ClanBase releases a new config
16 Nov 2008, 20:08
ClanBase is proud to announce the release of a new set of configs today.
We have noticed an increase number of players using some inadequate net settings and scripts to cause lag or simulate packet loss, thus we have decided to fix the net settings for all the players.
We are also including the new map hashes and scripts to fix some minor bugs and avoid some exploits.
Last but not least, I want to give a special thanks to the following: reyalP, SPU, eiM, doneX, Killerboy, Bartichello, overdrive, mortis, DerSaidin and many others for their suggestions and support to make this config available.
You can download the configs here: Official ClanBase ET server config pack
Important Note:[/u]
This set of config are the official release from ClanBase Enemy Territory and must be used in all matches. All servers to be used for any match at ClanBase must be updated with this configs. All old configs are deprecated and must not be used anymore.
Any match not using this config after Nov 20th, 2008 will be cancelled.
Here is the list of the detailed list of the changes:
How to install[/u]
Just unzip the file and copy the contents to your server etpro folder: Copy the file combinedfixes.lua to the etpro folder, the config files to etpro/configs and the map scripts files to etpro/etpromapscripts.
Detailed list of changes [/u]
We are no longer removing punkbuster cvar or md5 checks to fully apply the GameViolations restrictions.
The new net-settings will be:[/u]
- rate 25000
- cl_maxpackets 100
- snaps20
Map changes: [/u]
- TimeLimit 12
adlernest (thanks to DerSaidin and h3ll)
- removed short wait before end round
- remove sidewall crash bug
braundorf_b4 (thanks to Brevik and Syd)
- fixed plant time + misc bugs
et_beach (thanks to SEKoner, mortis and DerSaidin)
- added CP enabled bunker spawns
- fixed double/triple messages
- other minor bugfixes
- added south beach spawns to work with south TWO
- rtcw style side sidespawns
- fix silly endgame waitstate
et_ice (thanks to DerSaidin)
- remove end of round wait
tc_base (thanks to DerSaidin)
- remove wait before wm_endround
frostbite (thanks to Syd)
- removed wait after transmit
radar (thanks to DerSaidin)
- remove wait before wm_endround
supply (thanks to mortis)
- fix wm_endround waitstate
sw_goldrush_te (thanks to DerSaidin)
- remove end of round wait
Original source:
1. rate 25000
2. cl_maxpackets 100
whats wrong with 83 packets? Those are magical
anyway, thanks for all the fixes, etc!
btw, could you unban david, now, as he was on lan and owned everyone?
look above!
what was wrong with maxpackets in 60-100??? Like it's any use forcing em to 100
but okidoki!
Otherwise good job
and fixed packets to 100 are good don't whine about it that's nice so alle have the same packets noone can cry other because of fu 40+maxpackets lagger and so on.
it prevents people from using lagscripts (like crouching and reducing maxpackets to 40).
everyone saying gj and n1 can fuck off too, they don't deserve praise for being slow pieces of shit
fucking morons
I mean... ........ Oh I just want to hit my face into my fucking wall. So it's fair for people with good PC's to only play with 62.5 maxpackets? Yeah SOUNDS FUCKING FAIR.
chart is at
Did I get the maxpackets theory all wrong?
Maxpackets 100 will basically force the number of packets to be sent out per sec to equal the fps if it's under 100, and fps/2 if 100 < fps < 200, and so on?
So basically the 125fps'ers will practially have maxpackets 63, while less-than-100fpsers will have their fps as maxpackets, which they by no means could get above before anyways, but will now be forced to equal their fps?
And your other yournal, where you say that 111fps/100mp gives practical packets 55.. With the previous config e.g. fps 71 and 60 mp were allowed, giving practical 36 packets?
K, so now the problem is that the <100fpsers will have an advantage?
You cant get more than 62.5 packets sent with 125 fps with the old config anyway.
1. rate 25000
2. cl_maxpackets 100
3. snaps20
fucking ignorant morons
_ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _
o _ _ _ d _ _ _ e
i suggested to remove the mg
i suggested to find ways to stop trickjumpers and 180scripts
forcing highermaxpackets shouldnt be a problem for anyone these days, but you can still change ur maxpackets by changing your fps.
180 script abuses spread
anyways, both scripts were forbidden by clanbase before, but the rule never got enforced.
How is that hard.. you just ban them. All illegal scripts were banned in NA ages ago when CAL/TWL were still around. It's very easy to tell if someone's using a 180 script... all you need is the demo or ETTV.
- netsettings just for some whiners, useless
i heard trickjump scripts (hi 2 sd east/backjump) will be disallowed too!!
[CB]Killerboy 212-95-51-143-27940 [11.15.2008 00:06:11] |4731| [From #10 5a64(?) UNKNOWNSECRETGUY] TJ = "com_maxfps 100;+forward; +moveup; wait 2; -moveup; wait 70; -forward; wait 89; +sprint; +forward; wait 9; +moveup; wait 135; -moveup; -forward;-sprint;com_maxfps 125"
[CB]Killerboy who the fuck is that?
[CB]Killerboy :D
[CB]Killerboy great TJ script
[CB]Killerboy :<
[CB]Killerboy GV
[CB]Killerboy we can see all binds
[CB]Killerboy and scripts
[CB]Killerboy its like a generic bind/cvar scan
[CB]Killerboy instead of banning
[CB]Killerboy kicking
UNKNOWNSECRETGUY can you get a cb-ban for it?
[CB]Killerboy no
sorry for irc-logs but i think ppl should know that to avoid getting kicked. if not, just remove it or tell me in pm and i'll remove it!
1) opening console, ctrl+v, turns 180 = 2 seconds
2) moving your mouse, .4 seconds
ah nvm, for the TJ.
put "com_maxfps 100;+forward; +moveup; wait 2; -moveup; wait 70; -forward; wait 89; +sprint; +forward; wait 9; +moveup; wait 135; -moveup; -forward;-sprint;com_maxfps 125" into something.cfg and do
bind X exec something
EDIT: apparently meez posted another example while i was browsing other tabs :f
+ it still caught rise i think (when using another cfg)
1. rate 25000
2. cl_maxpackets 100
nice thanking yourself ffs
I also know a lot of stuff about the Q3 engine.
if you want to learn something about quake engine and netsettings there's a lot of things on the internet, this way you just made yourself look stupid
Who is looking more stupid now ?
if you mean "We have noticed an increase number of players using some inadequate net settings and scripts to cause lag or simulate packet loss, thus we have decided to fix the net settings for all the players." then WOW YOU REALLY NAILED IT MATE!
so fuck all to stop the few!
let me ask you something, I read in some other journal that you claim packages aren't same for q3 and et, you still think the same? you know what you have done with this forcing to 100 mp? you just made people who weren't lagging and warping do just that, well fucking played! in attempt to prevent something you have done the opposite, that's quite an accomplishment I'd say
if you want to know why, there are people out there that don't have stable fps all the time, whether it's due to shit computers, punkbuster or even too good computers(like me), so what do you think will happen once their fps becomes unstable? looky looky, the packages they send will start to fluctuate, and hello lag and warp o//
before they had the option to set their maxpackets sent to a lower number which would lower the fluctuation but now that's no longer an option, so I must congratulate you and the feebleminded cretin you've listened to
1. rate 25000
2. cl_maxpackets 100
3. snaps20
FAIL now the polaks will warp even more!
most stupid thing cb did lately after 5on5 and banning me
The majority of players are using 125 fps, so we're waiting for the next configuration.
regards, sEthje.
1. rate 25000
2. cl_maxpackets 100
3. snaps20
Best change ever
1. rate 25000
2. cl_maxpackets 100
3. snaps20
you can stop crying now.
i mean ok i got a 12 mbit connection but still i played with 73 just to avoid others from hitting me :<
you ruined my evil plans of reigning the internetz!
THIS CANT BE TRUE!~ for the wgetters
100 mp are not possible for everyone..
we can search a new member now, bcuz mKs cant play with 100 maxpackets with his farmerdsl (xD) -.-
not everyone got nice PC & nice connection... think about that omfg
derssssssssssssssssss! wewt
and reyelp <3
cl_maxpackets 63 = ull send 62,5 packets per second
cl_maxpackets 100 = ull send 62,5 packets per second
or am i correct??
but still useless because only under 20 packets per second will make u unhittable
some people might need to change their maxfps now if they have slow connection avoid maxfps 100 atleast
you send more packets with mp63 at 125fps
(Easily verified using the performance monitor.)
can't wait to play a war
how about finishing fucking braundorf_b4 to braundorf_final? ever thought of that?
already uploaded them to our server
btw there are still laggers :>
I wouldn't call it a new clanbase config but a new DerSaidin config he made almost all the work :O
"sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 63 125"
"sv_cvar cl_antilag EQ 1"
"sv_cvar cl_noprint EQ 1"
1. rate 25000
2. cl_maxpackets 100
3. snaps20
at least...........
some of you say it will disallow lagscripts... what fuckin lagscripts, show me one that uses only mp cvar :X
oh and forcing mp without forcing mfps is stupid, nothing new from cb...
and im still wondering what these mapfixes are doing, proll nothing usefull...
# cl_maxpackets 100
pffffffff i use 125 fps man ... so 63 maxpackets
if you dont want guys unhit accept 125 maxpackets (like Quake 3)
ps: i dunno why timenudge is not allowed after all guys can hit eazy -_-
cb = retard config :s again like quake 3 or rtcw (cl_timenudge -10) with snap 40 its perfect
so WHY CB IS RETARRRRRRRRRRRRRD? :( cb kill ET!!!!!!!!!!!
ps2: need new maps ! 8)
The ET engine (and early versions of Q3 afaik) limits maxpackets to 100.
Probably because timenudge shouldn't be used with antilag, and antilag is a whole lot better.
Snaps should be same as sv_fps, and sv_fps is locked to 20 in ETPro for a good reason (to avoid bugs).
Q3 is not ET.
and ps: ET = Q3engine :)
do i have to play now with 100fps !? heard smth about maxpackets and fps must be equal
but still great job and make more great ideas!!
>We are no longer removing punkbuster cvar or md5 checks to fully apply the GameViolations restrictions.
means pb cvar checks depend on the config which was loaded before.. just waiting for pb kicks for cvars in allowed range on cb but not in other configs.
at least it's not that haxxor friendly anymore
so unexpected that atleast 70% of this fuck community will whine about the netsettings.
fucktards stop the whine. it's only in this shit community where people with "bad connection" whine about such settings. you don't hear that shit in other games. ..
as some of you claim to know, it doesn't really matter much if mpackets is forced to 100.
if you ain't reaching full 100fps and only 75, then you won't have more than 75 mpackets.
but ye, forcing it to straight 100mpackets is harsh. 60 - 100 would've been ok.
they have their head stuck up their ass anyways over at CB + evenbalance,
so why such heavy whineage???
hail to teh king, baby!
their FUCK 'Service' just won't work anymore on my pc. and all i did was switching
to a new HDD .. fuck it ..
are you serious? I played cod, cod2, cod4, FEAR and a few other games and people whine everywhere about everything
and hey .. i ain't a big fan of these netsettings, either. i use 100mpackets myself but forcing it to 100 is abit .. how shama callit . . lowbrained? .. IN 60 - 100 .. would've been ok.
but who knows, maybe these cockwhores of CB crew (donex <3) know more about etpro antilag and it's behaivor about mpackets and all that.
fuck you and your "i have bad connection" whine ..
you don't hear that shit in other games.. even in Q3 ENGINE GAMES .. hence, et uses q3 engine.
then again, go whine @ bani and their fuck antilag system ;)
what are you trying to say, you don't hear shit in other games therefore et uses q3 engine? et uses q3 engine for that reason?
I suggest you talk with your brother as even the most cheap ass connections offer 20kbs upload these days.
btw, what fps are you running?
Yours Sincerely
(I dont care myself, its not a whine, just a joke :P)
1. remove sidewall crash bug - owww, no more killing server :-(
2. fixed plant time + misc bugs - finally :)
There goes my rate 15000 and maxpackets 40 ownage :<
oh, i dont give a shit, I play ps2 bibuy
pb_highpinger IN 0 0
better idea!
rumour going around that it's changed the limit on m_pitch. is it?
nice killing ET
you can't quit ET twice during 24hours.
yet again, sit down.
U think its fun to play with 200-500ping?? Normally i have good connection, but sometimes i need to put my netsettings lower or i lagout all the time and now i cant put them lower... GOOD JOB
Mja, kheb ook 30fps, dus kan mss beter ander spellekes spele :D
# cl_maxpackets 60-100
# no mobile MG
ESL ftw :)
if you are up in the corner behind the box you can't move over there
(ex setgle bug spot)
test is out :D
just test it and move around the box and you'll find the bug :D
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
EDIT : already said.