ClanBase Hall of Shame 2008

After the monthly statistics I thought there might be some interest for a yearly overview of the work of our Cheat and Abuse department - Enemy Territory. I gathered the statistics for cheat cases stored on ClanBase for 2008.

This data only covers the amount of cases that successfully made it to a suspension on ClanBase.
Ofcourse not every case is a succes, sometimes we need more evidence or it turns out the wrong person is being accused. Sometimes we suspend people wrongfully after which people can appeal. Currently we can't run statistics on these numbers. With the introduction of the ticket system we now have a more structured way of dealing with appeal cases, making it also possible to keep track on the number of cases and the time it takes to process them. Perhaps next year they can be included!

First some totals
In 2008 we suspended 572 accounts with a total suspension period of around 710.5 years (8526 months), which makes the average suspension 15 months. Not every human is unique, some might return with a new account, some get suspended multiple times. A few people have been suspended 4 times, however most players are suspended only once.

Overal numbers
Below you can see the number of suspended players in 2008 per country. The Poland Polish population on ClanBase contributes the most to our suspended player database, followed by the players from The Netherlands Netherlands which have half the number of suspenses.

image: 34zg2ms

The number of suspended players per game might not come as a surprise after last months rampage. Call of Duty 2 leads the ranks with 41%! The entire Call of Duty line of games makes up for 55% of the suspended players. While the free multiplayer game Enemy Territory places 4th place alongside Steam's Counter Strike:Source.

image: 9b8x1e

Most people are cheating in a public server. Although we're working hard to make gaming on ClanBase as attractive as possible, playing a match on a public server is still the favorite of a lot of players. Cheating there is also seen as less bad than cheating during an official match. Nevertheless we punish for both. Not everybody is willing to accept his suspension. Instead of creating an appeal case, they create a new account and continue to play. The amount of suspended returning players is second in line.

image: 335bplu

image: 15dm1qg

To show the result of all the people involved in detecting, catching and suspending players you can see a graph of the daily output of suspended players below. Cheating never stops and neither do the people working on these cases!

image: 2u4lmw5

A total number of 56 accounts were suspended during the months of January to the 17th of June (168 days) these bans were submitted by England Bulld0g & Belgium Bartichello, the number of suspensions are equivalent to 0.33 bans per day. On the 18th of June, Malta Killerboy was appointed as the new C&A Supervisor for ET and suspended a total of 516 accounts during the span of 197 days which is equivalent to 2.6 bans per day or 9 times more than the prior C&A Supervisors!

The Pie Chart below resembles the amount of suspensions submitted by the different C&A Supervisors during the Year of 2008.
England Bulld0g & Belgium Bartichello - 9.79%
Malta Killerboy - 90.21%

image: 2ij3zpl

2008 has been a very succesful year for the ClanBase Cheat and Abuse department. A lot of structural changes have been made for a better communication with all games hosted on ClanBase and partners and anticheat crew they use to prevent cheaters from ruining their fun. It was nice to see crew initiatives in creating their own demo teams.
An important mile stone is the partnership with Game-Violations, which enables us to provide cleaner games and quality evidence in cheat cases.

One of the issues we'll be targetting this year is the appeal case. Suspending players is one thing, making sure their voice is heard when they feel their suspension is unjust is another. As the amount of suspensions keeps growing, so will the amount of appeals. Another issue is the returning cheater. We´re constantly trying to figure out ways to make people wait out their suspension. Since we´re not allowed to physically restrain people from using a computer a lot of our work depends on the players respecting our rules and policies, which is something we care for a lot.
If you want to contribute in C&A on ClanBase you can always send ideas, caught cheaters, questions or other stuff to us or your game's C&A supervisor. They are there to help you find your way through the Cheat and Abuse options for your game!
I feking love Pie Charts :D
Yeah go holand! We need to catch up with the polaks!
1% norwegian, so proud
And thats half the CWG team:)
nice one :D
0% romanian :D
I wonder why...
Hey hey, chill on the attitude playah.
Haha nice
Abuse versus player and/or admin

dont care bout random cheaters rly.. =/
thanks for the info
Nice attention you give yourself there
lolpacman at last pic

edit: proud to be greek

image: GreeceFlagBig08
no cheaters in cod5 awesome!! bestest game ever! :D
look on the MBI on pbb there over 1600 bans xD on cod4 there are aover 16000 maybe cod4 will get more then et in a shorter time...
Nice poland! Most of you are poor as hell but you spend your money on hacks.. Thats just very intelligent..
Most of them probably use free-hax, that's why they always get busted=D
cash from stolen cars, np!
Poland dominates
loled nice.
Let's increase this !
You already cheat....

On me! :<
My hand doesn't count :(
your ego must me exploding

nice work but the last part of the statistic was just useless
talking about the killerboy,etc. part ?
why is it useless
they should get their fame for doing all the stuff for the community and trying to rescue our game
"they" ?

Its an article written by Killerboy and the last statistics are only there to proove how much more cheaters Killerboy busted than the people before him. Totally unecesary and just there to boost his ego.
Or just say thanks to one of few who are doing something good for the game. Ego? Yes people should just do their work and expect to hated for it. Ignorant fucking child tool.
I actually said he has done a nice job but of course its easy to overread something if you want to overread it. dumb fuck

You get laud for doing a job but not for bragging how awesome you do it. This is just attentionwhoring.
Good work :D
one word, pathetic.
nice, hang in there
1% = Israel, haters.
Anti-semitism imo!
Nice 0% Ireland

Such an honest bunch we are.
hell yea :D
Poland pl power!!! ;D
2% si... :D
0% hell yeah :D
btw where's the monthly BANS topic from forum gone?
but could you also collate it with the percentage composition of nationalities of clanbase users? :-)

Clownbase communicating???

QuoteThe number of suspended players per game might not come as a surprise after last months rampage.

Some cod player plz link me to whatever happened plz.
lol I was trying to point out to Killerboy to use the hide tag, his post was taking up the whole mainpage

oh lol, i just thought you had a couple of pints :D
lol at poland
Well done, this is how it should be presented!
well, poland has almost thrice the population of the Netherlands... compare that to Germany, biggest population with only 9%.
I blame the dutch for the demise of ET.
How can such a small nation be home to so many cheaters?

ps: I know that Clanbase is a lot less popular in Germany than ESL :P
blame the dutchies for killing ET
I'd love to see ranking like number of guys from country / number of cheaters. Im sure Poland wouldnt win.
lol polish freaks :D that's possibly the stupidest suggestion ever
why lol
except germany it kinda works, the bigger country is (with active players), the more cheaters it has. looks logical for me
yes i'm pretty sure your logic is looked up to lol , *sigh* figure it out by yourself
which countries have the most cheaters? pl, nl and de. which countries have the most active players? oh..
pl = 40 millions, nl = 13 millions, should I count more? finland, many players, 6 % of cheaters (5x times less than in PL), number of people? 5 milions, which is 8x times less than PL, estonia, 1 million people! (40x times less than PL), 3% of cheaters (damn, only 10x times less than PL).. etc etc
the only way what you just said could make sense is if there were atleast 5x as much polish players than nl and de which there obviously isnt , and even if it was i'd take that excuse with a pinch of salt

nice edit... wtf poland has a population of a little over 23million or so lol , just face it you are just cheat happy lol
"poland has a population of a little over 23million"

just google it
oooh my bad

Quoteand a population that hovers just over the thirty-eight
million mark.
it was 23, but after WW II when nazis killed like 10 millions of our population
Ye, that really happened.
google plz.
How did 6M jews and some randoms turn into 10M poltards?
yea maybe I wrote that a little wrong, they killed like 1,5 milions of polaks and 3,5 millions jews which were polish citizens. the rest 5 millions emigrated from poland, so we lost them anywayz. take a look on this statistic (amount of polaks) :
1938 34 849 000
1946 23 930 000
i cba reading your retarded post but it looks as if you think about 70 million people play ET?
did you say poland has 40 million active players or what?
Yea, obviously. In fact, I was thinking about 100 millions
He means there are proportionally more cheaters in Holland than Poland. He's right. However, you could counter argue that Holland has a superior communications (internet) infrastructure so they've proportionally less cheaters for their entire internet user-base. This simply isn't true, though. Holland has three times as many cheaters as the UK, and 5% more than Germany.
The best would be to simply take number of ClanBase users from each country. Then, you simply have: Number of bans on CB / number of players on CB.
its easier to meet a cheater in ned than in poland.
i suggested that :)
lol nice stats! I like the charts. Though last chart was kinda useless imo.
"On the 18th of June, Killerboy was appointed as the new C&A Supervisor for ET and suspended a total of 516 accounts during the span of 197 days which is equivalent to 2.6 bans per day or 9 times more than the prior C&A Supervisors!"

Quality above quantity.
Its not a competition to get the most bans,bulldog did an awesome job.
I guess killerboy had more time to add the bans of not really known players who had pbbans entries and stuff like that. (read: what a nerd.)
Totally fucking agree.
killerboy, why don't u get the obvious guys banned like gizmo, then u would get respect. The amount of banned pub haxers doesn't really impress me
ban the polish players 1 year from cb !
and the scene would disappear
CB anti cheat policy is the biggest joke ever, no wonder the big numbers
Those statistics are pretty useless, since you were not looking at the county-population + players in that specific country. It's a nice overview, but people shouldn't be like "WTF MY COUNTRY JUST 1% WOWOWOW HEHEHE".
yeah, you are not that wrong, but isn't it preety noticable that most of cheaters come from pl?
another theory that is totaly ridiculous, there are plenty players which are still not banned or these ones who where smart enough to avoid a ban. The statistic just shows the stupidity of a few players in a specific country, nothing else. (In addition there's an overflow of public-cheaters or unknowns for god's sake...)


attentionwhoring to the max.
Quote Bulld0g & Bartichello - 9.79%
Killerboy - 90.21%
there is no reason to care about a countries population tbh
obviously the pie chart shows the number of bans, not cheaters :D
based on what you say I can conclude there are a lot of dumb people living in poland right?
sure, by having a look at your country I as well have to think about the fact that the netherlands are full of retards ;-) both countries are too stupid to use a hack in any way.
muahahaha, TMF is not even in the games list

now that's called a clean game! :D
Bulld0g & Bartichello - 9.79%
Killerboy - 90.21%

ok, now i dont care anymore about wat u just wrote :(
dont ban people for public hax and you got an almost cheatfree game
hah, lika ägd som i en 1v1 mot deadmeat.
I wonder why so many of u blame polish players about cheats... we have clever c++ programmers, who make a lot of stuff, so we have many cheaters.

And to all morons, who makes lol about polish, saying we are poor, car stealers etc. Some of u even dont know where poland rly is, dont know 3 polish citys, or come to krakow to drink a beer and piss to fountain (in thair country they piss to barrel of beer so need to come to us for a drink)- bite my ass.
QuoteI wonder why so many of u blame polish players about cheats... we have clever c++ programmers, who make a lot of stuff, so we have many cheaters.

seriously :DDDDDDDDD like other countrys dont have this, and if they would be that special poland wouldnt be shown here :)
thats why I see so many polish soiftware developers on the market.

And why do polaks need to go to other countries for work? because they don't have enough money! Why is everything so cheap in poland? Because otherwise you guys can't pay it!

now start learning something about ur own country.
selfwritten feather up the arse.
rotfl logic straight like frikin elton john... :O
My country man go to other countries becouse they can't afford living in Poland. and rly things ain't cheep here.
yeh but in all fairness poland and holland have the biggest community unless im mistaken.

a ratio is needed imo
Killerboy - 90.21% fucking king!
Abuse vs Player/and or Admin

needs more

ru - 1%
n1 statistics
UK are slacking a bit, GET IN THERE!!! \o/
always nice to see these presentative and accurate statistics, purely objective, not a random show-off, this is just brilliant!
Type of cheats - Abuse versus adminds :D:D:D:D:D
failerboy atracting all the fame to himself with the last part, damn stupid kid grow up and let your ego fade away.

imo bulldog always did a better job as you will ever be capable of, maybe he banned less cheaters but he knows how to react and he's the one who started the banning spree.
<3 the stats only show this year :D
damn, well done mate :)
I don't want any thanks from anyone seriously, i saw Obsidian had the statistics for every game ( i sent you an email with them ) though they are only for 2008, don't know if they logged them during 2006-7, as you know i doubt they logged ip's or the dates the ips where used during those days, as you might know they have improved now and so have some rules. For those saying i wrote this by myself is wrong since most of this newspost is found here: I just modified it a bit so that people will know what we have done/not done during this year for ET and took me some hours to get the stats working for ET since i didn't even know how to use Filters/=count(xx:xx) in excel ^^. I just posted all the statistics for everything, for all those who say me/CB don't do anything and just stay there to abuse our power, its not like me or you or anyone working at CB gets paid for this, its all voluntary work as you know, and i can't believe a bit of stats give the power to ppl to start flaming, and as i said before and will always say, you, Bulld0g will always be the best cheatbuster and the guy who saved ET from Cheats, i'm just hear to try and to the same and help.
no offence taken at all mate :)
You're such a fool. I don't get it why clanbase gets a 17 year old swearing kid into their crew!
Well... yeah swearing? Link me to it pls. What i know is that i do not threaten people to beat them up at LAN unlike you did (vs Wakizashi and others)

and i'm a fool because i posted a pbban of your best friend, great e-thug, and also you need to grow up more than i have to, remember you even got banned for laming/flaming a CoD admin, you even denied that you were an nC customer with the excuse of " i got hacked" while the ip clearly said it was dutch + ip matched with crossfire and CB and you denied that aswell, don't be pathetic, grow up and admit your mistakes instead of defending your best irl friends for nothing.
I got banned because I was right. I made the story about me hacking - so I could get into your C&A crew, and if I was a real hacker, wouldn't I be on the list? Or is your list not that accurate?
Trying to get into the C&A Crew by admitting you were an nC customer? lol
was to "proof" that I knew something about hax
you can't come up with something new do you? But I didn't expect anything else from you :DDD
but almost the same number of days :)
15 days less for him, 15 days more for you - still its quite nice score for maltese falcon.
the question is whether your previous months were more intensive with number of bans.

just to make it clear: nothing against you, you're still the best

there have been 867 suspensions for ET since 2006

867-4 = Bans till 2008 = 863
863-516(my bans) = 347 bans during 2006/7
Afaik now there were lunachick and angrykid and bulld0g as c&a superivors, but lets unite them since its impossible to check every single ban they made separetely.

(lunachick+angrykid+bulld0g)347+(bulld0g+bartichello)56 = 403 bans from 2006-2008
Before i started, we had no facility to check IP's on CB without lookinh through individual player logs, demos were not allowed, YAWN was ignored, pbbans cross referencing was not took into account, it was all basically screenshots and persistance. Not to undermine your great work but it was very hard to ban people. Your in a better situation now to do the job, i just think people are a little annoyed at how you have made it a look at me statement. I'm not i am just happy someone carried on after i quit :)
True + hopefully C&A will keep on improving they added the nC customer / buying cheats rule now, but we still cannot ban them ... yet :(
That would be awesome :)
so fucking true:D
am hungry;<
Bulldog was better :)
yeah i would like to add that i had retired early that year :D Where are my 2006-2007 stats :)
nice job killerboy
respect 2 bulldog <3
shame on you poland
Well done Belgium EDiT !
clanbase hall of shame: #1 Killerboy
Proud to polish XD
that's a joke :///
Haha....number of polish haxors through the roof.

Unexpected :O
Most of polish cheaters are not experienced in cheating and too stupid/poor to use undetectable cheats like people from other countries mostly do.
"Most of polish cheaters are not experienced in cheating and too stupid/poor to use undetectable cheats like people from other countries mostly do."

That´s sounds like the polaks have a big tradition in cheating...

I heard thet the polaks a pround of Poland and so on, but why does they cheat?
WHY?!I mean if they are so pround, why didn´t they play without cheats?
Please answer...
well done :)
No WD to you and yours ;)
Poland > all.
PB > Poland
FIFA 0% cheaters, why?
Gratz Netherlands NL, cheaters' country.
if it's 0% how come it's on diagram ?:DDDDD
+ we need info about suspended cheaters (random flag) / players from this country in CB
+ NL = 16 418 246 ppl (15%) | PL = 38 139 000 ppl (29%) - so NL > PL in cheating :C
I think collating percentage of cheaters with overall number of popullation of a country is not that correct. You'd better do that with e.g.:
- number of country's players registered at cb and playing
- population of a country from 7 to 40 years, because they mainly play games.

I guess that would make Poland's percentage even smaller.
you sir is right
as if 5% of poland has internetz :(
and we still have top2 et nation team....
how is that relevant to the topic? :)
those busted guys with bots wanst best players in our country.
every country may say that about itself, except belgium ofc :D:D
then again, acid & vila wer SHIT :x
alright alright, i didnt want to make you angry :-(
i'm not angry :o
pl 29% rofl
n1 killerboy
Killerboy, could you count how much % of your busts are K3rv3r0s's? :DDD
gratz poland, gj!
"only" 6% FR .... I am ....very .... astonished
i want the credits for giving the ideia to make the graphics
to make things easier top ten in cheating is

United Kingdom
10º Slovenia
thanks pie chats 2 small to see and lazi :P
Slovenia, new belgium??!??
Lazy stats! Where's the proportionality, number of suspensions relative to size of the userbase on CB? Does CoD have the most bans proportionally, or is it simply the most populous game? We needz figures!

Nice nonetheless ^^ (minus the useless ego section)
easy ansewr why polaks hax so much
Bimbot is detectable
haha :DDDD I don't wonder why PL has the highest amount of suspended players :D
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