Gamer Discrimination: You Play WoW?
18 Dec 2008, 10:18
A new scandal has hit the online gaming community, gamer discrimination. A report posted on claims recruiters have been briefed not to put forward candidates that play the online fantasy roleplaying game World of Warcraft. Employers believe gamers to be second rate candidates not fully focussed on their work and usually sleep deprived. It's been known for some time that prospective employers often check a candidates FaceBook page, though this is the first such case of gamer screening.
A whopping 86% of Crossfire users claim to have a poor, or irregular sleeping pattern. How long until employers target further online games? Is keeping your online gaming hobby secret now a necessity?
A whopping 86% of Crossfire users claim to have a poor, or irregular sleeping pattern. How long until employers target further online games? Is keeping your online gaming hobby secret now a necessity?
However i do believe youre employee doesn't have anything to do with how you spent youre private time. I do think they are right however but only in some occasions. It will be a story of the good suffer under the bad in the end
I really think youre right, people losing jobs cause of a game is just sad, but some people just dont know better or just dont care. Some people rather stay in their forest with fairies and god knows what cause its their perfect world because their own life sux. They just dont wanna see that the longer they stay in the forest, the shittier their lives will be together with most of the times big consequences like losing jobs or fucking their lives in some other way.
Imo wow is one of the most dangerous games around
was like ~2 months ago
oh ^^
I have to point out that this is incorrect. You're disturbed sleeping pattern is not really much to do with you being a student at all. I'm a student. The truth is in your next sentence. You're disturbed sleeping patter is most likely due to occasional drug abuse and staying up stating that being a student causes this is retarded.
In my case being a student fucks my sleep pattern up, since my schedule of lectures and seminars varies all the time. Some days I can sleep for as long as I want, some days I can't. When I was working full weeks I could easily get to sleep early because I had a stable schedule.
Drug abuse could play a small part too ;)
Also, im not sure about the rest of the EU etc, but in the UK if the employer gives that kind of reason for not hiring an employee then im pretty sure they can be taken to court for some kind of discrimination.
Games like Wow are terrible in that they reward based on time invested. There are no learned skills only acquired skill based strictly on logged hours. Goals are seemingly endless which causes the player to be constantly wanting to achieve the next level. This causes an addiction.
Many employers these days inquire about past substance abuse & I can't see it being any diffrent that they check if you have a Wow account.
60+lvl = you will be protector of the boss (ingame ofc) in exchange for extra money @ work :D
(not that i believe this):P
It very much is!
you can call it my first life..
haha not :D
i play wow but no addicted nerdo
Its a hard knock life being as sexy as I am :'(
he made his level 49 paladin and fought against the lion hunter clan etc...
nah seriously... this article is about serious nerds, u can play wow without being addicted. + facebook is an UK thingie, so only u guys have to fear...
But it still sounds tought to judge all of them beforehand
for example they check facebook profiles of candidates for a job
WoW is just really addictive, it's different than any shooter