Gamer Discrimination: You Play WoW?

A new scandal has hit the online gaming community, gamer discrimination. A report posted on claims recruiters have been briefed not to put forward candidates that play the online fantasy roleplaying game World of Warcraft. Employers believe gamers to be second rate candidates not fully focussed on their work and usually sleep deprived. It's been known for some time that prospective employers often check a candidates FaceBook page, though this is the first such case of gamer screening.

Quote"Employers speciffically intstruct him not to send them World of Warcraft players," said the poster. "He said there is belief that WoW players cannot give 100 per cent because their focus is elsewhere, their sleeping patterns are often not great, et cetera."

A whopping 86% of Crossfire users claim to have a poor, or irregular sleeping pattern. How long until employers target further online games? Is keeping your online gaming hobby secret now a necessity?

Well there are certainy some employees who work bad because of all this and then I cannot disagree with the employer.
I'd say it's not just games but generally every (very) intensive way of spending your pastime. If you're a fanatic movie watcher your thoughts are bound to be with something else as well. However, I am more likely to spend more time gaming than watching movies or anything else. For some reason time runs faster while gaming. :D
atm i enjoy watching a good movie more than playing games! maybe its because of a huge boredom!
i think it really depends on the person. I dont sleep alot either, but thats just cause i dont need alot of sleep and its no problem if i catch some more sleep later in the week. I also know there are people that do need their sleep and still dont sleep alot, and dont goto work or work for 50% cause of not enough sleep. Its a story with 2 sides but i do believe its worse in the wow scene then in et, although you have idiots in every scene.

However i do believe youre employee doesn't have anything to do with how you spent youre private time. I do think they are right however but only in some occasions. It will be a story of the good suffer under the bad in the end
i dont agree especialy some morpgs (and any other game) can use a huge amount of time and i saw a lot of people spending more time to a game and even losing their job because of this!! maybe you are a good example of a person who doesnt need a lot of sleep but most of people do need them and they arent that productiv as they could be if they are sleepy!
thats why i sayd its kinda personal for everyone ;P

I really think youre right, people losing jobs cause of a game is just sad, but some people just dont know better or just dont care. Some people rather stay in their forest with fairies and god knows what cause its their perfect world because their own life sux. They just dont wanna see that the longer they stay in the forest, the shittier their lives will be together with most of the times big consequences like losing jobs or fucking their lives in some other way.

Imo wow is one of the most dangerous games around
spend 500 days ingame in 2 1/2 years WoW :D
people that play WoW shouldnt get a job anyway, they can stay in their little imaginary wood beating each other with sticks
best reply in this post for sure ;DDDD hahahaha
Posted on a site where everyone avoids doing anything productive by pretending to shoot other people. Good call.
totally agree !
Makes you wonder, why so many people prefer living their lives that way nowadays ;)
yeh fuck woods lets run around some buildings shooting people and having orgasms when we hear three ting noises in a row
internet serious business
if they cant compense internet life and reallife they dont have to wonder if they get more and more alone in the wolrd
I play wow, i play it alot. i play it more on weekends = im pro
that poll was posted in the middle of the summer holidays, i doubt results would be anything like it now
not really
was like ~2 months ago

QuoteDo you have a normal sleeping pattern? (107 comments)
Posted by Fusen on Wednesday 9th July 2008

oh ^^
My disturbed sleeping patern comes not from games but merely from the fact that i'm a student. And i enjoy the occasional drug abuse + just staying up late. So stating games cause this exclusively is retarded.
QuoteMy disturbed sleeping patern comes not from games but merely from the fact that i'm a student. And i enjoy the occasional drug abuse + just staying up late. So stating games cause this exclusively is retarded.

I have to point out that this is incorrect. You're disturbed sleeping pattern is not really much to do with you being a student at all. I'm a student. The truth is in your next sentence. You're disturbed sleeping patter is most likely due to occasional drug abuse and staying up stating that being a student causes this is retarded.

lol, touché

In my case being a student fucks my sleep pattern up, since my schedule of lectures and seminars varies all the time. Some days I can sleep for as long as I want, some days I can't. When I was working full weeks I could easily get to sleep early because I had a stable schedule.

Drug abuse could play a small part too ;)
Staying up late can cause disturbed sleeping pattern? I never would have guessed. :D
ever since becoming a student at uni ive turned nocturnal
Why exactly? Leaving essays until the last minute or just getting wasted?
its just the combination of drinking 5 nights a week and sleeping through my hangover which slowly turns you nocturnal
My disturbed sleeping patern does not come from the fact I play games. I'm a student, I just enjoy life and i don't appreciate to sleep until 1 p.m. Besides, this poll was posted in the middle of summer holidays. Results doesn't reveal the truth, because we usually party in this period of the year.
Agree. My sleeping pattern during my exam period is rubbish, but that's because there's no reason to get up early.
Damn right they are :D
Well, if people are so stupid play it that much, its their own problem. I play wow and I don't have any trouble to focus on my damn work & school
You really think every user of crossfire voted serious ?
Nah not every, but most :} the people on here aren’t as ‘retarded’ as some like to make out… there’s what regularly at least 200 people online at any one time, with what 20 or so people that regularly make stupid comments?
I have a permanent contract so I could care less :D
How much less could you care?
about this . much
What the fucks gaming achievement got to do with facebook? Where does it say they're even related? You chavy fucking retard learn to fucking read. Jesus.
Your WoW profile?
I dont really understand how employers would find out about it being you as they would only be able to identify you if they knew your nickname. On top of that if i was to search for characters called splodge on the wow, there are tonnes, none of which are actually me - would employers be able to prove that one of their candidates was a wow player?

Also, im not sure about the rest of the EU etc, but in the UK if the employer gives that kind of reason for not hiring an employee then im pretty sure they can be taken to court for some kind of discrimination.
'n btw, plenty people put gaming achievments in their fb profile, those shitty flash games :O}
I just woke up!
well good morning too you then :)
i sleep 3-4 hours at workdays, 12-16 at holidays 'o'
I don't see it as discrimination & no different than not hiring Joe Blo cause you know he closes the local pub on daily basis.

Games like Wow are terrible in that they reward based on time invested. There are no learned skills only acquired skill based strictly on logged hours. Goals are seemingly endless which causes the player to be constantly wanting to achieve the next level. This causes an addiction.

Many employers these days inquire about past substance abuse & I can't see it being any diffrent that they check if you have a Wow account.
used to be police records they checked, now its wow accounts? Oo
Welcome to the digital age my friend where everything you do leaves a fingerprint. Big Brother is always watching
<60lvl = ban+gtfo

60+lvl = you will be protector of the boss (ingame ofc) in exchange for extra money @ work :D
Next they will be saying this about people who have alot of sex.
nah sex is as can be proved advantageously for the productivity!
nymphos would be a problem though
some prof's wouldn't agree with you, as they still blame the dopamin for people being agressive, emotional unstalbe, distracted or what so ever:P
(not that i believe this):P
nothing new
Big companies regularly check on their employees to check for drugs or alcohol abuse. Dont see any difference with ppl playing mmorpg's
games for pc should be divided into wow and the others, what wow is simply a sickness, just look on that chinese :X
kinda weird but truly understandable
QuoteIs keeping your online gaming hobby secret now a necessity?

It very much is!
People with a lot of energy also are more likely to have irregular sleeping patterns. They tend to be more productive. So just small talk ;)
it is understandable from employers point of view. On the other hand it is discrimination for the way human spend free time that should be forbidden
hmm very interesting
I guess playing WoW alot just states motivation for playing games!
Ofcouse i play World of Warcraft !
you can call it my first life..

haha not :D
i play wow but no addicted nerdo
im an employer of over 350 people. i know for a fact, that any company i use for employment screening for workers , never use anything like this. must be american tbh.... lot of shit.
I still blame the scotsmen though!
Fair Deal imo.
thats what i thought:D
these xfire polls are really representative, moar naive pls
like any of us had a job >:D
I couldn't blame anyone for screening WoW users. What a waste of time WoW is. Surely when you get older you'll think...why the fuck did I waste my time on that shit?
ET isn't a waste of time maybe ?
Sure it is, unless you're going to LAN's, meeting people, winning money. I don't think ET is anywhere near as damaging as WoW.
bs not all ppl play wow 24/7 i used to play wow and i played with huge breaks for like few months often. It took me like 1.5 years to get 60 :p don't regret at all playing it was fun and met a lot of nice ppl
Incidentally, those who are that careless with their personal lives online probably aren't smart enough for the job they're trying to get anyway. :o)
Plz, theres no shame in showing my awesome body on teh internets :'(
you got potential! :P
Yeah :'(

Its a hard knock life being as sexy as I am :'(
dont push it too far now :<
Playing MMORPG games @ low rates sucks.. video games were made to have fun and i don't know how people enjoy these boring leveling and stuff, that's why private server with high rates exist.. people shouldn't spend their free time and money making them self an addiction trying to reach higher level or getting good gear which will take so long and will not be that fun as most retail players expect ... anyways Lineage 2 > WoW
Solution: Work in the game industry!
stupid wow players.
raid over or server down?
servers are fucked up
I definitely wouldn't even try to recruit a WoW player!
made my day
WOW is bullshit anyway, who cares. WOW players never have a shower and they usually have that long beard which makes them look so pathetic (from what i saw so far).
you my friend are the definition of retarded
hahaha agreed
confo! missed u at cc! :o
i know im really sorry but like i had no money and needed money from my mum to fund my paris trip in february =[
atleast i dont play wow.
id much rather play wow than be tagged as a retard :S
ur a retard who plays wow
would be really strange when you read a CV what contains stories about how
he made his level 49 paladin and fought against the lion hunter clan etc...

nah seriously... this article is about serious nerds, u can play wow without being addicted. + facebook is an UK thingie, so only u guys have to fear...
only a uk thingy? there are over 60 million users and 10% of the scandinavian population is on facebook :)
i just bought warhammer , seems more fun than wow , if anyone else palys, pm me or smthin:p
lol yep, i tought it too
warhammer >>> wow
Well I wouldn't hire wow players either...
But it still sounds tought to judge all of them beforehand
It's a fact nowadays companies take in mind what people do...

for example they check facebook profiles of candidates for a job

WoW is just really addictive, it's different than any shooter
This is bad. So if you ever start playing WoW and get badly addicted, it makes it even harder to get a job, making the steps needed to be taken to get out of the addiction even harder. Great.
S'fair enough. Can't disagree with employers not wanting to employ peolpe addicted to WoW.
What a wonderful world!
Lineage 2 forever
yes, computer world sucks!
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