Shrapmod 0.3 Released
26 Aug 2009, 02:18
Shrapmod is a modification for Wolfenstein which aims to add gameplay aspects from RtCW and ET into Wolfenstein, such as strafe jumping, instant revives and less weapon spread. Shrapmod's first build was released last week. Today, Shrap, the creator of Shrapmod, released a new version adding further aspects from RtCW and ET.
Shrapmod 0.3 Changelog
Shrapmod 0.2 Changelog
You can test Shrapmod on a local server:
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Shrapmod 0.3 Changelog
Shrapmod 0.2 Changelog
You can test Shrapmod on a local server:
- Create a folder named shrapmod_0.3 in "...Program Files\Activision\Wolfenstein\MP"
- Copy shrapmod_0.3.pk4 into the folder shrapmod_0.3
- Create a shortcut to Wolf2MP.exe
- Add +set fs_game shrapmod_0.3 to the Target line of the shortcut. For example, "C:\Program Files\Activision\Wolfenstein\MP\Wolf2MP.exe" +set fs_game shrapmod_0.3
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
*Scale all movespeed up 30% *DONE*
Hmmm think we'll go for shrapmod ;D
You can sprint and shoot just like in ET
Strafe jumping is just like ET
Spread and range is like ET
Sprinting is a little faster than ET (was a lot faster with 0.2)
i dont have the game yet (nothing come to Morocco so fast except illness :/)
seems pointless, wolfenstein is not ET, and its not really pretending to be, no matter how many mods are released.
if you want to play a game that is similar to ET, just play ET.
I'm the one saying that Wolfenstein is not CoD :)
and how about RTCW?
i cant download it from filefront, dunno why :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
if it is all like ET i am starting to give a opurtunity to this game
"For all the clowns that said, that the movement is like in ET, did you actually play ET?
It's nothing like the movement in rtcw/et, and tbh this mod is not that nice either.
I'll wait for wolfpro."
now, what can i think?
sa marche sur le jeu original, en tout cas avec le patch 1.1.[/fr]
o gjo q é busted e diz q foi photoshop
It's nothing like the movement in rtcw/et, and tbh this mod is not that nice either.
I'll wait for wolfpro.
i'll wait to buy the game. i will only buy it when i got some profs that the game is similiar to ET atleat the movement, strafe, bunnys etc
Don't see any need for whine about trying to change wolfenstein into ET, but some stuff does need to be added come on... no strafing while jumping?? 3 second revives?? Would suck so hard.
Wolf will always be wolf with the maps, ironsight, veil, weapons, etc, changing revive times, spawn times, movement, and adding some sounds and other small stuff is not changing the game imo =]
I need my traces :(
Other than that great work, but maybe you can cooperate with hannes and wolfpro for a better future for competition of the game
Well I wish you good luck with the mod, and I might play Wolf sometime ;)
*Reduced sprint speed by about 10%
like the game isnt already slow enough..
He has basically used this as a way to demonstrate what you can do without the need for an SDK.
-remove ironsight
-remove veil
then its ok
Just remove ironsight and game on!
Can only hope a Pro mod will not only bring in the numbers but sustain them, be it wolfpro / shrapmod or a hybrid between the two.
Having ET's (rtcw's ?) spirit and skill conception in a new game is better. at least I think so.
But when you don't even copy paste the working principles (concerning speed, skillfull moves, balance, game spirit), this is even worse.
wolfpro is still the way to go prolly
np with multiple mods, good stuff shrappppp! and what biggz said.
it is not et, or rtcw, and should be treated as a new game
shrap mode will fail and wolfpro will be the one taking the glory
Vut i cant get away from the feeling thats sharpmod is more fun.
Shrub failed.
Will Shrap too?
seriously if you want to play et, play et!
i dont like the wolf mp either but i dont exactly want a carbon copy of et for 4 years : D
ice maybe :)
you can have all but, you need to change the cmd:
+set fs_game shrapmod_0.3
to +set fs_game wolfpro
if you want to play another mod, etc.
Not like just because they work with him wolfpro will be an ET copy. But he seems to know how to do this stuff so it's kinda sad to just say "no, my mod my rules!" :x
should name it:
RTET Return to Enemy territory
The additions of slightly faster movement speed, being able to shoot while sprinting and making the panzer relevant once again is a long way from making the game ET, but both are improvements in my eyes. As Ozplayer mentioned when shrapnel played ET he was one of the very top players in Australia. He knows his stuff, so I doubt he'd just throw in random additions to mess up balance for the sake of it.
Have you ever seen anyone build a tank barrier with just a wrench? I thought so.
Have you ever seen anyone build a tank barrier with a pair of pliers?
fuck ironsight and gay models
VenGeance has a server connect
Reduced Medic ammo: mp40 64->32 rifle 25->10
*Removed mp40 recoil/kick
*Removed mp40 + mp43 knockback push and kick (This was bugged and caused many bullets to not register)
*Removed Red Enemy Arrows
*Added ET hitsounds
*Increased panzer damage slightly
*Increased HS damage multiplier from 2.0 -> 2.57
This > Wolfpro , im sorry but this is just so much better then ET:QW 2
imho shrapmod is the only mod for real RTCW/ET players.
all you CoD'ers enjoy Wolfpro.
Shrapmod FTW!!!! Cuz you know all the ppl that go w/ wolfpro will be buying the newest CoD game as soon as its released and Wolfpro will die just like QW did...RIP Wolfpro :)