matches begun so, on paper it sounds about right.

++"they do have the best players in every class" :XD)
nice effort though fatgames, FF and devilry should be higher and mamut probably still needs some more pracs to be 2nd imo
TLR Underrated for sure!
I think you drank a bit too much sarcasm juice before giving those quotes :p
It tasted so nice :))
TLR|Lightning: TLR is being tipped as one of the best teams around atm, they do have the best players in every class only thing that could beat them is the amount of pracs they have.


I'd credit hentai to SNB rather than Crossfire myself, if you're only listing one.
"With perfo as captain you can always be sure to see a cheater free team"

I lol'd as well!
vae should be waaaaay below.
I would assume, looking at the rankings, that this is based mostly on prac results and gut feeling, rather than a single official. Maybe they've been performing better, or the panel believe they have the potential to.
Not just based on that. I've thought this a long time.
based on what then? based on games you have played against us? even though it's always funny to read comments by ppl who really have no clue. this newpost inlcudes many of 'em.
It's called an opinion.
tells me enough.
Has any of those 'experts' even played against 10 different teams or seen them in action yet? :)
I think hentai and Light have. Possibly toxic. Not sure about the others (and I doubt anybody has played against all ten of those listed)
I did, but they didn't ask me :'<
ive played like 5 pracs!
then why did you decide to rate those teams?:D
my teams were completely different to the list
they are ask ada! :(
You've been mercing all this week - I've seen you spamming!
ive been playing with and against teams that wouldnt be included in this list unless they get a massive skillboost somehow or another.
I bet all mamut players refused to give an opinion. =D
I don't know about others, but I think it's kinda pointless giving those rankings if you haven't played more than couple of those teams and each clan like once or twice.
some teams seems to play so rarely or not at all that it's pretty hard indeed. krhmmmm...
Iron - Night 1-0
gj TLR|bo :P
well nice idear - anyway this list should be based on officials like the Fifa world ranking or something like that.
nice good job guys :-)
Good, the only problem is that these teams almost never played official games against eachother...
VAE vs S.N Battalion ; )
finally! gw bo and I wanna say hi to all who dont know me - my buddy list is waiting for you guyz! :P
add me u noob i actually know u well xD
added you already
Reveal how many points each team was given, would be nice to see how close it was.
Done. I can say that Inc, HB, Cor, dNan and muse have unfortunately not made it into the top ten, all ranking at about 10 points.
and accurate ?? ;D
Accurate will surprise anyone by winning CC5 and climb up to the first spot in next month's ranking.
nah, won't happen. No sponser for the russian and the jewish guy
Maybe there should be all teams which got any points, just below line + points in parenthesis
np4thewhine! This is ET after all!
ANyway, good work, you gotta start somewhere and this is a nice begin :)
the idea is good but the panel expert's failed hard
I know there's always someone whining whatever the results are, but this list is a failure :D
there's still a bit variance in the top and cc5 will show who really are at the top. offline > online. and not actually referring to anything, but the lan is always the real "test". (even if the monitors still suck)
wholly agree
You can take this ranking as a "base" for the real one after we've seen everybody in action, so I think this list shouldnt be taking too seriously
the next edition

6. random
7. random2


then you should say u dont need to take it too seriously :)
You can't disagree that this ranking is the most utter bullshit, being based on anything. Who cares bout pracs, thats been proven alot of times
praccs tells a lot more than just once in a month official games
But they dont count when outsiders are comparing ur matches ;) and idle only laughs @ vent @ pracs so they dont win pracs
who isnt laughing at praccs? :P
Wtf do we have to do with this ...
I'm laughing with your skill though

image: retard-1
that's what i mean! only whine and flame, no fun! :D
It's fun for us !
EC and CC5 results will have an impact on further rankings, as the 'experts' decide every month from scratch.
Missing Finland rrN 8<
agree with ranking except for sleeperz
wtf mystic is back?
overload lineup is wrong and they're the suck atm ( and they know it ), woulnd't rate them so high
how the hell can FAT-games be 5th, no disrespect, but they only exist a week or something. How the freaking hell can that team be in top 5 then. The list is based on "I think that lineup is better then that lineup".

edit: modus at battalion ? lollie
FG should be number 1 just because mystic is playing/backup
A team which can afford having mystic as BACKUP must be awesome, idd :P
Why deleting Nonix's comment ... poopoo admins -,-
Ah pointless rankings, I wondered when someone would think these were a good idea for ET again.
team finland is teh best
"TLR ET Ranking ...
1. TLR.AMD ..."

awsome, expert panel looks awesome as well
I spotted more TLR's in post. Haha.
seriously.. this is a joke!!

..if you want real seedings, then get neutral people to do it..
people not being in any of the top10 teams ?
shoutcasters, ettv casters.. just no players or people related to top10 teams.

and no killerboy (requested on popular demand!)
Others are crying for players who actually know how strong the teams are by having played them several times.

So I took around half players and half community volunteers to find a middle course. Look at comments above. How much whine would have been there in case I took some guys who never played on a decent competitive level.

And by the way, do you really think anybody from the top ten teams rated his team higher than - he believes - it actually is? I asked the players to be as neutral as possible in case they are playing in a top team. You all are making a big deal out of it whereas the players just gave a rough ranking in about 2 minutes. One voters opinion has not much of an impact on the final ranking anyway.
@bo & @fuzz ..

well i wrote neutral people. there ARE people being able to judge how good a team is.
there ARE players not being able to judge this.

like, most people think tlr is kickass just because they have 2 aim machines which one of them isn't even a good teamplayer.

the belgiums (the team with kevin and those beltards <3) have a very strong teamplay and could even give tlr a freaking hard time, if not even beat them ..

it seems to me people mostly voted on NAMES instead of the ability of the teams.

i ain't being an arse and hating players / teams here. dav1d is still one of my fav
dude of .be <3 :)

next time get some more people to vote if you have a mixture of players / shoutcasters+admins+ettv dudes+community page mods .. should do the trick :)

ps: i never said your work is bad, bo .. well done (gut durch!)
you just disproved your own argument. if you actually had played them, you would know that TLR would totally rape overload, and would most likely do better without butchji playing.
is that so? ;-)

well then sorry ... hoho .. omfg
Someone has to say it: You did a good job.
Thanks man, appreciate that :)
disagree, top players should know more about who is best at the moment, and there is no point in voting 2low/2high yourself as this is just a "useless" list,

a mix of community people you mentioned + top players is much better than just community people, tho few current "experts" are 8D

this list is good for community discussion, opinions, more exposure of teams, a very good thing for this gaming community site
Hi I am shoutcaster :)
if you want a top10 based on fanboish thoughts yeah letz admin and sc´s do the ranking!!
useless stuff in general

agree with kuraigu, this is not a realistic panel to decide about it.. let outsiders make the list
Seriously though who cares if you're 4th, 6th or not on the list. It's a good thing if people underestimate you and it's funny when people overestimate themselves.
clans should play in ladder if they want to compete on a list basis, not be valued according to some opinions
because inc isnt there?
these lists have always been a failure (and I don't think inc should be on this list anyway, we kinda suck atm)
let the community decide whos first not the biased players.
IcE-T give me a gif please.
How can we be 5th if we haven't even played a single game together :3
Quote by Ati_how the hell can FAT-games be 5th, no disrespect, but they only exist a week or something. How the freaking hell can that team be in top 5 then. The list is based on "I think that lineup is better then that lineup".

I tend to skip the comments :c
evo wants you to be top-1 =)
isn't that why everyone is here? xD
atleast ur abit laggy in bio's <3
when its prooved after official competition yes, until then i just think the list is rubbish
agree with you tbh. Lists like this sux
Fear Factory
re-play devilry
re-play zZz
great stuff
Fear Factory
re-play devilry
re-play zZz

lu: twidi, lettu, mikza, squall, iron, chmpp, cadein
Voi eij torspo, miten sielusi kestää, että olet turhaan linessä
vittuako pistää mua lineen jos en pelaa häh
oot meidän pelote klaanibase profiilissa
TLR rating has its own team in the standings. EPIC FAIL on objectivity
Indeed, they should be somewhere in middle/lower part of rating.
I decided to publish that ranking as a 'TLR ranking' one day ago. The votes have been sent in about two weeks ago. If you don't like the result, flame the voters not TLR. I could have also named it 'Crossfire ET Ranking' and the result would have been the same.
then name it crossfire rankings...
Why not update the rankings? Should only ask for a new rating from 1=>10, you already got some great comments by you and light. I think you did a great job in terms of content, its a controversial topic, just the ranking needs an urgent update :)
But I think it is a pretty fair rating :)
it's the REAL deal!
I got the joke ! :D
# decem (Crossfire)
# pedro (Crossfire)
# swine (Crossfire)

experts panel ? i think not
2 > 1
5 > 3
8 > 4
rest is fine i guess
SNB for EC gold.
fatgames second, devilry third imo
France muse missing imo
V&E and Team Fatgames is better then overload gaming lol'd
Expert Panel:

* hentai (Crossfire)
* decem (Crossfire)
* pedro (Crossfire)
* swine (Crossfire)
* Lightning (TLR)
* butchji (TLR)
* toxic (FatGames)
* kot (Re-Play)
* lio (Overload)
* Sainted (Overload)
* chmpp (Vicious&Evil)
* smOke (
* KiLl3rBoY (ClanBase)

Experts in what? Being online on xfire/spamming or playing a map or two every 6 months? Oh I get it, it's because they are known there opinions must be right! Right? -_-
im sure your opinion is more worth than theirs in this case
imo those guys was active on TLR irc. and they did ranking.
Is it true the list was made in sept 12th? Then how can Fatgames to be on the list :O
FG was Polar back then. Ask god why they were rated that high.

The votes were taken at about 23.-24.Sep.
polar had a totally different line up, never mind.
The lineups are even wrong now =[
Took them from the EuroCup lineups thread.
Ye, they are wrong to =D

edit: No you didn't, look at snb :P
For some I checked the CF profile as well ;)
check mine

kmoet nog steeds een hayaahitcounter maken
doe wat je niet laten kan schat
afgekicked van wow ja?:p
ik heb m'n doel in WoW bereikt dus jah :>
SNB owned vae!
you can say whatever you want but everybody knows that mamut is just simply the best clan of the whole list :) atleast I hope that ;p

I loved them when they were still idle!
youre underrating fatgames too much tbh
we (atoon) owned 4 out of the 10teams.
i dont think ranking a team will ever be succesfull without having a cup for it
Liek OWNED??
ye we owned them...
thats why u play low 3o3s
you obviously know what you are talking about
and even a cup won't be succesfull as it depends on who you get drawn with.
Just to bad that they had a strong opo in EC quali's
yeah, i heard they could beat any team apart from jacks!!!
You racist bastard !. They do own Dignitas !!!!! :D
just put it liek it iz in football, 1st league, 2nd etc...+ champions league n stuff
I think this is a great thing to do, and those who think its useless, well you got your own opinion, but if you actually stated why its bad it could only help. instead of just a 1 word comment like "bad/useless"
Lineup: toxic, snoop, syK, teKoa, m1lk, Tiigeri, mystic, Mztik, jauhis
ranked 5th with a lineup like this :) ET must be uberhigh then

you can have 6 people who aim like mAus in your team and you might still suck - it's about teamplay, etc
come on a team like this cant really suck :), they would own most of those "high" et teams without any train ...
I'd say it's more about the metagame. ppl can mostly play as a team already.
Well there are enough players in this lineup who have already proven they have this teamplay
your not worthy anymore, i suggest you never speak mystic out of your mouth anymore
you seem to be a very wise person!
may I ask u way sir?
this is outrageous, it's ludicrous!!!

vae should have 30point deduction for having chmmp on their list!!!
woo zZz! ;D
rankings is ok .. all great teams and players.. would like to see team-rat vs. team-lazio ;P
this rating is a joke
where is highbottt ? ?
hmm I have played against them all except deliviry and Fatgames :<

1. TLR
2. Fear Factory
3. Mamut
4. Devilry
5. Fatgames
7. S.N Battalion
8. Vicious and evil
9. Vital-gaming
10. Replay zZz
and they raped you?
nope :<

OVERLOAd kicked us, because we had the truck already after 5.30 min on supply. Vital we won 1 map than they left. won some maps against battalion but we can't win 2 maps from them only 1 some times:< Vicious and evil was also nice to play against. I think we lost but we did play well against them. Mamut the first time that we played against them they weren't that good ( we lost but still ) and the 2nd time they were alot better (probably pracced more :< )
we played you two times, was incredible easy the first time, and YOU ragequitted. second time you were rediculously obvious and we left
hmmm soz I can't remember first time :) maybe I didn't play. But the second time we were obvious cause we won 1 map? High ego?

just stupid. Every time we win against a better team then we are we get the whine about being obvious. But if we lose we are the random noobs. The known highskilled people do got to much high ego in ET. Probably also in other games
no wonder people whine, you where so shit we played you the first time and then there was the sudden skillboost, when we played you the second time.

and as far as i remember i saw you twice in a busted forum thread here, and you think people could trust you? ahahaha
I can understand your whine btw because of keNta and jaN and some others. But still it sucks when you get the whine everytime you win 1 map or a whole war against skilled people. We prac alot as a team and we have our baddays and good days. We had a good day when we played against you the second time I guess and then we are obvious because we sucked the first time.

I will keep on playing till I see very weird stuff in avi's/demos from my teammates like the avi's from jaN or keNta for example
accurates skillboost = jago & joke :D
you won adler vs us once in 3 pracs, that doesn't count as "we won maps" ;D
hmm tought we had also some other maps, but not sure =)
i am sure, don't worry ;d
hard to make a list based on official results as most teams have none atm, but based on what i've seen and heard in praccs this list needs quite some changes. kind of hard to judge the difference between certain clans though, as most info is based on own expierences.
the only 2 maltesers active in ET are experts \o/

lol v&e and Fatgamers too high. who can tell me what players of those teams did in last 3 months? Germany snoop is the only one player who played good last 3 months.
and experts r so imba.
i was with snoop the whole time in summer!
damn but imo u had big skill drop this summer. In EC u played rly good and then u played like random med+. u need to play some awsome match on ettv.
just for u i will!!
ok, im waitning :)
highbot to become first within a month! gogo hummel und fire! <3
epic comments
nice gl re-play :)
doing a monthly ranking is pretty questionable since the season will end the 14th december, which leaves us only... 2 other ones ? (oct & nov... I guess there wont be a final one in december since everybody will fold)
I'd suggest to do it twice per month (a lot of games will be played) or not at all.
Awesome comments lightning! :D
nice ranking except sleeperz
I think everyone should just chill and take this list less serious, because as it is now, it's a "Pracc results ranking" which means shit. If i had been asked about this ranking thing, it would have been better to wait till groupstages end at EC. But i guess, at this moment, in these ranking current state, they generate more comments etc. :]
Also, teams being good/bad are kinda relative, some are really strong on some maps but weak on others. So rankings by maps would be interesting!
It's just a starting point, of course the ranking isn't perfect and it will change over the next weeks. The rating atm is just based on history, player names and ofc some prac results but like I said it will change over the next weeks to the actual ranking.

The flame given from most people is bullshit, just be happy something like this is done on crossfire at least it's something better to read then most stuff here :)
For something new on this boring site yea :)

TAG Site > *
read obs collumn, we could learn a lot from those brand new ideas!
Maybe!, But you know what is needed first!
enjoyed reading ur collumn, i'm just trolling :D
useless as it's based on opinions only.

But it would be a good idea to make a ranking system that ranks the clans by results.

btw: redeYe from quadv has experience with such things!
lold mystic in fatgames? :o
highbot anyone?
They loose every match?
didnt expect that!
Decent Teams & Lineup.
gl & hf
Expert Panel <> swine
we need Finland mystic !!!!!!
We need Loekino and Spree as experts to improve the credibility of the so called 'experts' ...
snb should be higher then v&e, devilry top 5.
was für kleine hoden doch manche haben
HAHAHA at the so-called "Expert Panel"
mamut > tlr!

but they both have a TWK member so it doesnt really matter
re-play devilry should not even be on this list
Wow so many clans alive!
hmm, I'd say vital-gaming is better than sleeperz and sn battalion
Well u surely have no idea then
maybe Im wrong, but judging from the lineups, I hold on to my statement
really interesting thread

gnight :zzzzzz:
Why should an pensioner playing ET:QW be interested in that thread?
i dont know, ask someone playing qw :)
i play cod4 and only in publics

ps:those news are REALLY useless and boring.. time passes, same players mix up and nothing changes

at least not in my life
I lolled
QuoteWith perfo as captain you can always be sure to see a cheater free team
wheres PolandgnajdA? =[
great work bo!
no updates? expected i guess :/
need update, vae soon at the top of this ladder :D
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