Q&A with Drago: Enemy Territory.

image: qandadrago

Our German Wolfenstein player Germany Sebastian 'Drago' Ohrmann has quite a history as an Enemy Territory player, being amongst the finest players of the game. That is why he decided to treat the Wolfenstein: ET community on an opportunity to ask him anything they wanted, as long as it was game related. The result was a very informative article which shows a lot of ingame tricks and tactical positions to the readers.

Article: Q&A with Drago: Enemy Territory

Here's a preview:

QuoteQ: How would you attack first stage Supply against a better team? (Nellie)

Drago: Supplys first stage defence is alot about the "flow". Axis will set up crossfire, then commence to push out and selfkill. A proper artillery will be in place to keep you from pushing in at this moment and most likely some Axis player will be still alive, delaying you just enough for his reinforcements to arrive. There are several ways to break through such a defence, I will explain two for now.

1) Use explosives. This might appear random, but can actually be pretty consistent. The most popular way to do this is the Rifle on the main street, shooting either the window, behind the barrels or in a doorway. A panzer on top, shooting in the upper or lower doorframe. An engineer from cave, spamming nades to the upper level or into the lower doors.

2) Suppressing fire and revive rushing. The approach seems similiar, an engineer spamming the upper level with nades and a rifle shooting either the upper window or lower barrels. This is best achieved by having three medics on top, trying to push through. If the enemy rifle player prefers to play up, it is vital to kill him. The most common position is the leaning spot on the upper left, your rifle player should always shoot there prior to your rushing. It was also popular to have a smoke grenade at either the upper or lower entrance to block the Axis players sight, however I have never tried that out and am not to fond of it.


The entire article can be found here. Enjoy reading!
too short ! but nice ( for noobs )
ok, you will get the mouse
Pretty short and obvious stuff, but non the less, nice :)
Why not in the interview section?
Why not in the interview section?
nice new winds for ET with such interviews.
i can imagine that
lazio's questions... xddd
my question must be one of the best
nice, a bit different and not so boring interview :)
Very nice read!
Q: What do you do against mAus on grush first stage when he's camping the boxes at corner?

The second method is pretty known by now, but still very effective. Just throw a grenade over the red lined wall:

know he is there and tripple him? :-p
its nice to read :P good tips for new/stupid players :P
but put this in Interviews section not in news;)
good read

waiting for V.2!
There is a possibility that Drago will idd do a v2!
bla bla bla
nice idea & read
need more great stuff like this.. for example I would have loads of questions considering 3on3 matches :/
give me a PM when i'm free if you wanna discuss some theory :P
really? that's very nice of you.
Really nice article Drago, good to see the decent players actually evaluating the game!
newbie just mad that nobody interviewed you <3
maybe because I refuse to do them ;d

anyways, how've you been? haven't talked to you in ages :P
This better not be a interview! :>

Ye, Im fine, playin some et, wolf and hon :P you ? hows your cs carreer ? :D
what's HoN? been hearing a lot of ppl talk about it, but still don't know what it is xD ye CS career is going ok, CAL died so my American team is stuck with CEVO and we don't want to pay to play so we are just doing random pracs now and waiting for CAL to come back or for some other league to pop up... school's starting though so I'll be too inactive to care xD
Q: Why doesn't Twidi selfkill on GoldRush defence first stage? (Lazio)

what the fuck? :D
hell always whined @ you on grush, so i thought this would settle it ! :D
haha :D

well.. I always play as an smg engineer at main, but truth is that I selfkill on 95% of all spawns, simply because I need more nades to spam!

I pretty much always throw all the 4 nades at main every spawn so sometimes I've thrown even over 100 nades on gr defence when we've fullheld the enemy at tank
i'll pass it on to hell
go go go seb =)
true that ;)
Q: Who is dat ?
Some good theory written here Drago, disagree with a few of the finer details however ;>
Feel free to comment! I am pretty sure theres a few things that could be discussed
need Spainwinghaven and Estonia Night tutorial !
nice read
nice read. too short.
cool stuff :)
nice. soon some teams will realise, that standing still 3min won't get you through when attacking 8-l
need Iron's metagames-stories
too basic
QuoteQ: Who on mamut is responsible of discovering new things that everyone does nowadays
for example doing cp on goldrush in first defense or now getting covert and destroying cp in first attack. Is it frustrating that others dont really do anything innovative but just copy fast if u start doing something? (lettu)

Drago: It is mostly team effort! The reason why the commandpost is so important at Goldrush seems fairly obvious to me, but even TosspoT flamed us for constructing it :-(. Here are the simple reasons why you should build it as an attacker:
1. Your fieldops will be able to set an airstrike/artillery at every Axis spawn due to the faster charge.
2. The Axis (if they choose to construct it) won't have as many medic/ammo packs and won't be able to spam artillerys as much.

As for the innovative stuff - at some point you will feel that your usual attacks are not as effective as they used to be. This is due to teams adopting to certain styles, so you will have to change your tactics. Thats exactly what practice games were made for, many people seem to not understand that.
Good Job, really enjoyed :).
why is this in main news -_-
best read on crossfire in months
one of the better interviews ive read so far

very interesting :)
Lmao, thanks answering what everyone already knows. Pointless.
dude it is drago so stfu
And that makes a difference?. Everyone needs to hop off his dick :).
Considering this article interesting means hoping onto his dick for you?

Everything stated there is nothing new for players who understand game, but it is still interesting to read other good players perspective or opinions on it. Unfortunately, I don't recall anything similar done before. It would be awesome to read stuff like this few years ago.

Also it's great read for lower skilled players or aim only nobrainers. Like deeper insight for "fans" into team and game it plays.

ET related posts on this site are depressing, they concern only cheating and cupnews, with occasional "new 2week team" post. This post is a refreshment of sorts, it was, I'll repeat again, interesting to read.

But of course it's has nothing to match your highly noticeable intelligence, so just stay cool bro.
Thanks for wasting my time.
wasting ur time??

ur on CF .....

so wtf ur talking bout wasting ur time, u got nothing better to do shithole
Just wanted to see what he had to say. Shithole?, do you know how to swear?.
ofc not, im a retard, like u dickhead
Well at least you admit your a retard, but me I'm not the kind of person that's a pussy and admits to stuff.
ur the tough e-d00d

shut the fuck up
teach me how, almighty shithead xD
"almighty shithead" hmmm getting better but still noobish
I Am a noob :s so wtf ur talking bout?
doesnt make sense
i thought i was the noob

if im noob, im noobish ...

ur still going to school or what?
wtf r u talking about doesnt make sense
ill explain SLOWLy

NOOB .... acts .... NOOBISH ....

1st : ur not talking, ur writing
2nd: ur wtf r u talking about dont make sense cuz I didnt know u were noob
u failed omfg :D

ur the one saying:

wtf r u talking about doesnt make sense

i fuckin lold XDDDDDDD
wow r u really that retarded??

You are the one who said "wtf r u talking about" and ur telling me i failed... wtf? I said you CANT talk but WRITE,
OK ..

read the stuff u wrote above this post:

ill explain SLOWLy

NOOB .... acts .... NOOBISH ....


this is MY comment, read ur reply above !!!!


damn u rly are a retard :s
Quote 2nd: ur wtf r u talking about dont make sense cuz I didnt know u were noob

+ took u long enough to write this
hurry up, im waitin
ur ruossko aswell? :o
I didn't, although I am ten times better player than you are.
nice read and content, more of this plz
this was the last thing to become pro...


6o6 high+ hs supply only!
nice to read!
drago best player ever because hes left handed like me
Nice.. but too short imo
even if i like drago.. journal thx
known stuff, but nice
Nice to see an intelligent post.
Thank you
image: CaptainobviousChooseOption
nice job, most stuff was known before already but though is very nice :>
haha had a laugh :)
Was waiting for splendid briefing on tactics like this for a vast amount of time....hope i can elevate my individual as well as my teams competencies to a higher level with this masterpiece of information
next time i want Q&A with Drago: King of zeh Panzer.
nice to read, but there are "harder" parts and stuff than these discussed.. so there is still what to discuss about next time ;)
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