ClanBase Kicks 'Naughty' NationsCup

image: cblogo_160w ClanBase like to cause controversy, and have a reputation for inconsistently applying their rules. Last night, the Croatia Croatian team was kicked from this seasons ClanBase NationsCup for fielding more than the allowed number of players from one individual clan. Whilst this rule is clear - could it's application have wider consequences for the competition as a whole?

The rule states:

Quote by ClanBasePlayers are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 29th September 2008 until Monday of the 2nd Match Week of the cup. Activity for clans is defined as participating in any ClanBase competition (Hosted Cups and QuickCups which are not intended for National teams included, Friendlies excluded).

How did the events unfold?

Slovenia jakazc mailed the ClanBase Chiefs saying that we used 4/5 players from the Cortana lineup, since we were active in last season, eventhough suvi, acozz and me didn't play EC. That would mean that any player that was on roster while the clan was active is considered as a player for that team, no matter if he played or not.


Quote by jakazcI told admin that i will whine about ur lineup after you played vs germany and obv noone told you that. When i sent mail to NC cheifs i told them that i dont want forfeit if bartichello quits admin job in NC, but ofcourse he wont admit that he made mistake so he was forced to remove you from NC .

Update 2:

Quote by Bartichellorules are global... it's not up to gamecrew to decide on them... the guys that make these rules are the chiefs(which are a bit higher in ranking then the supervisors)

i actually agree the rule is shit as it is now. it has to change especially now that they have built in a lineup system for every cup/ladder...

reason I had to make an action is basically because i got forced to by the chiefs. i knew which player played with which team in the deadline. Frozz and suvi didn't play for cortana, tekoa never played for dnan...

What implications does this have? Well it turns out, a number of other teams are in a similar situation. Those that we know of being:
  • Finland Finland - 5 (olbaa,Rk,lepari,squall,Matias) from the lineup active in team Finland defix that played actively in last season's OC 3v3
  • Netherlands Netherlands (tekoa,overboost,joop,hayaa) 4 from the lineup active in team Netherlands dNan that played actively in last season's EC


image: finland%20vs%20uk

image: ned1

image: ned2

image: shot0000

Apologizes to Latvia Latvia for putting them on the list, vinyl didn't play this year's NC and we didn't take that much care for Latvia since they were out of NC already. Once again,sorry.

Back to you ClanBase!
Sucks to be you ;/
cb link for cro kick=?
seriously, who the fuck cares
its about watching nice matches, not starting a nice flame
how can flaming be nice?
If u reading and laughing at the same time, it is probably funny :D
then its prolly just retarded :P
no it isn't, it's about who gets the win, nobody gives a fuck about rest than themselves : )
And it's not about kicking teams .
not true Ati_ never played a nationcup match en teKoa never played EC with us
So, they are in ur cb profile that is enough
probally it isnt
13:34 @frozz • tekoa didnt play ec
13:34 @frozz • with dnan
13:35 @mamut|Squall • but was in their profile
13:35 @mamut|Squall • so that is enough?
13:35 @mamut|Squall • :D
13:37 @frozz • yea
13:37 @frozz • thats why we got kicked
he played with us like 6 months ago... and never played a offi
suvi never played an offi also and was in the clan for 5 hours
it is, what do you think why we got kicked
dont know havent seen/heard anything about it
frozz wrote it in the original post
it's overboost,not ati,sorry
You mean Joop. Cos tekoa + overboost + hayaa = 3 = allowed afaik.
Someone seems to be pissed ;) Though you might still be right.
hahahah, sucks that 2 favorites will be removed but if they will follow the rules : /
final: estonia vs japan
Thats worst rule ever :DDDDDDDDD Does croatia even have more than 6-7 etplayers?
talking about 3vs3 teams, get lost :S. But sad that croatia got kicked :(.
love to see clanbase respond to ur (right) proofs :P
u have teh reason to be pissed
idiotic to get kicked because of 3v3
GG clanbase fucking up the scene
seems like the UK are going to qualify! hahaha
same with mpg and team-ger 2 seasons ago, had a longlasting discussion about who was allowed to play :S

i hope everyone gets kicked!!!!!!!!!!
this rule doesn't make any sense
what about israel?
4 players of their lineup are playing for eSrael
esr didnt play 1 offi yet
so theres adifrence
until Monday of the 2nd Match Week of the cup

I believe eSrael was created in a last few days/weeks.
they obviously didnt play any CB matches in these dates. if they played one,they would get kicked
they were created few days ago and they didnt even play 1 cd match

and you were told that before few times and you still dont get it

whats your problem then
dont fuck with jews man
the 3o3 thing is bullshit
you forgot team poland

maybe sweden too?
poland asked for permission before NC, we asked permission for me, but not for suvi, because we thought its not needed since he was added accidentally and was in a clan for few hours
Quotesince he was added accidentally

weird accidents :XD
it was a bug!
a feature* :P
What about sweden and dispo? Probably some other nations aswell..
Poland should also get banned , since NC chiefs would never allow someone to use 4 or more players. We asked for ETQW didnt work out, so same here, so hf complaining :o)
u got no chance in NC anyway, so why do u haunt teams down like this?

no offence, I'm just curious. U showed kinda lame attitude already in the game vs Chile or whatever and now this. Gives really a great image of your country :(
What about Team sweden, Disposable hasn't played an official since ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2006.
we already asked the admins, we got accepted since we haven't played CB active since forever :p
ban them all ! :D
Good thing Belgium is just a bunch of random players! :D
luckily we took in consideration to field 3 players from each team only, randoms or not !
Smart fellows, and then to imagine we Dutch people have all those Belgian jokes :[

GL in playoffs.
hehe, not all belgians are dumb fucks as the EDiT ones!
and cheers for the gl, most likely we'll face NL over there :XD
you will most likely not meet NL if all this is true and I believe it is
haha idd :-P .. we might face romania or so then x-)
Better be clanless :D
dirty jakazc :D
jaka has always been a bitch, high ego ftw.
low+ whine (jakazc)
What is the purpose of this rule ? Another pointless act of retartness from the admins i say.
I think it was created coz in the past there used to be really strong polish and finnish teams in which case there would already be the 2 finalists clear before the cup itself. would u imagine team NL that has basically a mix team and eg parodia play? Who do u think would win? My guess is that this is the reason why the rule was created.
"damn i made a mistake, but all the others r bad too"
sounds like kindergarten, sry
it's called justice
nope, it´s childish argumentation...if i die all the others should die too
It's a little childish, but how else can they show the absurdity of the rule?
yes they were mistaken about the rule but i think clanbase should fix this rule for next season since 3o3 and 6o6 has nothing that common : /
Nah, I understand. They thought they were doing the right thing but CB says otherwise. If CB insists on enforcing this weird rule the way they did to Croatia Croatia, they should punish other teams too in the same way.

I suppose the main goal of this is to get CB to turn back the decision though.
3on3 cups - serious business...

unexpected from a slovenian to fuck everything up, even in ET, first chile now this

although, it's kind of your own fault, you could have had drv4c play, he is better than suVi anyway
Always the same, fucking Jaka :-(
You should delete him from your buddylist to make a statement!
He'll sleep at cabins next LAN, that's for sure!
Should let the bastard sleep outside in my opinion! :D
Well, that's basically the same :-P
Never been at the cabins :[
Suppose they suck balls though now haha
holy shit, you get entertained easily.
wow dirty play by jakazc

stupid rule in the first place really, i like to see clans made up of one nationality... but clanbase is really retarded so shit like this is expected
I remember some years ago the Czech Republic consisted of the whole singularity lineup with marv, butch, CPU, VD and some others and they would have EASILY won NC because of their nice lineup, so the rule made kind of sense since it would have been quite unfair from that point of view :p
I'm curious how CB will answer on this:) Don't think they are going to kick 3 or more nations, NC would become a joke.
Rules are there to be followed , anyway, it's a stupid rule. Kinda hard :(
Please frozz - "A national team may never have more than 3 members of the same active clan playing at the same time." (c) ClanBase

"Playing at the same time" - this season vinyl isnt playing for Latvia NC team, as you may see at your screenshot :)
thought he played since he was on every gtv lineup and latvia was out already so we didnt take care of it that much,sorry.removed
Thank you :)
even if vinyl played that would have changed nothing and n1 putting us in this shitthread
Typical croatian ... after getting busted, they will give info of all clans that they used 4 or more playerz from team. With SC!!!!

Could u pls get us also phone numbers from all playerz? Would be nice, coz i would like to call tekoa !
hello slovenian trash
well, where is phone number?
They are just fucking bad losers imho! Seen them do this before, loose to kojak in EC quali and the next thing they busted the whole team. fucking crotards
ive never seen clanbase THAT pathetic :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Clown come on, you're vinyl! Dont lie to papa.

Or wait....venyl, or vanyl, or smth check in's Latvia NC team lineup :)
everything is working as planed...
ik vind t wel lame dnan was een lange tijd geleden maar cortana/team cro spelen altijd samen dus het is niet egt hetzelfde
unless defix is suddenly a formal clan and active in 6v6 competitions i really don't see how a 3v3 clan applies in 6v6 NC. or do they play 3v3 with 5 players these days?
doesn't say whether it's a 3on3 or a 6on6 clan, it's just says ANY active clan ;)
mainpoints 1. Active 2. Clan 3. CB profile

so for finland, defix was active, it is a clan and there is 5 players from team finland in cb profile

though, those 5 players were not part of defix because squall = raab, matias = mitajan and olbaa = kkk, reikkeri = mitaajan, but the stupid point in all this shit is that because of that (=being in CB profile) croatia was kicked aswell
As far as I know you can have 5 or 6 players in a roster of a 3vs3 clan. It doesn't matter if they all play or not, being in the same clan and roster is enough.
afaik defix is ACTIVE 3on3 team. not 6on6, so wtf xD

anyway, gg cb :D
if 4 of them played cod or any other game in same clan they cant play NC together
wat a bullshit =/
most retarded rule i've ever heard
Why? Please explain me why?

So then every ''one nation clan'' could be also NC team?


Cortana = team Croatia
RoyalBlood = team Portugal
The pin pals = team Spain
eSreal = team Israel
dispo = team Sweden


And what or where is then point to play against teams that they are playing together even in clan ? 6 players playing together in team (EC/OC) and also playing NC at same time... isnt that a little bit unfair? This is NC (NATIONS !!!) not clans cup....
imo Japan is also a clan! :D:D they got their own Jap league and they pwn!#@! :D:D its a conspiracy
tnx4remiding me about eSr=isr
one thing, we started esr after 2nd match week of nc, so nothing is wrong, we can take all isr and make it a clan now if we want.. and we kinda did..
Dispo // team sweden ?
correct. added.
QuoteThis is NC (NATIONS !!!)

read this zillion times if needed.

if it's a nationscup, then clans from one nation should play for their nation's team, that's pretty much all you need to care about. is there as ridiculous rule as this one in world cups of football, basketball, or basically any other team sport?

and now something on topic, what this news really is about - it's not about questioning the rule, but about making Clanbase follow the rules word for word for every nation which also broke them - and it should be done.
What would then be a point of NC, if half of NC teams would be actually clans? We have EC/OC for that.
Same can be said for alot of sports. There's no reason why eSports should be taken more seriously
Disposable has not played an Official since ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2006 :o
its just example ffs.
Not in 3on3 either? Because that counts aswell..
25 May '08

dunno whether it's to be considered 'active' or nor...
we played in 2007 fall, or else we played me, alexl and nuggan for 3v3 OC last fall :) and they didn't play this year
Ye 4-5 years ago maybe.
The pinpals = Team Spain

kinda fail with team finland, defix is 3on3 only so they just can't play with 4 or 5 players together :XD

what does it mean now? will they get out of NC?
nP fOR uS !
ban them all!
jakazc just wants to eliminate every good team so it would be more izi for them
this rule should be deleted in cod 4 too, so bullshit ...
it's not that dumb ... imagine 6 hungarian players playing EC/OC in the same team and playing NC too, don't you think it's a bit unfair ?
i dont see why that should be unfair, if that guys ARE the best players of their country. if you would apply that rule to e.g. football, there wouldnt be team germany as it is now, if bayern munich isnt able to send all their good players (just an example)
I Loled.

ClanBase, You suck seriously.
I am really sorry that happened to you Croatians because you performed really well, but if there is rule black on white, it should be respected.
not on nationcup case. Now cb need to kick NL and Finland too.
well done aka
all welcome ... what is this all about ? :)
the rule is bullshit imho
It's not. Squall thinks it's ok. So, it must be that way.

mamut power.

this rule is so fuckin stupid on the nationscup case.
If one team gets kicked the rest have to be kicked other wise its unfair. But it wouldnt spoil the nc

personaly i dont think you would get many national teams making them selfs into clans.
it keeps on getting funnier
what would have happen if they signed up for EC as team Croatia? to pracc for example? is it taken as clan too?
gays :S
o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o
well, simple question: what is cortana lineup atm?
don't you know?
Are you saying everyone should know their lineup?
was trying to lure him into a trap -_- now you've ruined it :( was such a good way of spamming him with Surfin' Bird lyrics :_(
ROFL why do you blame CB ?

Rules are simple and it's ridiculous that still there are people who are not able to comply with them. Are you an idiots or what ? It takes max 5 mins to check if everything is ok (according to rules) in your team.
because nobody would expect such thing to happen. since the ages 6on6 and 3on3 have been different competitions and different rules, why should this comp now combine 2 things?
FIN isn't kicked by CB, it's just frozz's whine atm.
well yes but if the admins will follow the rule then they will be, since finland made a mistake. I recently used 180 script on esl match and if i knew it i wouldn't have used it but as admins said, "rules are rules, there's nothing we can do anymore.."
But according to the rules, that's what should happen next if I'm not mistaken. And anyway, clanbase never think their rules out and how they're going to work in practise.. I bet these rules were written by some 15-year-old wnb admins.
Quote5 (olbaa,Rk,lepari,squall,Matias) from the lineup active in team defix that played actively in last season's OC 3v3

omg omg kickban!!!1
lol N1 realy... 3 hours of suvi in cortana and got kicked. Jaka did u refresh cortana clanbse profile for months w8ing that they add someone from nation team to their LU? U are realy a faggot mate...
Kiss my hairly ass, blinki bill.
shut up slovenian whining trash, you lost and couldn't accept the defeat
i didnt lost, besides i ma not even in slovenian national team, coz of my skill. Basicly u are the one here who lost.
did i say that you were? i said that you as a nation lost and then whined about it and now here we are, reading your pointless comments.

think before you say something stupid again next time...
omfg what kind of reply is this? O_o i always loved CB but now it is realy funny to see how they apply stupid rules and riun all the fun.
i thought for countries with not much players(croatia!) they could make an exception...
nice selfpwn
So do the uk qualify?
wait for it.....wait for it....:D
we'll see soon if the rules are there just for fun or admins can bend them somehow or they will be ignored at all, I say that it will be 2nd casesince it's only finnish team : DDD
just show patience...
or next season you'll end up with hype playing at YOUR side^^
tbh countries with less players should have the exception of using more players from the same team(if they all happen to be in the same team). kinda stupid to kick someone out of NC for such a reason. cortana(mostly) has always had a croatian lineup(someone correct me if im wrong). I honestly don't know any other good croatian players(if i do, then sorry, must've forgot you) - if the small countries are gonna be removed upon a reason like that, then the there should be a rule applied for the "bigger" countries that equals it up - eg. 1 nc player per team.
cortana had Italymama, Switzerlandgunner and Francefra in the last EC with 3 other croatians
ye, thought so. remembered mama as one, couldn't recall the rest.
hmm, yes and no. But it's their own fault and stupidity cause they exactly knew what they were doin.
well, im not sure how many "good" players croatia has. i only know the ppl from cortana - so from my point of view there's not many. why not bend the rule on the purpose of sportsmanship and just better games. what's the point of throwing a nation with as minimum players as possible into NC - telling them they can practically form a shit lineup, and then put em against better teams. like throwing someone in the water that can't swim and tell him to swim(dumb example :D)
Actually I think the rule was made to protect smaller countries. Imagine team finland, germany or Netherlands would be praccing for months already with more or less the lineup that is gonna play in nc.

What bothers me about this case - once again - is that someone starts a whine topic against clanbase while they made the mistake. And I am 100% sure they knew what they were doin and just thought punishment wasn't possible cause some of their players didnt play last ec. Still they're a clan now. And to compare defix to that, lol...
ye, agreed. if the rule wouldn't apply in general, then the NC would end up being a contest between what...germany, finland, belgium, netherlands..get your point. and im not saying im right in my post either, i just find it annoying how ppl come and say "if you can't deal with the rule, take lowskillers", what's the point of entry in the end of the day then if you know your team can barely barely stay in fight :/
yea not easy to find a solution for.
sounds like typical clanbase newbiness
haha lovely <3
Well, I don't really understand those people who talk about bad losing. To those I can say: Imagine if this would happen with your national team!

The last time when this rule was modified was right after Hungary was disqualified and banned for two seasons in NationsCup VIII as I remember. In those days this rule wasn't as clear as now, because according to the old rules even onedaycup clans were considered as active clans. Luckily after pointing this out, the rule was modified and the disqualification and ban was removed, Hungary could continue.

It seemed for me too, that the new rules were correct. But I think this case points out that another clarification is needed. Just an example: now underscore is again an active clan. I played in the team 3 years ago, and I'm still a registered member of the clan. As I see according to the rules I'm a member of an active clan (underscore), though I had not played any game in the team for 3 years.
Last official of underscore was 30 Aug '07 so nP
Yes, but as soon as they play their EC qualifier, I will be counted as an active member again, and this would affect the next NationsCup. By the way I don't plan a comeback, but maybe someone from another country plans.
no the team is active after matchweek 2 of NC so it does not count as active...
:C c'mon, give it a try, and start your comeback:P
I don’t like the way ClanBase nowadays makes these kinda decisions, yet never offers any reasoning on their page.

If you’re to ban a nation, you should at the very least explain why.
lol, even considering finland had 5 players in 3o3 clan, how the fuck would they play 3o3 in 5?
they couldnt have played more than 3 guys in 1 team , so they didnt its 3o3, and 3=3, not more
I think you don't understand some things, it doesn't matter if it's a 2on2, 3on3, 4on4, 5on5, 6on6 or 50on50 clan, as long as the clan is active and contains those players, they're not allowed
i know they arent, but if its the anti-teamplay rule, still more than 3 players of same clan cant play in the same 3o3 match, anyway why does anyone compare 3o3 to 6o6 teams? its nonsense for me :E
its so fucking obvious that u are from poland.
the rule should be:
max 3 players from one clan. only includes players that played any official (cup, ladder whatever) with any lineup with that clan in the last 2 years.

this would mean more work for cb admins, or they could just make a system that forces you to fill in the lineup before you can confirm the scores. and they could make an automatic warning for players that were in violation of the rule.

but hey. cb is cb. dont give a fuck about the players as long as the site is getting hits.
'' ...or they could just make a system that forces you to fill in the lineup before you can confirm the scores... ''

This already exists
it's not forced an not very secure... you can fill in any lineup you want even if none of them played...
yes i know, but what do u expect that every single CB ladder match will be played with admin? OFC no.
As I remember teKoa never played in the Dnan offies but ye if you wanna say that
even being on the roster is to much already ...

If they do kick for this they srsly need to check on the rules.
i was added in a clan for 5 hours and we got kicked
The rule is good, but if i read correctly the players where only in a the same clan that played 3o3 matches? It should only be for 6o6 teams imo.
Quote by frozz Netherlands (tekoa,overboost,Ati,hayaa) 4 from the lineup active in team dNan that played actively in last season's EC

you forgot about Netherlands joop, so we got now 5 players from dNan :D
I can't really understand the debate. I haven't checked all the facts but apparently 3 of Croatia's players (suvi, acozz and frozz) did not play for cortana in last Eurocup. The rules define activity as participating in a CB competition and, pretty obviously, what is meant by that is playing in a cup. Seems like some retarded admin misinterpreted the rule and thought it'd be smart to consider everyone on the roster as an active player.

I don't really get why people want other teams to get removed while what should be done is putting Croatia back in the cup. Also, the rule is completely retarded in the first place. National teams should be allowed to field the best lineup they have, otherwise the cup is pretty much pointless.
I thouth that was the point of national team - to have the best national players in it not just to have six guys from same country :S
QuoteNational teams should be allowed to field the best lineup they have, otherwise the cup is pretty much pointless.

so true man
the 3 players from one clan rule has been forced since the start and it makes sense. the point is that players from rival clans get together and work as a team that plays for a long time. if there wasnt such a rule the old NC finals would always include dsky or gs, planb, idle, poison...

also that euro allstars competition could also be one clan a team, but thats not the point. for the best clan matches watch ec.
I know why the rule was made, I still think it's retarded. If 6 of the country's best players happen to play in the same team, let them represent their country. I don't see how that's unfair, just because some players decide to play for different teams doesn't mean that others need to suffer.

The way I see it, the only point of Nations Cup is to determine which country has the best players. How exactly can that be achieved by limiting the choice of the players? What will come next? The rule that forbids using more than 3 players with EC experience just because it would be unfair to countries who have worse players?
I see it coming next !
then say bibi to finland team :)
jakazc :DDDDD

and agree with kot
lol, better start deleting all my useless/ex-clans on clanbase
haha ja idd
jaka made up a rule and admin accepted it, gg !
either take back the kick of Croatia or kick all the others aswell. Simple as that. Follow your rules or change them, there is no other possible way if you want to keep any reputation.
maybe i first agree with you (: ?

yep,you are right :).
rules are global... it's not up to gamecrew to decide on them... the guys that make these rules are the chiefs(which are a bit higher in ranking then the supervisors)

i actually agree the rule is shit as it is now. it has to change especially now that they have built in a lineup system for every cup/ladder...

reason I had to make an action is basically because i got forced to by the chiefs. i knew which player played with which team in the deadline. Frozz and suvi didn't play for cortana, tekoa never played for dnan...
Stand up to the Chiefs?

It's your comp, you know the scene, you're on the firing line...
you think I didn't? for them it's only the rules count... i had a discussion for over an hour with them not getting me anywhere...
Ultimatums work (:
not likely... if i demand something it's more likely they'll get rid of me then bend the rules...

i have made clear however that i will not handle any nationscup after this again if they don't improve the rules... I don't like being nc sup to begin with. it's allot more work then any EC or OC because of crap like this... I only did it because there was none else avi... just as i did last season. I have never been an nc fan and probably never will be. i mean football world cup is so much simpler... have the nationality and play. It's not my responsibility to know full clanhistory of players... that's the captains job.

edit: i'm not making it look like it's not my fault here cuz large part of it is probably... it's just if the teams know the clanhistory better things like this also wouldn't happen... ofc the rule is the main factor in this...
as soon as you debate with someone that has a higher level than you @ CB, you lose... its with all departments, especially c&a (fusenlist, nC list, ips, crossfire, partners, selfbusts, admitting etc)
This rule sucks, indeed.
Hmm but ati hasnt been fielded in NC and tekoa is on the inactive list.


i say accept the pownage and move on!
Stupid rule imo, if its nations cup, every nation should be able to fill there best lineup with no restrictions..
TEAM SWEDEN SHOULD BE KICKED TOO!! omg pls clownbase WTF!!1231tA kasd (dispo)

ALSO 3 PLAYERS FROM EE ARE IN MAMUT.SI (al is backup in EE and inactive in mamut but care kick them anyways omg!!)

Kick everyone.

Team poland also has frag wiesiek, wiaderko, krisek and dvk3 in their lineup (k1ck) :D
u seem not to be up to date with the rules since u can have 1000000 guys from same team but only 3 of them can play at the same time, go eat ur finnish fuckup pie now
I've seen quite a lot in my days in the ET scene but this really hits the trigger.

I am appalled at the arrogance of the judge but also by Jakazc. I am quite sure he is not an expert in his own rules and even if he were, in a case of such great public importance to the scene, it is wise to listen to the views of the other side. Especially in this case, when such eminent counsel were available to assist him.

The judge could have invited some people to submit as an amicus curiae - in Latin it means ‘friend of the court’ and when the phrase is used in a court of law it means ‘one who advises the court(decisionmaker in this case) in a case’. I've seen it used quite a lot times here in Denmark and i really think that a guy like Bartichello can learn something from this.

Judges of far greater eminence than this guy have often asked other people of great experience for their valued views. Yet this judge thought he knew everything that he did not require any assistance from anyone else but himself.

I have always seen a guy like Jakazc as a guy that really wants to get one's own way even if it werent with good intentions. The fact that Jakazc hasn't been liked by most of the other ex-jugoslavian/balkanese guys can also have something to do with this.

I think I speak for most when I say that jakazc has always been arrongt/unfair more or less towards everyone with a skill belower himself. This action he made is such a dirty play that it really makes me laugh sometimes.

Just look, a team like croatia has almost always played NC and then this guy comes in and destroys it for them, and the most funniest part is that Jakazc normally dosen't EVEN play Nationscup prolly because hes too cool for it.

If i should give you an advice it would be "GET A GRIP".
You forgot to finish with: YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

most of your "look at me i'm studying law" rant is pure guessing without any base whatsoever and to top it off its irrelevant (cro played always and jaka usually didnt, so he is the bad guy?). i hope you're not thinking about becoming a lawyer.

cb is always making decisions without asking anyone and after they realize their decisions suck they just kinda crawl in their hole and wait for it to blow over.

you seem to have an issue with jakazc who merely pointed out the rule violation, while not demanding a forfeit or any punishment. its like saying the guy who witnessed a murder should be cast out of society because the killer thinks he is lame and arrogant. i mean look at him he called the police on me! how lame is that!

apart from the hate for jakazc what other opinion or solution do you have?
what? huh?

I never said that im studing law or anything concering it. For some its common sense for others its not. Thats it!

And your small girly talk about me having a small problem with jasazc is true but this is just my opinion. Just like you have your own!
so lets keep opinions wherever and talk about facts
be more lame jaki
why u didnt play against Poland?
me and dunno couldn't play that night + it wouldn't change anything + it would be rape (soz poland)

so we took forfeit
haha if this goes through. serious business!
What M1lk said.
Dirty from jakazc really. No respect
pretty serious news out there
shit rule is shit
they should be removed also if they stick with kicking cro out..
jakazc is just beeing pathetic now, because he has no life and a but ugly face
always trying to ride the rulez 200% so ur shitty teams can have their advantages :DD


I can't believe people say it's a fail rule, people haven't whined before in the past years.

This rule has been there for god knows how long due to reasons that Euruz mentioned, and if the clans break the rules they should be punished.

People might whine at the swedes since we're all playing in disposable more or less (with some exceptions) but we've not been active in cb. Unfortunately for some other nationteams this doesn't apply to them.

It's sad to see some really good teams get kicked (if it happens)....but if we wouldn't have had rules, what would then have happened?

Obey the rules, ban plx.

EDIT: Of course this rule creates some limitations in forming really strong teams clanwise, if the players want to compete in NC. But why would people want that if there's more to achieve as a clan anyway?
NC @ ET crap of crap, fail of fail.
every time same lineup's, same 1337 ppl and other shit...

But croatian...WHY WHINE NOW? Jakazc told you clearly that he will complain if you wont change lineup...Like you guys are the only one still playing ET in croatia. niggaz plz
read again "nigga",we are not whineing,we dont want to be put back in nc,we just want same treatment for the others too

i agree on that btw.
Fact is that atm teams only want one thing: victory, and they will do anything to get it.
It seems that every team should have an admin in team and every player should read the rules twice a week which mean players should be all like admins, it's just pathetic. Eventhough in that case i doubt any admin saw this kind of thing coming.
In the good old times nobody gave a flying fuck about these kind of things, so they did something...and then...if a team already lost they should just admit that the other team was better, let it be, getting passed a groupstage like this won't make ur team more respected or better.
Ur in this cup to play good and be respected not to make ur country seem like a bunch of retards...
Hey chapz :XD

First of all nice e-drama, i didnt want to mail NC chiefs but since bartichello ignored me on irc and didnt want to talk about this at all ,there was no other chance.
Slovenia wanted to make ETQW team but they were not allowed to play since they had same problem as Croatia and some other teams, so if they arent allowed why can some other teams play then ?

I contacted admin (Bartichello) after i saw Crotian lineup vs Germany ( Even told him that i will whine if i see same lineup vs slo) , but he didnt react at all , basicly he ignored me:o). I even told to croatian chapz before we started that they have too many players, but they were just laughing :)) .

When i mailed NC chiefs i said that i dont want forfeit if NC supervisor quits but he didnt want to , so it was his decision that he will remove Croatia.

Rules are shit but hey you need to follow them , shit happens , i have nothing against Croatia or so , i would do exactly same if i would play in group B and saw Finland with more then 3 players .

Bibuy !
I've seen quite a lot in my days in the ET scene but this really hits the trigger.

I am appalled at the arrogance of the judge but also by Jakazc. I am quite sure he is not an expert in his own rules and even if he were, in a case of such great public importance to the scene, it is wise to listen to the views of the other side. Especially in this case, when such eminent counsel were available to assist him.

The judge could have invited some people to submit as an amicus curiae - in Latin it means ‘friend of the court’ and when the phrase is used in a court of law it means ‘one who advises the court(decisionmaker in this case) in a case’. I've seen it used quite a lot times here in Denmark and i really think that a guy like Bartichello can learn something from this.

Judges of far greater eminence than this guy have often asked other people of great experience for their valued views. Yet this judge thought he knew everything that he did not require any assistance from anyone else but himself.

I have always seen a guy like Jakazc as a guy that really wants to get one's own way even if it werent with good intentions. The fact that Jakazc hasn't been liked by most of the other ex-jugoslavian/balkanese guys can also have something to do with this.

I think I speak for most when I say that jakazc has always been arrongt/unfair more or less towards everyone with a skill belower himself. This action he made is such a dirty play that it really makes me laugh sometimes.

Just look, a team like croatia has almost always played NC and then this guy comes in and destroys it for them, and the most funniest part is that Jakazc normally dosen't EVEN play Nationscup prolly because hes too cool for it.

If i should give you an advice it would be "GET A GRIP".
It was first time i did smth like that and i did it mainly cuz admins were acting like they are something more ( ignoring ) eventho i told them whats going on.

I got "tricked" many times by CB before and i never whined but i could. If they r putting yellow/red cards cuz we are not on CB channel on time ,then they should follow other rules also.

Some ppl are taking NC too much serious .
Please, when has CB ever screwed us over? :XD
Looky here mr. CEO, I'll keep it short and simple. You don't know Jakazc, you don't know "the scene" and there's probably a lot more you know nothing about, so maybe you should just shut the fuck up. Thanks!
No dude you listen!

I dont care if CB screwed you & co but it dosen't fucking give him right to ruin it for others because they suffered the same problem once. Thats like the lamest thing to do!

So as it looks maybe you should shut up! thanks!
ClanBase is just bullshit...

Once again.
it isn't clanbase it's how much ppl want to win even if they didn't deserve it and jakas case should of have been made clear before the match started not after
He told CB admin and Croatia team; both did nothing.
nice whine from jaka
1st whine about chile now this n1 idiot (jaka)
so go on cb and remove nl and fin too so final will be ger vs pol <3
so.. Germany vs. Estonia in NC final I guess
there are many strong teams that can win
cb = group of idiots
it seems to be the only constant there

made my day honestly !
it's all your fault!
yay, busted !
I do not get the extreme amount of whine, this rule has always been there and most of the bigger nations had to cope with it. Like phate said

Quote ph4tE on 09/03/09, 12:42:17 PM | Reply

same with mpg and team-ger 2 seasons ago, had a longlasting discussion about who was allowed to play :S

We had the same problem when we wanted to add Hatred/keran who both were on the roster but had not played in a long time, still they were not allowed so we just used different players.

Quotei hope everyone gets kicked!!!!!!!!!!
finally there are no teams being kicked for cheats so now you kick them for retarded rules?

come on just have some fun :(
Let's kick germany and all the rest as well because too many of them play in stronger of hate !!!
let´s not! ;P
Even thoe its retarded,only " fair " solution is kick for everyone.If you wanna be strickt with your rules,there should be no exceptions.Cb...?
This NC bs is overshadowing the crappy EC qualis :X


made my day.
you fuuuuuuuuuucks noooooooooooooooooooooooooo, fucking clanbase bring back cro grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
we could prevent that rule, by putting all nationscup players in one clan and singing them up in any ladder or sth like that. so cb whould have to kick every team, or think the rule over.

Besides that, i just dont understand the rule.

Nationscup, it means that one nation should present the 6 best players of their nation.
If they are also playing in their normal team together, why shouldnt they be allowed to play?

The main thing for me, is to get the best players together.

Bullshit srsly.

Back to topic, just follow the rules so there's nothing to whine about :p
rofl cmon guys, instead of keeping this game alive, you're trying to make such a ridicolous set of tules, let croatians in imo =)
expected reaction from jakazc ..
Quote by JaKaZcSome ppl are taking NC too much serious.
thats why he whines when he loses
only Malta will make it through lol
clanbase, stupid cunts
Clownbase, what a fucking joke..
this cant be.
players actually killing ET. they see me whinin', they hatin'
i dont like u either
ye expected from slovenia, prolly worst team in NC, first fucking chile now NC, gj guys, i'm sure you fulfill your dream to win NC :))))))))))))))))))
So how many years is it gona take for you idiots to realize that you must create another league with admins who actually know/care about the ET scene? W/e Crossfire has done so far has been great so why don't you put some people together who know what they are doing and create a new league? It shouldn't be THAT hard and I'm pretty sure all teams would rather play a decent league rather than clownbase.

Edit. LOL @ Jak. Never thought some1 playing on such a high level would reach the bottom so quickly.
One should learn the rules.
I Can understand the rule if a nation team has more than 3 players that were active after 29th of September but...

Croatia only calisto, gmx and myself were active in last years ec, we had permission for frozzen to play but we didn't even know that suvi was in the clan for a couple of hours during december ( that's why we got k1cked )

Netherlands tekoa didn't play any offis for dnan in ec and he was listed as in inactive

Finland they had 5 players in a 3on3 team

All 3 cases are ridiculous.

Hungary and Latvia played 1 game with 4 players from the same team and that makes them lose by forfeit.
I think you added suvi for next season already but then u noticed that you will play with him in NC , so you kinda tricked yourself :)
Maybe, but i can honestly say that I didn't even know that he was in cortana for couple of hours until you started to whine, still that dosen't make the situation less ridiculous :)
n1 checking the logs :D
why and by who was suVi added anyway? Its looks like u know about that rule and u know what are u doing :<
don't you get it. If we knew about it we would have just asked for permission like we did in frozz's case . Barti allowed n00n and naga to play for poland so he wouldn't be doing anything out of the ordinary for us...
obvious u dont get it. I asked why was suVi added and then removed in couple of hours? And how the hell u ''didnt know'' if he was added? And dont start ruding on me!
you don't see the point that it dosen't matter why he was added but that he didn't play any offis like naga and noon so its basically the same situation its just that they asked for permission while we forgot to do that for suvi

i see the point, i know that suvi wasnt active @ that time, i know that he didnt played any CB official, i can get that this CB decision about removing u from NC is shity, but i didnt ask u that.
Its simple question.

Why was suVi added to Cb and then removed 4 hours later?

Thats all what am i asking u.
probably cause somebody though that it was going to fuck us up later on, or he was added only by one member without consultation by the others. It dosen't matter?
Parent i thought it was this one but the lineups don't match the screenshots. My apologizes.
post the full rule in the news plz.

QuotePlayers are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 29th September 2008 until Monday of the 2nd Match Week of the cup. Activity for clans is defined as participating in any ClanBase competition (Hosted Cups and QuickCups which are not intended for National teams included, Friendlies excluded). Exceptions may apply.

"Participating in any ClanBase competition". Does this apply to the Clan or to the Player in question? The way it's written "Activity for clans" suggest it applies to the player, otherwise it should've read "Activity of a clan"

Oh well, the last line of the rule in question is "Exceptions may apply", but I guess that we'll never know when exceptions are applied or on what grounds/rules exceptions could be made to this rule.

It's a stupid rule tbh because if you take a big mixteam like tag or weekendmix or whatever which have tons of ppl on their roster and they play in one meaningless hosted cup, then you could never field any of those players again, yet they had nothing to do with the meaningless cup other people on that roster played.

This rule should be interpreted with the reason it was invented in the first place and that is to make sure that a nation doesn't field an entire clan that has been playing with eachother for years already. Say for instance years ago when Kreaturen was still around it was an all dutch clan. This rule would make sure that Team NL would not simply be Kreaturen.

So if CB is really going to nitpick like this, they have yet another stain on their ever so dirty blanket.
stronger than hate is good example too :P
have to agree
Zou wel gelijk weer voor Ronner vote de volgende keer.
Wat heeft Ronner hier dan mee te maken? Dit is toch echt 100% halal, eh, CB.
als captain moet je toch rekening houden met deze dingen, vind je niet ;)
Kom op ... dit is toch onzin ... we hebben er de hele tijd rekening mee gehouden dat er maar 3 van dnan aan het spelen waren ... dat ze ook met mensen rekening houden die nog nooit een offi voor dnan hadden gespeeld dat is toch triest.
tsjaa, wat wil je, we hebben het over CB lol :p
Results waren ook al niet zo bijzonder dus mij comment ging niet puur over dit maar over alles in een, maja.
imo it's the admin ingame fault!:D since he should check guids and stuffz like this...
shitiiii rules.
I thought the decision of etmasters was funny, but this :D:D:D:D haha
shitty rules :/

suVi was only in the team for a couple of hours
so nationscup will become nationscup of naabs since good players in every country plays somehow in same clans -.- why we even have admins who doesnt even know how to play ET -.-
what about playing our game friendly? It can be great game and fans looking forward to it!
we can play if other teams agree to stop playing in CB
Can I find you on some IRC to speak about it pls?
in 1 hour you can find me.
Seems that CZE can play it anyway, will be great if we can make it for fans! Pls ask your players if they they can be ready and play it.
+1 would be nice
"Matias: 20:16:23: im asking my mates"
that must be a lie, he has no mates:)

Once again stupid admins stupid league
at least there was no smurfing
To all that say this rule has been there for a long long time. Maybe it was, but it had a different meaning. In the past players were considered as clan members after they played official in a period (e.g. 28september 2008 - 2nd matchweek of nc) but not like this.

BTW. 3 clan members per team also sux. Imagine national teams(football e.g.) that are forbidden to use best players from some club because there is a rule they can use only 5 of them at the same time. In croatian handball, we have had a same coach for our best club and our national team. More than a half played in our national team.

Not to mention that croatia has 8 active et players playing on a decent(skilled) level. (Cortana+danl&drvac)
It's like saying in football, Emerson, Pato, Dida, Kaka and Ronaldinho can't play for Brazil because they all play for AC Milan!
WOW who gives a fuck. let the best players play for their nation. All these rules are making et an even more dead game

P.S <3 u tekoa
Yes u got proof that these defix guys played in NC, now show us proof that they played for defix in the OC ?
you also have some problems with realising? show me the proof where me and suvi played in any cb competition in that season.
my problem is that defix is 3on3 team which is me + sanda and a 3rd. And those 5 u mention are all just in the place of the random 3rd, so none of them played together ever in defix. Now explain to me how is it possible that they are excluded because more than 3 of them played same time together in defix?

About cortana, I don't know and really I didn't take a stand there if it's right or wrong that u guys got excluded. But at least it's more likely that 3+ guys play simultaneously in a 6on6 team than 3on3, don't u think?
I know that dfx is your 3on3 team. And I know that you whine because it's a 3on3 team. But as we have already said, it can be 1on1,2on2,3on3,4on4,5on5,6on6 or 40v40 team. Even if you have e.g. trackmania 2on2 clan, and u have 4members in it,these 4 players wont be able to play in any NC competition together. And that's why this rule is so ridicolous, just like these 3 cases.
I'm kinda positive that u could find a million more nations to be excluded if u are really going to look for every CS team etc on CB

btw, shouldn't germany be excluded because of megaprogaming?
Do you think CB cares if you are 3on3 team ? They dont , if player is in defix and this clan was active (playing offis) all players on roster count as active.
why didn't u care when finland had 5 active vae guys last season playing in NC team and EC simultaneously but now u guys make such a fuss of a clan like defix which u as well know is completely unrelated
Look i didnt even play ET last season, this season i wanted to play ETQW(picked ET after) but i wasnt allowed cuz of this stupid rule. Its CB problem that they have this retarded rules and if they have it they should follow it in every cup no matter what.

I dont know what i have to do with this, i just pointed out those retarded rules, its up to CB if they want to change it or not + if some admins would have balls they would quit their "jobs" and show their chiefs what they think about it.
I think the rule itself is good, but it's ridiculous to apply it on a 3on3 team when we talk about 3+ players in a 6on6 NC. So basically they could never have played together with more than 3 players same time.
And the rule should apply for current teams, not teams that were there years ago.

I know u only brought up the cortana/croatia case, but at least u think it should be widened concerning finland as well, that's why my whine towards u (and frozzen). I haven't really seen anyone else (except CB admins) think the same. At least u guys got guts to talk in here (whereas the CB admins are "afk" when matias tried to talk to them yesterday).
god, dude, you're unbelievably stupid, seriously, it's not the matter of importance if more than 3 guys played together in defix, it's important that more than 3 guys that are in the roster of ONE clan(defix) played in NATIONAL TEAM

seriously, how stupid can you be
I won't get down on your stupidity level to accuse ppl about stupidness without valid arguments. Just shouting over "you are stupid ! you are stupid" clearly makes your point !

Try to realize yourself that a 3on3 team doesn't fulfill the requirements of this rule. The rule says the 3+ players shouldn't have teamplay advantage between each other over anyone else. Well in defix that's surely not possible because they never played at same time in defix. Also 3on3 is totally different thing than 6on6. It's like u would compare CS and ET. Also none of these guys played in defix' active roster in the time we are talking about.

hi frozzen btw, I expected u to make these stupidity accusation with your real acc. But apparently all u could was to make yourself look like a clown. A pity really, I used to respect u back in the day :(
I've seen people trying to explain it to you throughout these newspost and journals and polls and you just don't understand it, do you really need more arguments about you being stupid? and you keep using these stupid arguments like "it's a 3on3 team and not 6on6; they never played together in defix; 3on3 is different to 6on6", how thick are you?

what don't you fucking understand, clanbase chiefs DO NOT DISTINGUISH FORMATS OF A CERTAIN GAME THAT CLANS PLAY AS LONG AS THEY ARE CLANS, rule talks about ACTIVE CLANS AND PLAYERS ON THE ROSTER OF THOSE CLANS, players never need to play a single match as long as they are on the roster of the clan, god, it's like explaining it to a 3-year old

and you claiming me to be frozzen just helps me in calling you stupid
read again what I said.

I'm not saying that CB should not ban them. I'm saying it's pretty childish to ban ppl for some game because same guys play another game.

And yes frozzen, pls don't act so grown-up, because u aren't the only one around here
it's a side effect of shrinking ET scene. Not enough players to fill up a team,so entire clans become nations :C
again the stupid rules of CB killing this game....
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